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Member since Oct '05
Working languages:
English to Spanish German to Spanish Japanese to Spanish German to English Japanese to English
Oct 10, 2016 (posted mobile): New medicinal products' brochures - Summary of Product Characteristics, Patient Information Leaflets, Labels for EMA...more »
Source text - English The system becomes unresponsive when the LCD powers off due to the power management settings of the computer.
When starting the XXX application, the computer's power management timers are disabled so that the screen does not blank during movie playback. If you enter the Power Management Properties in the Control Panel after starting DVDExpress, the timers may be re-enabled. If the timers are enabled, the screen can blank during the movie playback and the system will hang when you attempt to resume the computer.
The system becomes unresponsive when playing certain DVD titles.
This symptom has been found with the following titles:
Spawn II
Moby Dick
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Affected configurations
These symptoms may be seen on small number of systems from the following models:
2621-480, 460, 420, 484, 464, 467, 447, 427, 48M, 46M, 42M, 48A, 46A, 42A, 46T, 44T, 46C, 44C, 46H, 44H, 48K, 46K, 44K, 46F, 48S, 46S, 42S, 48P, 46P, 42P
The symptoms listed above can be seen in XXX version (5012.0). They are fixed in XXX version (5012.5).
Use the executable file dvdix125.exe to upgrade version 5012.0 to version 5012.5. This upgrade should ONLY be used on systems listed above that have XXX version (5012.0) . Click here to download the update .
Translation - Spanish El sistema no responde cuando el LCD (Monitor de cristal líquido) se apaga debido a la configuración de administración de energía del sistema.
Al iniciar la aplicación XXX, los sincronizadores de administración de energía del sistema no están habilitados por lo que la pantalla no se queda en blanco al reproducir un vídeo. Si entra en Propiedades de administración de energía del Panel de control después de iniciar XXX, se habilitarán de nuevo los sincronizadores. Si los sincronizadores están habilitados, la pantalla puede quedarse en blanco durante la reproducción de la película y el sistema se bloqueará si intenta reiniciar el ordenador.
El sistema no responde al reproducir algunos títulos de DVD.
Este síntoma se ha encontrado con los siguientes títulos:
Spawn II
Moby Dick
Medianoche en el jardín del bien y del mal
Configuraciones afectadas
Estos síntomas pueden encontrarse en algunos sistemas de los siguientes modelos:
2621-480, 460, 420, 484, 464, 467, 447, 427, 48M, 46M, 42M, 48A, 46A, 42A, 46T, 44T, 46C, 44C, 46H, 44H, 48K, 46K, 44K, 46F, 48S, 46S, 42S, 48P, 46P, 42P
Los síntomas de la lista anterior pueden verse en la versión de XXX (5012.0). Se ha solucionado en la versión de XXX (5012.5).
Utilice el archivo ejecutable dvdix125.exe para actualizar la versión 5012.0 a la versión 5012.5. Esta mejora debería utilizarse SOLAMENTE en los sistemas que se mencionaron en la lista anterior que tienen la versión de XXX (5012.0). Pulse aquí para descargar la mejora.
English to Spanish: Botany
Source text - English ABELMOSCHUS
This is a genus of around 15 species from the tropics of Africa and Asia. In older books all the species were included in the larger genus Hibiscus. They are annuals, biennials or short-lived perennials with tough bark (sometimes used for fiber) and maple-like leaves. Some species die back to a large tuber in the tropical dry season. The hibiscus-like flowers occur in shades of yellow, pink, orange or red. Several species make attractive ornamentals and the vegetable okra or gumbo (Abelmoschus esculentus) is grown for its edible young pods.
CULTIVATION: They are mostly grown as summer annuals, requiring fertile, well-drained soil, a sheltered position in full sun, and plentiful water. Propagate from seed in spring. Rust disease can be a problem: spray with a fungicide.
Translation - Spanish ABELMOSCHUS
Éste es un género de unas 15 especies de los trópicos de África y Asia. En libros más antiguos todas las especies se incluían dentro del género más amplio Hibiscus. Son plantas anuales, bienales o perennes efímeras con corteza fuerte (usada a veces para fibra) y hojas como las del arce. Algunas especies producen un gran tubérculo en la estación seca tropical. Las flores, parecidas al hibisco, se dan en tonos de amarillo, rosa, naranja o rojo. Varias especies producen atractivos (conjuntos) ornamentales y el vegetal quimbombó o gumbo (Abelmoschus esculentus) se cultiva por sus vainas jóvenes comestibles.
