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Italian to English: XX chiede all'Italia di porre fine alle espulsioni di massa/XX urges Italy to put an end to mass deportations General field: Other
Source text - Italian XX ha chiesto alle autorità italiane di verificare con urgenza se le 68 persone soccorse in mare e poi rinviate forzatamente in Egitto in 48 ore abbiano avuto la possibilità di richiedere protezione internazionale.
Le 68 persone, che erano a bordo di un'imbarcazione che ne trasportava in tutto 131, erano state intercettate il 26 ottobre dalle autorità italiane nei pressi della coste siciliane. Secondo quanto dichiarato inizialmente da un ufficiale italiano, le persone a bordo si erano identificate come palestinesi. Le autorità italiane le avevano trasferite a Catania e trattenute tutte, compresi 44 minori, in un impianto sportivo per oltre 24 ore, sostenendo che la loro detenzione era necessaria per svolgere le procedure di identificazione e organizzare i rinvii.
La sera del 27 ottobre, le autorità italiane hanno espulso 68 di loro verso Il Cairo, in Egitto, con un volo charter, affermando che si trattava effettivamente di "migranti irregolari" egiziani e non palestinesi.
Secondo XX, questa espulsione di massa sembra essere stata condotta senza riguardo per il diritto delle persone di chiedere asilo e in violazione degli obblighi dell'Italia derivanti dal diritto e dagli standard internazionali in materia di rifugiati e di diritti umani.
L'organizzazione chiede alle autorità italiane di chiarire se e come siano state identificate le persone in questione, come siano stati determinati la loro età e i possibili bisogni di protezione, se siano state informate del loro diritto di chiedere asilo e se siano state presentate domande di asilo.
Translation - English XX has asked Italian authorities to urgently verify whether 68 people rescued at sea, then forcibly returned to Egypt within 48 hours, were given the opportunity to ask for international protection.
The 68 (on a boat carrying 131) were intercepted by Italian authorities close to the Sicilian coastline on the 26th of October. According to an initial statement by an Italian official, those on board identified themselves as Palestinians. The Italian authorities transferred them to Catania, where they (including 44 minors) were held in a sports facility for more than 24 hours. Italian authorities argued that detention was necessary to perform identification procedures and to organise deportation.
On the evening of the 27th of October, Italian authorities deported a party of 68 via charter flight to Cairo (Egypt), claiming that they were Egyptian “illegal immigrants” rather than Palestinians.
XX believes this mass deportation has been conducted without consideration for the right of these people to claim asylum, breaching Italy’s obligations under international human rights and refugee law and standards.
XX urges Italian authorities to clarify whether, and how, the people in question were identified, their age and possible need for protection determined, if they were informed of their right to claim asylum, and if any applications for asylum were lodged.
Italian to English: Taglierina planetaria automatica/Automatic planetary cutting machine General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Italian La taglierina planetaria automatica è una macchina progettata e costruita per tagliare tubi rigidi in plastica di dimensioni e pesi compresi entro determinati valori (vedi “Dati tecnici”), senza arrestarne l'avanzamento.
La macchina è dotata di un dispositivo elettronico per la sincronizzazione automatica della velocità di lavoro con quella di avanzamento tubo.
Gruppo carrello:serve per supportare gli organi di bloccaggio e taglio del tubo. La movimentazione lungo l'asse di avanzamento del tubo è azionata dal motoriduttore (A1).
Rotore (gruppo planetario): è azionato da due motoriduttori (C1) e contiene gli organi di taglio e di riscontro. La lavorazione viene effettuata con la rotazione dell'utensile attorno al tubo.
Unità di supporto tubo: per sostenere e accompagnare il tubo nella zona di ingresso ed uscita del carrello. Il motoriduttore (D1) comanda la regolazione in altezza dell’unità in funzione del diametro del tubo.
Translation - English The automatic planetary cutting machine has been designed and constructed to cut rigid plastic pipes of a determined size and weight range (see ‘Technical Data), without stopping feed.
The machine is equipped with an electronic device which automatically synchronises work speed with pipe feed.
Trolley group: used to support the pipe’s blocking and cutting components. Movement along the pipe’s feed axis is operated by the gear motor (A1).
Rotor (planetary group): operated by two gear motors (C1). Contains the cutting and levelling components. The tool works by rotating around the pipe.
Pipe support unit: supports and conveys the pipe at trolley entrance and exit points. The gear motor (D1) controls the height adjustment of the unit according to the diameter of the tube.
Italian to English: Cinema/Journalism Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Italian Con il suo Avatar, prodigio di tecnologia, James Cameron ha scritto un altro capitolo nella storia
degli effetti speciali al cinema. Una storia che include sia gli effetti per così dire “meccanici”, ovvero
creati sul set, sia quelli “visivi”, cioè realizzati in fase di post-produzione, e che inizia più di 100 anni
fa, quando i pionieri della cinematografia diedero il via ai loro primi esperimenti. A cominciare da
Méliès, che scoprì il “trucco del montaggio”, a Ray Harryhousen che diede vita a una delle scene più
celebri della storia del cinema (quella dello scontro con gli scheletri) ne Gli Argonauti, fino ad arrivare
a professionisti del trucco, come Rick Baker, che plasmò con le sue mani il licantropo di Un lupo
mannaro americano a Londra e dell’animatronica, come Stan Winston (sono suoi lo squalo meccanico
del mitico film di Steven Spielberg e i mastodontici dinosauri di Jurassic Park); e della meccatronica,
come l’italiano Carlo Rambaldi, padre di Alien ed E.T.. Fino a giungere alla rivoluzione digitale dei
nostri giorni che ha dato vita a film come Titanic, Terminator 2, Matrix e tanti altri con tecniche sempre
più sofisticate che portano dritte all’ultimo miracolo 3D di James Cameron.
