Working languages:
English to German
German to English

Quality work delivered on time

United Kingdom
Local time: 00:46 GMT (GMT+0)

Native in: German Native in German
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I am Susanne Schuster, a freelance English to German translator. I offer English to German translation services to a range of clients across different fields. I am passionate about delivering quality work on time and communicating clearly with my clients.

The following gives an example of the work I have accomplished so far. I am happy to broaden my horizon and learn new skills.

Market research studies on consumer electronics products, robotic cleaners, smartphones, IT products, brand studies, new product concepts, tourism
Product descriptions, user manuals, recipes, press releases
Websites (OEM car parts, security label manufacturer, online backup services, retail software solutions, sports software etc.)
Texts on economic democracy, Marxist analysis
Translating & asking interview questions for feature documentary on the history of atomic power
Social media project on luxury hotel company
Transcriptions of market research interviews

I use social media such as Facebook and Twitter as well as blog platforms such as WordPress or Weebly. As a socially engaged translator-activist I have translated many articles on political, social and human rights themes and I currently contribute to the German watchdog Coalition against Bayer Dangers on a voluntary basis.
Keywords: business, commercial, economics, linguistics, social science, Sozialwissenschaften, ethics, Ethik, slang, colloquial. See, commercial, economics, linguistics, social science, Sozialwissenschaften, ethics, Ethik, slang, colloquial, marketing, market research, surveys, Marktforschung, Umfragen, product brochures, product manuals, travel, Reise, international organisations, internationale Organisationen, human rights, Menschenrechte, environmental, Umwelt, Unternehmen, politics, Politik, yoga, websites, Webseiten, CVs, Lebensläufe. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 3, 2017

More translators and interpreters: English to German - German to English   More language pairs