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Serbian to English: Islamic extremism's influence on terrorist network Al-Qaeda origin and spreading General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Serbian Intenzivne migracije, revolucije u komunikacijama, mogućnost brzog putovanja, slobodan protok tehnologija, veća poroznost granica, veliki jaz između različitih kultura, čine da bezbednosne pretnje nisu samo prosti zbir činilaca.
Bezbednosne pretnje, danas, imaju isti naziv, ali su po svojoj suštini više ugrožavajuće, a po snazi i posledicama prevazilaze opasnosti koje su doskora bile poznate. Najbolji primer za to je terorizam. Od sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka, do danas, ime i cilj terorizma su ostali isti, a destruktivnost, dometi, brutalnost i broj žrtava su višestruko povećani. S pravom se tvrdi da je ova pojava danas, a i u budućnosti će tako biti, transnacionalna, posebno islamski terorizam. Sama ova konstatacija, pokazana i u praksi, zahteva od činilaca savremene bezbednosne situacije u svetu, transformisanje i prilagođavanje snaga, službi i sistema bezbednosti, novim bezbednosnim pretnjama.
Novi ili postmoderni terorizam, ilegalni transfer oružja i tehnologija, NHB oružje i raketne tehnologije, organizovani kriminal, ilegalne međunarodne migracije, proizvodnja i trgovina narkoticima, korupcija, kriminal u svetu informatike i ugrožavanje životne sredine, u zapadnoj literaturi se navode kao najvažnije transnacionalne bezbedonosne pretnje. Ove pretnje su postavile imperativ hitnih i korenitih promena dosadašnjeg bezbednosnog sistema u svim zemljama sveta. Taj proces je još u toku i ima vid nadnacionalnog aspekta.
Prvi talas savremenog terorizma se vezuje za kraj šezdesetih godina XX veka (liberalni terorizam).
Translation - English Intensive migrations, revolution in communications, possibility of fast traveling, free technology flow, more porous borders, great gap between different cultures, make safety threats more then just a simple sum of figures.
Today, safety threats have the same name, but in their essence they are more endangering, and their strength and consequences exceed the dangers known so far. Best example of this fact is terrorism. Since the 1970’s until today, name and target of terrorism remains the same, but the destructiveness, range, brutality and number of victims has increased multiple times. It is rightfully said that this phenomenon today is, and in the future also will be, especially Islamic terrorism. This very statement, shown also in practice, requires transformation and adjusting forces from factors of modern security situation in the world, services and security systems to these new security threats.
New or postmodern terrorism, illegal transfer of weapons and technologies, NHB weapons and rocket technology, organized crime, illegal international migration, production and trafficking of narcotics, corruption, criminal in the world of information technologies and endangerment of the environment, are listed in the western literature as the most important transnational security threats. These threats have set the imperative of urgent and coherent changes of existing security systems in all the countries of the world. This is an ongoing process and it is an over national aspect.
First wave of modern terrorism is associated with the late 1960s (liberal terrorism).
Serbian to English: Ideal architectural urban solution of business-residential object General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Architecture
Source text - Serbian Ulica Dimitrija Tucovića predstavlja prometnu i tranzitnu gradsku saobraćajnicu koja tangira najuži centar Beograda. Međutim, ona usled razuđenog, gotovo potpuno nedefinisanog uličnog fronta nema prostorni karakter, niti strukturu koju je potrebno nadograditi. Objekat rezidencijalne namene u ovakvoj ulici potrebno je zaštititi od nepovoljnih uslova stvorenih usled intenzivnog saobraćaja, kao što su buka i zagađenost vazduha. Takođe ne treba zanemariti uticaje morfologije na ambijent o kome je reč: parcela se nalazi u podnožju severno orjentisane padine što nepovoljno utiče na mikroklimatske uslove osunčanja.
Autori su se našli pred dilemom – stvoriti introvertan (samodovoljan) ili ekstrovertan stambeni prostor, a veličina parcele je, u skladu sa tim ciljevima, omogućila primenu više funkcionalnih šema. U prvoj fazi, autori su se opredelili za dvotraktni objekat sa vertikalnim komunikacijama između traktova i dvostranom orjemtacijom svih stanova. Postignuti su dobri uslovi stanovanja ali je ukupna kvadratura od 860m2 po etaži bila ispod željenog procenta.
Daljom analizom, autori napuštaju ekstrovertni (otvoreni) koncept i opredeljuju se za introvertni (zatvoreni), koji podrazumeva atrijumski objekat, gabarita jednakog gabaritu parcele i površine od 1160m2 po etaži, što je u skladu sa očekivanim uslovima izgrađenosti.
Stanovi u „prednjem“, dubokom traktu imaju dvostranu orjentaciju i najveće kvadrature. Fasada ka Ulici Dimitrija Tucovića je dvostruka i sastoji se iz sloja potpuno transparentnog stakla i sloja peskiranog, zaštitnog stakla, između kojih je formiran prostor koji nadoknađuje nedostatak terasa u uslovima spoljašnjih uticaja vizuelno neprijatnog i klimatski nezdravog ambijenta. Ove zastakljene lođe koje se pružaju celom dužinom uličnog fronta, na svim etažama, predstavljaju strukturalni deo jednog dobro provetrenog i funkcionalnog fasadnog sistema koji ne propušta loše uticaje ali obezbeđuje prodor dobrim. Pre svega, sa frontalne, severne strane, korišćenjem materijala koji maksimalno propuštaju svetlost ostvareno je najbolje moguće prirodno osvetljenje. Prostor zastakljenih lođa moguće je i potpuno otvoriti. Spoljna fasada sadrži pokretne panele od peskiranog stakla, koje je moguće pomeriti ukoliko je to potrebno korisnicima.
Translation - English Dimitrija Tucovića Street represents busy and transit city traffic artery which concerns the very center of Belgrade. However, due to diverted, almost completely undefined street front, it has no spatial character, nor structure which needs to be build onto. Residential object in such street needs to be protected from negative conditions created due to intensive traffic, such as noise and air pollution. We shouldn’t also neglect morphology influence on mentioned ambient: parcel is placed in the foot of north oriented slope, which unfavorably influences microclimate sun exposure conditions.
Authors faced a dilemma – create an innovative (self-sufficient) or extrovert residential area, and parcel size, according to these goals, provided application of various functional schemes. In first phase, authors chose two-tract object with vertical communications between tracts and bilateral orientation of all apartments. Good residential conditions have been achieved, but total area of 860 square meters per floor was under desired percentage.
With further analyses, authors abandon extrovert (open) concept and chose introvert (closed), which includes atrium object, which has equal dimensions as parcel and area of 1160m2 per floor, which is in accordance with expected conditions of construction.
Apartments in “front”, deep tract have bilateral orientation and greatest floor space. Façade which faces Dimitrija Tucovića Street is double and consists of layer of completely transparent glass and sandblasted layer of protective glass, with space formed between which compensates lack of terrace in conditions of visually unpleasant conditions with unhealthy climate ambient. These glass loggia which stretches all the way of the street front side, on all floors, represent structural part of well ventilated and functional façade system which doesn’t let any bad influences pass but provides entrance of good once. First of all, from the front, north side, using materials with maximum light transparency, best possible natural light was achieved. It is also possible to completely open glass loggia area. External façade contains moving panels made of sandblasted glass, which can be moved by users if necessary.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jan 2008.