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Website localization Volume: 30 days Completed: Nov 2011 Languages: English to Bosnian
Translation and localization of web site. Company forms, sizes, invoices etc.
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Translation Volume: 90000 words Duration: Nov 2010 to Jan 2011 Languages: English to Bosnian
Training material
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Translation Volume: 15000 words Completed: Jan 2011 Languages: English to Bosnian
User Manual
Electronics / Elect Eng
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Editing/proofreading Volume: 8 days Completed: Feb 2010 Languages: English to Bosnian
15000 words of editing/proofreading plus additional translation
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Website localization Volume: 585 words Completed: Sep 2009 Languages: English to Bosnian
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70 pages of proofreading - Blackheat installation manual
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English to Bosnian: Strategy General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Strategy
Since its peak in March at $1033.30 per Ounce, Gold has changed its secondary trend, slowly erasing its gains. Relief that the U.S economy is stabilizing along with a stronger Dollar is pushing this once desired commodity down on speculation that the Fed could possibly pause at their next meeting, especially as:
1) Inflation is still at tolerant levels.
2) Economic growth is better than expected.
Even though Oil continues to rally, current prices are showing signs that the commodity is overbought. A correction in Oil could boost additional gold selling, especially as an improvement in risk appetite among investors has returned sending them back to more volatile assets. Taking a look at the graph below, one can see that traders can take advantage of market movements, despite the trend’s direction.
To date, Gold is trading within a downward channel, using trend lines as support and resistance.
While the secondary trend is still in tact, major resistance lies ahead at $850. Classical swing patterns continue to form on this pair with yesterday’s candle stick pointing to possible bearish continuation.
Short positions- while Gold has stabilized on the 38.1% retracement level, major resistance lies up ahead along with a psychological barrier – EMA (200). Risk/reward ratios should be calculated before entry, as current levels could be problematic.
Long positions- A clear break of the current trading channel is required to enter long.
Translation - Bosnian Strategija
Od svog vrhunca iz marta od $1033.30 po Unci, Zlato je promijenilo svoj sekundarni trend, lagano brišući svoj rast. Oporavak koji U.S ekonomija stabilizira zajedno sa jačanjem dolara tjera ovu jednom željeni robu prema dolje na špekulacijama da bi Centralna Banka U.S. to mogla privremeno prekinuti na svom sljedećem sastanku, posebno jer:
1) Inflacija je još uvijek na tolerantnom nivou.
2) Economski rast je bolji od očekivanog.
Iako Nafta nastavlja svoj oporavak, sadašnje cijene pokazuju znakove precijenjenosti za ovom robom. Pad cijena Nafte na berzi mogao bi dodatno pojačati prodaju zlata, posebno jer su se povećani apetiti rizika među investitorima vratili usmjeravajući ih na dobra koja su sklona čestim varijacijama. Pogledom na donji graf, može se primijetiti da trgovci mogu iskoristiti prednosti tržišnih kretanja, bez obzira na smjer kretanja trendova.
Do danas, zlatom se trguje unutar silaznog kanala, koristeći linije trenda i kao podršku i kao otpor.
Dok je sekundarni trend još uvijek nedirnut, glavni otpor leži ispred na $850. Klasični klimavi modeli nastavljaju formirati na ovom paru s jučerašnjim pokazivačem cjenovne karte sigurnosti prema mogućem nastavku tendencije pada cijena.
Prodaja vrijednosnica- dok se zlato stabiliziralo na 38.1% nivoa preokreta u kretanjima berzovnih cijena, glavni otpor leži iznad zajedno sa psihološkom barijerom – EMA (200). Omjeri rizik/nagrada bi trebali biti izračunati prije pisanog zapisa o komercijalnim transakcijama, jer sadašnji nivoi bi mogli biti problematični.
Kupovina vrijednosnica- Jasan brz i oštar pad cijena sadašnjeg kanala trgovanja je nužan za kupovinu vrijednosnica.
