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English to Spanish: Clinical study Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Purpose of Study:
The New York State Department of Health is working with the XXXX XXXX College of Medicine to conduct a survey to learn more about your knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and experiences with HIV and hepatitis-related services. The study is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Description of the Research:
You were chosen to take part in this survey because you participate in a [methadone maintenance program or a syringe exchange program]. If you agree to participate, it will take about 15-20 minutes to complete this survey. We will not ask for your name, but we will place a special identification (ID) on your survey so that we can tell if you take part in our follow-up survey, which will occur in about 1 year. This special ID will let us match your answers from this survey to your answers from the follow-up survey, if you take it. Also, this special ID will let us match your survey responses to the HIV and hepatitis services you receive at this agency.
Translation - Spanish Objeto del estudio:
El Departamento de Salud del Estado de Nueva York está trabajando con el XXXX XXXX College of Medicine para llevar a cabo una encuesta que permita saber más sobre nuestros conocimientos, actitudes, conductas y experiencias respecto de los servicios relativos al VIH y a la hepatitis. El estudio está financiado por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos.
Descripción de la investigación:
Se lo ha escogido para este estudio debido a que participa en un [programa de tratamiento continuo con metadona o programa de intercambio de jeringas]. Si acepta participar, completar esta encuesta le tomará entre 15 y 20 minutos. No le preguntaremos su nombre, sino que colocaremos una identificación especial en su encuesta de modo de saber si participa en nuestra encuesta de seguimiento, que tendrá lugar en aproximadamente un año. Esta identificación especial nos permitirá asociar sus respuestas a esta encuesta con sus respuestas a la de seguimiento, si decide hacerla. Además, esta identificación especial nos permitirá asociar sus respuestas a la encuesta con los servicios para VIH y hepatitis que recibe en esta agencia.
English to Spanish: Airline alliance Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Travel the globe with round-the-world fares
The eight member airlines of the oneworld alliance share a common goal: to make worldwide travel an easier, more rewarding experience for you.
Through our combined resources and route networks, we offer you a range of service benefits on a global scale:
* Thousands of employees across the globe to ensure that you are in good hands at every step of your journey.
* Greater rewards and recognition for frequent flyer program members.
* More information to guide you.
We also offer you excellent value in our round-the-world fare, oneworld Explorer. This is a great way to take advantage of our vast, interlocking route networks covering over 562 destinations in 134 countries. Explorer opens up an exciting new world, both for the adventurous traveler and globe-trotting executive.
If you are a member of a oneworld airline’s frequent flyer program, you will earn miles/points on eligible flights. You will also enjoy all the privileges that your membership status entitles you to.
Translation - Spanish Recorra el planeta con tarifas de vuelta al mundo
Las ocho aerolíneas que forman la alianza oneworld comparten un objetivo: hacer que sus viajes por el mundo sean una experiencia más fácil y placentera.
Mediante la combinación de nuestros recursos y redes de rutas, le ofrecemos una serie de ventajas a escala global:
* Miles de empleados en todo el mundo garantizan que esté en buenas manos en cada etapa de su viaje.
* Mayores recompensas y reconocimiento para los miembros de sus programas de viajeros frecuentes.
* Más información para decidir.
Y le ofrecemos un valor excelente en nuestra tarifa de vuelta al mundo, oneworld Explorer. Es una espléndida manera de aprovechar nuestras extensas redes de rutas interconectadas, que abarcan 562 destinos en 134 países. Explorer abre un fascinante mundo nuevo, tanto al viajero en busca de aventuras como al ejecutivo internacional.
Si es socio del programa de viajeros frecuentes de una de las aerolíneas pertenecientes a oneworld, ganará millas o puntos en los vuelos elegibles, y también disfrutará de todos los privilegios correspondientes a su categoría de socio.
English to Spanish: Drug dossier Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Physico-chemical properties:
Methylphenidate hydrochloride is a white, odourless, fine crystalline powder. It has a pKa of 8.9 and is soluble in water, alcohol and chloroform. A 5% aqueous solution is acid to litmus. The melting point range is 200 - 205C. Although methylphenidate hydrochloride has two asymmetric carbon atoms it exhibits no optical activity as it is a racemic mixture.
Pharmacokinetic properties
Methylphenidate hydrochloride is rapidly and almost completely absorbed by the oral route. It undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism. Systemic bioavailability is about 30% of the dose. Ingestion with food accelerates the rate but not the amount of absorption. Peak plasma levels occur, on average, 2 hours after administration. Area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and peak plasma concentration are dose related.
Therapeutic indications:
Methylphenidate hydrochloride is indicated as a part of a comprehensive treatment programme for attention -deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) when remedial measures alone prove insufficient. Treatment must be under the supervision of a specialist in childhood behavioural disorders.
