Working languages:
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
English (monolingual)

Jorge Chino
Intelligent Communication in Any Languag

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Experience Registered at Oct 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
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el Andar WorldClass Translations
Our company was established in 1989 starting as a boutique translation company for English to Spanish educational content and serving nonprofits and government offices along the California Central region. Currently we serve over 200 clients in over 40 languages in a wide range of industries.

We are part of the small circle of companies with a more than 30 years of history, and we guarantee a thorough quality assurance process in every project we complete.

Our headquarters are located in Santa Cruz, California and we have offices in Mexico City. We have a staff of over 100 qualified native translators and reviewers and 200 subject matter experts for highly specialized content.

Our organization has extensive experience translating educational, social services, health/medical and legal content into and from English.

We translate from complex vision documents requiring creative language and extensive graphic design capabilities, to simple parent and community communication letters. Some of the most popular materials we translate are IEPs, Principal Letters, Brochures, Contracts and Agreements, Emergency Health Communications and bilingual learning textbooks and workbooks.

Profile last updated
Nov 13, 2024

More translators and interpreters: English to Spanish - Spanish to English   More language pairs