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Russian interpreter from San Diego is willing to travel to any other state at own expense if services of Russian Interpreter will be needed for the period of at least 5 days.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Russian to English - Rates: 0.12 - 0.17 USD per word / 45 - 65 USD per hour English to Russian - Rates: 0.12 - 0.17 USD per word / 45 - 65 USD per hour
Interpreting Volume: 6 days Completed: May 2010 Languages: Russian to English English to Russian
Hospice International Program for Physicians in San Diego
International Program for Physicians, at the Institute for Palliative Medicine, San Diego Hospice. Participants from Kiev, Lvov, Ukraine.
Medical: Health Care
No comment.
Translation Volume: 16 days Completed: Dec 2009 Languages:
Russian to English English to Russian
HIV/AIDS Annual International Conference, Defense Institute, San Antonio TX
HIV/AIDS, 8th and 9th Annual International Conference, Defense Institute For Medical Operations, San Antonio, Texas. 38 participating countries. Years: 2009 & 2008.
Government / Politics, Medical: Health Care, Military / Defense
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Interpreting Volume: 20 days Completed: Sep 2009 Languages: English to Russian Russian to English
Annual Beringia Days Conference. NPS. Alaska/Chukotka.
Annual Beringia Days Conference conducted by the National Park Service USA (NPS). Interpreting services provided during the years: 2009, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003. International scientific and social-cultural projects, programs, held in Anchorage, Alaska and in Provedeniya, Chukotka, Russia.
Interpreting Volume: 8 days Completed: Aug 2009 Languages: English to Russian Russian to English
Unit Deployment Exchange KazBrig & US National Guard
Interpreting during the Unit Deployment Exchange. Visit of the Kazakhstan Peacekeeping Unit (KazBrig) delegation to the National Guard Airbase in Tucson, Arizona.
*** ***
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Military / Defense
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Interpreting Volume: 32 days Completed: Aug 2009 Languages: English to Russian Russian to English
Military International HIV Training Program (MIHTP)
Naval Medical Center San Diego, California. In relation to the Military International HIV Training Program (MIHTP) with participating Military MD’s from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Ukraine, and Tajikistan.
Military / Defense, Medical: Health Care
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Interpreting Volume: 5 days Completed: Mar 2008 Languages: English to Russian Russian to English
MIPIM-2008. Cannes, France.
MIPIM-2008. Cannes, France. Interpreting at the Joint Pavilion "Regions of Russia" as part of the MIPIM-2008 International Property Conference. Investments and developments.
Interpreting Volume: 20 days Completed: Apr 2007 Languages:
Russian to English English to Russian
SAREX (Search and Rescue in the Arctic): USA, Russia, Canada.
Multiple interpreting projects during the trilateral meetings and military exercise between the delegations of the United States Air Force, Alaskan Command, the Federal Aviation-Space Search and Rescue Directorate, Ministry of Defense, Russian Federation, and the 1st Canadian Air Division, Canadian Forces on cooperation in Search and Rescue in the Arctic, and participation in the SAREX (joint Search and Rescue Exercise). Meetings took places in Alaska (Anchorage, Fairbanks, Eielson AFB) and Canada (Victoria, BC).
Government / Politics, Military / Defense
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Interpreting Volume: 21 days Completed: Mar 2007 Languages: Russian to English English to Russian
City-Link Program. USAID. Exchange of 13 small towns. Alaska & Russian Far East.
City-Link Program. 2007. Department of Community and Economic Development, Division of International Trade and Market Development, state of Alaska. Exchange of delegations between 13 small towns of Alaska, Khabarovsk and Sakhalin Regions.
Business/Commerce (general), Economics, Government / Politics
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Interpreting Volume: 45 days Completed: Oct 2006 Languages: Russian to English English to Russian
Interpreting for trauma patient (sailor)
Working with via ANP Shipping Company and their client, Russian sailor, First Mate Vladimir Lazarev who was receiving medical care after his extensive injuries in Anchorage, Alaska, was one of my many projects. Translations of the documents and interpreting services were provided during the conversations with medical professionals, legal representatives, and other individuals involved in his case.
Ships, Sailing, Maritime, Medical: Health Care
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Translation Volume: 40 days Completed: Apr 2006 Languages: English to Russian Russian to English
US Coast Guard (Alaska Region) & RF Border Guard Directorate of the FSS
Multiple interpreting projects during the exchange of delegations between the United States Coast Guard (Alaska Region, D-17) and the North-Eastern Border Guard Directorate Coast Guard of the FSS of the Russian Federation (Kamchatka Region) regarding safety and fisheries law enforcement issues in the Bering Sea. Meetings took places in Alaska (Juneau, Kodiak, Anchorage) and Kamchatka (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii, Elizovo).
Military / Defense, Government / Politics, Fisheries
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Interpreting Volume: 4 days Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Russian to English English to Russian
Medical bilingual visa-free escort from Anchorage to Odessa.
As a registered nurse and interpreter I accompanied a man injured at sea after his surgeries and treatment in the US back to his hometown in Ukraine. ANP Shipping, the maritime agency that took care of the sailor's needs and the Providence hospital's personnel where patient was treated, chose me for that role because of my experience as a medical professional and a linguist. Due to my dual citizenship, Russian and American, I did not need a visa for that trip. I accompanied my client all the way from Anchorage to Odessa with landings in Seattle, Amsterdam and Budapest.
