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English to Serbian: Medical report General field: Medical
Source text - English Extract from Inpatient Medical Record No.
The patient XXX has undergone treatment at the trauma and orthopaedic department XXX. The patient was diagnosed with arthrogryposis, flexion contractures of both hips, flexion contractures of both knees, hollow varus deformities of both feet. Dysplastic deforming arthrosis of both hips of the second grade, dysplastic deforming arthrosis of both knees of the third grade, severe disorder of the lower limbs supportability, and combined contractures of the both shoulders, elbows and wrists.
On admission patient complains on the pain and ROM limitation in the both hips, knees and ankles, hollow varus deformities of both feet and disorder of the lower limbs supportability
An. morbi: Congenital disease. The patient underwent operative invasions on the site of residency in XXX for elimination of the knee flexion contractures. The operative invasions resulted in stiff flexion contractures of the left and right knees and hollow varus deformities of both feet.
The patient was admitted for operative treatment of disorder of the lower limbs supportability, left and right knee flexion contractures and hollow varus deformities of both feet.
X-rays taken prior to operation show marked flexion contractures of the both knees, 85° deficit of the extension in the right and left knees, hypoplasia of the both patellae and 35° hollow varus deformities of both feet. The signs of dysplastic deforming arthrosis of both hips of the second grade, dysplastic deforming arthrosis of both knees of the third grade, and dysplastic deforming arthrosis of both ankles of the third grade are observed.
Surgery performedon XXX : osteosynthesis of the left and right femurs, bones of the right and left tibiae and bones of the both feet using combines wire and half-pin Ilizarov fixator.
No post-operative complications were observed and the sutures were removed on the 14lh day after operation.
The patient underwent complex conservative and rehabilitation treatment including exercise therapy, symptomatic medication therapy with analgesics and antibacterial therapy
Flexion contractures of the right and left knees were corrected with The rate of correction was up to 3.0 mm a days over the rods of Ilizarov frame.
Flexion contractures of the right and left feet were corrected XXX
Operation done XXX included removal of Ilizarov fixator from the left and right femurs, knees and feet and bilateral tendon muscular plasty, i.e. transfer of the right and left semitendinous muscle to patellae.
After Ilizarov frame removal the circular plaster casts from the upper third of femurs to the left and right toes were applied.
St. praesens:The general condition is satisfactory. There are no complaints. Pulse is 92/ min and rhythmic of satisfactory quality. AP= 90/60 mmHg. The cardiac tones are clear and rhythmic. The breathing is vesicular; abdomen is soft while palpating. Liver and spleen are not increased. The stool and diuresis are normal and painless.
St. localis: The left and right lower limbs are fixed by plaster casts from upper third of femurs to toes in functionally favorable position of the knees and proper position of the feet. The bandages are clean and dry. Clinically proper axis and shape of the right and left lower limbs, knees and feet are observed. - .
The motions in the right and left hips are painful and limited.
The patient was in stand-up position in the plaster casts with partial weight-bearing on the left and right lower limbs.
X-rays taken on discharge show fixation of the both femurs, tibiae and feet by plaster cast. Flexion contractures of the both knees are corrected up to normal position and hypoplasia of both patellae is observed. Hollow varus deformities of the both feet are corrected up to normal correction position.
Translation - Serbian
Izvod iz zdravstvenog kartona hospitalizovanog pacijenta broj XX
Pacijent XXX, lečen je na Odeljenju za traumatologiju i ortopediju XXX.. Pacijentu je dijagnostikovana artrogripoza, kontrakture u fleksiji oba kuka, kontrakture u fleksi oba kolena, deformiteti oba stopala u vidu izdubljenog varusa. Displasticne deformacije artroze oba kuka drugog stepena, displastične deformacije artroze kolena trećeg stepena, ozbiljni poremećaj u stabilnosti donjih ekstremiteta i kombinovane kontrakture u oba ramena, u laktovima i zglobovima.
Na prijemu se žalio na bolove i ograničenja u obimu pokreta u oba kuka, kolenima i člancima, deformitete oba stopala u vidu varusa i poremećaj u stabilnosti donjih ekstremiteta.
Anamneza: Kongenitalno oboljenje. Pacijent je bio podvrgnut operativnim zahvatima u mestu prebivališta XXX radi uklanjanja kontraktura u fleksiji kolena. Nakon operacija kontrakture u fleksiji i levog i desnog kolena i deformacije oba stopala u vidu izdubljenog stopala hollow varus.
