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Source text - English Two promises fulfilled
When Ishmael was about seventeen years old, he went with his mother Hagar to live in the desert. Ishmael married an Egyptian woman and had twelve sons: “And these were the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: The firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; then Kedar, Abdeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. These were the sons of Ishmael and these were their names, by their towns and their settlements, twelve princes according to their nations” (Genesis 25:13-16). Many of Ishmael’s descendants were successful merchants and traders from very early times (Genesis 37:25; Job 6:19). Many were also nomads, who lived in tents and raised sheep, goats, and other animals (Ezekiel 27:21; Psalm 120:5).
Who are the descendants of Ishmael?
Ishmael’s descendants were called Ishmaelites, or they were called by the name of their tribes. They were also called Arabs because they lived in deserts of Arabia. Most of the Arabs who lived in northern and central Arabia were descendants of Ishmael, but the Arabs who lived in the agricultural areas of southern Arabia were not descendants of Ishmael.
For almost 4000 years Ishmael’s descendants have continued to live in the same area, speak a common language, and keep many of the same customs. Their identity was never lost. From ancient times until the present time people have known that many of the tribes that live in the deserts of Arabia are Ishmael’s descendants.
The Bible mentions the Ishmaelite tribes living continuously in the deserts of Arabia (Genesis 25:18; Isaiah 21:13-17; Ezekiel 27:21). Ancient Assyrian records mention an ethnic group in Arabia that they call “Sumu’il,” which is the way that the Assyrians would write “Ishmael” in their language (“Ishmaelites,” in The Anchor Bible Dictionary). The Assyrian records also mention Nebajoth, Kedar, Abdeel, Massa, Tema, and other Ishmaelite tribes living in Arabia, and Roman records mention the tribe of Jetur (ibid.).
In about 93 AD, the Jewish historian Josephus wrote, “twelve sons in all were born to Ishmael…. These occupied the whole country extending from the Euphrates to the Red Sea and called it Nabatene; and it is these who conferred their names on the Arabian nation and its tribes” (Antiquities, 1.220, 221). Later, in about 445 AD, the Christian historian Sozomen also identified the Arabs as the descendants of Ishmael. He wrote, “This is the tribe which took its origin and had its name from Ishmael, the son of Abraham; and the ancients called them Ishmaelites after their progenitor” (The Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen 6.38, in The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 1890, series 2, volume 2, page 375).
Over time the Arabs named their tribes after more recent ancestors and stopped using the tribal names that came from Ishmael’s sons. However, Arabs in the north and south knew that the northern Arabs were descendants of Ishmael. In the 500’s AD, a well-known poet from southern Arabia composed a poem that praised his southern tribe and ridiculed the large northern tribal group Nizar. This poet called the Nizar tribes the “sons of Hagar,” showing that it was well known that these northern tribes were descendants of Ishmael (Hagar was Ishmael’s mother) (Irfan Shahîd, Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century, 1989, pages 345-347).
Translation - Arabic
وعدين أنجزا
لما بلغ إسماعيل السابعة عشر من عمره دهب مع أمه هاجر ليعيشا فى الصحراء. تزوج إسماعيل امرأة مصرية أنجبت له اثنى عشر ولدا.:"تلك أسماء أبناء إسماعيل ،.أول مولود إسمه فائت ثم قيدارو إريل و ميم و مسمع ودوما و دوام و ميشا و حداد و حيم و قطورا ثم ماش . هؤللاء أبناء إسماعيل و تلك أسماؤهم اثنى عشر اسما لاثني عشر قبيلة." "سفر التكوين 25 : 13 ـ 16 ". كان كثير من أبناء إسماعيل تجارا ناجحين مند زمن قديم." سفر التكوين 37 :25 ، سفر أيوب 6 :17 " كما كان كثير منهم رحل سكنوا الخيام و عاشاوا على تربية الأغنام و الماعز و حيوانات اخرى. " حزقيال 27 :21 ، مزمور 120 :5 "
من هم سلالة إسماعيل؟
كان نسل إسماعيل يسمون بالإسماعليين، أو يسمون بأسماء قبائلهم. و كانوا يسمون أيضا العرب لأنهم سكنوا صحراء العرب. معظم العرب الدين سكنوا شمال ووسط بلاد العرب كانوا من نسل إسماعيل، أما العرب الدين سكنوا المناطق الفلاحية من جنوب بلاد العرب فلم يكونوا من نسل إسماعيل.
سكن نسل إسماعيل نفس المنطقة زهاء ما يقرب من 4000 سنة. كانوا يتكلمون نفس اللغة و يشتركون فى عادات كثيرة. كما حافظوا على هويتهم. مند القديم إلى عصرنا هدا تعارف الناس على ان كثيرا من القبائل التى سكنت صحراء العرب كانوا من نسل إسماعيل.
دكرالإنجيل القبائل الإسماعيلية التى ظلت تقطن باستمرار صحراء العرب." سفر التكوين 25 :18، إشعياء 21: 13ـ
17حزقيال 27: 21 ". كما دكرت سجلات الآشوريين القدامى مجموعة عرقية سكنت الجزيرة العربية سموهم "سموعيل" التى هى تعبير عن "إسماعيل" فى لغتهم. " الإسماعليون ، قاموس الكتاب المقدس". كدلك دكرت سجلات الآشوريين فائت، قيدار، أربل، ماشا و حيم. و قبائل أخرى سكنت أرض العرب. أما سجلات الرومان فقد دكرت قبيلة حيم. انظر المرجع السابق.
حالى سنة 93 ميلادية كتب المؤرخ اليهودى جوزيفوس قائلا: "كان لإسماعيل إثنى عشر ولدا... احتلوا كل البلاد الممتدة من الفرات إلى البحر الأحمرأسموها دولة النبطيين و منحوا أسمائهم للأمة العربية و قبائلها." الآتار القديمة 1: 220 ،221" .بعد دلك و بالتحديد سنة 445 م عرف المؤرخ المسيحى "سوزومان" العرب بانهم سلالة
إسماعيل:"هده القبيلة يرجع أصلها و إسمها إلى إسماعيل ابن إبراهيم. سماهم القدامى إسماعيليون نسبة إلى جدهم" , كتاب النيسبيين و ما بعد آباء النيسنيين، 1890 ، مجموعة 2 ، مجلد 2 " التاريخ الإكليكي لسوزومان.6 :28
و مع مر الزمن سمى العرب قبائلهم بأسماء أسلافهم المتأخرين و كفوا عن استعمال الأسماء المنحدرة من إسماعيل. مع دلك كان يعلم العرب فى الشمال و الجنوب أن عرب الشمال من نسل إسماعيل. فى سنة 500م نظم شاعر مشهور من جنوب جزيرة العرب قصيدة مدح فيها قبيلته و هجى قبيلة نزار الشمالية الكبيرة. نعت هدا الشاعرقبائل نزاربأنهم "أبناء هاجر" مما يدل على انهم من نسل إسماعيل."هاجر هى أم إسماعيل" من كتاب" البزنطيين و العرب فى القرن الخامس، ص 345 ـ 347"
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Sep 2008.
I completed an English degree with translation and interpretation in option in 1987. I started my career as a professional translator/interpreter 5 years ago and have gained considerable experience translating for prominent writers and scholars as well as well known translation agencies. Besides being an Arabic native speaker, I also speak almost all the dialects spoken in the Arab World including North African dialects and creoles such as Moroccan, Algerian,Tunisian, Libyan and Egyptian.
Prior to this I taught English as a second language in Morocco. I also taught Arabic as a second language in the U.S.A.
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