English to Bosnian: VAT Principles General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - English Vat Meeting
3 VAT principles
3.1 VAT is a type of indirect tax
There are two general categories of taxes; direct taxes and indirect taxes.
The difference between these categories is determined by the object of taxation.
The objects for direct taxation are natural people and legal entities. (companies)
The most common direct taxes are personal income tax and corporate income tax.
The objects for indirect taxation are products and services. The moment for taxation is determined by the transfer of these goods from the supplier to the client.
The most common indirect taxes are sales tax, customs duties; excise taxes and of course value added tax. (VAT)
3.2 VAT principles
3.2.1 Who is VAT liable?
Natural persons and legal entities are liable to VAT if they perform VAT taxable activities. Practically speaking this is the selling of goods and services by VAT-registered entrepreneurs and companies.
VAT registration will not be compulsary for smaller companies. The new law on indirect taxes will include a threshold. Companies with activities (e.g. sales) below this treshold are not obliged to register for VAT but it is expected that they may voluntarily register themselves on the VAT-register.
3.2.2 The value added principle
A VAT-registered entrepreneur will have to charge his client VAT for the goods and services that he sells. On the other hand, the entrepreneur is allowed to deduct VAT that has been charged to him by his suppliers. So basically, the entrepreneur pays VAT on the value that he adds to his goods or services.
Although the majority of the entrepreneurs add value and make profit, it may occur that the
VAT calculation for a certain period results in a refund rather than a payment. In this case, the tax return form serves as an application for a tax refund.
3.2.3. VAT is not a cost
It is important to note that VAT in general is not a company cost.
The total amount of VAT is actually a cost for end-users in the supply chain.
The VAT-registered company transfers the net balance of the VAT amounts he has received and paid to the tax administration.
These transactions should be recorded in the balance sheet general ledger accounts.
3.2.4 VAT returns are based on invoices
Companies have to file their tax returns to the tax department on a regular basis.
In most countries this is a monthly activity. Small companies may file their tax returns quarterly or even annualy.
A proper tax return is directly based on issued and received invoices over a certain time period. Only invoices that comply with administrative VAT requirements can be used for the tax return. Therefore companies or their bookkeepers will need a proper and consistent accounting system for VAT calculations. The reliablity of the VAT calculation will be subject to random audits by the VAT tax department.
3.2.5 VAT offences
Companies and tax departments never have been or will be great friends. The rules of the game should be respected however. There are numerous ways of VAT evasion. The new law on indirect taxation should include measures to prevent and to correct fraude and tax evasion.
We mention some well known tax evasive manouvres which are considered to be criminal offences: Failing to issue invoices and delaying their issuing, delaying VAT returns and delaying VAT payments.
In most countries, the penalty is an amount related to the VAT charge.
In the Netherlands, the penalty for delayed VAT returns or payments is 5% of the VAT return.In Slovenia the penalties range between 500KM and 25.000KM.
By the way the well known criminal Al Capone, was imprisoned as a result of the actions of a tax accountant, as Mr. Capone offended the federal tax laws and not because he killed many people.
3.2.6 VAT policy versus administration
A reliable and transparent VAT system requires that tax policy and tax administration are strictly separated. The tax administration is the technician’s domain and it should be subject to internal and external controls. The collection and distribution of VAT must be reliable and transparent.
3.3 VAT rates and exemptions
3.3.1 VAT rates in the European Union
According to the 6th EU directive on VAT, all EU member states national VAT laws must comply with the EU legislation. The EU law prescribes that the standard VAT rate must be at least 15%. A maximum of two additional reduced rates may be applied.
The average standard VAT rate in the EU is 19,2%
Some countries apply reduced rates. The average reduced rate is 7,4%
3.3.2 VAT international
In general, exporting companies charge 0% VAT rate in their invoices.
At the customs of the importing country, the applicable standard VAT rate is charged to the importing company. However, this charged amount can deducted as input tax.
3.3.3 VAT exemptions
All goods and services for which the standard , reduced or zero % rate is not applicable, are exempt from VAT. It is up to the tax policy to decide which goods and services are tax exempt. Usually this concerns basic finished products like bread, milk and water.