Pacijent je primljen u bolnicu radi operacije zbog nestabilnosti u donjim ekstremitetiteme, kontraktura u fleksiji levog i desnog kolena i deformiteta oba stopala.
Rendgenski snimci urađeni pre operacije ukazuju na vidljive kontrakture u fleksiji oba kolena, deficit od 85° u ekstenziji i desnog i levog kolena, hipoplazija obe patele i 35° izdubljena oba stopala. Vidljive su displasticne deformacije artroze oba kuka drugog stepena, displastične deformacije artroze kolena trećeg stepena, displastične deformacije artroze oba članka trećeg stepena.
Operacija je urađena XXX: osteosinteza levog i desnog femura, kostiju desne i leve tibije i kostiju stopala korišćenjem ilizarovog fiksatora od kombinacije žica i igala.
Postoperativni tok je uredan i konci su skinuti 14. dana nakon operacije.
Pacijent je podvrgnut konzervativnom lečenju i rehabilitaciji koja je uključivala vežbanje, terapiju analgeticima i antibioticima XX
Kontrakture u fleksiji levog i desnog kolena su ispravljanje XX. Stopa korekcije iznosila je i do 3.0 mm po danu preko šipki Ilizarov aparata.
Kontrakture u fleksiji levog i desnog stopala su ispravljane XX Stopa korekcije iznosila je i do 1.0 mm po danu preko šipki Ilizarov aparata.
Operacijom koja je urađena XX uklonjen ilizarov fiksator iz levog i desnog femura, kolena i stopala, mioplastika tetive obostrano tj. prenos desnog i levog polutetivnog mišića do patela.
Nakon uklanjanja ilizarovog aparata stavljen je cirkularni gips od gornje trećine femura do prstiju na levoj i desnoj nozi.
St. praesens: Opšte stanje je zadovoljavajuće. Pacijent se ne žali. Puls 92 otkucaja po minutu, ritmičan, normalnog kvaliteta. KP =90/60 mmHg. Tonovi jasni i ritmični. Normalan disajni šum; palpatorno abdomen mek. Jetra i slezina nisu uvećane. Stolica i diureza normalne i bez bolova.
St. localis: Donji ekstremiteti su fiksirani gipsom od gornje trećine femura do nožnih prstiju u funkcionalno povoljnoj poziciji za kolena i sa odgovarajućom pozicijom stopala. Zavoji su čisti i suvi. Klinički odgovarajuća osa i oblik donjih ekstremiteta kolena i stopala.
Pokreti u desnom i levom kuku su bolni i ograničeni.
Pacijent je vertikaizovan sa gipsom delimičnim oslanjanjem na donje ekstremitete.
Rendgen urađen na otpustu ukazuje na fiksaciju oba femura, tibije i stopala gipsom. Kontrakture fleksije u oba kolena su korigovane do normalne pozicije i uočena je hipoplazija obe patele. Deformiteti u8 vidu varusa na oba stopala korigovani su do normalne korektivne pozicije .
KKS URIN Biohemija
WBC-5.5 10x9/1 RBC 3.49 10x12/1 Hgb-98 g/l
ER - 26 mm/h
Šećer u krvi 4.20 mmol Specifična težina - 1,016
Boja - bledo žuta
proteini - neg.
1-0 er. - 0. proteini-58.0 g/l albumini-35.1 g/l bilirubin -6.8 mcmol/1 ALT 13.9
AST 20.7 HBs-AG- neg.
HCV- negative
HIV, RW- neg.
English to Serbian: Loan agreement General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English LOAN AGREEMENT
concluded by
XXX (seat: XXX,; registration number: XXX; tax number: XXX
as lender (hereinafter referred to as the „Lender”), and
XXX (registered office: XXX Registration number: XXX
VAT number XXX, as borrower (hereinafter referred to as the
(hereinafter jointly referred to as the „Parties”)
on the following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the „Agreement”).
(A) Neither the Lendor nor the Borrower is deemed to be a financial institution. The Lender,; based on the provisions of Act XXX on Credit Institutions pud Financial Undertakings (the “Credit Institution Act”), is entitled to pursue financing activities in a limited scope, that is, according to sections 5 (2), 6 (1) 11 and 6 (1) 40. b) be) of the Credit Institutions Act, the Lender may provide a loan to its group members in order to preserve their liquidity.
i V ; ’ ' f v-.,
(B) The Parties belong to the same group as defined in the Credit Institutions Act.
(C) The loan may be used by the Borrower in order to preserve its liquidity.
