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English to Spanish: Demographic Factors in Argentine Development A Comparative Analysis With Canada and Australia by Marta Hebe Seoane Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - English ״Unlike many countries that have had to struggle with high population densities in their early development, Argentina, Canada and Australia all had very sparse populations. Labor was thought of as scarce and a larger population was regarded as being needed to expand the agricultural frontier, to intensify the manufacturing sector of these rural areas, and to build the infrastructure of their export sector. Natural increase by itself was considered too slow because the population base was too small to increase the numbers necessary to create a labor force large enough for maximum economic expansion. Having a European background, all three countries relied on Europe for Labor. However, in this respect there were some differences between Argentina and the other two countries.
While most immigration into Canada (since 1850) and Australia was from Great Britain, that into Argentina was predominantly from Italy and Spain. The industrial superiority of Great Britain over the two Latin countries doubtlessly contributed to the difference in the technical skills that the immigrants brought.
Similarly, institutional differences between the European nations must have influenced the political attitudes of the immigrant population regarding labor force participation in government which in turn affected political stability. British immigrants to Canada and Australia had close contact with labor developments in Great Britain and obtained recognition and representation in government, such as the Labor Party in Australia, much earlier than immigrants to Argentina did (Goodrich, 1964, pp. 78-79). The latter, particularly those from Spain, Italy and Eastern Europe, were influenced by European anarcho-syndicalist ideology (Tamarin, 1985, p. 53) encountered government repression early, gained political power and welfare benefits relatively late, and contributed to Argentina’s political instability. In addition, the early labor movement in Argentina was relatively small, lacked organization and the support of large groups of immigrant workers who were unskilled and unemployable (Tamarin, p. 49).״
Translation - Spanish “A diferencia de otros países que al comienzo de su desarrollo debieron de contender con altos niveles de densidad poblacional, las poblaciones de Argentina, Canadá y Australia eran muy dispersas. Se asumía que la fuerza laboral era insuficiente y se consideraba que una mayor población era necesaria para expandir la frontera agrícola, intensificar el sector manufacturero de estas economías rurales y construir la infraestructura del sector exportador. El crecimiento natural en si se consideraba muy lento porque la base de la población era muy pequena para incrementar la suma de la fuerza laboral necesaria para una máxima expansión económica. Dado sus orígenes europeos, los tres países contaron con Europa para obtener la mano de obra. Aunque al respecto se dieron ciertas diferencias entre Argentina y los otros dos países.
Mientras que la inmigración a Canadá-desde 1850- y a Australia provenía de Gran Bretaña, la de Argentina era predominantemente de Italia y España. La superioridad industrial de Gran Bretaña sobre América Latina sin duda contribuyó a la diferencia en la capacidad técnica que los inmigrantes aportaron.
Asimismo, las diferencias institucionales entre las naciones europeas deben haber influenciado la actitud política de la población inmigrante con respecto a la interacción obrera con el gobierno, lo que a su vez afectaba la estabilidad política. Los inmigrantes británicos a Canadá y a Australia estaban muy al tanto de los movimientos laborales en Gran Bretaña y lograron el reconocimiento y su representación en el gobierno-tal como el Partido Laboral en Australia-con mucha más antelación que los inmigrantes a Argentina (Goodrich,1964, pp. 78-79). Estos últimos, especialmente los provenientes de España, Italia y del Este de Europa estaban influenciados por una ideología europea anarco- sindicalista (Tamarin, 1985, p. 53), fueron reprimidos por el gobierno casi desde un principio, adquirieron representación política y beneficios sociales relativamente tarde y, contribuyeron a la inestabilidad política de Argentina. Más aun, inicialmente los movimientos laborales en Argentina fueron relativamente pequeños, estaban mal organizados y carecían del apoyo de grupos importantes de obreros inmigrantes los que a su vez estaban faltos de capacitación y posibilidades de empleo (Tamarin, p. 49).”
Marta H Seoane Ph.D.
Spanish Advantage:
Tutoring and Translation Services
Originally from Argentina I have been a California. resident for many years. I hold university degrees from the University of Southern California and California State University, Northridge. My areas of expertise are Sociology, Demography and Geographic Information Systems. I have conducted extensive research in International Demography, Latin American population, and Hispanics in the United States. More recently, I have pursued post graduate work in Geographic Information Systems and earned certificates of Advanced Achievement in Geographic Information Systems and Geographic Information Systems Career Analyst with an emphasis on spatial analysis, and relational spatial database editing as it applies to local government and digital mapping in general; one of my main interests is census geography. Complementing my interests in Latin American language and population, I tutor all Spanish levels to high school students and professionals, including Spanish Advanced Placement and Scholastic Aptitude Test II (SAT II). After translating on and off from English into Spanish for several years, it became clear that my educational, professional backgrounds and expertise are great assets to pursue professional translations, particularly in cutting edge technical fields such as Geographic Information Systems and also in the areas of Hispanic marketing and demographics. I visited frequently before joining and think it is an excellent venue from which to launch my objectives
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Keywords: Geographic Information Systems Sistemas de Información Geográfica, GIS SIG, Geographic Information Science Ciencia de infomación geográfica, ESRI Environmental Science Research Institute, legacy GIS
GIS heredado, coordinates coordenadas, geocoding geocodificación, georeference georreferenciación; latitude latitud, longitude, longitud. See more.Geographic Information Systems Sistemas de Información Geográfica, GIS SIG, Geographic Information Science Ciencia de infomación geográfica, ESRI Environmental Science Research Institute, legacy GIS
GIS heredado, coordinates coordenadas, geocoding geocodificación, georeference georreferenciación; latitude latitud, longitude, longitud, digitize digitalizar, vector vector, raster raster, vector structure estructura vectorial, geometry of points lines and polygons geometría de puntos líneas y polígonos, window ventana, view vista, population población, immigration inmigración, demography demografia, census censo, Hispanic market mercado hispano, Global Positioning System (GPS) sistema de posicionamiento global, projection proyección, network red, spatial analysis análisis espacial, . See less.
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