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12 projects entered 4 positive feedback from outsourcers 1 positive feedback from colleagues
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 35000 words Completed: Feb 2010 Languages: Serbian to English
Translation of "The Development of the Human Aura"
One of the most important characteristics of aura is undoubtedly its dynamic and fast development at the beginning of the process of development. Fast changes which are executed in the sole structure of aura are reflecting also the effect of changes produced by a certain structure in transmission of bioenergy. Hereby we are primarily talking about the reception and emission of bioplasm and the quality characteristics of bioenergy which are radiated. This influence is specifically demonstrated in moments when the Aura has a pronounced strong and global bioenergetic potential, which is when a periodical increases and then suddenly falls on its minimum values. Researching exactly those influences on other Auras is the subject of my book and will be probably in the future the subject of my research. I believe the research of other authors in the field of bioenergy. This book is intended as a guide in human Aura development and as a presentation with phenomena which are happening during the time of this development. The aim of this book is to obtain systematic information about our energetic body and perhaps to persuade you to develop your own Aura.
The book can be found by clicking on:
No comment.
Translation Volume: 40000 words Completed: Sep 2008 Languages:
Website translation
Website translation about products, product specification, etc.
IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 25000 words Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to Serbian
100 Seiten von Kasseprogramm und Kassenhandbuch
IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4300 lines Completed: Apr 2007 Languages: English to Serbian
Strings for Alcatel mobile phone
Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 34000 words Completed: Apr 2007 Languages: German to Serbian
Machine for recycling of electrical and electronic devices
Translation Volume: 9362 words Completed: Jan 2007 Languages: English to Serbian
Chainsaw manual
Interesting project, although I am very familiar with the subject, it still needed some research.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4500 words Completed: Sep 2006 Languages: English to Serbian
Translation of Company Statutory
Interesting translation and very friendly people to work with. Very fast payment.
Law: Contract(s)
positive Vasiliy Rusakov: The work was done in time and correctly
Translation Volume: 11000 words Completed: Aug 2006 Languages: German to Serbian
45 pages of Cooking
Very interesting project.
Cooking / Culinary
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8756 words Completed: Jul 2006 Languages: German to Serbian
Translation of technical user manual
Friendly people to work with. On my request they agreed to place the payment a few days earlier.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 350 words Completed: Jul 2006 Languages: German to Serbian
One page translation
Very friendly people, prompt payment.
Human Resources
positive JM Communication GmbH: Very quick and reliable
Translation Volume: 20000 words Completed: Jun 2006 Languages: English to Serbian
Translation of User Manual for Compressor
Engineering: Industrial
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Colleague feedback:
Saša Jovanović: Sasa Jovanovic, a good job, outstanding collaborator
Translation Volume: 86221 words Duration: Dec 2008 to Mar 2009 Languages: German to Serbian
Friendly Agency and prompt payment!
Engineering: Industrial
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
18 entries
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Source text - English Enclosures: 1. Prices for the combination DEMO/New Machine
2. Prices for the combination New/New Machine
Dear Sir/s
1. Thank you very much for giving the opportunity to participate in the bidding for two Mine Clearing Vehicles (MCV) for NGO STOP Mines Pale. It is with great pleasure that we can offer the MCV 910 Series 2 to your organisation, and I believe, you are already familiar with the MCV 910 Series 1, which, in various numbers, has been in operation on the Balkans since 1998 where it has been used in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo by both armies as well as by civilian companies and NGOs.
2. We are happy to say that we for the time being are capable of making a very fast delivery, as we always have one machine on stock for emergency purposes, and therefore the first machine can be delivered to your premises within few weeks from the decision being taken, depending on approval from our governments. Machine number two opens two opportunities for delivery, either together with the first machine in case we can use our New DEMO model which has only been running for a limited number of hours, with full warranty, or a new one can be produced within approx. 5 weeks, so we are capable of reacting very fast. Education and delivery of spares can be executed immediately. This is of course based on the situation right now, with the reservations that other customers order those machines first.
Translation - Serbian Prilog: 1. Cene za kombinaciju DEMO/Nove Mašine
2. Cene za kombinaciju Nove/Nove Mašine
Draga Gospodo
1. Hvala vam na pruženu mogućnost da učestvujemo na licitaciji za dva vozila za čišćenje od mina (VČM) za nevladinu organizaciju STOP Mines u Palama. Velika nam je čast da možemo da predstavimo MCV 910 seriju 2 vašoj organizaciji. Verujem da ste već upoznati sa MCV 910 serijom , koja je dosad u više slučajeva operativna na Balkanu od 1998. Korišćena je u Bosni, Hrvatskoj i Kosovu kako od strane vojske tako i od strane nevladinih organizacija.
2. Zadovoljni smo što vam možemo saopštiti da smo trenutno u stanju izvršiti veoma brzu isporuku, pošto uvek držimo na lageru jednu mašinu za hitne slučajeve. Zato možemo prvu mašinu isporučiti za nekoliko nedelje vašoj lokaciji od trenutka odluke, naravno u zavisnosti od odobrenja naših vlada. Za drugu mašinu postoje dva načina isporuke, ili zajedno sa prvom mašinom u slučaju da možemo isporučiti naš nov DEMO model, koji je korišćen ograničenim brojem radnih sata i naravno je pod punom garancijom, ili potpuno nova mašina koja može biti proizvedena za otprilike 5 nedelja, što znači da smo u stanju da odreagujemo veoma brzo. Obuka i isporuka rezervnih delova se može izvršiti odmah. Ovo se naravno odnosi na trenutnu situaciju. U slučaju da drugi kupac naruči ove mašine zadržavamo pravo rezerve.
German to Serbian: Kreissmesserschaerfgeraet Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - German Allgemeines
Das Kreismesserschärfgerät KSG 470 wird nachfolgendend Schärfgerät genannt.
In diesem Kapitel werden Aufbau und Bestandteile der Betriebsanleitung beschrieben.
Die Betriebsanleitung ist in Kapitel unterteilt, die für die verschiedenen Benutzergruppen zutreffend sind.
Inhalt der Betriebsanleitung
Die Kapitel beinhalten folgende Themen:
Aufbau und Verwendung der Betriebsanleitung
Benutzerqualifikation und allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise
Übersicht über die Baugruppen und Bauteile des Schärfgerätes
Translation - Serbian Опште
Уређај за оштрење кружних ножева КСГ 470, назваћемо у наставку уређај за оштрење.
У овом поглављу описаће се структура и саставне делове упутства за рад.
Упутство за рад је подељено у поглавља, које одговарају разним групама корисника.
Садржај упутства за рад
Поглавља садрже следеће теме:
Структура и коришћење упутства за рад
Квалификација корисника и свеукупне безбедноносне мере
Преглед машине
Преглед склопова и конструкционих делова уређаја за оштрење