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Romanian to English: Contract de prestari servicii resurse umane
Source text - Romanian Obiectul prezentului contract il constituie prestarea de servicii in domeniul resurselor umane, respectiv identificarea, contactarea, selectia si prezentarea persoanelor fizice (denumite in continuare candidat), in vederea ocuparii posturilor vacante numite mai jos, de catre Prestator in favoarea Beneficiarului in conditiile si cu specificatiile cuprinse in prezentul contract si in actele aditionale ce constituie parte integranta a acestui contract.
Beneficiarul se obliga:
4.8 Sa ofere Prestatorului datele, informatiile si documentele necesare, considerate criterii de selectie, solicitate de acesta, informatii ce fac obiectul Anexei 1 la prezentul contract ;
4.9 Sa asume responsabilitatea asupra corectitudinii datelor, informatiilor si documentelor furnizate ;
4.10 Sa anunte in scris Prestatorul inainte cu cel putin 24 de ore numele candidatilor selectati, data si ora programarii interviurilor finale ;
Translation - English The Object of the currnet contract is given by the service performance in the field of Human resources, namely the identification, contacting, selection and introducing of natural persons (named in the following “candidate”), for the purpose of filling in the vacancies given bellow, by the Performer for the Beneficiary under the conditions and with the specifications covered in the current contract and in the additional acts which constitute integrant parts of this contract.
The Beneficiary binds himself to:
4.8. To offer to the Performer the data, information and necessary documents considered selection criteria, requested by this one; (the annex 1 to the current contract)
4.9. To assume the responsibility for the accuracy of the data, information and documents supplied;
4.10. To notify the Performer in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the names of the candidates selected, the date and the hour of scheduling the final interviews.
English to Romanian: Malaysia culture
Source text - English Cultures have been meeting and mixing in Malaysia since the very beginning of its history. More than fifteen hundred years ago a Malay kingdom in Bujang Valley welcomed traders from China and India. With the arrival of gold and silks, Buddhism and Hinduism also came to Malaysia. A thousand years later, Arab traders arrived in Malacca and brought with them the principles and practices of Islam. By the time the Portuguese arrived in Malaysia, the empire that they encountered was more cosmopolitan than their own.
Malaysia's cultural mosaic is marked by many different cultures, but several in particular have had especially lasting influence on the country. Chief among these is the ancient Malay culture, and the cultures of Malaysia's two most prominent trading partners throughout history--the Chinese, and the Indians. These three groups are joined by a dizzying array of indigenous tribes, many of which live in the forests and coastal areas of Borneo. Although each of these cultures has vigorously maintained its traditions and community structures, they have also blended together to create contemporary Malaysia's uniquely diverse heritage.
Translation - Romanian Culturile s-au întrepătruns dintotdeauna în Malaiezia. Cu mai bine de o mie cinci sute de ani în urmă, imperiul malaiezian din Valea Bujang i-a primit pe comercianţii din China şi India. Odată cu sosirea aurului şi a mătăsii, au sosit atât budismul cât şi hinduismul în Malaiezia. O mie de ani mai târziu, negustorii arabi au venit în Malacca aducând cu ei principiile şi obiceiurile din Islam. Când portughezii au ajuns în Malaiezia, imperiul pe care l-au întâlnit era mai cosmopolitan decât al lor.
Mozaicul cultural din Malaiezia este marcat de numeroase culturi diferite, dar doar câteva din ele au avut o influenţă de durată. Cele mai importante sunt cultura Malay şi culturile celor mai de seamă parteneri comerciali ai Malaieziei - China şi India. Acestor trei grupuri li se mai adaugă triburile indigene care trăiesc îndeosebi în pădurile şi zonele de coastă din Borneo. Deşi fiecare din aceste culturi şi-au păstrat cu sfinţenie tradiţiile şi structurile comunitare, ele s-au şi întrepătruns pentru a crea moştenirea culturală diversă dar unică a Malaieziei contemporane.
English to Romanian: Climate & Weather Malaysia
Source text - English The characteristic features of the climate of Malaysia are uniform temperature, high humidity and copious rainfall and they arise mainly from the maritime exposure of the country. Winds are generally light. Situated at the equatorial doldrum area, it is extremely rare to have a full day with completely clear sky even in periods of severe drought. On the other hand, it is also rare to have a stretch of a few days with completely no sunshine except during the northeast monsoon seasons.
Translation - Romanian Caracteristicile climatului malaiezian sunt: temperatura uniforma, umiditatea ridicata si ploile abundente, datorate influentelor maritime. Vanturile sunt in general blande. Situata in zona calmului ecuatorial, se intampla foarte rar sa fie o zi cu cer complet senin, chiar si in perioadele de seceta. Pe de alta parte, sunt rare zilele consecutive cu cer innorat, exceptand sezonul musonic din Nord Est.
English to Romanian (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași) Romanian to English (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MS Office, Powerpoint, Wordfast
Training for Microsoft Office Specialist/Expert, N1 training house, Iasi
2008 - to present - PR/Client Relations Director Info-Surge,
2005 -2008: Translator and PR/Communication rep SC eASIC Corporation SRL (a subsidiary of eASIC corp. USA)
Fields: electronic engineering, semiconductor/microchip business, corporate documents (contracts, offers, FAQ, internal website, others)
Jobs that included the translation/proofreading/editing activities:
- 2003 - marketing & PR coordinator, SC Ethernet SRL company, Iasi
- 2002 - marketing assistant, SC AB plus SRL company, Iasi
Translations: website translation - (the older version), business and commercial documents
- 1998-1999 - marketing coordinator and web editor, Necom Net company, Iasi
Translations: advertising materials and business related documents