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Editing/proofreading Volume: 6268 words Completed: Nov 2005 Languages: English to Spanish
Proofreading Attorney/Client Privilege Draft
In order to work for this agency I agreed to take a 200 wd. test in 3 different disciplines. The test was aimed at the Puerto Rican market and it was revised by a native PR translator and editor.
After having met their requirements they assigned me this first project. Prompt feedback, very organized agency, especially conscientious of the importance of the cultural impact of their translations.
Law (general)
No comment.
Sample translations submitted: 7
English to Spanish: Sanitation Procedures for Concentrated Products
Source text - English Sanitation is the process intended to reduce microbiological contamination of food contact surfaces. Sanitizing is the term used to refer to the germicidal or bactericidal treatment of process equipment. This treatment rarely results in complete sterilization of an equipment surface, but where properly performed, it accomplishes destruction of most of the microorganisms present.
Translation - Spanish function click() {if (event.button==2) {alert('Ooops...\nRight click is disabled!');}}document.onmousedown=click// - ->
Saneamiento es el proceso cuyo fin es reducir la contaminación microbiológica en los alimentos y superficies de contacto. Higienizar es el término utilizado para referirse al tratamiento germicida o bactericida al que se somete el equipo de procesamiento. Este tratamiento rara vez resulta en la esterilización total de la superficie de un equipo, no obstante, cuando se realiza adecuadamente, destruye la mayoría de los microorganismos presentes.
English to Spanish: Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures for the Manufacturing of Concentrated Beverages
Source text - English Chemical Sanitizers
The chemical sanitizers in the processing industry include Sodium or Chlorine hypochlorite, Anionic acid sanitizers and Quaternary ammonium.
1. Sodium Hypochlorite or Chlorine
Sodium hypochlorite or chlorine has been used in industry for many years, due to it’s broad bacterial killing ability.
Some disadvantages of chlorine are:
1- High odor
2- Corrosive to metals
3- Poor shelf life
4- No wetting action
5- Irritating to skin and mucous membranes
6- Chlorine effectiveness decreases with a pH higher than 9
Translation - Spanish Higienizantes Químicos
Los higienizantes químicos de la industria de procesamiento de productos alimenticios incluyen el sodio o hipoclorito de cloro, higienizantes de ácido aniónico y amonia cuaternaria.
1. Hipoclorito de Sodio o Cloro
El hipoclorito de sodio o cloro ha sido utilizado en la industria durante muchos años debido a que destruye una amplia gama de bacterias.
Algunas de las desventajas del cloro son:
1- Tiene un olor fuerte
2- Corroe los metales
3- Su vida útil es corta
4- Carece de acción humectante
5- Irrita la piel y las membranas mucosas
6- Su efectividad disminuye en pHs mayores de 9
English to Spanish: Extract Based Concentrates
Source text - English Flavor extracts are produced to make water compatible flavors, which yield a clear solution (compared to cloudy or opaque emulsions).
A flavor extract is an oxygenated flavor component extracted from an essential oil by separation of the insoluble largely terpene portion achieved by the extraction process. In order to facilitate such separation, the essential oils are brought into contact with a solvent phase. The solvent phase, called premix, is a solution of a particular solvent and water, e.g.; ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol, etc.
Extracts are made by partitioning flavor components from essential oils or oil blends into a solvent. This process basically removes water-insoluble terpenes from essential oils “oxygenates”.
Translation - Spanish Los extractos de sabor se producen para obtener sabores compatibles con el agua, lo cual rinde una solución clara (comparadas con las emulsiones turbias u opacas.)
Un extracto de sabor es un compuesto oxigenado de sabor extraído de un aceite esencial, separando una gran porción de terpenos indisolubles mediante el proceso de extracción. Con el fin de facilitar dicha separación, los aceites esenciales entran en contacto con una fase solvente. Esta fase se conoce como la mezcla preliminar (pre-mezcla), y es una solución compuesta por un solvente particular y agua, ej.: alcohol etílico, glicol propileno, alcohol isopropílico, etc.
Los extractos se producen particionando los constituyentes de sabor de los aceites esenciales o aceites mezclados en un solvente. Este proceso básicamente remueve los terpenos insolubles en agua de los aceites esenciales “oxigenados”.
