Working languages:
English to Spanish
English to Catalan
Catalan to English
Spanish to English
Catalan to Spanish

Joaquim Siles-Borràs
Professional Translator, PhD Philosophy

Girona, Cataluña, Spain
Local time: 05:24 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Catalan Native in Catalan, Spanish Native in Spanish
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J Siles Borràs & J Waddington SCP. Translations, Proofreading, Editing. Reliability and Accuracy. [email protected]. 00 34 689 59 29 20. skype: forcadella

Thank you for visiting my profile page at ProZ.

I have been working as an English-Spanish-Catalan professional freelance translator for nearly 20 years now. Apart from being a translator, I also have a solid academic background in the field of humanities. I hold an MA and a PhD in Philosophy. I have been an Associate Lecturer at the Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK (2004-2009), where I have taught European Philosophy, and I have also worked at the Open University of Catalonia as a tutor in the Humanities degree. My first academic book (written in English) was published by Continuum in 2010. I have also published academic articles in English in various journals, and short stories in Catalan.

As a translator, my general fields of expertise are the following: Social Sciences & Humanities, Law, IT, Engineering, Marketing, Tourism and Textiles.

These are some of the projects I have undertaken in the last few months or that are still ongoing:

-Technical documentation for US air compressors
Outsourcerd by APEX Translations Inc. (USA).

-Brochures, manuals and user guides for Finnish air
compressor manufacturer.
Outsourced by Multiprint OY (Finland).

-User guides for British conveyor systems manufacturer.
Outsourced by Edge Translation (UK).

-Operation and Maintenance Manuals for Dutch Fire
Water Pumps manufacturer.
Outsourced by D&TS, BV (The Netherlands).

-Translation of Legal/governmental documentation.
Outsourced by K-International plc (UK).

-E-mail & Internet Acceptable User Policies & Procedures
for IT company.
Outsourced by Applied Language Solutions (UK).

-Company Agreements, Titles of Concession, Patents and
legal documentation in general.
Outsourced by CFEB (France).

-Tender Documentation.
Outsourced by Vertalen BV (The Netherlands).

-Legal Protection and Non-extradition appeals.
Outsourced by Global Access (UK).

-Translation and proofreading psychometric tests.
Outsourced by Comms Multilingual (UK).

-Translation of stress Management study and course.
Outsourced by Applied Language Solutions (UK).

-Translation of all the projects undertaken during the last 5
years by the Barcelona City Council as part of the Project of
International Cooperation for Development. Translation of
the Barcelona City Council's PICD website.
Outsourced by LabSystems A&G, SL (Catalonia).

-Documentation regarding HIV/AIDS awareness &
prevention programmes.
Outsourced by APEX Inc. (USA).

-Research material belonging to the Uk fighting
unemployment programme. Research project carried out in
coordination with the French and Spanish Governmental
Offices. The material included case studies and research
studies concerning the relationship between unemployment
and issues such as education, gender, race, alcohol and
drug dependency and others.
3 year duration project outsourced by The Language
Bureau Ltd (UK)

-Translation of Medical instruments documentation.
Outsourced by APEX Translations Inc. (USA).

-Translation of Instruction for Use / Description of Orthopaedic
Outsourced by Comms Multilingual Ltd (UK).

-Translation of Dental Instruments Sterilisation practices.
Outsourced by Edge Translation (UK).

-Translation of MSDSs (Material Safety Data Sheets) for chemical,
pharmaceutical products.
Outsourced by APEX Translation Inc. (USA).

-Translation, proofreading and updating of airlines website.
Outsourced by K-International plc (UK).

-Translation and proofreading of marketing questionnaires for
the IT/Telecommunication industries.
Outsourced by Little Shop of Translations (Belgium).

-Translation of marketing research questionnaires for IT, food,
pharmaceutical and medical industries.
Outsourced by Edge Translation (UK).

-Translation of marketing research questionnaire for Cosmetics industry.
Outsourced by Applied Language Solutions (UK).

-Working Clothes Catalogue (2002-3, 2003-4, 2004-5, 2005
-6, 2006-7, 2007-8)) for Simon Jersey, Ltd.
Outsourced by Active Languages, Ltd (UK).

-Technical documentation regarding textile architechture.
Outsourced by Christine Tochtermann Language
Services (UK)

-Translation of hotel and destinations descriptions in Madeira and Portugal.
Outsourced by Strawberry World.

-Translation and Proofreading of documentation for British
airlines company.
Outsourced by K-International Ltd.

-Proofreading and translation of Scottish tourist guides for
the Scottish Tourism Board.
Outsourced by Lexus Translations (Scotland).

-Proofreading of the Official Malaysian Tourist Website.
Outsourced by Blue South Ltd. (New Zealand).

-User guides for MP3 players, Mobile Phones, HDTV, CCTV,
Outsourced by Lingua-Port (Singapore).

-PC user guides. Outsourced by Edge Translation (UK).

-Monthly IT Journal for US hardware and software
Outsourced by APEX Inc. (USA).

I hope my details and experience are of interest and we can work together soon. Please, do not hesitate to contact me with details regarding your project.

All the best,


J Siles Borràs & J Waddington SCP. Translations, Proofreading, Editing. Reliability and Accuracy. [email protected]. 00 34 689 59 29 20
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 565
PRO-level pts: 502

Top languages (PRO)
English to Spanish326
Spanish to English156
Catalan to English9
English to Catalan8
Catalan to Spanish3
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion48
Medical: Instruments35
Mechanics / Mech Engineering32
Government / Politics24
Poetry & Literature24
Pts in 39 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Translation, proofreading, interpreting, IT, websites, software strings, technical, machinery, tools, manufacturing. See more.Translation,proofreading,interpreting,IT,websites,software strings,technical,machinery,tools,manufacturing,engineering,hydraulics,air systems,air compressors,power systems,construction,textiles,clothes,working clothes,fashion,uniforms,legal,law,contracts,agreements,bids,expression of interest,social sciences,ethics,medical ethics,bio-ethics,medical instruments,orthopedics,government & politcs, tourism,philosophy,education,history,arts,academia,psychology,literature,business/commercial,manuals,others . See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 28, 2023