Translation - Spanish Propiedades fisicoquímicas:
El clorhidrato de metilfenidato es un fino polvo cristalino, blanco e inodoro. Tiene un pKa de 8,9 y es soluble en agua, alcohol y cloroformo. Una solución acuosa al 5% es ácida al tornasol. El rango del punto de fusión es 200 - 205C. Si bien el clorhidrato de metilfenidato tiene dos átomos asimétricos de carbono, como es una mezcla racémica no exhibe actividad óptica.
Propiedades farmacocinéticas
El clorhidrato de metilfenidato se absorbe rápida y casi completamente por la vía oral. Está sometido a un extensivo metabolismo de primer paso. La biodisponibilidad sistémica es de alrededor del 30% de la dosis. La ingesta con alimentos acelera la tasa pero no el grado de absorción. Los niveles pico en plasma se producen, en promedio, a las dos horas de la administración. El área bajo la curva de concentración en plasma (AUC) y la concentración máxima en plasma dependen de la dosis.
Indicaciones terapéuticas:
El clorhidrato de metilfenidato está indicado como parte de un programa de tratamiento integral para el trastorno de déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) cuando las medidas correctivas por sí solas resultan insuficientes. El tratamiento deberá llevarse a cabo bajo la supervisión de un especialista en trastornos de conducta infantiles.
English to Spanish: Lab equipment Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English Move the Aspiration Manifold to pipette tip Row A in the Pipette Tip Bay. Insert the Aspiration Manifold Guide Rods into the color-coded Guide Rails. Pick up the tips from the TTC by firmly pushing down on the tips while holding the Aspiration Manifold handles with both hands. Apply equal pressure while pushing down so that all 10 tips are firmly attached to the aspiration nozzles. Gently lift the Aspiration Manifold, holding both handles. Do not allow the pipette tips to touch any part of the XXXX XXX. Examine the tips for damage or misalignment. Replace any tips that are damaged or are not aligned.
Move the Aspiration Manifold to Row A of the Separation Bay. Insert the rods of the Aspiration Manifold Guide Rods into the color-coded Guide Rails. Aspirate from all 10 reaction tubes by slowly pushing down with equal pressure on both handles.
Observe that the fluid is being aspirated through the Aspiration Manifold Tubing. Push gently until the tips briefly touch the bottom of the tubes and lift up slightly. Continue to aspirate until no fluid is present (small residual volumes of 10µL are acceptable). Aspiration should be completed within 5 seconds. Visually verify that all fluid has been aspirated from each tube. Avoid prolonged contact between the pipette tips and the bottom of the tube, as such action impairs the vacuum flow.
Translation - Spanish Desplace el múltiple de aspiración hacia la Fila A de puntas en la isla de puntas de pipeta. Inserte las varillas guía del múltiple de aspiración en los rieles guía codificados por color. Levante las puntas del TTC empujando firmemente las puntas hacia abajo mientras sostiene las asas del múltiple de aspiración con ambas manos. Al empujar aplique la misma presión, de modo que la totalidad de las 10 puntas se conecten firmemente a las boquillas de aspiración. Levante con suavidad el múltiple de aspiración, tomando ambas asas. No permita que las puntas de pipeta toquen ninguna parte del XXX XXX. Examine las puntas para detectar daño o desalineación. Reemplace toda punta dañada o desalineada.
Desplace el múltiple de aspiración hacia la Fila A de la isla de separación. Inserte las varillas guía del múltiple de aspiración en los rieles guía codificados por color. Aspire de los 10 tubos de reacción empujando suavemente hacia abajo y ejerciendo igual presión en ambas asas.
Observe que a través del tubo del múltiple de aspiración se vaya aspirando el fluido. Empuje con suavidad hasta que las puntas toquen brevemente el fondo de los tubos y levante ligeramente. Siga aspirando hasta que no quede fluido (son aceptables pequeños volúmenes residuales de 10µL). La aspiración deberá completarse en 5 segundos. Verifique visualmente que se haya aspirado todo el fluido de cada tubo. Evite el contacto prolongado entre las puntas de pipeta y el fondo del tubo, dado que dicha acción perjudica el flujo en vacío.
English to Spanish: Disability - building specifications Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English Where gradients are greater than 1:20 it is considered to be a ramp and we should conform to the features of external ramps. Ramps are essential to enable Valley residents and visitors that use wheelchairs, parents with pushchairs, buggies, suitcases – even golf carts! Gradients should be as shallow as practicable, as steep gradients create difficulties for some wheelchair users who lack the strength to propel themselves up a slope or have difficulty in slowing down or stopping when descending. Ramps are also not necessarily safe and convenient for ambulant disabled people. For example, some people who can walk but have restricted mobility find it more difficult to negotiate a ramp than a stair. In addition, adverse weather conditions increase the risk of slipping on a ramp. It is therefore beneficial to have steps as well as a ramp.
