Working languages:
English to Polish
Polish to English

Lucja Biel, Ph.D.
Functional approach to translation

Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland
Local time: 09:24 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Polish Native in Polish
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4 positive reviews
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Training
Specializes in:
Law (general)Law: Contract(s)
Law: Taxation & CustomsEconomics

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 64, Questions answered: 28, Questions asked: 257
Glossaries EU, financial, law, other
Translation education PhD - University of Gdansk, Poland
Experience Years of experience: 28. Registered at Aug 2000. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Polish (Polskie Towarzystwo Tłumaczy Przysięgłych i Specjalistycznych)
English to Polish (Polish Ministry of Justice)
Memberships TERTIUM Krakowskie Towarzystwo Popularyzowania Wiedzy o Komunika, EST - European Society for Translation Studies, TEPIS
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Website http://
CV/Resume CV available upon request


• 17-year experience as a freelance translator and proofreader (legal, business and financial translations) for translation agencies, inter alia, from:
Poland: Awangarda, Argos Ltd. Sp. z o.o., Kontext, Maart, Medland
USA: American Translation Partners, Clark Translations, International Language Bank, Language Services, Linguistic Systems Inc., Lionbridge, New Global, Targem Translations, Technical Translation Systems, Tippingsprung LLC, Transcendent International
European Union: Ad Litteram (Belgium), Archetypon (Greece/Lithuania), Attica (Belgium), EOS Gallup/TNS opinion (Belgium), Eclipse Translations Ltd (UK), Eurideas (Belgium), K International (UK), Seprotec (Spain), Studio Melchior Slr (Italy), Tek Translation International (Spain), Transware (Ireland)
• Sworn translator of English and Polish certified by the Polish Ministry of Justice to provide certified translation
• Translator trainer and researcher:
(2013-...) Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw
(2004-2013) Department of Translation Studies, Institute of English, University of Gdańsk, Poland (courses taught: Legal Translation, Certified Translation, EU Translation, Business Law Translation, Introduction to Specialised Translation, Specialised Languages, LSP Translation BA seminar):
• Visiting lecturer - City University London on MA in Legal Translation (translation workshops) since 2009


Ph.D. in Linguistics (2004), Ph.D. Studies in Linguistics University of Gdańsk, Poland (1998-2004), dissertation on psychological and social distance: “Distance in English and Polish”
MA in Translation/English Studies (1993-1998), Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
University of Cambridge Diploma in English and European Union Law (2-year postgraduate course; 2005-2007)
School of American Law (postgraduate course): Chicago-Kent College of Law and University of Gdańsk
Management and Business postgraduate course, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University, Poland (1996-1997)


• CETRA, 20th Doctoral Summer School, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, August 2008
• Translation Research Summer School 2007, London, University College London
• Editing for Translators, Monterey Institute of International Studies (USA) (2008)
• Certificate in Teaching Translation: Language and Technology 2008, Portugal (Consortium for the Training of Translation Teachers, Universidade do Minho)
• Certificate in Collaborative Translation Teaching 2008, Barcelona, Spain, University Ramon Llull
• BPP Professional Education: Accounting and Finance for Translators (2005), Insurance, Banking and Financial Instruments for Translators (2005), Commercial Law, Bills of Exchange, Stock Exchange (2006)
• Workshops and Seminars for Translators organised by the Polish Society of Translators and Interpreters STP (1999, 2000) and TEPIS (2005, 2006)
• Summer Linguistics, International Graduate School in Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Odense (2001 & 2002)


1. Biel, Łucja (2014) Lost in the Eurofog. The Textual Fit of Translated Law. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

