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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Norwegian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour Swedish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour Danish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour German to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour French to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour
Portuguese to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour Dutch to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour
Translation Volume: 3000 words Completed: Sep 2011 Languages: French to English
4 page report on a French technopole
Two articles describing the background, construction, design and future of a French technopole and competiveness clusters.
Science (general), Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 days Completed: Aug 2011 Languages: Portuguese to English
Work Contract for Subcontractor
Translation of a subcontractor work contract for a construction project
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5 days Completed: Jul 2011 Languages:
Spanish to English
138 page layman's medical guide for website
Medical: Health Care
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3 days Completed: Mar 2011 Languages: Norwegian to English
Technical tender
technical tender for new PDA system for a postal agency
Computers: Hardware, Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 50 hours Languages: Dutch to English Spanish to English Portuguese to English German to English
Internet research/summarization and translation
Internet research on competition for location of square kilmeter arry radio telescope. Summarization of news reports and translation of the most salient.
Astronomy & Space
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
4 entries
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Norwegian to English: Bank Transfers General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Norwegian Bankoverføring skjer i dag som oftest via nettbank eller giro. Spilleren må da legge inn betalingsinformasjon til mottaker for å kunne gjennomføre transaksjonen. Slike betalinger blir ikke sperret med mindre Lotteritilsynet sender ut vedtak om sperring av spesifikke kontonumre. Lotteritilsynet sendte ut vedtak med pålegg om avvisning av betalinger til og fra 15 entydige kontonummer 15. juni 2010 og 20. januar 2011. Fordi så mange av spillaktørene har gått over på tredjepartsløsninger og ikke lenger har kontoer i Norge er det mer komplisert å fatte nye vedtak. De fleste betalingene går via andre betalingsløsninger før de kommer inn på spillselskapets konto.
Translation - English Bank Transfers are now most often done via online banking or giro. The player must therefore enter the payment information of the recipient to be able to complete the transaction. Such payments will not be blocked unless the Gaming Board issues a decision barring a specific account number. The Gaming Board issued ruling to order the blocking of payments to and from 15 unique account numbers June 15, 2010 and January 20, 2011. Because so many of the gambling operators have gone over to third-party payment methods and no longer have accounts in Norway, it is more complicated to issue new decisions [on accounts to blocked] . Most payments go through other payment systems before they enter the gaming company's account.
German to English: Report on SKA (Square Kilometer Array) Radio Telescope General field: Science Detailed field: Astronomy & Space
Source text - German Südafrika macht Ernst. Nach der Bewerbung als Ausrichter für die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2010 liegen schon die nächsten Pläne auf dem Tisch, sich endgültig als Mittelmacht von Weltrang zu etablieren.
Vom 12. - 16. Januar tagt die Elite der wissenschaftlichen Astronomie in Kapstadt, um mit südafrikanischen Experten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft darüber zu beraten, ob das größte Radioteleskop der Welt in Afrika gebaut werden kann. Das Internationale Leitungsgremium des "Square Kilometre Array" (SKA) berät dabei über Investitionen in Höhe von über N$ acht Milliarden und geschätzte Betriebskosten von N$ 800 Millionen pro Jahr. Finanziert werden soll das Projekt von einem internationalen Konsortium, dem elf Länder angehören.
Translation - English South Africa is serious. After applying to host the 2010 World Cup, the next plans are on the table to establish itself permanently as a world class middle-sized power.
From the 12th to the 16th of January, the elite of scientific Astronomy are meeting in Cape Town to confer with South African experts from Industry and Science, about whether the biggest radio telescope in the world can be built in Africa. The international governing body of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) has advised that it would need an investment in excess of N$ eight billion with estimated yearly operating costs of N$ 800 million per year. The Project is to be financed through an international consortium made up of 11 countries.
Portuguese to English: South Africa searching for its place as Innovator General field: Science Detailed field: Astronomy & Space
Source text - Portuguese Para muitos estrangeiros, a África do Sul tem sido considerada um ambiente de negócios instável, com uma economia excessivamente dependente dos recursos naturais.
