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English to Italian: Capitolato tecnico General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English Article 2. FOUNDATIONS
Building foundations will be made of reinforced concrete which dimensions will be the result of static and dynamic calculations for a normal degree of stress for this type of terrain.
The external bearing walls and a part of the internal walls will be built using 25/30cm structural masonry hollow blocks, with natural stone lining, finished in the Tuscan way. According to the current regulations will be interposed a thermal insulation made of materials such as cork.
Moreover, thermals and acoustic values will be respected in accordance to the calculations carried out on the basis of the current regulations.
The ground floor will be built using a reinforced concrete and hollow tiles mix floor.
The other floor will be wooden beams floors, with chestnut tree wood beams, joists and exposed “cotto” tiles.
The structural floors will respect static calculations and they will be able to carry a overload of 250 kg per square meter for the living areas.
Wooden floors finishing will be made of natural and transparent wax treatment.
The covering inclined floors will be a hollow tiles mix floor with a layer of concrete over it supported by small walls of bricks
Translation - Italian Art. 2) FONDAZIONI
Le fondazioni dell'edificio saranno in calcestruzzo di cemento armato e delle dimensioni risultanti dai calcoli statici e dinamici per una sollecitazione del terreno congrua alle sue caratteristiche naturali.
Le murature portanti esterne e parte delle murature interne saranno eseguite in blocchi di laterizio portante, di spessore 25/30 cm, con rivestimento in pietra naturale stuccata, e interposto isolante termico con utilizzo di materiale tipo sughero, come previsto da normativa.
Inoltre saranno rispettati i valori termici ed acustici, secondo quanto previsto dai calcoli eseguiti sulla base delle norme in vigore.
Art. 4) SOLAI
I solai del piano terra saranno realizzati in laterocemento.
I solai di interpiano saranno in legno con orditura semplice, travi e travetti in castagno con sovrastante pianelle in cotto.
I solai saranno dimensionati secondo i calcoli statici e adatti per i locali di abitazione a sopportare un sovraccarico di kg/mq 250.
La finitura dei solai in legno verrà realizzata con trattamento a base cera naturale trasparente.
I solai inclinati di copertura verranno realizzati mediante muretti di mattoni con sovrastante getto in calcestruzzo.
French to Italian: Assurance General field: Marketing Detailed field: Insurance
Source text - French L’assurance-vie en unités de compte
Les contrats d’assurance-vie en unités de compte se caractérisent par le fait que les engagements de l’assureur sont exprimés, non pas en unités monétaires, mais en unités de compte. La prime payée en espèces est convertie en unités (parts) des supports d’investissements choisis et c’est la valeur (valeur d’inventaire nette – VNI), calculée périodiquement, et variable, de ces unités de compte qui permet de mesurer l’étendue des engagements de l’assureur en cours de contrat.
Les fonds internes collectifs
Ces fonds ne peuvent être acquis directement par le public, ils ne sont accessibles qu’au travers d’un contrat d’assurance. Ils sont collectifs car ils sont accessibles à tous les clients de l’assureur. Ils sont internes du fait qu’ils sont constitués à l’intérieur du patrimoine de l’assureur, mais les actifs sont isolés d’un point de vue comptable.
Les fonds internes fonctionnent sous la responsabilité de l’assureur qui en assume, directement la gestion administrative et la gestion financière qu’il peut déléguer à un intervenant spécialisé.
Translation - Italian L’assicurazione-vita in unità di conto
I contratti relativi all’assicurazione sulla vita in unità di conto sono caratterizzati dal fatto che gli investimenti dell’assicuratore sono espressi, non attraverso un valore monetario, ma attraverso delle unità di conto. Il primo, pagato in moneta, viene convertito in prestabilite unità (quote) di supporto di investimento ed è il valore di queste unità di conto (valore d’inventario netto - VNI), calcolate periodicamente e variabilmente, che permette di misurare l’estensione degli investimenti dell’assicuratore durante il periodo assicurativo del contratto.
I fondi collettivi interni
Tali fondi non possono essere acquisiti direttamente dal pubblico, sono accessibili solo attraverso un contratto assicurativo. Sono collettivi perché accessibili a tutti i clienti della compagnia assicurativa. Sono interni perché costituiti all’interno del patrimonio dell’ istituto assicurativo ma gli attivi sono isolati dal punto di vista contabile.
I fondi interni funzionano sotto la responsabilità contabile dell’assicuratore che ne assume direttamente la gestione amministrativa e finanziaria che può essere delegata ad un relatore specializzato.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Warwick
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Apr 2008.
English to Italian (University of Warwick) French to Italian (University of Warwick) Spanish to Italian (University of Warwick) Italian to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) French (Ministry of National Education (France), verified)
SOME OF MY FINAL CLIENTS: JPMorgan, Cisco, Reebok, Standard & Poor's, Morgan Stanley, Moody’s, Fiat Group, Mylan, Dell, MasterCard, Jaguar, Xerox, Amway, Marriot, Nutrilite, Delta Airlines, Musée du Louvre Paris, Google, Microsoft, Case New Holland, Lottomatica, Lions International Chicago, The New York Pass, California College of Arts, Axis, Owens Corning, Dunny UK, BlackRock, Greif, Alcatel, Jeep, CAT, DLA Piper, Cartoon Network, X-Box, and more.