• Depending on the slope gradient or ‘flight’ of the ramp we should introduce ‘landings’ or rest areas. The steeper the gradient, the shorter the appropriate distance of flight (See diagram 4). The following table identifies the maximum gradient that should be adopted for the ‘going’ or horizontal distance covered by a ramp.
Translation - Spanish Donde los gradientes exceden de 1:20 se considera que es una rampa, y debemos ajustarnos a las características de las rampas externas. Las rampas son esenciales para permitir el desplazamiento de los residentes y visitantes de El Valle que usan sillas de ruedas, de los padres con coches de bebé, carritos, o incluso carritos de golf. Las pendientes deben ser lo más suaves posible, ya que las muy pronunciadas presentan dificultades para los usuarios de sillas de ruedas que no tienen fuerza para subir por sí mismos, o tienen dificultad para frenar o detenerse al descender. Por otra parte, las rampas no son necesariamente seguras y convenientes para las personas con discapacidad ambulantes. Por ejemplo, a ciertas personas que pueden caminar pero tienen una movilidad restringida les resulta más difícil subir una rampa que una escalera. Además, en una rampa las malas condiciones del tiempo aumentan el riesgo de resbalar. Por lo tanto es ventajoso contar también con escalones además de la rampa.
Medical Devices/Instruments
Health Care
Children Literature
I started working on engineering (electronic, oil&gas), but gradually began moving into science and medical technology. In the last few years I have developed considerable expertise in scientific and medical-related translations, like reports of clinical studies, informed consent forms, drug product dossiers, expert reports, medical devices, and in the area of pharmaceutical marketing. I enjoy the challenge of new subjects, where terminology research is involved.
In addition, I currently work on a daily basis for PRNewswire in the translation of press releases on a wide variety of subjects.
I am comfortable with a wide variety of documents aimed at the general public: marketing brochures, user manuals, guidelines, instructions, etc.
My average production is 2,500 words per day, considering a complex text involving some research. I regularly use SDLX/Trados. I am used to handling large projects and tight deadlines, either personally or as a member of a team.
Examples of projects:
• Press releases for PR Newswire, on a wide variety of subjects (technical and non-technical)
• Promotional brochures for real estate developments, hotels and resorts
• Manual for an airline-specific credit card system
• Marketing material for airlines (Frequent Flyers programs, airline alliance, etc)
• Spanish version for
• Human resources manual and code of conduct, for a multinational energy company
• Manuals for a shelter for abused women
• Monthly newsletter for a hard disk manufacturer
• Labels for food products
• Surveys, questionnaires, forms
• Marketing material (insurance, banking, etc.)
• Educational material (safety, driving manuals, etc.)
Science, medicine and medical devices:
• Linguistic validation of medical questionnaires
• Protocols for clinical studies
• Informed consent forms
• Drug product dossiers
• Marketing courses for a major pharmaceutical company
• Documents on persistent organic pollutants (UN Environment Programme)
• Documents and website updates for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
• Brochures for a SonoSite ultrasound device
• Manuals for Philips cardiology and imaging systems
• Installation, mounting and surgical instructions manuals for blood pumps/ anesthesia machines
• Series of manuals on HIV and HCV detection assays, equipment and related software
• Study on lactobacilli probiotic properties
• Study on olive pollen allergens
• Reports on an ongoing study on neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses
• Papers on surgical treatment of lower limb fractures.
• Technical reports on installation of off-shore oil platforms
• Maintenance, operations, administrative, inventory control, safety, and other guideline manuals for gas processing plant
• In-Service Pipeline Repair Manual, Technical reports on failure in gas pipeline
• Technical documents on gas pipeline ancillary installations, Quality Assurance Manuals for gas pipeline, Technical Conditions for the construction of gas pipeline
• Safety manuals, MSDS (handling and storage of fertilizers and other chemical products) and technical specifications manuals for the construction of fertilizer and other chemicals storage tanks
• Reports on environmental and social impact of engineering projects
• Operation Manuals for bucket elevators and belt elevators
• Technical brochures and catalogs for pH meters
• Marketing brochures for hydronic systems
• Building design specifications for an assisted-living community
Literature, Education and Social Sciences:
• Website and documents for Trinitarian Bible Society USA
• Translation of “The New Thematic Concordance” (Edited by John Steiner)
• Translation of “The Almost Christian Discovered”, by Matthew Mead (1667)
• Translation and adaptation of text and voice-over for a series of educational CDs on Science and Technology
• Evaluation tests for Grades 3 to 8 (Math, Sciences, Language)
• Brochures, letters, forms, etc. for a US school district
• Paper (5000 words) on Peter Winch’s approach to Wittgenstein’s work
• Several children books by Carl Sommers
• Arbitration awards for the International Chamber of Commerce
• Legal documents for a US law firm
Keywords: technical, engineering, machinery, safety, machines, medical devices, health care, drug products, pharmaceuticals, children literature
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