Ships, Sailing, Maritime, Medical (general), Tourism & Travel
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Interpreting Volume: 7 days Completed: Apr 2004 Languages:
Russian to English English to Russian
Military Judicial Representatives meeting. Alaska, Hawaii.
Military Judicial Representatives meeting. Alaska, Hawaii. Meeting of the Judicial representatives from NOAA, USCG, DA offices, RF Border-Guard Services regarding a large criminal case of the international level.
Fisheries, Law (general)
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Interpreting Volume: 90 days Completed: Mar 2001 Languages: English to Russian Russian to English
US Attorney's Office. Human trafficking case in Alaska.
US Attorney's Office: Interpreting provided for several cases on fisheries international laws violations, and one of the older cases, in 2001, for the DA office in Anchorage AK during the investigation of the human trafficking case. Four people were accused and indicted on counts of using false pretenses to bring Russian folk dancers to Alaska, then forcing them to dance topless and nude at a local strip club. (You can find more information about this case via this link:
Law (general)
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Interpreting Volume: 15 days Completed: Aug 1998 Languages: Russian to English English to Russian
FEMA and it’s Russian counterpart Emercom
Interpreting for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and it’s Russian counterpart Emercom during their meetings in Alaska (Anchorage), and then in Russia (Khabarovsk, Vladivostok). Participation in the Earthquake Exercise on Sakhalin Island, Russia.
Government / Politics, Military / Defense
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Sample translations submitted: 1
Russian to English: Why do I like being a translator?
Source text - Russian Когда я закончила в 1989 г. учебу в Дальневосточном Государственном Университете во Владивостоке и стала радиожурналистом Хабаровского Краевого Радио, я была зачарована новыми веяниями перестройки √ в частности, ускоренным развитием международных отношений России с другими странами. Так как это явилось совершенно новой темой в журналистике, то мне, молодому репортеру, везло достаточно часто в освещении темы международных отношений, возникающих на территории Хабаровского края. И, конечно, первоначально во время интервью с иностранными собеседниками мне приходилось зависить, и полагаться на помощь переводчиков. В основном, они исполняли свою работу хорошо, однако, я знала, что порой многие мелкие детали и нюансы разговора, которые так важны в работе журналиста, иногда терялись из-за не совсем полного и аккуратного перевода.
Я поняла, что в работе переводчика может быть и другой, более качественный, подход, я решила, что сама хотела бы стать переводчиком. Прежде всего, я хотела быть способной брать интервью у иностранных специалистов, артистов, туристов... самостоятельно на их собственном языке. И я хотела стать таким переводчиком, который смог бы передавать не только основную идею разговора, но также иметь талант правильно доносить смысл какой-либо маленькой шутки или анекдота, каждого намека, или игры слов, используемых в разговоре.┘ Вот так это все началось. И это как раз то, что я люблю в профессии переводчика больше всего √ иметь способность выполнять аккуратный перевод, при этом сохраняя весомость и значение происходящих разговоров между людьми на всех возможных уровнях с передачей всех цветов и оттенков в речи международных партнеров.
Translation - English When I graduated from the Far Eastern State University of Vladivostok in 1989 and gained my start as a radio-reporter in Khabarovsk, I was fascinated with the latest, especially rapid development of international relations linking Russia and the world. Since it was a totally fresh theme for Russian journalism during the Perestroika times, I was fortunate to cover International relations in Khabarovsk Region regularly. Initially, when I was interviewing foreign speakers, I had to depend on translators. In general, they did a fine job translating, however, I experienced that sometimes occasional small details and subtleties of a conversation (that are so important in a journalist▓s job) were lost with respect to imprecise or incomplete interpreting.
Realizing that there could be an enhanced approach to interpretation, I wanted to become a ground-breaking translator. Most of all, I looked toward interviewing foreign specialists, artists, tourists, etc. for exclusive up-to-the minutes, in their own language. I wished to become an interpreter that would be able to convey not only core ideas, but also be proficient in providing significance for each little joke, every suggestion, even subtle engagements that were used in conversation. This is how it all started, what I enjoy, and find the most rewarding about my translating job. In a nutshell, I go all-out to perform accurate and seamless translations, while maintaining meaningful conversation, additionally preserving all the colors or shades of speech expressed between people of the international population.
English to Russian (Administrative Office of the United States Courts) Russian to English (Bowne Global Solutions (former Berlitz Interpretat) Russian to English (Bowne Global Solutions (former Berlitz Interpretat)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Lingvo, Prompt, Powerpoint
Please allow me to introduce myself. Honestly, not to be too vainglorious, but I should say, I would be a perfect candidate for most of the interpreting jobs. I have lots of interpreting/translating experience in areas of business, military, government, medicine, etc. My Russian language is excellent probably due to the master's degree in Journalism, and work as a radio-journalist. I also have a degree in medical field as a Registered Nurse. My rich experience allows me to have an extensive knowledge diapason, critical thinking skills, working ethics and good communication skills on any social level.
Moreover, geographical boundaries for me do not matter. I do live in California, but if needed, I will be happy to pay for my own airfare to any other state, if my services of Russian Interpreter will be needed for the period of at least 5 days. I had done it before. As a matter of fact I even paid for my airfare, and was interpreting in Cannes, France during the international forum “MIPIM 2008” on economic development and investments, and I received good feedback from the clients. You could read comments from them and from my other happy customers on my website under the tab “What people say”.