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English to Lithuanian: SPC, example from posology section General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English If necessary, treatment may be continued with gradually increasing treatment intervals to maintain a stable visual and anatomic outcome. If treatment has been discontinued, visual and anatomic outcomes should be monitored and treatment should be resumed if these deteriorate.
Translation - Lithuanian Jei reikia, gydymą galima tęsti palaipsniui ilginant vartojimo intervalus, kad būtų palaikomi stabilūs regėjimo ir anatominės apžiūros rezultatai. Jei gydymas nutraukiamas, reikia dažnai vertinti regėjimo ir anatominės apžiūros rezultatus ir, jeigu jie pablogėja, atnaujinti gydymą.
English to Lithuanian: Example from the study results description General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English In a longitudinal study, 45 subjects clinically diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), underwent baseline florbetaben (18F) PET scans, and were followed for 24 months to evaluate the relationship between florbetaben (18F) imaging and changes in diagnostic status. 29 (64.4%) of MCI patients were positive by florbetaben (18F) PET scan.
Translation - Lithuanian Ilgalaikio stebėjimo tyrimo metu 45 tiriamiesiems, kuriems buvo kliniškai diagnozuotas lengvas kognityvinis sutrikimas (angl. mild cognitive impairment, MCI), buvo atliktas pradinis PET skenavimas vartojant florbetabeną (18F). Jie buvo stebimi 24 mėnesius, siekiant įvertinti ryšį tarp vaizdinių tyrimų duomenų, vartojant florbetabeną (18F), ir diagnostinės būklės pokyčių. 29 (64,4%) MCI pacientų florbetabeno (18F) PET skenavimo duomenys buvo teigiami.
English to Lithuanian: SPC, method of administration General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English [Product name] should be initially reconstituted to give a solution of 50mg/ml bivalirudin. Reconstituted material should then be further diluted in a total volume of 50ml to give a solution of 5mg/ml bivalirudin.
Reconstituted and diluted product should be thoroughly mixed prior to administration.
Translation - Lithuanian [Vaisto pavadinimas] pirmiausiai reikia ištirpinti, kad susidarytų 50 mg/ml bivalirudino tirpalas. Ištirpintą preparatą reikia dar kartą praskiesti iki 50 ml bendro tūrio, kad susidarytų 5 mg/ml bivalirudino tirpalas.
Ištirpintą ir praskiestą preparatą prieš skiriant reikia atsargiai sumaišyti.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Aug 2007.
I have graduated from Vilnius University as a Doctor epidemiologist. During the last decade, I have gained an extensive experience in medical and pharmaceutical translations working as a freelance translator, as well as Regulatory affairs expert/ manager in pharmaceutical business.
I specialise in the following translations:
- Product information (SmPC, PL, labelling)
- Educational materials for healthcare professionals and patients,
- Clinical trial protocols' synopsis, Informed consent forms,
- Patient's questionnaires,
- Promotional materials,
- Instructions for Use.
My CV and reference letters are available on request.
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