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English to Serbian: DESIGNED FOR OPTIMAL SYSTEMS INTEGRATIONS General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English XYZ's® ABC™ Systems have been holistically designed to optimize ultra low system and dwell volumes and take full advantage of the low dispersion, high speed detectors necessary for successful UPLC™ analysis.
Combined with the extraordinarily low carryover characteristics of the Sample Manager and the optimal low flow attributes of UPLC™ separations, ABC™ Systems take full advantage of electrospray ionization interfaces, as flow splitting is often unnecessary. For that reason, ABC™ Systems will become the ideal choice as an inlet to mass spectrometry.
When coupled to our Mass Spectrometry technologies, ABC™ System solutions provide sensitive LC/MS and LC/MS/MS analysis. For example when combined with the Micromass® LCT Premier,™ the outcome is simple automated exact mass measurement defining unprecedented improvements in speed and quality of data.
Translation - Serbian ABC sistemi korporacije XYZ® su sveobuhvatno dizajnirani da poboljšaju ultra niski sistem i količinu tečnosti u međuprostoru i da u potpunosti iskoriste prednosti niske disperzije, detektora velike brzine neophodnih za uspešnu UPLC™ analizu.
U kombinaciji sa veoma niskim karakteristikama prenosa Menadžera uzorka i optimalno niskih osobina protoka UPLC™ jonizacije elektrosprejom, jer je razdvajanje protoka često nepotrebno. Iz tog razloga, ABC™ sistemi će postati idealan izbor primene masene spektrometrije.
Kada se upari sa našim tehnologijama masene spektrometrije, ABC™ sistem pruža osetljive LC/MS i LC/MS/MS analize. Na primer, u kombinaciji sa Micromass® LCT Premier™, rezultat je jednostavno automatizovano tačno maseno merenje protoka koje definišu poboljšanja brzine i kvaliteta podataka bez presedana.
Albanian to English: Medical (Pharma) Sample Translation General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Albanian Te gjitha barnat qe prodhohen ne vend, me destinacion tregun shqiptar apo te huaj, si dhe barnat qe importohen nga jashte me destinacion tregun vendas, duhet te kene detyrimisht te aplikuar ne paketim pullen e kontrollit te barnave.
Elementet e pulles se kontrollit te barnave si dhe
procedurat e prodhimit, shperndarjes dhe monitorimit percaktohen ne dispozitat e ligjit “Për miratimin e kontratës së koncesionit ndërmjet Ministrisë së Financave, si autoritet kontraktues dhe shoqerive “XYZ” dhe “ABCDF”, për projektimin, financimin, dizenjimin, prodhimin dhe ngritjen e nje sistemi per emetimin, shperndarjen, gjetjen dhe monitorimin e pullave fiskale dhe pullave te kontrollit te barnave”, te ketij ligji si dhe akteve nenligjore te nxjerra ne zbatim te tyre.
Translation - English All medicines produced in the country, aiming at the Albanian market or foreign markets, as well as medicines imported from abroad aiming at the domestic market, are obliged to have on their package the stamp of medicine control.
The elements of the stamp of medicine control as well as their production procedures, distribution and monitoring are defined in the provisions of the Law “On the approval of the contract of concession between the Ministry of Finance, as the contracting authority, and associations “XYZ” and “ABCDF”, on the projecting, financing, designing, production and establishing of a system for the emission, distribution, finding and monitoring of fiscal stamps and medicine control stamps”, of this law and secondary legal provisions issued for their implementation.
English to Albanian: Financial Risk Report General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Risk Management is the process of measuring, or assessing risk and developing strategies to manage it. Strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. Traditional risk management focuses on risks stemming from physical or legal causes.
Financial risk management, on the other hand, focuses on risks that can be managed using traded financial instruments. Regardless of the type of risk management, all large corporations have risk management teams and small groups and corporations practice informal, if not formal, risk management.
An ideal risk management starts with establishing the context, inclusive of the identity and objectives of stakeholders, the basis upon which risks will be evaluated and defining a framework for the process, and agenda for identification and analysis. The next step in the process is to identify potential risks—events that, when triggered, cause problems.
Translation - Albanian Menaxhimi i Rrezikut është procesi i matjes apo vlerësimit të rrezikut dhe zhvillimit të strategjive për menaxhimin e tij. Këto strategji përfshijnë transferimin e rrezikut në një palë tjetër, duke shmangur rrezikun, ulur efektin negativ të rrezikut, dhe duke pranuar një pjesë apo të gjitha pasojat e një rreziku të veçantë. Menaxhimi tradicional i rrezikut fokusohet në rreziqet që rrjedhin prej shkaqeve fizikë apo ligjorë.
Në anën tjetër, menaxhimi i rrezikut financiar fokusohet në rreziqet që mund të menaxhohen duke përdorur instrumentet financiare të tregtuara. Pavarësisht prej llojit të menaxhimit të rrezikut, të gjitha korporatat e mëdha kanë ekipe për menaxhimin e rrezikut ndërsa grupe dhe korporata të vogla praktikojnë menaxhimin joformal të rrezikut, nëse nuk ndjekin rrugët formale.
Menaxhimi ideal i rrezikut fillon duke përcaktuar kontekstin, përfshirë identitetin dhe objektivat e mbështetësve, bazat mbi të cilat do të vlerësohen rreziqet dhe më pas duke përcaktuar kornizën e procesit, si dhe axhendën për identifikimin dhe analizën. Hapi tjetër gjatë këtij procesi është identifikimi i rreziqeve të mundshme - ngjarje që mund të shkaktojnë probleme në rast se nxiten.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Calgary (Canada)
Years of experience: 29. Registered at Dec 2006. Became a member: Jan 2008.
Albanian to English (District Court of Pristina, Kosovo) English to Albanian (District Court of Prishtina, Kosovo) Albanian to English (University of Calgary - Department of Germanic, Slavic, and East Asian Studies) Albanian to English (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta) English (University of Cambridge, verified)
English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations))
My name is Sedat Limani and I have some 23 Years as translator, editor and proofreader. I’m a husband and father of two kids, living in Prishtina, Kosovo.
After graduating from high school in the Serbia, I have spent 15 Years in Prishtina either as a university student and teacher of English as a Foreign Language to Adults. I spent also 1 year in Calgary, Canada.
I hold a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in English Language and Literature from University of Prishtina, Master of Education, specialized in TEFL, University of Calgary, and have a year of post-graduate training Teacher of Cultural Heritages with University of Calgary. I have translated mainly IT, Telecom, legal, medical texts from English into Albanian, Serbian since 1996.
Thank you for stopping by my site. I hope you like what you see and that you find here to be helpful in your translation journey.
Keywords: Albanian Translator, Serbian Translator, Macedonian Translator, Bosnian Translator, Croatian Translator, translator, interpreter, Advertising & PR translator, Technology & Engineering translator, Legal translator. See more.Albanian Translator, Serbian Translator, Macedonian Translator, Bosnian Translator, Croatian Translator, translator, interpreter, Advertising & PR translator, Technology & Engineering translator, Legal translator, Banking & Finance translator, Medical & Health translator, Food & Agriculture translator, children's books translator, conference interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, tourism translator, localization, fast service, low rates translator, EU translation, Legal translation, User Guide Translator, . See less.