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Translation is always a shift, not between two languages but between two cultures. Umberto Eco
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English to Romanian: Company law General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Unless otherwise determined by the Company in general meeting, any original shares for the time being unissued and not allotted and any new shares from time to time to be created shall, before they are issued, be offered to the Members in proportion, as nearly as may be, to the number of shares held by them.
Such offer shall be made by notice specifying the number of shares offered and limiting a time within which the offer, if not accepted, will be deemed to be declined, and after the expiration of such time or on the receipt of an intimation from the person to whom the offer is made that he declines to accept the shares offered, the Company may, subject to these Regulations, dispose of the same in such manner as it thinks most beneficial to the Company.
The Company may, in like manner, dispose of any such new or original shares as aforesaid, which, by reason of the proportion borne by them to the number of persons entitled to such offer as aforesaid or by reason of any other difficulty in apportioning the same cannot, in the opinion of the Company, be conveniently offered in the manner hereinabove provided.
Without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class of shares, any shares in the Company may be issued with such preferred, deferred or other special rights or such restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting, return of capital or otherwise, as the Company may from time to time by ordinary resolution determine.
If at any time the share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class (unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of shares of that class) may, whether or not the Company is being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of the holders of three-fourths of the issued shares of that class or the sanction of an extraordinary resolution passed at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of the class.
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Regulations relating to general meetings shall apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be two persons at least holding or representing by proxy one-third of the issued shares of the class and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy may demand a poll.
The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class issued with preferred or other rights shall not unless otherwise expressly provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class, be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith.
Translation - Romanian În lipsa unor hotărâri contrare ale Companiei prezentate în adunarea generală, orice acţiuni iniţiale care pentru moment nu sunt emise sau alocate, precum şi orice acţiuni noi ce vor fi create periodic trebuie, înainte ca acestea să fie emise, să fie oferite Membrilor, proporţional, pe cât posibil, cu numărul de acţiuni deţinute de aceştia.
O astfel de ofertă se face prin notificare, precizând numărul de acţiuni oferite şi fixându-se o perioadă în afara căreia oferta, în cazul în care nu a fost acceptată, va fi considerată refuzată, iar după expirarea acestei perioade sau la primirea unei notificări din partea persoanei căreia se face oferta, acesta refuză să accepte acţiunile oferite, Compania poate, sub rezerva acestor Regulamente, să dispună de acestea în modul considerat drept cel mai profitabil pentru Companie.
În mod similar, societatea poate dispune în acest mod de acţiunile noi sau iniţiale după cum se menţionează mai sus, acţiuni care, datorită procentului suportat de aceştia la numărul de persoane care au dreptul la această ofertă, după cum este amintit mai sus, sau din motive legate de orice dificultate în distribuirea acestora, nu pot fi în opinia Companiei oferite astfel decât cum este prevăzut mai sus.
Fără a aduce atingere drepturilor speciale anterior conferite titularilor de orice acţiuni existente sau a unei clase de acţiuni, orice acţiuni în cadrul Companiei pot fi emise cu astfel de drepturi preferenţiale, întârziate sau alte drepturi speciale sau astfel de restricţii, fie în ceea ce priveşte dividendele, dreptul de vot, rambursare a capitalului sau în alt mod, astfel cum Compania poate hotarî periodic prin rezoluţie simplă.
În cazul în care în orice moment, capitalul social este împărţit în diferite tipuri de acţiuni, drepturile ataşate oricărui tip (cu excepţia cazului în care nu se prevede altfel în condiţiile de emisiune de acţiuni din clasa respectivă), indiferent dacă Compania este în curs de lichidare, pot fi modificate cu acordul în scris al deţinătorilor a trei sferturi din acţiunile emise din această clasă sau prin sancţiunea unei rezoluţii extraordinare pronunţate în adunarea generală separată a deţinătorilor de acţiuni din clasa respectiva.
Prevederile acestor Reglementări în legătură cu adunările generale vor fi aplicate tuturor acestor adunări generale separate, astfel încât cvorumul necesar să fie de cel puţin două persoane ce deţin sau reprezintă prin reprezentant o treime din acţiunile emise din clasă şi orice deţinător de acţiuni din clasă prezent în persoană sau prin reprezentant poate solicita votarea.
Cu excepţia unor dispoziţii contrare expres prevăzute de condiţiile de emisiune a acţiunilor din clasa respectivă, drepturile conferite titularilor de acţiuni de orice clasă emise cu drepturi preferenţiale sau în alt mod nu se vor considera modificate prin crearea sau emisiunea de acţiuni suplimentare de acelaşi rang cu aceasta.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jul 2007. Became a member: Nov 2009.
English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to Spanish (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Spanish to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Alchemy Publisher, BaccS, DejaVu, FrameMaker, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, SDL Trados 2015, Pagemaker, Passolo, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
I graduated in 2006 from the Faculty of Letters, the University of Iasi, being specialized in English and Spanish Philology, and in 2008 from the Faculty of Law of the same university.
Driven by the passion for legal translations I began translating part of the community petitions and acquis for Romanian translation agencies which had won the auction for European translation projects, but also other type of translations in the field, such as agreements, companies regulations, patents, legal offers, award documentation, law projects, etc.
Other courses and certificates
Sworn translator and interpreter, certificate awarded by the Ministry of Justice, Romania (Romanian, English and Spanish)
Diploma in English Linguistic Competences in Tourism
Areas of expertise
Legal - Patents - European Union - Community acquis
Business - Financial - Marketing - Commerce
Website - Software - Hardware - Localization
Technical - Equipment - User manuals
Localization - Websites, apps
Retail and product description content (everything you need for your home, from pillows to your outside garden)
Foreign languages
English – advanced
Spanish – advanced
French – intermediate
German –beginner
Activity as translator
I have been translating since 2004 and I am currently collaborating with various translation agencies from Romania, translating mainly legal texts (but I have also worked in fields like economy, financial, accountancy, marketing, management, tourism, IT, textiles, education, advertisement, cosmetics, civil engineering, medical, biology, pharmacy, etc.).
Between February-May of 2007, I worked as office law assistant for a small software development company with Austrian financial capital, my main tasks there was the translation of documents from/ into Romanian and English, but most important for me was the experience of drawing up the agreements which were necessary for the external relations and collaborations of the company.
Nowadays, besides my work as a translator, I continue collaborating on legal aspects of another software and IT Romanian company.
In a nutshell what I can say about me is that I am a very determined person, hardworking, perfectionist, eager to expand my area of expertise and to become one of the best professionals in this field.
For more details regarding my activity, experience and certificates or with respect to my rates and availability, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
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Keywords: English/Spanish to Romanian translator specializing in juridical-administrative texts, Romanian lawyer-linguist, legal Romanian translator, traducator engleza/spaniola, Romanian, English, Spanish, traduccion, translation, juridical. See more.English/Spanish to Romanian translator specializing in juridical-administrative texts, Romanian lawyer-linguist, legal Romanian translator, traducator engleza/spaniola, Romanian, English, Spanish, traduccion, translation, juridical, administrative, marketing, IT, software, medical, environment, aviation, traducator engleza-spaniola, localization, legal English-Romanian translations, legal Spanish-Romanian translations, medical translations, user manuals translation, retail product descriptions; patents and life sciences translations and proofreading, Romanian translator, financial Romanian translation, software and IT Romanian translations. See less.