The following categories of goods and services are generally exempt in the EU:
Real estate rent and transactions
(Para-)medical and hospital services
Education and cultural activities
Media (radio/ television)
Translation - Bosnian Sastanak u vezi PDV-a
3 Principi PDV-a
3.1 PDV spada u vrstu indirektnog poreza
Postoje 2 opće kategorije poreza: direktni i indirektni porez.
Razlika između ove dvije kategorije određena je objektom oporezivanja.
Objekti direktnog oporezivanja su fizička i pravna lica (preduzeća).
Najčešći direktni porez primjenjen je na porezu na platu, korporativni porez na dobit.
Objekti indirektnog oprezivanja su proizvodi i usluge. Moment oporezivanja određen je transferom roba od dobavljača do klijenta.
Najčešći oblik indirektnog oporezivanja su porez na prodaju , carina, akciza i porez na dodanu vrijednost.
3.2 Principi PDV-a
3.2.1 Ko podliježe plaćanju PDV-a?
Fizička i pravna lica podliježu plaćanju PDV-a ako obavljaju aktivnosti koje su za oporezivanje. Praktički govoreći to znači prodaja roba i usluga od strane registriranih poduzetnika i preduzeća.
Registriranje PDV-a neće biti obavezno za manje kompanije. Novi zakon o indirektnom oporezivanju će uključivati i određeni prag vrijednosti. Kompanije koje obavljaju aktivnosti (npr. prodaja) ispod ovog praga, nisu obavezne da se prijave za PDV, ali je za očekivati da se dobrovoljno registriraju.
3.2.2 Princip dodane vrijednosti
Poduzetnik koji je registriran za PDV , morati će zaračunati PDV svome kupcu za robu ili usluge koje bude prodavao. U drugu ruku, poduzetniku je dopušteno da umanji PDV koji je bio njemu zaračunat od strane njegovih dobavljača. Znači u osnovi poduzetnik plaća PDV na vrijednost koju on dodaje na svoju robu ili usluge.
Takođe, većina poduzetnika dodaje vrijednost i stvara profit, može se desiti da kalkulacija PDV-a za odreðeni period rezultira u refundiranju sredstava prilikom oporezivanja radije nego u isplati. U ovom slučaju, formular za uplatu poreza služi kao aplikacija za povrat novca u slučaju refundiranja.
3.2.3. PDV nije trošak
Bitno je napomenuti da PDV uopćeno nije trošak za kompaniju.
Ukupni iznos PDV je ustvari trošak za krajnjeg kupca u lancu nabave.
Firme registrirane za PDV predaju neto bilans PDV iznosa, kojeg su primili i platili poreznoj upravi.
Ove transakcije bi trebale upisane u glavnoj knjizi bilansa stanje.
3.2.4 Povrat PDV-a je baziran na predračunima
Kompanije moraju redovno predavati uplate poreza poreznim odjelima.
U većini zemalja ovo se radi na mjesečnoj osnovi, a manje firme mogu predavati svoje uplate svaka 4 mjeseca ili na godišnjoj osnovi.
Ispravna uplata poreza je bazirana na izdanim ili primljenim fakturama unutar određenog vremenskog perioda. Samo fakture koji su u skladu sa zahtijevima PDV-a mogu biti korištene za povrat poreza. Zato će firme ili njihove knjigovođe morati imati ispravan i konzistentan knjigovodstveni sistem za obračun PDV-a. Ispravnost obračunavanja podliježe nasumičnom pregledu poreskih zvaničnika za PDV.
3.2.5 PDV nesuglasice
Kompanije i poreski ured nikad nisu bili niti će biti veliki prijatelji, ali svakako da se pravila igre moraju poštovati. Postoji bezbroj načina za izbjegavanja plaćanja PDV-a. Novi zakon o indirektnom oporezivanju bi trebao uključivati mjere za sprečavanje i ispravljanje prevara i izbjegavanje poreza.
