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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Interpreting, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Poetry & Literature
Computers (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Internet, e-Commerce
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Also works in:
Media / Multimedia
Government / Politics
Printing & Publishing
Environment & Ecology
Engineering (general)
Energy / Power Generation
Education / Pedagogy
Cooking / Culinary
Construction / Civil Engineering
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
English to Lithuanian - Standard rate: 0.07 USD per word / 20 USD per hour
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Lithuanian: End of the Oil Age
Source text - English Bill Reinert, who helped design Toyota Motor Corp.'s Prius hybrid, hovers in a helicopter 1,000 feet over Fort McMurray, Alberta. On this clear November morning, he's craning for a look at one of the world's largest petroleum reserves where there's not an oil well in sight. Instead, in a 2-mile-wide pit below, trucks head to refineries with loads of sand weighing more than Boeing 747s. Yellow flames shoot skyward as 900-degree-Fahrenheit (482-degree- Celsius) heat liquefies any embedded petroleum. Floating scarecrows and propane-powered cannons do their best to chase migrating birds from lethal wastewater ponds. Eventually, nuclear reactors may surround the crater 270 miles (435 kilometers) northeast of Edmonton, Alberta, delivering the power required to wring oil from sand.
Translation - Lithuanian Bill Reinert, padėjęs sukurti Toyota Motor korporacijai „Prius“ hibridinį automobilį, skrenda sraigtasparniu tūkstančio pėdų aukštyje virš Fort McMurray, Albertos provincijoje. Šį giedrą lapkričio rytą jis apžiūrinėja vieno iš didžiausių pasaulyje naftos telkinių teritoriją, kurioje nėra nė vieno naftos gręžinio. Vietoj jų, sunkvežimiai, sunkesni už „Boeing 747“ lėktuvą, iš dviejų mylių skersmens duobės veža smėlį į naftos perdirbimo įmones. Geltonos liepsnos šauna į dangų, kai 900 laipsnių pagal Farenheitą (482 laipsnių pagal Celsijų) kaitra paverčia skysčiu visą smėlyje esančią naftą. Judančios baidyklės ir propano patrankos baido migruojančius paukščius nuo mirtinai pavojingų nuotekų telkinių. Galiausiai branduoliniai reaktoriai, supantys kraterį, esantį už 270 mylių (435 kilometrų) į šiaurės rytus nuo Edmontono Albertos provincijoje, gamina elektros energiją, reikalingą naftos išgavimui iš smėlio
Years of experience: 39. Registered at Jan 2005.
Proposed role in the project: Translator
1. Family name: Jakelis
2. First names: Vytautas
3. Date of birth: 08/08/1958
4. Nationality: Lithuanian
5. Civil status: Free-lance translator
6. Education: Some university
[ Date from - Date to ] Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Dayspring Christian Center 1989 Certificate of Ordination
ICI University (USA, correspondence)
Vilnius University of Construction Engineering
J. Balcikonio Secondary School, Panevezys 1965-1976 Secondary School Diploma
7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Lithuanian 1 1 1
English 1 1 2
Russian 1 1 2
8. Membership of professional bodies: None
9. Other skills: Good written and oral communication abilities (Lithuanian, English, Russian), flexibility, interpersonal skills, willingness to accept responsibility, theology knowledge, goal achievement, initiative, self-knowledge, organizational skills, PC literacy
10. Present position: Free-lance translator and interpreter
11. Years within the firm: 7
12. Key qualifications: Professional translation and consecutive/synchronic interpretation
13. Specific experience in the region:
Country Date from - Date to
Lithuania Resident
Professional experience
Date from - Date to Location Company Position Description
1987-1997 Panevezys Ausra Ministries President Taught seminars and courses on Christian counseling. Translated and published books on religion and psychology.
1993 Essen, Germany Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (USA) Interpreter Interpreted sermon of Dr. Billy Graham into Lithuanian. Live, via-satellite TV program.
1994-1997 Panevezys ICI University
National Director
Administrated correspondence studies in Lithuania. Translated textbooks on theology.
1995 Brussels
Belgium ICI University Translator Translated and hosted TV Program Basic Questions of Life
USA Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (USA) Translator
Translated and made dubbing of the TV program Starting Over
1997-1999 Klaipeda Klaipeda Baptist Church Counselor
Taught seminars and courses on Christian counseling.
Klaipeda Klaipeda Free Christian Church Pastor Preaching and teaching
1998-2000 Amsterdam
Holland Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (USA) Coordinator/ translator Translated materials for Amsterdam 2000 international conference (10 000 participants).
1998-2004 Klaipeda Litinterp Translation Bureau Translator Translated various articles, documents, and legal contracts.
Interpreted negotiations regarding construction of Espersen Fish Processing Factory (Denmark)
Interpreted negotiations for BNE-Energy Corporation (Denmark) regarding construction wind power plants in Klaipeda region.
Interpreted and translated for the representatives of Nippon Koei Consulting Engineers (Japan).
2002-2006 Klaipeda Balticum Cable TV Company Translation Translated and subtitled more than 1000 films.
2004 Houston, Texas Interpretext Translation Various documents.
2004 Sofia, Bulgaria TranslationFromTo Translation Various documents, Websites
2006 - 2007 Translator Translation and subtitling of Hollywood films Softitler, Italy Subtitling
2008-2012 Editor Editing subtitles Subtitling Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia
2008-2017 MostraTV Belgium Translation of European Parlament programs
Keywords: Good written and oral communication abilities (Lithuanian, English, Russian), flexibility, interpersonal skills, willingness to accept responsibility, theology knowledge, goal achievement, initiative, self-knowledge. See more.Good written and oral communication abilities (Lithuanian, English, Russian), flexibility, interpersonal skills, willingness to accept responsibility, theology knowledge, goal achievement, initiative, self-knowledge, organizational skills . See less.