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Norwegian to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.15 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour Danish to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.15 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour
Norwegian to English: Log in Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - Norwegian I tillegg til selve integreringen mot robotene, utfører ActionDelegates også noe annen logikk i flyten. Først utføres en standard sjekk på om kunden har tilgang til tjenestene. Grunnen til dette er at denne informasjonen er tilgjengelig via tjenestekoder på lik linje med andre tjenester i banken. Dermed er det ikke nødvendig å eksekvere noen roboter dersom kunden ikke har den nødvendige tilgangen i utgangspunktet. En feilmelding vil vises for slike tilfeller.
ActionDelegates tar også hånd om innlogging i systemene gjennom å hente nødvendige credentials fra brukerens sesjon. Disse Innloggingsdataene blir så gjort tilgjengelige for robotene ved å legge dem inn i et objekt under en forhåndskonfigurert nøkkel i sesjonen. Robotene henter ut objektet og benytter dataene i det som inputverdier i sine innloggingssteg.
Translation - English In addition to actual integration with the robots, ActionDelegates also carries out other flow logic. First, they perform a standard check as to whether customer has access to the services, since this information is available via service codes on the same plain with other services in the bank. It is therefore unnecessary to use robots if the customer does not have the necessary access. An error message will be shown in such cases.
ActionDelegates also take care of logging on the systems by fetching the necessary credentials from the user’s session. This in-logging data is made available to the robots by entering it in an object under a pre-configured session key. The robot fetches the object and uses the data as input values in its in-logging step.
Norwegian to English: Screen Play Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Norwegian Det regner voldsomt og uavbrutt
GERD (65, dyrt kledd, litt for ungdommelig for alderen. Hun tar vare på utseende, men har noen kilo for mye) kjører en nesten ny VW Golf gjennom villastrøket. Gjennom vinduet sees det hekker og gjerder. Det er store tomter og store hus, de fleste er bygget før krigen. Gerd slår av radioen som spiller listepop og tenner en mentolsigarett. Så sveiver hun vinduet litt opp for å kunne kakke asken ut av vinduet.
Hun kjører videre mens regnet fortsetter å hamre ned. Utenfor blir hagene enda større før hun svinger inn en port og kjører en svingete grusvei inn mellom over hundre år gamle løvtrær.
I enden av grusveien ligger huset, en diger, mørk trebygning. Hun parkerer bilen utenfor en dobbeltgarasje. Så blir hun sittende i bilen. Gerd røyker rolig, hun gleder seg ikke til å gå inn. Så kaster hun sigaretten ut på grusen og åpner døren. Hun småløper bort til det overbygde inngangspartiet før hun lukker seg inn.
Translation - English It's pouring rain. Gerd (65, expensively dressed, a bit too youthful for her age. She's meticulous about her appearance, but is a little overweight.) drives an almost new, silvery Golf through the neighborhood. Hedges and fences flash by the window, along with large lots and large houses, most built before the war.
Gerd turns off the radio, which is playing the top hits and lights up a menthol cigarette. She cracks the window, and flicks the ash out.
She drives on in the pounding rain. The yards keep getting bigger, until she finally turns off the road through a gate, and drives on a winding dirt road bordered by trees over a hundred years old.
At the end of the drive is an enormous, dark wooden house. She parks the car outside a double garage, and remains in the car. Gerd slowly takes a drag on her cigarette, not relishing going in. Finally, she flicks her cigarette out on the gravel, and opens the door. She rushes to the roofed entryway and lets herself in.
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Sep 2007.
CafeTran Espresso, DejaVu, Google Translator Toolkit, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Visual Baic for Applications, Powerpoint, Wordfast
Almost 40 years’ experience in an industrial environment, over 20 of those years working as an industrial engineer in Norway, with 10 years as a project manager in a multilingual environment. My experience in electrical, instrument, mechanical and process control as well as heavy IT experience have enabled me to expand my horizons into other areas.
These areas include about 20 years as a freelance translator and instructor in several fields (both Norwegian and English), including control and measurement techniques, PC programming and public speaking.
Translation areas:
Oil and petroleum Process industries
Course books
Installation manuals
Database programming manuals and other technical writing
PC programming manuals
3 Books by Norwegian authors (1 to UK, and 2 to US)
Other interests:
I love to write, and hopefully, my translation work reflects this. I'm not satisfied with just getting the right translation. I want to see it flow so the reader gets something out of it, even if it's a technical article. To me, writing is an art that should be applied to translation.
I have written two books of my own. One (Beware the Bright Moon) is published on Amazon and Smashwords. The other (Through the Portal-The Land) is the first of a series, and I'm working on publishing it at the moment. The third, Book two of the Through the Portal series is in production.
Keywords: Norwegian, Danish, Computers, technolgy, software, localization, Engineering, Controls, programming, IT. See more.Norwegian, Danish, Computers, technolgy, software, localization, Engineering, Controls, programming, IT, Information Technology. See less.
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