Agora, o governo e uma nova safra de empreendedores estão otimistas quanto a mudar essas percepções.
Um grupo de empresas está trabalhando em setores como energia limpa, aviação, engenharia, compras militares e mineração, na esperança de beneficiar-se das expectativas positivas de crescimento na região.
O Estado espera que isso resulte em geração de empregos e outros benefícios, e faz sua parte oferecendo financiamento direto e outros incentivos, além de investir em pesquisa acadêmica.
"Somos um produtor e exportador", disse Naledi Pandor, ministra de Ciência e Tecnologia. "Agora estamos dizendo: vamos nos tornar um inovador."
Translation - English For many foreigners, South Africa has been considered an environment of unstable business, with an economy excessively dependent on natural resources. Now the government and a new crop of entrepreneurs are optimistic about changing these perceptions. A group of companies is working in sectors such as clean energy, aviation, engineering, military purchases and mining, in the hopes of benefiting from the positive things to come from the growth in the region.
The State hopes that this will result in the generating jobs and other benefits, and is doing its part by offering direct financing and other incentives, along with investing in academic research. "We are a producer and exporter,” said Naledi Pandor, Minister of Science and Technology. "Now we are saying: we will become an innovator."
Spanish to English: The Goals of the Square Kilometer Array Radio Telescope General field: Science Detailed field: Astronomy & Space
Source text - Spanish El Square Kilometer Array (SKA) es un proyecto científico internacional con un presupuesto de mil quinientos millones de euros que pretende construir el radiotelescopio más grande y más sensible del mundo. Si cumple con las expectativas, el SKA será capaz de responder a algunas de las preguntas más fundamentales sobre el universo, incluyendo la verificación de datos experimentales que ofrezcan pistas sobre la naturaleza de la energía oscura, el comportamiento de la relatividad general en condiciones extremas, o sobre el origen y evolución del Universo.
A principios de este mes de abril los planes para la puesta en marcha del SKA han obtenido un importante impulso, gracias a la decisión de ubicar la sede del proyecto en Manchester, en el Reino Unido. Gracias a esta decisión se ha dado el primer paso hacia la creación de la entidad jurídica necesaria para desarrollar este ambicioso proyecto global. La construcción del SKA está programada para comenzar en 2016, y las primeras observaciones podrían empezar a hacerse en 2019, aunque no estará totalmente operativo hasta 2024.
Translation - English The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is an international scientific project with a budget of 1,500 million Euros with the goal of building the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world. If it meets its expectations, SKA will be able to answer some of the most fundamental questions about the universe, including the verification of experimental data that provide clues about the nature of dark energy, the behavior of general relativity in extreme conditions, or about the origin and evolution of the Universe.
In early April the plans for the implementation of SKA gained some major momentum thanks to the decision to locate the project headquarters in Manchester, United Kingdom. This decision is the first step towards creating the legal entity needed to develop this ambitious global project. The construction of SKA is scheduled to begin in 2016 and the first observations could begin in 2019, but it won’t be fully operational until 2024.
Dutch to English: Battle Erupts over SKA General field: Science Detailed field: Astronomy & Space
Source text - Dutch Het kwam als een volslagen verrassing. Astronomen zijn doorgaans vreedzame types, en niemand had verwacht dat Australië zich zo offensief zou opstellen. De agressieve presentatie van de Australische topwetenschapper Brian Boyle, dinsdagochtend op het International SKA Forum 2010 in Assen, vormde het gesprek van de dag. Op het forum kwamen zo'n beetje alle aspecten aan bod rond de toekomstige Square Kilometer Array (SKA) - een gigantische radiotelescoop die uit miljoenen antenne-elementen gaat bestaan. Een beetje zoals de onlangs geopende LOFAR-telescoop in Drenthe, maar dan enorm veel groter en gevoeliger. Om zo'n telescoop te bouwen, heb je gigantisch veel ruimte nodig, en bovendien mag er geen enkele vorm van radiostoring zijn. Twee gebieden zijn nog in de race als potentiële locatie voor SKA: West-Australië en Zuid-Afrika. Beide landen hadden onderzoeksministers en wetenschappers afgevaardigd naar de TT-hal in Assen.