Spomenuti ćemo nekoliko poznatih izbjegavanja plaćanja poreza koji se smatraju kao kriminalna djela; neizdavanje faktura ili kašnjenje s izdavanjem istih, kašnjenje s ispunjavanjem formulara ili kašnjenje s uplatom PDV-a.
U većini zemalja kazna je u vezi s iznosom PDV-a, u Holandiji kazna za zakašnjeli formular ili uplatu je 5% od iznosa PDV-a.
U Sloveniji kazne se kreću između 500 I 25.000 KM.
Usput rečeno, poznati kriminalac Al Kapone je zatvoren na osnovu aktivnosti njegovog računovođe, jer je G-din Capone kršio federalni zakon o plaćanju poreza, a ne zato što je ubio mnogo ljudi.
3.2.6 PDV politika protiv administracije
Pouzdan i transparentan PDV sistem zahtijeva striktno odvojenu politiku poreza od porezne uprave. Porezna uprava je u tehničkom domenu i treba da podliježe unutrašnjoj i vanjskoj kontroli. Ubiranje i distribucija PDV-a mora biti pouzdano i transparentno.
3.3 Stope i izuzeci PDV-a.
3.3.1 Stope PDV-a u Europskoj uniji
Prema Europskoj 6 direktivi o PDV-u, sve države članice EU se moraju pridržavati EU legislative. EU zakon propisuje da standardna stopa PDV-a ne smije biti manja od 15%, te maksimalno dvije dodatne umanjene stope moraju biti primijenjenje.
Prosječna stopa PDV-a u Evropi je 19,2%. Neke zemlje koriste umanjene stope, a prosječne umanjene stope u Evropi su 7,4%.
3.3.2 Internacionalni PDV
Uopćeno, izvozne firme naplaćuju 0% stopu PDV-a na svojim fakturama.
Na carini zemlje koja uvozi, primjenjuje se i naplaćuje standardna stopa PDV-a firmi koja uvozi. Ustvari ovaj iznos kasnije može biti odbijen od iznosa poreza koji firma treba da plati.
3.3.3 Izuzeci PDV-a
Sve robe ili usluge, za koje se standardna, umanjena ili nulta stopa nije primjenjiva su izuzeti iz PDV-a. Odluku o izuzecima iz plaćanja PDV-a donijeće poreska politika. Ovo se uglavnom tiče osnovnih glavnih proizvoda kao što su hljeb, mlijeko i voda.
Sljedeće kategorije roba i usluga su u osnovi izuzeti u EU:
Iznamljivanje ili preprodaja nekretnina
(Para-)medicinske ili bolničke usluge
Školovanje i kulturološke usluge
Mediji (radio-tv)
English to Serbo-Croat: Infopankki General field: Other Detailed field: Internet, e-Commerce
Source text - English Infopankki now catering for immigrants in Oulu
The nationwide Infopankki online service has now launched a new local information section on Oulu in six languages (Finnish, English, Russian, Somali, Arabic and Chinese). The section contains information on accommodation, education, permits and work, for example.
The Oulu section has been realised in the Homelike Oulu – Oulu omaksi project, under which guidance services in clients’ own native languages and an event calendar for the internationalising city have been developed.
- We joined the Infopankki online service as we want to attend to the citizens of Oulu who speak a variety of different languages. We are seeking new ways to reach them. It is very important to take part in a nationwide service, in which users can also find local information, says Marjut Välikangas, Project Manager of the Homelike Oulu – Oulu omaksi project.
Apart from Oulu, Infopankki contains information on the Helsinki Region (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen), Turku, Tampere, Kuopio, Rovaniemi and the Kainuu region. New member municipalities will be introduced into the service through applications.
The online service is financed by the state and municipalities, and it is co-ordinated by City of Helsinki Cultural Office. Some 65,000 users visit Infopankki each month. The nationwide sections have been published in 15 languages.
