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Source text - Greek 1. Οι γενικές αρχές που διέπουν τις ταχυδρομικές υπηρεσίες είναι οι εξής:
α. Η ελεύθερη άσκηση επιχειρηματικής δραστηριότητας στον τομέα παροχής ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών, η οποία τελεί υπό την εποπτεία του Κράτους και ασκείται υπό τους όρους του παρόντος και εφόσον έχει χορηγηθεί γενική ή ειδική άδεια σύμφωνα με τα οριζόμενα στα άρθρα 11-12 του παρόντος. Η ανάπτυξη δραστηριότητας στην Ελλάδα στον τομέα των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών από επιχειρήσεις εγκατεστημένες σε κράτη που δεν ανήκουν στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ασκείται σύμφωνα με τις διεθνείς δεσμεύσεις της Χώρας και με τον όρο της αμοιβαιότητας.
β. Η ελευθερία στην πρόσβαση και τη χρήση των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών, εφόσον τα ταχυδρομικά αντικείμενα πληρούν τις προδιαγραφές που απαιτούνται από τις διατάξεις του παρόντος. Περιορισμοί στην πρόσβαση και τη χρήση των ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών επιτρέπονται μόνο για τους ακόλουθους λόγους:
αα) Ασφάλεια της λειτουργίας του ταχυδρομικού δικτύου των απασχολούμενων στις ταχυδρομικές υπηρεσίες προσώπων και των χρηστών.
ββ) Προστασία του απορρήτου της ταχυδρομικής επικοινωνίας.
Translation - English 1. The general principles governing postal services shall be the following:
a. Free conduct of business activity in the postal service sector, which shall be supervised by the State and conducted in the terms prescribed hereunder, provided a general authorization or an individual license has been granted as per articles 11-12 hereunder. Undertakings established in non-EU Member States shall do business in the postal service sector in Greece in accordance with the international commitments undertaken by Greece and the reciprocity rule.
b. Free access to and use of postal services, provided that postal items meet the specifications required under the provisions hereof.
Limitations to accessing or using postal services shall only be allowed on the following grounds:
aa) security of the postal network operation, the persons employed in postal services and users;
bb) protection of confidentiality of postal communication.
Italian to English: General description of tissue facility using de-inked pulp and virgin fibre General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Paper / Paper Manufacturing
Source text - Italian L’impianto qui di seguito descritto produce carta tissue partendo da carta reciclata o cellulosa vergine. La carta di recupero viene trattata nell’impianto di disinchiostrazione per ottenere impasto con le proprieta’ e qualita’ richieste dal tipo di prodotto finito voluto. Le acque reflue di questo impianto sono reciclate tramite due circuiti separati per migliorare la qualita’ del prodotto finito. Una parte di esse deve essere comunque scaricata verso l’esterno della cartiera.
La carta tissue viene prodotta tramite una macchina tipo crescent former con monolucido e cappa a gas. Le bobine prodotte sono poi ribobinate in bobine a 3 veli.
L’impianto e’ ad elevata automazione, con sistema di controllo e gestione centralizzato e gestito tramite dcs o plc.
L’uso di acqua e’ limitato chiudendo il ciclo delle acque tramite sistemi di depurazione. Le acque di scarico dovranno essere trattate con sistemi biologici o simili prima di scaricarli all’esterno e non fanno parte dello scopo di fornitura. Gli scarti solidi (fanghi e scarti pulper) devono essere smaltiti e possono essere inviati ad impianti di termovalorizzazione esclusi dallo scopo di fornitura.
Translation - English The facility described below produces tissue from recycled or virgin cellulose paper. The recovered paper is treated in the de-inking facility to obtain a kind of pulp having the properties and quality required for the type of finished product you wish. The waste water of this facility is recycled by means of separate circuits to improve the quality of the finished product. A part of this waste water must in any case be discharged towards the outside of the paper mill.
Tissue is produced using a crescent former type machine with yankee cylinder and a gas hood. The reels produced are then rewound in 3 sheet reels.
The facility is highly automated with a control system and centralized management and is managed through dcs or plc.
The use of water is limited by closing the water cycle through clean-up systems. Waste water must be treated with biological or similar systems before being discharged outside and it is not part of the purpose of supply. Solid waste (sludge and pulper waste) must be disposed of and can be sent to waste-to-energy plants excluded from the purpose of supply.
Italian to English: Electromechanical manipulator General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - Italian Gruppo telaio
Il telaio è costruito in carpenteria elettrosaldata e verniciata ed è composto da due longheroni in tubolare strutturale e da due gruppi zampe laterali.
Sono stati previsti controventi incrociati per smorzare le oscillazioni lungo l’asse Y e puntoni fissati a terra per smorzare quelle lungo l’asse X.
Sopra i due longheroni sono state montate due catene doppie prestirate, pensionate con molle a tazza, che hanno la funzione di “cremagliera” di scorrimento del carrello asse X.
Carrello asse X
Il carrello è costruito in carpenteria elettrosaldata e verniciata. Sul carrello sono state montate 4 ruote che servono a correre sui longheroni del telaio e 4 ruote di contenimento laterale per impedire il deragliamento.
Il movimento è stato realizzato utilizzando un motoriduttore Lenze e due pignoni doppi collegati alle catene del telaio. Due ruote supplementari sotto ai longheroni impediscono il ribaltamento del carrello.
Sopra al carrello sono montate due guide e 4 carrelli a ricircolo di sfere su cui viene montato il carrello asse Y.
Lateralmente è stata montata una cremagliera per la movimentazione dell’asse Y.