English to Spanish: Extract Based Concentrates
Source text - English General Safety Procedures for Dewaxing
· Never operate the units at pressures, speeds or temperatures below or in excess of limit rating, as indicted in the manual.
· Keep the covers shut tight while operating the equipment.
· Periodically check that all covers are in place and securely fastened.
· The pressure relieve valve of the dewax pump is activated when a preset high pressure is reached.
Translation - Spanish Procedimientos Generales de Seguridad para el Desparafinado
· Nunca opere las unidades a presiones, velocidades o temperaturas más bajas o más altas del límite, según indica el manual.
·Mantenga las tapas herméticamente cerradas mientras opera el equipo.
·Revise periódicamente las tapas para asegurarse de que estén bien cerradas y colocadas en su lugar.
·La válvula de escape de presión de la bomba de desparafinado se activa al alcanzar la temperatura pre-determinada.
English to Spanish: Lincoln Town Car (Spanish for the Puertorican market)
Source text - English Major Features
• All-new front suspension
• Watt’s linkage rear suspension provides smooth, controlled ride
• 4.6L SOHC V8 engine with 239 horsepower
• New power variable-assist rack-and-pinion steering
• Standard dual exhaust system
• Standard 17" wheels and tires
• All-Speed Traction Control
• Upgraded, high quality interior materials
• Spacious 6-passenger interior with
premium leather seating surfaces
• Available key fob-activated power
opening/closing decklid
• Standard Alpine® dual media stereo system
• Luxury analog clock
• New overhead console with compass
• Power adjustable accelerator and
brake pedals
• Available power moonroof
• Rear-seat air conditioning and heat ducts
• Available Vehicle Communication System
with emergency, automatic airbag and
roadside assistance
• Driver and front passenger front and
side airbags
• SecuriLockTM coded ignition key anti-theft
• Child safety seat lower tether anchors
• 4-wheel disc anti-lock braking system
• Remote keyless entry system with
panic button and keyless entry keypad
• Perimeter anti-theft alarm system
Translation - Spanish Características Principales
·Suspensión delantera totalmente nueva
·Suspensión trasera con sistema Watts que brinda un rodaje suave y controlado
· Motor 4.6L SOHC de 239 caballos de fuerza
· Dirección eléctrica de cremallera con asistencia variable (“rack and pinion”)
· Doble sistema de escape estándar
·Gomas y ruedas estándar de 17 pulgadas
·Control de tracción en todas las velocidades
·Interiores rediseñados con materiales de alta calidad
·Interior espacioso con espacio para 6 pasajeros y lujosos asientos en piel
· Disponible con control remoto para abrir y cerrar el baúl.
·Sistema estándar de estéreo Alpine®
·Reloj análogo de lujo
·Nuevo panel superior con compás
·Acelerador eléctrico y pedales de freno ajustables
·Disponible con ventana de techo eléctrica retractable
·Asientos traseros con sistema de calefacción y aire acondicionado
·Disponible con sistema de comunicación para casos de emergencias, bolsa de aire automática y asistencia en la carretera
·Bolsas de aire delanteras y laterales para el chofer y el pasajero del frente
·Sistema anti-robo SecuriLockTM con código de arranque en la llave
·Sujetadores inferiores de seguridad para los asientos de los niños
·Sistema de frenos antibloqueo en las cuatro ruedas
·Sistema de ingreso remoto sin llave con botón de alarma y teclado de ingreso
·Sistema perimétrico anti-robo con alarma
Spanish to English: Material Safety Data Sheet Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - Spanish Temperatura de Inflamación:
Método utilizado: > 250 C
Medios de extinción:
Niebla o agua atomizada. Dióxido de carbono (CO2). Polvo Químico. Espumas resistentes al alcohol.
Productos de combustión peligrosos:
Alguno de los componentes de este producto se pueden descomponer por combustión. Acido Clorhídrico. Acido Fluorhídrico. Cloro. Fosgeno. Oxidos de Fósforo. La combustión dará lugar a la producción de otros productos de pirólisis tóxicos junto con óxidos de carbono y nitrógeno.