The Infopankki section on Oulu:
The event calendar of the internationalising city (in Finnish and English):
City of Oulu press release in Finnish
and English
Translation - Serbo-Croat Infopankki sada opskrbljuje hranu i piće za imigrante u Oulu.
Infopankki mrežna usluga širom zemlje je sada lansirao novi lokalni informacijski odjel u Oulu na šest jezika (Finski, Engleski, Ruski, Somalski, Arapski i Kineski). Odjel na primjer sadrži informacije o stanovanju, obrazovanju, dozvolama i radu.
Oulu odjel je realizovan u pitomom Oulu – Oulu omaksi projekat, pod kojim su razvijene usluge davanja smjernica na maternjim jezicima klijenata, kao i kalendar događanja u svrhu internacionaliziranja grada.
- Mi smo se pridružili Infopankki mrežnom servisu jer želimo pratiti građane Oulu-a koji govore mnoštvo različitih jezika. Tražimo nove načine kako da se razumijemo. Vrlo je važno uzeti udjela u servisu širom zemlje, u kojem korisnici također mogu pronaći informacije lokalnog karaktera, kaže Marjut Välikangas, Projekt menadžer pitomog Oulu-a – Oulu omaksi projekta.
Pored Oulu-a, Infopankki sadrži i informacije o regionu Helsinkia (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa i Kauniainen), Turku, Tampere, Kuopio, Rovaniemi kao i Kainuu region. Opštine - nove članice biti će uvrštene u servis putem aplikacija.
Mrežni servis je finansiran od strane države i opština, a to koordinira Ured za kulturu grada Helsinkia. Oko 65.000 korisnika posjećuje Infopankki svakog mjeseca. Odjeli širom zemlje su objavljeni na 15 jezika.
Infopankki odjel u Oulu:
Kalendar događanja o internacionaliziranju grada (na Finskom i Engleskom):
Izvještaj za medije grada Oulu na finskom
i engleskom
English to Bosnian: Food Safety Handbook General field: Other Detailed field: Food & Drink
Source text - English Chapter 1. Introduction
In front of you is an example of a Food Safety Handbook. It will show you in a brief overview the structures of a HACCP system.
This booklet is based on several HACCP Handbooks as they are used in world famous dairies in the Netherlands and Germany.
This handbook answers the following questions:
What is the scope and policy for the food safety system
How is the structure of the organization (who does what)
How is the food safety system organized
How are documents and registrations administrated
Chapter 2 Scope and Policy
Here, a description of the company’s goal should be given. E.g.: Development, preparation and treatment of dairy products, special products etc.
Producer aims to produce according ISO to obtain not only product quality, but also product safety to avoid illness at his customers.
With the help of this HACCP Handbook, Codex Alimentarius (can be found at the Internet), EG 92/46 and the requirements for GMP-registration a HACCP system can be set up.
3.1 set up HACCP system
Here, the reader should mention the basic guidelines he used for the HACCP system. E.g.: Codex Alimentarius (can be found at the Internet), EG 92/46 and the requirements for GMP-registration.
The next steps to come to a good HACCP system are:
HACCP team, created by employees from preparation, production, processing, packaging, energy supply etc. At least Production, Technology, Technique, QA and Microbiology should be represented. The team functions under the supervision of a HACCP coordinator, the Manager QA/QC.
Product description. For each product group a description should be given
Flow sheet and Maps. For every unit there should be given a map which shows:
1. Production sites (orange and red(restricted area’s))
2. Warehouses (no lubricants should be stored here. They should be kept at the technical department.) (blue)
3. Provisions for Personnel and free passages (green)
4. Waste (brown)
5. Possibilities for cross contamination (Basic materials, additives, lubricants, cooling agents, half fabricates, end products, personnel and packaging material)
A separate description of places where vermin remedy takes place and special hygiene is required should be given. Also, a map of the exact locations of the vermin remedy poison should be present.
It is advisable to make a drawing from the product flow in order to make the process visible. At each step the potential dangers should be considered.