Translation - English Frame assembly
The frame is made up of a varnished high frequency structure and two struts made of structural tubular tyre and two lateral leg assemblies.
Cross upwind devices have been foreseen to smooth out oscilations along shaft Y and struts fastened onto the ground to smooth out oscilations along shaft X.
Two prestretched double chains tensioned with Belleville spring washers serving as scroll racks of X shaft travelling head have been assembled over the two longerons.
Shaft X travelling head
Travelling head is made up of a varnished high frequency structure. 4 wheels sliding on the frame longerons and 4 lateral control wheels to prevent derailing have been assembled on the travelling head.
Movement is performed using a Lenze geared motor and two double pinions connected with the frame chains. Two additional wheels under the longerons prevent the turn-over of the travelling head.
Two guides and 4 recirculating ball screw slide guides, on which shaft Y travelling head is mounted, are assembled on the travelling head.
A rack for the handling of shaft Y has been mounted on the side.
Greek to English: General turnover discount General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Greek Η Εταιρεία μας θα σας χορηγήσει έκπτωση ως ποσοστό πάνω στην καθαρή τιμολογιακή αξία αγορών σας προϊόντων της, μετά από αφαίρεση ΦΠΑ τέλους ΕΟΦ, εκπτώσεων επί τιμολογίου και επιστροφών κατά το 2010, σύμφωνα με τον ακόλουθο πίνακα:
Ετήσια καθαρή τιμολογιακή αξία αγορών σε ευρώ Έκπτωση
Μέχρι 27.8000.001 0,00%
Αν υπερβεί τα 27.8000.001 0,30%
Για τον προσδιορισμό της πιο πάνω αξίας δεν λαμβάνεται υπόψη τυχόν προσθήκη/αύξηση τζίρου προερχόμενη από εξαγορά/συγχώνευση που θα πραγματοποιηθεί μετά την υπογραφή της παρούσας.
Το οριστικό ποσό έκπτωσης που θα σας χορηγηθεί κατά τα ανωτέρω θα σας πιστωθεί από την Εταιρεία μας με τα κατά νόμο πιστωτικά παραστατικά την 31/12/2010.
Translation - English Our company shall grant a discount as a percentage off the net purchase invoice value of our products after deduction of VAT, EOF (Hellenic National Organisation for Medicines) duty, invoice discounts and refunds during 2010, as follows:
Yearly net invoice value of purchases in euro Discount
Up to 27,800,000 0.00%
If it is over 27,800,001 0.30%
Any turnover addition or increase stemming from any acquisition/merger that will be concluded following the signature of this agreement shall not be taken into consideration in the determination of the forenamed value.
The final discount amount that will be granted as described above will be credited by our Company on 31/12/2010 on the basis of the legally required credit supporting documents.
Years of experience: 29. Registered at Dec 2004. Became a member: Sep 2011.
English to Greek (University of Cambridge, verified) German to Greek (Freie Universitaet, Berlin, verified) Greek to English (University of Cambridge, verified) Italian to English (Università degli Studi di Trieste, verified) French to Greek (University of Athens, verified)
I am a qualified conference interpreter (SSLMIT, University of Trieste, 1998). I have two Master's degrees (MA, Freie Universitaet Berlin and MAS, ETI, University of Geneva). I have been working as a professional translator since 1996 and as a conference interpreter since 1999. During my stay in Berlin I worked as a full-time in-house translator for two international law firms. My expertise focuses on legal, EU, political, human studies texts, as well as technical manuals (esp. paper industry and hoisting equipment manufacturers).
From 2005 to 2011 I worked as a contract teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation, Ionian University, Corfu, where I taught consecutive and simultaneous interpreting English-Greek. Since 2011 I have been training conference interpreters on a freelance basis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, LabIdea), as well as court interpreters (Hellenic Association of Sign Language Interpreters) and community interpreters (SMA, Solidarity Now).
Since 1998 I have being working as an interpreter for the Hellenic Parliament, Ministries in Greece and Italy, EU programmes, banks, TV channels, works councils, BOD meetings, multinational companies in simultaneous and consecutive mode but also as a liaison and court interpreter. I have over 1100 days of conference interpretation in my portfolio.
My published translations include:
Translation of the following books from Italian into Greek:
1. Essay: Valdré, Lido 1996. Medicina Muta. Title in Greek: Η γλώσσα της οδύνης. Editions Afrodite (Kostarakis – Traulos), Athens
2. Novel: Zocchi, Chiara 1998. Olga. Editions Perugia, Athens
Translation of the following novels from French into Greek:
1. Delerm, Philippe 2000. Il avait plu tout le dimanche. Title in Greek: Έργα και ημέρες του αξιότιμου κυρίου Σ., Patakis editions, Athens
2. Delerm, Philippe 2000. La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules. Title in Greek: Η πρώτη γουλιά της μπίρας και άλλες μικρές απολαύσεις. Patakis editions, Athens
Translations from Greek/English into Italian:
1. Trainers Manual, Communication Skills for Women in Politics of Lesley Abdela 2005, KETHI, Athens
2. Research project entitled "Evaluation of development initiatives supporting women in participating in the development of Italy" 2007, KETHI, Athens
3. RODOS (album) of Nikos Kasseris 2005, Kasseris editions, Rhodes
I am an official translator (member of PEEMPIP (Panhellenic Association of Professional Translators Graduates of the Ionian University, and member of SYDISE (Hellenic Association of Conference Interpreters, In 2017 I joined the Italian Association of Professional Conference Interpreters ASSOINTERPRETI ( I am quality certified under the Italian Law 4/2013.