2. Biel, Łucja: "The textual fit of translated EU law: a corpus-based study of deontic modality", The Translator 20(2), 2014, doi 10.1080/13556509.2014.909675,
3. Biel, Łucja: "Phraseology in Legal Translation: a Corpus-based Analysis of Textual Mapping in EU Law". Ashgate Handbook of Legal Translation, in print.
4. Łucja Biel and Jan Engberg, "Research models and methods in legal translation", Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies 12/2013, s. 1-11.
5. Biel, Łucja: „Integracyjne podejście funkcjonalne w dydaktyce przekładu prawniczego,” Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 21/2013: Tłumaczenie specjalistyczne, s. 11-27
DOI: 10.12797/MOaP.19.2013.20.02
6. Biel, Łucja “Tekst prawny jako hipertekst – o intertekstualności tłumaczeń prawnych na przykładzie międzynarodowych instrumentów z zakresu handlu ludźmi,” Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal for Legal Communication, 13/2013, 127-143.
7. Biel, Łucja “EU translation as an institutional translation: an advanced course with focus on information mining competence,” in Łukasz Bogucki and Mikołaj Deckert (eds), 2012, Teaching Translation and Interpreting. Advances and Perspectives. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 23-37.
8. Biel, Łucja “Kompetencja w zakresie świadczenia usług tłumaczeniowych a uczenie się przez projekt,” in Maria Piotrowska, A. Czesak, A. Gomola and S. Tyupa (eds), 2012, Kompetencje tłumacza. Tom poświęcony Profesor dr hab. Elżbiecie Muskat-Tabakowskiej. Kraków: Tertium, 97-105.
9. Biel, Łucja “Areas of similarity and difference in legal phraseology: collocations of key terms in UK and Polish company law,” in Antonio Pamies, José Manuel Pazos Bretaña and Lucía Luque Nadal (eds), 2012, Phraseology and Discourse: Cross-Linguistic and Corpus-based Approaches. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 225–233.
10. Biel, Łucja “Trafficking in human beings – anglojęzyczna terminologia dotycząca handlu ludźmi i jej polskie ekwiwalenty,” Lingua Legis 20, 2011, 46-59.
11. Biel, Łucja “Jakość przekładu prawnego i prawniczego w świetle normy europejskiej PN-EN 15038 oraz hipotezy uniwersaliów translatorycznych,” Rocznik Przekładoznawczy 6, 2011, 13-28.
12. Biel, Łucja “Integrating professional realism in legal translation classroom: translation competence and translator competence,” Meta. Translators’ Journal 56:1, 2011, 162-178.
13. Biel, Łucja “Training translators or translation service providers? EN 15038:2006 standard of translation services and its training implications,” The Journal of Specialised Translation 16, 2011, 61-76.
14. Biel, Łucja “Terminologia, frazeologia i stylistyka umowy o pracę oraz contract of employment i statement of employment particulars,” Lingua Legis 19, 2011, 47-62.
15. Biel, Łucja “Corpus-Based Studies of Legal Language for Translation Purposes: Methodological and Practical Potential,” in Carmen Heine and Jan Engberg (eds), 2010, Reconceptualizing LSP. Online proceedings of the XVII European LSP Symposium 2009. Aarhus.
16. Biel, Łucja “The textual fit of legal translations: focus on collocations in translator training,” in Bogucki, Łukasz (ed.) (2010) Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and Practices. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 25-39.
17. Biel, Łucja “Terminologia i frazeologia reprezentacji spółki (pełnomocnik, prokurent i przedstawiciel) oraz ich angielskie ekwiwalenty,” Lingua Legis 18, 2010, 26-42.
18. Biel, Łucja “Collaborative projects with external stakeholders in the translation classroom,” in Liudmila Sereda (ed.), 2010 Quality and Qualifications in Translation and Interpreting. Grodno: Y. Kupala State University of Grodno, 47-55.
19. Biel, Łucja “Proxemic motivation in language: relational metaphors and registers,” in Danuta Stanulewicz, Tadeusz Z. Wolański, Joanna Redzimska (eds), 2010, Lingua Terra Cognita II. A Festschrift for Professor Roman Kalisz. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 183-203.
20. Biel, Łucja “Organization of background knowledge structures in legal language and related translation problems,” Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal for Legal Communication 1/2009, 176-189.
21. Biel, Łucja “Terminologia polskiego, angielskiego i amerykańskiego prawa spółek: organy spółki,” Lingua Legis 17, 2009, 46-57.
22. Biel, Łucja “Legal terminology in translation practice: dictionaries, googling or discussion forums?” SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation 3:1, 2008, 22-38.
23. Biel, Łucja “Working for Translation Agencies as a Freelancer: A Guide for Novice Translators,” Translation Journal 12:2, 2008.
24. Biel, Łucja “Memorandum of Association: Terminologia związana z zawiązaniem i rejestracją spółki company limited by shares,” Lingua Legis 16, 2008, 10-23.
25. Biel, Łucja “Communicative distance in interaction: verbal and nonverbal expression in English,” in R. Kiełtyka, D. Osuchowska, E. Rokosz-Piejko (eds), 2008, Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Festschrift for Grzegorz A. Kleparski on his 50th Birthday. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 175-183.
26. Biel, Łucja “Językowy obraz relacji interpersonalnych: różnice w wyrażaniu dystansu psychologicznego i społecznego w języku angielskim i polskim,” in A. Szczęsny, K. Hejwowski (eds), 2007, Językowy obraz świata w oryginale i przekładzie. Siedlce: Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 513-521.
27. Biel, Łucja “Współpraca unijna w sprawach karnych. Podstawowe terminy w praktyce translacyjnej,” Lingua Legis 15, 2007, 3-9.
28. Biel, Łucja “Analiza porównawcza nazw spółek w prawie polskim, angielskim i amerykańskim w wybranych słownikach,” Lingua Legis 15, 2007, 65-74.
29. Biel, Łucja “Translation of Multilingual EU Law as a Sub-genre of Legal Translation,” in D. Kierzkowska (ed.), 2007, Court Interpreting and Legal Translation in the Enlarged Europe 2006. Warszawa: Translegis, 144–163.
30. Biel, Łucja “Incongruity of Company Law Terms: Categorization of Polish Business Entities and their English Equivalents,” Translation Journal 10:4, 2006,
31. Biel, Łucja “New English-Polish and Polish-English Dictionaries: Some Problems Related to Legal, Financial and Insurance Terminology,” Translation Journal 8:3, 2004.
32. Biel, Łucja “Oficjalna odmiana języka a dystans emocjonalny i socjolingwistyczny w powieści Kazuo Ishiguro The Remains of the Day i w przekładzie Jana Rybickiego U schyłku dnia,” in W. Kubiński, O. Kubińska, T. Z. Wolański (eds), 2000, Przekładając Nieprzekładalne. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego.

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Keywords: polish, poland, finance, business, law, legal, financial, balance-sheet, marketing, management. See more.polish, poland, finance, business, law, legal, financial, balance-sheet, marketing, management, contract, agreement, european union, prawnicze, przysięgłe, przysięgły. See less.

Profile last updated
Jul 21, 2019

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