Working languages:
Spanish to German
English to German
English to Spanish

Sabina La Habana Reyes
Professional, timely, affordable

Berlin, Berlin
Local time: 04:33 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: German Native in German, Spanish Native in Spanish
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Born in New York, USA, raised in Canary Islands, Spain, visiting German-Spanish school.
Working since 1978 in international tourism; translating travel guides, brochures for tourist boards Europe (mostly Spain and Germany),Cuba, Southamerica and USA (Spanish,Latinamerican Spanish, English, German).

1979 - 1984 Studies at FU (Free University) Berlin, Germany: Southamerican Literature and History and European Literature Sciences, Cinema and Theatre.
1984 Translators Examination Spanish<>German
at IHK Germany (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)

1984-1986 Working for a real-estate company in Alicante, Spain with German, English, US etc. clients.

1986 - 1987 personal simultaneous/consecutive interpreter for Spanish Minister of Tourism in Madrid, Spain.

1988 - 1995 working (mostly freelance) worldwide for Incentive and Congressorganization Maritz Travel /Creatur S.A. Madrid (USA>Spain>Germany).

1990 -1992 operating eco-tourism in South Argentina/Patagonia and Fireland with international tourism.

Since 1995 producing and translating miscellaneous tv-productions for Univision, Miami,USA, and Germany (arte, Film-riss, ZDF).

Subtitling Spanish Theatre and Cinema/TV- productions.

Interpreter for EU - Projects (Urbanistic development in European capitals)

Translations of Spanish/ Southamerican children's books into German and English. Specially Cuban, Argentinian, Chilenean Spanish

Freelance translator/interpreter for Cuban and Spanish Embassies and Tourist boards.

Freelance for real-estate offices - translations for Germans in Spain.

Translations for Dance Companies, theatres, children`s books, Movies,International Cultural Events, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Post,Farmaceutical Industries as: Schering AG, MSD, Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones, Transporte y Turismo de España,
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 170
PRO-level pts: 151

Top languages (PRO)
German to Spanish39
Spanish to German35
English to German33
Spanish to English20
English to Spanish19
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Mining & Minerals / Gems8
Cooking / Culinary8
Law: Contract(s)8
Education / Pedagogy8
Law (general)4
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Keywords: Art/Literature - Kunst / Literatur, Kinderbücher, (children`s) books, libros infantiles / cuentos , Producciones de teatro y cinematográficas mundialmente / Film- und Theaterproduktionen weltweit, Religion, historia, Intérprete consecutivo y simultaneo / Konsekutiv- und Simultandolmetschen , Conferences / conferencias / Konferenzen / Hilfe bei Abwicklung von Immobiliengeschäften (auch pers. Begleitung) , real-estate. See more.Art/Literature - Kunst / Literatur, Kinderbücher, (children`s) books, libros infantiles / cuentos , Producciones de teatro y cinematográficas mundialmente / Film- und Theaterproduktionen weltweit, Religion, historia, Intérprete consecutivo y simultaneo / Konsekutiv- und Simultandolmetschen , Conferences / conferencias / Konferenzen / Hilfe bei Abwicklung von Immobiliengeschäften (auch pers. Begleitung) , real-estate, Inmobiliaria / gestiones de gestorias / EU - Projekte (Dolmetschen und Übersetzungen), Proyectos de la Comunidad Europea (servicios de intérprete y traducciones), Geschäftliche Reisebegleitungen / personal asistence for business trips / Asistencia personal en viajes de negocios Ferias / Messen / Trade fairs > Incentives, Congressorganisation - Tourism, Literature, Art, Proof reading - Corrección de pruebas - Korrekturlesen Fast service, also "last minute" ***** Servicio rápido, también "last minute" ***** Unkompliziert und schnell, auch "last minute". See less.

Profile last updated
May 25, 2017