Each step is foreseen with a ball, in which is written according a code: Unit Letter. E.g.: PP = Préparation unit, PU = Production unit, M = Mixing Unit etc.
If there is no potential danger, the ball should carry a star.
Every year these flow sheets should be reconsidered.
Dangers can be divided in three sorts:
Bacteriological (B), Chemical (C) and Physical (P).
For every danger a frequency and effect should be defined, this is the base for the CCP and/or a general control measurement.
For every process step there should be made a table, which defines:
Preventive actions
Limits, spec’s and tolerances
Guardian activity
Responsible employee
Actions to be taken, if the limit is passed.
This (plasticized) table should be present in every related production unit.
Every year the HACCP team should verify the HACCP rules.
This evaluation should cover;
Registration document, inclus. Measures taken after correction of drop-outs,
Qualification of complaints and deviations of quality,
Restricted samples of QC at the end product and its environment,
Analyses og registered CCP, observed deviations and action taken to correct these,
Analyses of registered general control measures and their influence on food safety,
Validation of the complete HACCP system.
A written report should be made by the HACCP team and handed over to the responsible Unit Manager, Plant Manager, QA manager and the person responsible for the company’s hygiene.
Chapter 3.2. Control of Documents
This HACCP Handbook should be registered and controlled like every other quality system.
A good system for this is Quality Document Controller ® by Lessenger Associates.
Translation - Bosnian Poglavlje 1. Uvod
Pred vama se nalazi jedan primjerak priručnika o sigurnosti hrane. To će vam ukratko prikazati jedan pregled strukture HACCP sistema.
Ovaj priručnik je sastavljen na bazi nekoliko HACCP priručnika koji su korišteni u svjetski priznatim mljekarama iz Nizozemske i Njemačke.
Ovaj priručnik daje odgovore na sljedeća pitanja:
Šta je cilj i politika sistema sigurnosti hrane
Kako izgleda struktura organizacije (ko radi i šta radi)
Kako je organiziran sistem sigurnosti hrane
Na koji način se vodi administracija dokumentacije i registracije
Poglavlje 2. Cilj i Politika
Ovdje bismo mogli dati opis ciljeva firme. Npr.: razvoj, priprema i tretiranje proizvoda mljekare, posebni proizvodi itd.
Proizvođač cilja na proizvodnju prema ISO standardu kako bi postigao, ne samo kvalitet proizvoda, nego također i sigurnost proizvoda kako bi izbjegao potencijalne bolesti kod kupaca.
Uz pomoć ovog HACCP priručnika, Codex Alimentariusa (može se vidjeti na Internetu), EG 92/46 i zahtijeva za GMP-registraciju, HACCP sistem se može uspostaviti.
3.1 Uspostava HACCP sistema
Ovdje bi čitalac trebao spomenuti osnovne smjernice koje je koristio za HACCP sistem. Npr.: Codex Alimentarius (može se vidjeti na Internetu), EG 92/46 i zahtijevi za GMP-registraciju.
Sljedeći koraci koje treba preduzeti da bi se došlo do dobrog HACCP sistema su:
HACCP tim, sastavljen od uposlenika za pripremu, proizvodnju, preradu, pakiranje, dotok energije itd. U najmanju ruku proizvodnja, tehnologija, tehnika, QA i mikrobiologija bi trebali biti predstavljeni. Tim bi funkcionirao uz superviziju HACCP koordinatora, menadžera QA/QC.
Opis proizvoda. Opis bi se trebao dati za svaku grupu proizvoda
Diagrami toka i mape. Za svaku jedinicu bi trebala postojati jedna mapa koja pokazuje:
1. Proizvodni pogoni (narandžasta i crvena (ograničeno područje))
2. Skladište (nikakva maziva se ne bi smjela pohranjivati ovdje. Ona bi se trebala držati u tehničkom odjelu.) (plava boja)
3. Provizije za osoblje i slobodan prolaz (zelena)
4. Otpad (braon)
5. Mogućnost unakrsne kontaminacije (bazični materijali, aditivi, lubrikanti, sredstva za hlađenje, polu-fabrikati, finalni proizvodi, osobni materijali i materijali za pakovanje)
Potrebno je dati odvojene opise mjesta gdje se vrši uklanjanje štetočina i gdje se zahtijeva posebna higijena. Također i mapa sa tačnim lokacijema pozicija gdje se vrši uklanjanje štetočina bi trebala biti predočena.
