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Source text - English Specific elements of the cellular immune response are capable of specifically recognising and destroying tumour cells. The isolation of cytotoxic T-cells (CTL) from tumour-infiltrating cell populations or from peripheral blood suggests that such cells play an important role in natural immune defences against cancer (Cheever et al., Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1993 690:101-112). CD8-positive T-cells (TCD8+) in particular, which recognise Class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-bearing peptides of usually 8 to 10 residues derived from proteins located in the cytosols, play an important role in this response. The MHC-molecules of the human are also designated as human leukocyte-antigens (HLA).
Translation - Romanian Elemente specifice ale răspunsului imun celular sunt capabile să recunoască în mod specific şi să distrugă celulele tumorale. Izolarea celulelor T citotoxice (CTL) din populaţiile de celule infiltrante ale tumorilor sau din sângele periferic sugerează că astfel de celule joacă un rol important în mecanismele naturale de apărare imună împotriva cancerului (Cheever et al., Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1993 690:101-112). În special celulele T, CD8 pozitive (TCD8+), care recunosc moleculele de clasa I ale peptidelor purtătoare de complex major de histocompatibilitate (MHC) având de obicei 8 până la 10 resturi provenite de la proteinele localizate în citosoli, joacă un rol important în acest răspuns. Moleculele MHC la om sunt denumite, de asemenea, antigeni leucocitari umani (HLA).
French to Romanian: brevet
Source text - French En fait, les fortes proportions de paquets de fibres sont découragées (col 4 li 63) dès lors que l’uniformité est un point important. La quantité préférée de 5 à 30 % de paquets est préconisée (col 5 li 1). Les exemples spécifiques vont jusqu’à 25 % de paquets de fibres
(col 7 li 1), ce qui est très inférieur au minimum de 80 % de fils coupés de la présente revendication 19.
Page 10 lignes 5-12 de son mémoire, l’opposant assimile la caractéristique d’uniformité à celle de pureté et dénie la brevetabilité d’une telle caractéristique. La pureté d’une substance peur parfaitement être la base d’une revendication brevetable comme le montrent de nombreuses décisions de l’OEB.
Translation - Romanian De fapt, proporţiile mari de pachete de fibre nu sunt recomandate (coloana 4 rândul 63) din momentul în care uniformitatea este un punct important. Se preconizează cantitatea preferată de 5 până la 30% de pachete (coloana 5 rândul 1). Exemplele specifice merg până la 25% de pachete de fibre (coloana 7 rândul 1), ceea ce este foarte puţin faţă de minimul de 80% de fire tăiate din prezenta revendicare 19.
La pagina 10 rândurile 5-12 din memoriul său, oponentul compara caracteristica de uniformitate cu aceea de puritate şi neagă brevetabilitatea unei astfel de caracteristici. Puritatea unei substanţe poate foarte bine să constituie baza unei revendicări brevetabile după cum o arată numeroasele decizii ale OEB.
English to Romanian: Directive
Source text - English Exceptions from the substitution requirement should be permitted if substitution is not possible from the scientific and technical point of view or if the negative environmental or health impact caused by substitution are likely to outweigh the human and environmental benefits of the substitution. Substitution of the hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment should also be carried in a way so as to be compatible with the health and safety users of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
As product reuse, refurbishment and extension of life-time are beneficial, spare parts need to be available.
The adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the exemptions from the requirements concerning phasing out and prohibition of hazardous substances should be effected by the Commission under a committee procedure.
Translation - Romanian Excepţiile de la necesitatea înlocuirii trebuie permise, dacă înlocuirea nu este posibilă din punct de vedere stiinţific şi tehnic, sau dacă există probabilitatea ca impactul negativ asupra mediului sau al sănătăţii cauzat de înlocuire să prevaleze asupra beneficiilor aduse sănătăţii şi mediului de această înlocuire. Înlocuirea substanţelor periculoase din echipamentele electrice şi electonice trebuie, de asemenea, efectuată în aşa fel încât să fie compatibilă cu sănătatea şi siguranţa utilizatorilor de echipamente electrice şi electonice (EEE) .
Întrucât reutilizarea, recondiţionarea şi prelungirea duratei de viaţă a produselor sunt benefice, este necesar să existe piese de schimb disponibile .
Adaptarea la progresul ştiinţific şi tehnic al excepţiilor de la cerinţele privind scoaterea progresivă din uz şi interzicerea substanţelor periculoase trebuie efectuată de Comisie conform unei proceduri a comitetului.
English to French: patent
Source text - English A good glass fiber forming composition should also have good "runability"-the ability to be easily fiberized into long fibers of small diameter with good production rates and little or no shot. While there are many factors involved in this, not all of which have been clearly identified, it is believed that surface tension and lack of tendency for the melt to phase separate play key roles. In specific, it is desirable for a glass composition to have as low a surface tension as possible at fiberization temperatures (keeping in mind the other factors above), such that the work done in forming a unit area of surface is kept to a minimum.
Translation - French Une bonne composition formant des fibres de verre doit également avoir une bonne "machinabilité" - la capacité d'être facilement fibrée dans de longues fibres de petit diamètre avec de bons taux de production et peu ou pas de grenailles. Tandis qu'il y a beaucoup de facteurs impliqués en cela, dont pas tous ont été clairement identifiés, on le croit que la tension superficielle et le manque de la tendance de la fonte de subir la séparation des phases jouent des rôles importants. Précisément, il est souhaitable qu’une composition de verre ait une tension superficielle aussi basse que possible à des températures de fibrage (en tenant compte des autres facteurs ci-dessus), de telle sorte que le travail effectué dans le formage d’une unité de superficie de la surface est maintenu au minimum.
English to Romanian (BA in Philology, specialization: English Language ) English to Romanian (Licence RMJ) English to Romanian (Certificates RMC) French to Romanian (Licence RMJ) French to Romanian (Certificates RMC)
Foreign languages have been my hobbies since the age of 13.
As an employee and freelance translator, I had to do a great deal with translations from English and French into Romanian. In my opinion, a very good knowledge in all respects of the target and source languages is a must for a professional translator, but it is not enough. There must be also especially talent and experience. I want to mention I am no longer an employee now.
My principles are correctness, sincerity and justice. I'm a Libra!!!
I do not use to make urgent jobs because I have my principles on this, too: Better slow than fast and bad work!
Please see my resume here attached for additional information on my experience and specializations. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know. References are available if requested.
It will be a pleasure for me to share my experience with you!
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