Otra información sobre flamabilidad:
Los residuos se pueden quemar en situaciones de incendio. Los vapores son más pesados que el aire y pueden dispersarse a grandes distancias y acumularse en áreas bajas. Los derrames de estos líquidos orgánicos sobre materiales de aislamiento fibrosos pueden conducir a disminuir las temperaturas de autoignición, resultando posiblemente en la combustión espontánea.
Equipo de protección contra incendio:
Utilizar un equipo de respiración autónomo de presión positiva y ropa protectora contra incendios (incluye un casco contra incendios, abrigo, pantalones, botas y guantes).
Riesgos específicos de incendio o explosión:
Mantendrá la combustión.
Procedimiento de extinción:
Evacuar el área y no permita el acceso innecesario. Use atomización de agua para enfriar los recipientes expuestos al fuego y el área afectada hasta que el incendio se extinga y el peligro de reignición haya pasado. Evacuar a todo el personal si escucha la activación de una válvula de seguridad en los recipientes o si nota la decoloración de estos. Traslade los recipientes fuera del área de incendio si esto es posible sin peligro. Los escombros del incendio se deben eliminar de acuerdo a a leyes locales. No verter el agua empleada para apagar el incendio en arroyos, ríos o lagos
Extinction Methods:
Water mist or spray. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Chemical powders, alcohol resistant foams.
Hazardous combustion products:
Some of the product's components may decompose by combustion.
Chloridic acid. Hydrofluoric Acid. Chlorine. Phosgene. Phosphorous Oxides. Combustion may produce other toxic pyrolitic products along with carbon and nitrogen oxides.
Additional flammability information:
Residues may burn under fire conditions. Vapors are heavier than air and may disperse at great distance and accumulate in lower areas. Spills of these organic liquids over insulating fibrous materials may result in reducing auto ignition temperatures, possibly resulting in spontaneous combustion.
Fire protection equipment:
Use a self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus and fireproof clothing (including a fireproof hat, coat, pants, boots and gloves).
Specific fire and explosion risks:
Retains its combustion properties.
Extinction procedure:
Evacuate the area and avoid unnecessary entry. Spray with water to cool down containers that have been exposed to the fire as well as the affected area until the fire has been extinguished and the period of reignition has passed. Evacuate all personnel whenever container reignition valve is set off or if container discoloration is observed. Whenever possible, move containers out of the fire area unless this poses any type of danger. Fire debris must be discarded according to local laws in effect. Do not pour water used to put out the fire directly into streams currents, rivers or lakes
Spanish to English: Joint Agreement
Source text - Spanish Sección 3 - Deducciones de Cuotas
A) La Compañía conviene en deducir de la paga de todos los empleados cubiertos por este Convenio las cuotas regulares, derechos de iniciación y/o contribuciones uniformes de la Unión Local con jurisdicción sobre tales empleados y conviene en remitir a dicha Unión Local todas las referidas deducciones. En los casos en que las leyes requieren autorización escrita de parte del empleado, tal autorización escrita de parte del empleado será suministrada en la forma requerida. No se hará deducción alguna que fuere prohibida por ley aplicable.
Translation - English Section 3 - Fee Withholdings
A) The Company agrees to withhold regular fees from the paychecks of those employees covered by this Contract, initiation fees and/or regular dues of the Local Union with jurisdiction over said employees, the Company further agrees to send all withholdings to the Local Union. In those cases in which the law requires written authorization from the employee, said authorization shall be provided in the required manner. No unauthorized deductions shall be made according to the applicable laws.
Other - Diploma in Translation/Interpretation Studies from Florida International University, University of North Texas (Foreing Languages & Literature: Double Major in SPAN & FR.), Recinto Universitario de Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (Double Major in: SPAN & FRENCH.)
Years of experience: 35. Registered at Sep 2000.
English to Spanish (Florida International University, Miami, FL USA, verified) Spanish to English (Florida International University.)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Acrobat Reader 7.0 for Windows XP, Adobe Acrobat Designer, Adobe Acrobat Publisher, Adobe Distiller, Adobe Photoshop, EXCEL 2007, IE Explorer 7.0, MS Binder, MS Office 2005, MS Powerpoint 2003, MS Word 2007, MSAccess, MSN Encarta Plus, MSOutlook, MSPublisher, Norton Internet Security 2005, Norton Internet Security 2008, Powerpoint
Message to clients: Kindly contact me directly at the email addresses provided below
Email: [email protected][email protected] Documentos Técnicos y Jurídicos para PR, la Cuenca del Caribe, Estados Unidos de Norte América, América del Sur y América Central.