My Latest Projects
Legal: deeds of sale; partnerships agreements; birth, wedding, death certificates; letters; machinery directives UE; judgments; decrees; legal actions; contract/legal agreements; code of conduct; legislation; litigation; etc.
Financial: European directive MiFID and related documents; pre-trade and post-trade rules for US financial firms; research about high risk transactions in the current economic environment; bank statements and cash equities rules for Italian banks; credit rating reports; financial reports; annual reports; bill/statements; KIID; full prospectus; simplified prospectus; letters to shareholders; etc.
Medical: certificates; reports; diabetes mellitus researches for the University of Perugia; SPC/PIL; clinical trials; device manuals; labelling/packaging; etc.
Tourism & Travel: hotel and agriturismo websites; brochures; guide-books; restaurants' menus; hotel booking websites; travel literature; etc.
Marketing: insurance companies brochures; video-games and software adverts; pet food advertisements; restoration company advertisements; transcreation of several types of marketing collaterals and websites; etc.
IT: software localizations; hardware localizations; Google products and programs; video-games; mobile phones interfaces; etc.
Industrial/Technical: instruction booklets for kitchen appliances, electric devices of different kinds, and mobile phones; push and pull systems for production planning inside factories; incident reporting in agricultural field (tractor and cranes technical engine problems); etc.
Cosmetics: user manuals for range of beauty devices; fashion and beauty articles; marketing collaterals; reviews; user instructions; websites; hair, skin, nail care product specifications; make-up advertisements; etc.
Education and qualifications
2013 DITALS II (Advanced Didactics of Italian as a foreign language).
Technical analysis of didactic materials and organization of classes (level of the learners for whom the material is meant; objectives of the didactic units, learning style; kind of activity, etc.)
Setting up of the didactic unit and of the related activities (assessments, methods of errors correction, management of different group of learners).
Glottodidactics and sociolinguistics in language teaching (basic principles, main
approaches and prospective theories; the Common European Framework; recent developments).
2011 - 2012 London Metropolitan University - UK - (English Law)
Consecutive interpreting (in and out of English)
Simultaneous interpreting (whispering into English and out of English)
Sight translation (in and out of English)
2008 - 2009 University of Warwick -UK- MA in Translation Studies, Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies.
Focus on translation under the cultural prospective, analysis of literal translations between different mass media.
Developed advanced research skills gained throughout the use of sophisticated databases when completing my dissertation on the translation of the francophone literature from French into Italian.
Final thesis title: A Translation Journey from Africa to Italy.
Supervisor: Prof. Susan Bassnett
2007 Università degli Studi di Siena Italy
2:1 BA in Lingue Moderne: Mediazione Linguistica e Interculturale (Modern languages: linguistic and intercultural translation -English, French and Spanish).
Final thesis title: Calixthe Beyala’s Rebel Voice in the Francophone Cultural Panorama: a Translation Proposal.
Supervisors: Prof. Anna Maria Mangia and Prof. Antonella Anedda Angioy
2007 Province of Arezzo: Course of Journalism and Communication
Focus on the different stages of the publication of an article from the paper to the online version: emphasis on how to write a good article and how to attract and keep the readers’ attention.
CAT TOOLS: SDL Trados, MemoQ, Smartling, Lokalise, Memsource, Smartcat, etc.
SOME OF MY FINAL CLIENTS: JPMorgan, Standard & Poor's, Morgan Stanley, Moody’s, Fiat Group, Mylan, Dell, MasterCard, Jaguar, Xerox, Amway, Marriot, Nutrilite, Delta Airlines, Musée du Louvre Paris, Google, Microsoft, Case New Holland, Lottomatica, Lions International Chicago, The New York Pass, California College of Arts, Axis, Owens Corning, Dunny UK, BlackRock, Greif, Alcatel, Jeep, CAT, DLA Piper, Cartoon Network, X-Box, and more.
Keywords: Professional translations Italian English French Spanish, Wedding Interpreter Cortona, Traduzioni Inglese Francese Spagnolo Italiano, translator with international qualifications, free translation quotes, Traduzioni Professionali online, Software localization Italian, Translation of contracts, video-games translations Italian, cosmetic translation Italian. See more.Professional translations Italian English French Spanish, Wedding Interpreter Cortona, Traduzioni Inglese Francese Spagnolo Italiano, translator with international qualifications, free translation quotes, Traduzioni Professionali online, Software localization Italian, Translation of contracts, video-games translations Italian, cosmetic translation Italian, Traduzioni Cortona. traduzioni arezzo, Interprete arezzo, Interprete cortona, inglese legale, interprete perugia, traduzioni perugia. See less.
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