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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
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Law (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Petroleum Eng/Sci
Environment & Ecology
IT (Information Technology)
Also works in:
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Engineering: Industrial
Metallurgy / Casting
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Energy / Power Generation
Construction / Civil Engineering
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Computers: Hardware
Computers: Software
Electronics / Elect Eng
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Internet, e-Commerce
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Government / Politics
English to Romanian - Rates: 0.10 - 0.16 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour Romanian to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.16 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour
Translation Volume: 2500 words Completed: Sep 2004 Languages: English to Romanian
8 page technical presentation of vitrified clay elements
It was a catalogue of vitrified clay products with a brief description of each of them
Advertising / Public Relations, Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
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7 entries
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Source text - English 3. The 'know how / technical package' will include:
3.1. Modular space frame design standards and modular space frame standard applications showing the various uses of modular space frames documented for Design Institutes, System Buildings Authorities and Government Agencies.
3.2. Designs and working drawings and detailed methods of using modular space frames for fast track system building applications.
3.3. Fully detailed pilot studies for the use of modular space frames for system building applications.
3.4. Quality Assurance manuals, production procedure manuals and component testing.
3.5. Design manuals, computer aided design information currently used in British standards, European standards and German standards.
3.6. Detailed brochures indicating the applications of modular space frame structures throughout world markets.
3.7. The "SELLER" will also continually update the "CONSIGNEE" with all their new developments related to 'space decks systems' and 'fast track' construction techniques.
Translation - Romanian 3. Pachetul 'know how / tehnic' va cuprinde:
3.1. Standarde pentru structuri metalice modulare si aplicatii standard ale acestora, prezentand diverse utilizari ale structurilor metalice spatiale modulare cu documentatie pentru institutele de proiectare, institutiile si agentiile guvernamentale de autorizare a constructiilor.
3.2. Proiecte, desene de constructie si metode detaliate de utilizare a structurilor metalice spatiale modulare in aplicatiile care utilizeaza tehnicile de constructie rapida.
3.3. Studii pilot detaliate privind utilizarea structurilor metalice spatiale modulare in constructii.
3.4. Manuale de asigurarea calitatii, manuale continand procedee de lucru si de testare a componentelor.
3.5. Manuale de proiectare, informatii privind proiectarea asistata de calculator utilizate in standardele britanice, standardele europene si standardele germane.
3.6. Cataloage amanuntite prezentind utilizari ale structurilor metalice spatiale modulare in intreaga lume.
3.7. "VANZATORUL" va tine in permanenta la curent pe "DESTINATAR" cu toate realizarile de ultima ora legate de structurile de tip 'space deck' si de tehnicile de constructii rapide.
Romanian to English: Juridic (Legal)
Source text - Romanian - activitatea de solutionare a unor litigii pe calea arbitrajului este o activitate judiciara privata, la care statul a renuntat in baza conventiei arbitrale sau a clauzei de compromis;
- functia arbitrului este o functie privata, de judecata, cuprinzind in modul ei de exercitare aceleasi atributii ca si judecatorul care solutioneaza litigii in cadrul instantelor de judecata;
- atunci cind instituie functia de judecator si determina interdictia ca magistratul nu are voie sa indeplineasca orice alta functie publica sau privata, legiuitorul s-a referit la functii cu atributii asemanatoare sau identice, permanente sau temporare, urmarindu-se ca judecatorii numiti de Presedintele Romaniei sa nu desfasoare activitati ce contravin deontologiei de magistrat si sa nu se privatizeze;
- daca judecatorului ii este interzis sa dea consultatii juridice , scrise sau verbale, in probleme litigioase, chiar daca procesele respective sunt pe rolul altor instante decit cele la care isi exercita functia si nici sa-si exprime public parerea asupra unor procese aflate in curs de desfasurare, cu atit mai mult este interzis judecatorilor sa solutioneze procese in cadrul arbitrajului, procedura privata de judecata si cu atit mai mult cu cit magistratii in cauza, desemnati arbitri indeplinesc functia de judecatori la instanta abilitata sa execute un control judiciar pentru eventualele cereri conexe legate de arbitraj;
Translation - English - settlement of disputes by arbitration is a private judicial activity, which the state has given up based on the arbitration convention or on the compromise clause;
- the position of arbitrator is a private judging position, which involves the same duties as those of the judge settling disputes within law courts;
- by stipulating that the judge is forbidden to perform any other public or private position, the legislator referred to similar or identical positions, either permanent or temporary, in order that the judges appointed by the President of Romania should not perform activities which are in contradiction with the code of practice of the magistrates and that they should not privatise;
- as long as they are forbidden to supply legal consultancy, either in writing or orally, on disputes, even if the trials in question are judged by other law courts than those where they perform their activity and are forbidden to express publicly their opinion on trials in progress, the judges are all the more forbidden to judge arbitration trials; this is all the more so if the judges in question, appointed as arbitrators, perform their activity of judges in the court authorised to carry out a legal investigation of any requests related to the arbitration;
Bachelor's degree - Babes Bolyai University Faculty of Philology, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Years of experience: 36. Registered at Jan 2005. Became a member: Dec 2005.
Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
ABBYY FineReader 8.0 professional edition, Adobe Reader 7.0, AnyCount 5.0, Microsoft Office professional edition 2003, SDL MultiTerm 2014, SDL Trados Studio 2014, Trados Studio 2022, Wordfast 3 Professional, Trados Studio
- EU documents (competition, agriculture, environment, banking, finance): 100,000 words
- laws published in the Official Gazette of Romania: 150,000 words
- articles of association, memoranda of association of joint stock companies or ltd. companies: 100,000 words
- collective labour agreements, individual labour agreements: 50,000 words
- share sale/purchase contracts, privatisation contracts: 100,000 words
- a 400 page book on joint stock companies: 120,000 words
- press articles and press releases especially regarding the Romanian industry, privatisation, business and financial issues:150,000 words
- commercial letters: 100,000 words
- business plans: 100,000 words
- feasibility studies: 100,000 words
- environment protection studies: about 100,000 words
- operation manuals for various machines and equipments: about 300,000 words;
- technical and commercial quotations for various machines and equipments: 300,000 words
- commercial agreements regarding purchase of machines and equipments: 100,000 words
- a suite of management and sales manuals: 450,000 words
high reliability high quality high quantity high speed BEST rates
My 30 years’ experience and knowledge acquired, due to my huge capacity of work and permanent desire to keep up pace with the technological progress in the complex world of translations, entitle me to say that I have reached a high level in terms of quality and quantity of the services supplied. I am able to translate about one standard page (1,500 characters without spaces) per hour and 6 - 10 such pages per day, depending on the text difficulty. Generally, I can estimate at first sight how long I need to do a translation job.
Equipment Hardware: MB ASUS H110M-K LGA1151 – 55153, CPU INTEL CORE I3-6100 3.70GHZ 3MB BX80662I36100 – 53771, DIMM 8GB DDR 4 PC-1700 KINGSTON KVR21N15S8/8BK – 57101, HDD WDIGITAL 1TB/SATA3/64M WD10EZEX CAVIAR BLUE - 39692); HP ProBook 450 G4 Intel Core Kaby Lake i7-7500U 1TB 8GB Nvidia GeForce 930MX 2GB FHD Fingerprint Reader Software: Windows 10 Pro, Office Home & Business 2016, SDL Trados Studio 2019, SDL MultiTerm 2019, Wordfast 3 Professional
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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (4 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Romanian
Romanian to English
Specialty fields
Law (general)
Environment & Ecology
Electronics / Elect Eng
Engineering: Industrial
Automation & Robotics
Business/Commerce (general)
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Other fields
Food & Drink
Human Resources
Advertising / Public Relations
Keywords: acquis communautaire, EU documents, environment protection, industry, steel plants, rolling mills, wire drawing plants, law (contracts), management, calls for tenders. See more.acquis communautaire, EU documents, environment protection, industry, steel plants, rolling mills, wire drawing plants, law (contracts), management, calls for tenders,articles of association, memoranda of association, balance sheet, profit and loss account, fixed assets, tangible assets, liabilities, capital allowances, capital gain, capital employed, cash flow, cash ratio,liquid assets, liquidity ratio, line of credit, loan stock, loan capital, marginal cost, price-earning ratio, rolling account, rolling settlement, roll-over credit, solvency ratio, swap
. See less.
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