1. The Parties agree that the Lender shall provide the principal amount of XXX EUR (in words: XXX) (hereinafter referred to as the „Principal Amount”) to the Borrower.
2. The purpose of the Agreement is to preserve the liquidity of the Borrower. The Principal Amount may exclusively be used by the Borrower in order to preserve its liquidity.
3. The Parties agree that the Lender will pay the Borrower to the bank account of the Company: XXX until XXX at the latest.
4. The Borrower j shall pay interest on the Principal Amount, which shall be computed according to the schedule to the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the „Interest”)f The Interest shall be due and payable upon repayment of the Principal Amount by the Borrower.
5. The Principal Amount must be repaid by the Borrower upon demand by the Lender within one year of the receipt of the notice, but by XXX at the latest.
6. Bank charges connected with this Agreement shall be borne by the Borrower.
7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of XXX.
8. The Agreement shall be executed in two counterparts in English.
9. The Parties will attempt to settle any possible disputes arising from the Agreement via negotiations in an amicable manner.
Schedule: The Interest
Dated: XXX
on behalf of the Lender:
Schedule: The Interest: 2% + 3month EURIBOR per year
On behalf of the borrower:
Translation - Serbian UGOVOR O ZAJMU
zaključen između
XXX (sedište na adresi: XXX; matični broj: XXX poreski identifikacioni broj: XXX) kao zajmodavac (u daljem tekstu “Zajmodavac”) i
XXX (sedište: XXX; Matični broj: XXX, PIB: XXX, kao zajmoprimac (u daljem tekstu “Zajmoprimac”)
(zajednički su označeni kao “Ugovorne strane”)
sa dole navedenim uslovima (u daljem tekstu “Ugovor”)
(A) Zajmodavac i Zajmoprimac ne smatraju finansijskom ustanovom. Na osnovu odredaba Zakona o kreditnim ustanovama i finansijskim obavezama (“Zakon o kreditnim ustanovama), Zajmodavac ima prava da obavlja finansijske poslove u ograničenom obimu na osnovu članova 5 (2), 6 (1), 11 i 6 (1) 40 b) be) Zakona o kreditnim ustanovama, čime Zajmodavac može dati zajam članovima svoje grupacije kako bi održao njihovu likvidnost.
(B) Ugovorne strane pripadaju istoj grupaciji kako je određeno Zakonom o kreditnim ustanovama.
(C) Zajmoprimac može koristiti zajam kako bi očuvao svoju likvidnost.
1. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će Zajmodavac obezbediti Zajmoprimcu glavnicu od XXX EUR (rečima: XXX) (u daljem tekstu “Glavnica”).
2. Svrha ovog ugovora jeste da se održi likvidnost Zajmoprimca. Zajmoprimac može koristiti glavnicu isključivo da bi održao svoju likvidnost.
3. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da će Zajmodavac izvršiti uplatu Zajmoprimcu na bankovni račun kompanije XXX najkasnije do XXX.
4. Zajmoprimac je dužan da plati kamatu na glavnicu koja se izračunava na osnovu Plana o isplatama uz Ugovor (u daljem tekstu “Kamata”). Kamata dospeva za plaćanje nakon što Zajmoprimac otplati glavnicu.
5. Zajmoprimac je dužan da otplati glavnicu na zahtev Zajmodavca u roku od jedne godine od prijema obaveštenja a najkasnije do XXX
6. Bankovne troškove koji proizilaze iz ovog Ugovora snosiće Zajmoprimac.
7. Zakoni XXX primeniće se na ovaj Ugovor.
8. Ugovor se sačinjava u dva identična primerka na engleskom jeziku.
9. Ugovorne strane će se potruditi da reše sve sporove koji proističu iz ovog Ugovora pregovaranjem i mirnim putem.
Plan isplate: Kamata
U ime Zajmodavca:
u ime Zajmoprimca:
Plan: Kamata: 2% + Tromesečni EURIBOR godišnje
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jun 2008.
English to Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) Serbian to English (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) English to Serbian (Faculty of Philology Belgrade) Serbian to English (Faculty of Philology Belgrade)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Powerpoint
Appointed certified translator in 2008. Vast experience in translating legal and business documents, projects in the field of medicine, economics, environment, company procedures, EU funded projects for authorities…. Always ready to learn, acquire new skills and expand my fields of work. Meeting deadlines, confidentiality and accuracy are my priority.
Keywords: Serbian native, translating, translating law, business, post editing, reviewing Serbian translator, English translator, certified translator, court translator,