Translation - English It came as a complete surprise. Astronomers are such peaceful types, and no one had expected Australia to go on such the offensive. The aggressive presentation from the top Australian scientist Brian Boyle, Thursday evening at the International SKA Forum 2010 in Assen, became the speech of the day. All sorts of people came to the forum for the bid on the future Square Kilometer Array (SKA) – a gigantic radio telescope that will consist of millions of antenna elements. A bit like the recently opened LOFAR-telescope in Drenthe, only enormously larger and more sensitive. To build such a telescope, you need lots of space, and furthermore there can be no kind of radio interference. Two areas are still in the running as potential locations for SKA: West-Australia and South Africa. Both countries had sent research ministers and scientists as delegates to the TT-hall in Assen.
French to English: French account of the Sure Start Program
Source text - French En Inde, le taux de mortalité élevé chez les mères et les nouveau-nés reste inacceptable et les progrès en matière de réduction de ce taux de mortalité n’ont pas suivi le rythme des progrès économiques du pays. Ce problème est particulièrement grave en Inde du Nord et dans les zones urbaines en plein essor, enregistrant des niveaux d’immigration importants. Plus d’un quart des mères décédées en couches et un tiers de tous les décès néonataux dans le monde surviennent en Inde. Un enfant né dans l’une des régions de l'Inde du Nord a 20 fois plus de chances de décéder au cours des 30 premiers jours de sa vie qu’un enfant né en France.
Translation - English In India, the high rate of mortality among mothers and their newborns remains unacceptable and the rate of progress in the reduction of mortality has not kept up with the rate of the country’s economic progress. This problem is particularly severe in Northern India and in rapidly developing urban areas which are experiencing a high influx of immigrants. More than one- fourth of mothers who die in childbirth and one-third of all neo-natal deaths in the world occur in India. A child born in one of the regions of Northern India has a 20 times higher chance of dying during its first 30 days of life than a child born in France.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Missouri
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Apr 2008. Became a member: Jun 2011.
French to English (BA in French and German - University of Missouri, verified) German to English (BA in French and German - University of Missouri, verified) Spanish (Intensive Spanish at University of Missouri, verified) Portuguese (College studies in Portuguese - University of Miss, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Translation Workspace, Powerpoint, Wordfast
Languages are my passion and my profession. I am based in St. Louis, but my clients are all over the world. Whenever I have the opportunity to learn and converse in a new language it is happy day.
While I have only been officially working and earning a living as a freelance translator for approximately 7 years for all general topics, I have been speaking, writing, translating and communicating in more than 5 languages for as long as I can remember. I primarily work on German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian and Portugese projects, but may also assist other clients as well with various projects.
My linguistic background includes a B.A. in French and German from the University of Missouri, formal study in Spanish and Portuguese, plus several years living abroad and studying Hebrew and Italian among others. I work with companies and organizations of all shapes and sizes and as a professional translator I strictly accept projects translating into my native language: English. My goal is to render your translation into the clearest and more accurate US English possible.
I look forward to having the opportunity to assist you with your next translation project and would be happy to provide you with excellent professional references from happy customers!
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
Portuguese to English
Spanish to English
French to English
Norwegian to English
Dutch to English
German to English
Specialty fields
Business/Commerce (general)
Medical: Health Care
Other fields
Science (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Computers: Hardware
Astronomy & Space
Keywords: european language translator, Norwegian to English, Swedish to English, french to english, german to english, spanish to english, portuguese to english, dutch to english
This profile has received 117 visits in the last month, from a total of 111 visitors