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Spanish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR per word / 22 - 25 EUR per hour Galician to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.07 EUR per word / 22 - 25 EUR per hour
Source text - Galician A Consellería de Pesca e Asuntos Marítimos, consciente da importancia que este novo enfoque do Fondo Europeo de Pesca supón para os distintos axentes aos que vai dirixido este eixe 4, considera que é necesario facilitar os mecanismos que permitan a maior eficacia na posta en marcha desta medida. Por esta razón, decidiu publicar a presente Guía da Candidatura dos Grupos de Acción Costeira como ferramenta básica de consulta na que se recolle toda a documentación e información necesaria para a correcta presentación das candidaturas e o cumprimento dos requisitos necesarios para levar a cabo as actuacións para o desenvolvemento sostible das zonas de pesca do litoral de Galicia.
Ademais de contar con esta Guía, todos os axentes poderán dispor do apoio da Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento Sustentable das Zonas de Pesca, contemplada na futura Lei de Pesca de Galicia, como entidade encargada do asesoramento, impulso, apoio e fiscalización para todos os Grupos de Acción Costeira que se creen de cara á aplicación do Fondo Europeo de Pesca.
Translation - English The Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, is conscious of how important this new approach from the European Fisheries Fund is to the different agents to which
Axis 4 is directed. It considers that it is necessary to facilitate the mechanisms that will allow the best efficiency in putting these measures in motion. For this reason, it decided to publish this Candidature Guide for the Coastal Action Groups, as a basic consultation tool that collects together all the information and documentation necessary for the correct presentation of the candidatures and how to fulfil the necessary requisites to undertake the actions for the sustainable development of the fishing areas on the Galician coastline.
As well as relying on this Guide, all the agents will have the support of the Galician Agency for Sustainable Development in Fishing Areas, provided by the future Galician Fisheries Law, which is the organization in charge of advising, promoting, backing and inspecting all the Coastal Action Groups who think that they are suitable to apply to the European Fisheries Fund.
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Aug 2007.
Born and educated in England but with Spanish parents have always had the advantage of a completely bilingual background ensuring I have an extensive knowledge of both Spanish and English including slang terms and colloquialisms
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