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Source text - English The transport sector in the Arab Republic of Egypt plays an important role in urban development, and it now takes an important part of the country's attention and support of the political leadership. This can be seen in the many national road projects and the development of various means of transport in order to provide civilized and environmentally friendly means of transport which improves traffic in the main cities, and has a positive economic, social, environmental and health impact on the entire Egypt.
Using clean energy in the transport sector is a main part of the Ministry of Environment policy since The studies and environmental monitoring over the past twenty years has clarified the contribution of the transport sector in air pollution in the main cities of Egypt, for that the Ministry has been studying through the "Sustainable Transport Project for Egypt" (STP) to develop policies to be followed to reduce that pollution, studies have indicated the need for the country to establish an integrated system for sustainable transport which include using electric vehicles.
There is a need for an umbrella for e-mobility policies and a single vision for the country to facilitate policies and legislation and provide infrastructure and discuss the support needs and feasibility of that system in order to maximize their utilization on all social, economic, environmental and health dimensions. The Ministry of the Environment is one of the bodies of this umbrella to lead that coordination task. Therefore, the Ministry has prepared a Policy Note that included the most important topics in the field of supporting policies, regulations and activities, and has also prepared for conducting that conference in cooperation with the Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARI) and the German Foundation Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Egypt to strengthen community consultation and coordination between the concerned authorities, to define a common vision of the country, create a platform, to exchange local and foreign experiences and lessons learned to update the working paper referred to in accordance with the outputs of the consultation and to prepare a list of necessary interventions from different parties.
Translation - Arabic يلعب قطاع النقل في جمهورية مصر العربية دوراً هاما في التنمية الحضرية، ويحظى في الوقت الحالي بقدر كبير من اهتمام الدولة ودعم القيادة السياسية. ويمكن ملاحظة ذلك في العديد من المشاريع القومية لتشييد الطرق وتطوير وسائل النقل المختلفة من أجل توفير وسائل النقل الحضرية والصديقة للبيئة والتي تعمل على تحسين حركة المرور في المدن الرئيسية، ولها تأثير إيجابي اقتصاديا واجتماعيا وبيئيا وصحيا على مصر بالكامل.
يعد استخدام الطاقة النظيفة في قطاع النقل جزءًا رئيسيًا من سياسة وزارة البيئة وذلك منذ أوضحت الدراسات والرصد البيئي على مدى العشرين عامًا الماضية مساهمة قطاع النقل في تلوث الهواء في المدن الرئيسية في مصر، ولذلك دأبت الوزارة على دراسة تطوير السياسات التي يتعين اتباعها للحد من هذا التلوث عبر "مشروع النقل المستدام في مصر" (STP)، وقد أشارت الدراسات إلى ضرورة قيام البلاد بإنشاء نظام متكامل للنقل المستدام والذي يتضمن استخدام السيارات الكهربائية.
هناك حاجة لمظلة لسياسات التنقل الإلكتروني ولرؤية واحدة للبلد بهدف تسهيل السياسات والتشريعات وتوفير البنية التحتية ومناقشة احتياجات الدعم وجدوى هذا النظام من أجل تعظيم الاستفادة من جميع الأبعاد الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية والصحية. ولا شك أن وزارة البيئة هي إحدى هيئات هذه المظلة التي تقود مهمة التنسيق تلك. ولذلك، أعدت الوزارة مذكرة سياسات تضمنت أهم المواضيع في مجال دعم السياسات واللوائح والأنشطة، كما شاركت أيضا في إعداد هذا المؤتمر بالتعاون مع مركز البيئة والتنمية للمنطقة العربية وأوروبا سيداري (CEDARI) ومؤسسة فريدريش إيبرت في مصر لتعزيز التشاور والتنسيق المجتمعي بين السلطات المعنية، ولتحديد رؤية مشتركة للبلد، وإنشاء منصة لتبادل الخبرات المحلية والدولية والدروس المستفادة لتحديث ورقة العمل المشار إليها وفقا لنتائج المشاورات وإعداد قائمة بالتدخلات اللازمة من مختلف الأطراف.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al Azhar University-Cairo, Egypt
Years of experience: 23. Registered at Oct 2007.
English to Arabic (United Nations) English to Arabic (Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al Azhar Uni, verified) English to Arabic (American University in Cairo, SCE , verified) English to Arabic (AUC, SCE, Simultaneous Interpretation, verified) Arabic to English (Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al Azhar Uni, verified)
Arabic to English (American University in Cairo, SCE, verified) Arabic to English (AUC, SCE, Simultaneous Interpretation)
Name: Mohamed Elhelw
Title: Senior Translator & Interpreter
Categorization: English-Arabic Senior Translator & Interpreter
Language Pairs: Arabic-English-Arabic
Primary e-mail Address: [email protected]
Secondary e-mail Address: [email protected]
Current Residency: Egypt
Mobile Phone: +20 11-8735236
Place of birth: Egypt
Education-Academic Degree
BA Degree in Simultaneous Translation, Faculty of languages and Translation, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
- GROUNDWORK in Written Translation Certificate (GWT)
- Print Media Certificate (PM)
- Legal into English Course
- Simultaneous Interpretation into Arabic Course .
- Simultaneous Interpretation into English Course.
School of Continuing Education (SCE)
The American University in Cairo (AUC)
Computer Skills
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Power Point
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Access
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Reader
I have translated for:
Longman Co.
Egyptian Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.
Egyptian Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs.
Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry
Ramsar handbooks for the wise use of wetlands
Press releases for UNDP, WFP
Speeches of UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. James Rawley-UNDP
Lebanese Survey (Arabic-English) UNECEF
Iraqi Survey (English-Arabic) UNECEF
Sailing The Nile, UNECEF
Terms and Conditions of
Website of Global Credit Solutions,
- USAID subcontracts with ABT Associates andCID consulting,
- Egypt Rural Agribusinessproject,
- RuralInvest: preparing sustainable agricultural andrural investment projects and businessplans,
- UNAIDS High Level Commission on HIVPrevention epidemic alert: Stigma(ST2011),
- A guide to implement the global campaign for the UN
workplace “Stigma Fuels HIV” at HQ, regional andcountry level,
- African UnionCommission 2014 Status Report on Maternal Newborn
and Child Health,
- The Maputo Plan of Action Review Report2015,
- Women empowerment and genderequality report,
- What have we learned from the MDGs for better transitioning into theSDGs?
- IRU Annual Report 2013,
- TIR Academypublications,
- WFP pressreleases, Arab Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction2015,
- Regional mechanisms for advancing DRR UNISDR position paper for Rio+20,
- Disaster Risk Reduction is essential
in achieving sustainabledevelopment,
- The Role of the Islamic Development Bank in Financing TransportInfrastructure and Improving Road Safety,
- Food Security Trends in Egypt From the Egyptian FoodObservatory,
Keywords: ATA, conference, translation, interpretation, translator, interpreter, conference, UN, UN translator, UN interpreter. See more.ATA, conference, translation, interpretation, translator, interpreter, conference, UN, UN translator, UN interpreter, EU interpreter, EU translator, UN translation, UNDP, UNEP, JICA, WIPO, environment translation, legal translation, economic translation, professional translation, government translation, NGOs, civil society, climate change, political translation, UN, legal, economic, political, environment, . See less.