Preporučljivo je nacrtati tok proizvoda kako bi se proces načinio vidljivim. Potencijalne opasnosti bi se trebale uzeti u obzir na svakom koraku.
Svaki korak se predviđa s kuglom, pri čemu je napisano sukladno kodovima: Jedinica Slovo. Npr.: PP = Pripremna jedinica, PU = Proizvodna jedinica, M = Mješaona itd.
Ukoliko ne postoji potencijalna opasnost, kugla bi trebala nositi zvijezdu.
Ove protočne liste bi se trebale svake godine ponovo razmotriti.
Opasnosti se mogu podijeliti u tri vrste:
bakteriološke (B), hemijske (C) i fizičke (P).
Učestalost i efekti bi trebali biti definirani za svaku od navedenih opasnosti, to je osnova za CCP i/ili mjere opšte kontrole.
Za svaki korak u procesu trebalo bi sačiniti tabelu, kojom bi se definiralo:
Preventivne aktivnosti
Ograničenja, specifikacije i tolerancije
Aktivnosti zaštite
Odgovorna osoba
Aktivnosti koje se trebaju poduzeti
ukoliko se pređu ograničenja.
Ova (plastificirana) tabela bi se trebala nalaziti u svakoj proizvodnoj jedinici.
Svake godine bi HACCP tim trebao verificirati HACCP pravila.
Ova evaulacija bi trebala pokrivati;
Registraciona dokumentacija, uključujući
mjere poduzete nakon popravke
Kvalifikacije pritužbi i devijacija kvaliteta,
Povjerljivi uzorci QC krajnjeg proizvoda i
njegove okoline,
Analiza registriranih CCP, nadgledanje
devijacija i poduzete aktivnosti da se to
Analiza registriranih mjera generalne
kontrole i njihov uticaj na sigurnost
Legalizacija kompletnog HACCP sistema.
Trebalo bi sačiniti pisani izvještaj od strane HACCP tima, predati to menadžeru odgovarajuće jedinice, menadžeru pogona, QA menadžeru i osobama odgovornim za higijenu u firmi.
Poglavlje 3.2. Kontrola dokumenata
Ovaj HACCP Priručnik bi trebao biti registriran kontroliran kao i svaki drugi sistem kvaliteta.
Dobar sistem za ovo je Kontrolor Kvaliteta Dokumenata ® od “Lessenger Associates”.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Other
Years of experience: 29. Registered at Feb 2007.
25+ years of translation experience gained by working for international organisations (OSCE BiH, IDEA BiH, IFOR/SFOR BiH).
12 years of freelance translation experience.
User Manuals, business related translations,
Software, web site localization, Market research...
Business/Commerce (business plans; contracts; training materials for managers; employee handbooks; company presentations, business correspondence)
Marketing/Market Research (external Posters; PowerPoint presentations; online competitions; online campaigns and researches; online questionnaires; slogans)
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Website localization
Language pairs
English to Bosnian
Specialty fields
Electronics / Elect Eng
Finance (general)
Other fields
Keywords: English to Bosnian, English to Croatian, English to Swedish, Swedish to Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, SDL Trados Studio 2011, Business/Commerce, marketing/market research, Finance, Economics, Management. See more.English to Bosnian, English to Croatian, English to Swedish, Swedish to Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, SDL Trados Studio 2011, Business/Commerce, marketing/market research, Finance, Economics, Management, Poetry & Literature, user manuals, IT, translation, editing/proofreading, copywriting, subtitling, Website localization, software localization, Transcription, Transcreation, Law - Business.. See less.
This profile has received 93 visits in the last month, from a total of 82 visitors