In questa corsa continua verso l’innovazione tecnologica, schierati in prima linea, troviamo anche
due veri e propri guru del settore come George Lucas e Peter Jackson, autori di due tra le più celebri e
innovative saghe della storia del cinema come Guerre stellari e Il signore degli anelli, e che con le loro
aziende (la Industrial Light and Magic e la Weta Digital) hanno curato gli effetti speciali di molte delle
pellicole di maggior successo degli ultimi decenni.
Translation - English James Cameron has written another chapter in the history of cinematic special effects with his technological marvel, Avatar. A history including both the so-called "mechanical" effects, created on-set and “visual” effects, created in post-production. It started more than a hundred years ago, with the early experiments of the cinematographic pioneers. From Méliès, who discovered “editing tricks”, to Ray Harryhousen, who gave life to one of the most famous scenes in cinematic history (the skeleton fight) in Jason and the Argonauts; to makeup artists such as Rick Baker, who moulded the werewolf in An American Werewolf in London with his bare hands, and animatronics experts like Stan Winston (both the mechanical shark in Steven Spielberg's legendary film Jaws and the mammoth dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are his creations) to mechatronics specialists, for example the Italian, Carlo Ramboldi, creator of Alien and E.T.. Finally, we arrive at the current digital revolution, which has spawned films such as Titanic, Terminator 2, The Matrix and many others, using increasingly sophisticated techniques, leading us to James Cameron’s latest 3D miracle.
In the constant race for technological innovation, we find two masters of the art at the forefront – George Lucas and Peter Jackson, directors of two of the most famous and innovative sagas in cinematic history – Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings. With their companies (Industrial Light and Magic, and Weta Digital), they have managed the special effects of some of the most successful films in recent decades.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Leeds
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Feb 2008. Became a member: Dec 2011.
Spanish to English (University of Leeds, verified) Italian to English (University of Leeds, verified) Italian (University of Manchester, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Fluency, LocStudio, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, ABBYY Finereader Pro, Microsoft LEAF, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Stylish English translations crafted from Italian and Spanish
A professional, qualified translator translating from Italian and Spanish into English.
I have been working as a translator since 2008, providing clear, concise translations of Italian and Spanish texts. The majority of my translation work falls between fashion, computer games, literary and marketing categories. I also translate sporting texts, particularly cycling and football.
I am currently focused on fashion translation, with around 250,000 words of fashion-related material translated in the last 12 months, being mainly catalogue material and technical garment descriptions, combined with marketing text.
I am proud of my work and strive to deliver polished translations of outstanding quality, which both accurately reflect the original text and sound as if they were originally written in English.
Qualifications:Masters in Applied Translation Studies (University of Leeds, Italian/Spanish to English: Merit), BA (Hons) Italian Studies (University of Manchester: 2:1) (highest final-year translation exam mark in the year group).
Competent user of memoQ 9.3, WordFast Classic/Pro and SDL Trados Studio (certified) CAT tools. Full Microsoft Office. ABBYY Finereader Pro for OCR.
Published/major work: Diego Maradona, Asif Kapadia: Archive footage subtitling
LaFerrari: Dynamic Art, Moreno Gentile, March 2013, 145 pages, Skira Editore (Milan) IT-EN
Ministry of Elegance, Beppe Modenese, March 2013, 104 pages, Skira Editore (Milan) IT-EN
Bicycles: Past, Present and Future, Roberto Gurian, November 2015, 272 pages, White Star Publishers (DeAgostini - Novara), IT-EN (co-translator/editor)
Disney Princess magazine, IT-EN translator [July 2013 - Present]
Disney Violetta magazine, IT-EN translator [July 2013 - Present]
Best Movie International iPad magazine, IT-EN translator [2010 - 2012]
Vuelta a España 2013 live race updates, ES-EN
Playstation Vita User Manual, localisation EN US – EN UK
Translation/localisation of approximately 30 computer games, including Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Forza Horizon and SBK X.
Major working fields:
Fashion, marketing, literary, computer games, software, cinema, academic, tourism and travel, sports and other fields.
I provide quality, professional translation. My translations are always on-time, and if you need further proof, please do not hesitate to ask for a reference.
Member of IAPTI (International Association of Translators and Interpreters) and MET (Mediterranean Editors and Translators).
Keywords: professional, on-time, quality, Italian, Spanish, English, qualified, Trados, Wordfast, Masters in Translation. See more.professional, on-time, quality, Italian, Spanish, English, qualified, Trados, Wordfast, Masters in Translation, Italian to English translation, Spanish to English Translation, proofreading, review, traduzione, traduccion, espanol, italiano, traduzione italiano inglese, marketing, software manuals, computer games, games, gaming, localization, tourism, travel, cycling, sport, football, journalism, literary.. See less.