CULTIVO: Se cultivan principalmente como plantas anuales de verano, requiriendo tierra fértil bien drenada, una ubicación resguardada a pleno sol, y agua abundante. Se reproduce en primavera por semillas. La roya puede ser un problema: rocíe con un fungicida.
English to Spanish: Biotech. patent sample
Source text - English A promoter is a DNA fragment which determines the temporal and spatial specificity of gene expression during plant and animal development. Many tissue-specific genes and their promoters, have been identified and isolated from a wide variety of plants and animals over the past decade, including cotton tissue-specific genes and promoters. [Bibliography] define regulatory promoter regions responsible for the enhanced expression in anthers and pollen of three nuclear encoded mitochondrial Complex I (nCl) genes from Arabidopsis Thaliana. WO 92/13957 relates to com anther-specific promoters.
These plant tissue-specific promoters can be used to control the expression of foreign genes in transgenic plants in a tissue-specific manner that will dominate the majority of the second generation of transgenic crops. Some plant tissues do not express high levels of the transgene in all desired tissues or the particular desired tissue. In transgenic Bt cotton, for example, Bt gene expression level is extremely low in the flower, including in the anther, resulting in little protection from pest insects in these tissues. To achieve better control of pest insects of cotton, it would be highly advantageous to identify anther-specific promoters which can produce higher levels of gene expression in these tissues.
Translation - Spanish Un promotor es un fragmento de ADN que determina la especificidad temporal y espacial de la expresión génica durante el desarrollo vegetal y animal. Muchos genes específicos de tejido y sus promotores, han sido identificados y aislados de una gran variedad de plantas y animales durante la pasada década, incluyendo genes específicos de tejido y promotores de algodón. [Bibligrafía]) definen regiones promotoras reguladoras responsables de la expresión incrementada en anteras y polen de tres genes codificados en el nucleo del Complejo I (nCl) mitocondrial de Arabidopsis Thaliana. WO 92/13957 se refiere a promotores antero-específicos de maíz.
Estos promotores específicos de tejido de plantas pueden usarse para controlar la expresión de genes foráneos en plantas transgénicas de una manera específica para cada tejido que dominará la mayor parte de la segunda generación de cultivos transgénicos. Algunos tejidos de plantas no expresan niveles altos del transgén en todos los tejidos deseados o en el tejido deseado en especial. En el algodón transgénico Bt, por ejemplo, el nivel de expresión del gen Bt es sumamente bajo en la flor, incluyendo la antera, y proporciona poca protección contra plagas de insectos en estos tejidos. Para conseguir el mejor control frente a plagas de insectos de algodón, sería muy ventajoso identificar promotores antero-específicos que pueden producir niveles de expresión génica más altos en estos tejidos.
Translation education
Freelance since 1999
Years of experience: 26. Registered at Oct 2004. Became a member: Oct 2005.
English to Spanish (American Translators Association, verified) English to Spanish (Spain:E.O.I., verified) Japanese to Spanish (UAM, E.O.I., verified)
Having graduated in Biology (esp. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and worked for 15+ years as system analyst and IT Consultant in a large Corporation, I have gained a solid experience in the computer industry dealing with forefront technologies. At IBM and IBM Global Services., in Spain, I was responsible for End User Support, PC Server HW Lab and elaboration of consultative reports and customer presentations. I have been involved in many IT projects in Spain, EMEA and the US. I obtained professional certification in a number of application and system SW from different vendors (Microsoft, IBM,...) I am a skilled user of several Windows-based applications related to translation, and this has been an advantage for both translating technical documents and learning new applications. In the past years I have been focusing on the Life Sciences industry , which means extensive exposure to Biomedical Research Centers and Universities, Pharmaceutical and Biotech. companies. I also benefit from a multidisciplinary educational background, which includes Biology but also IT and Bioinformatics skills plus a working knowledge of several Languages ( i.e. Spanish, German, and Japanese ) and makes me versatile in translating mixed texts in terms of style and subject. Presently, I am setting up as a full time technical freelancer. My preferred fields and combinations are biomedicine and IT from English into Spanish.
I am also broadening my services portfolio into the Video Games localization industry, which I consider -as a translator- a very interesting subset of the SW development cycle.
Academic Background:
Degree in Biology , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Postgrade studies- Biotechnology.
Professional certification:
Microsoft Certified System Engineer
IBM Professional Server Expert.
IBM Certified Consultant.