- First language: Spanish
- Second language: U.S. English.
- Third language: Portuguese
- Fourth language: French
- Fifth language: Italian
Traducir es transmitir un mensaje de un idioma a otro
cuidando de preservar el mismo de fondo y forma. Traducir no es decifrar.******************************
Chemistry & Biochemistry: Blind/Double Blind Studies, Protocols, Research
Chromatography (liquid, gas, HP, HYP), Spectrography, Spectrophotometry, Photometry, UV & infrared spectra
Material Safety Data Sheets for Pesticides/Herbicides, Scientific Assays & Protocols
Water Treatment: Multimedia Filters, Osmosis, Reverse Osmosis, Flocculation, Coagulation, Equipment (Tanks, etc.)
Electronics: Specs, User Instruction Manuals, Product Description
Automotive: Specification Sheets & Product Description
Legal/Law: Corporate & Private, Contracts/Agreements, Patents, Immigration, Affidavits, Criminal Record Search
Websites (HTML included)
General Business: Speeches, Presentations, Business Cards
Real Estate
Press Releases
Academic: Transcripts, Diplomas, Certificates, Awards
Human Resources: Guidelines, Procedures, Employee Training Manuals
- Native of Cuba raised in Puerto Rico. Spanish is my native tongue. My command of U.S. English and language skills are the result of 21 years of exposure by immersion in the United States. (6 years in Cuba, 21 years in the U.S., 20 years in Puerto Rico.)
- 1992 - Awarded Certificate in Translation Studies by Florida International University, one of the T&I Schools recognized by the American Translators Association. For more information, please visit: ATA List of approved Translation & Interpretation Schools
- All documents undergo an exhaustive revision process including:
editing and formatting (including HTML)
- Jobs are reviewed on an individual basis and delivered on time. Utmost care and attention to detail play a vital role in providing a high quality end-product for you and your client.
Literary (prose & poetry)
Advertising / Communication Media
Translation Practica
Journalese (newspaper articles)
Technical Writing
Interpretation theory and practice (simultaneous, consecutive, escort)
Translation History
Advanced literature and composition in English, Spanish & French
Latin, French, Italian
HIGHER LANGUAGE EDUCATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS & RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO DE PUERTO RICO (Advanced conversation, composition, reading and literature.) Dean's List.
- Fist to list the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico on the World's Translator/Interpreter map available on this site in order to promote our profession and allow other members from PR to register and gain visibility for the Island.
- Non-exhaustive list of Biochemical, Scientific Assays and MSDS translated from 1990 to present:
Bravo 500 & Bravo 720
Fluazinam - Product Safety Manual for the Workplace
Fosthiazate - Safety Guidelines for the Workplace
Chemical Classification of Chlorothalonil
Chlorothalonil Micronucleus Test in Mice, Rats and Guinea Pigs
IB 16721D Technical Bulletin
Aquatize - Complete Chemical Safety Product Report
Sodium Chloride - Petition to Release Product Based on Tolerance Ratings
EPA Determinations on the Toxicological Effects of Bioxydants
Altima 500 SC
Tripen - Non-ionic Adjuvant for Triazole Fungicides in Fatty Alcohols
Tripen - Spray Adjuvant for Triazol Fungicides in the Banana plant
Teratogenic Study in Rabbits with Technical Grade SL-150
Study of the effects of endo and ecto parasitic nematodes in crops
Assays regarding the effects of various pesticides, herbicides and chemicals in various types of soil, crops, aquatic organisms, fish species, flora and fauna, including health hazards and teratogenic effects caused by human consumption and exposure.
Gas and liquid chromatography, Mass spectrometry, Ultra high yield spectrometry, the effects of UV, infrared rays and others.
Pesticide tolerance studies.
Pre and post emergence effects of chemicals and pesticides on various crops.
Please contact me for information regarding rates and payment terms. Legal translations include a Certificate of Accuracy.
- Special rates for large projects***AVAILABLE 12 HRS PER DAY., 6 DAYS A WEEK***
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