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Translations from French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish into English
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Freelancer and outsourcer
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Italian to English: Contract of sale General field: Other Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Italian COMPRAVENDITA
L'anno duemilanove
il giorno dodici del mese di gennaio
in Cianciana, in casa Mangione, in via Montuoro No. 17
12 GENNAIO 2009
Innanzi me Dr. Benvenuto Tornabene fu Vincenzo Giuseppe, Notaio in Bivona, iscritto nel Collegio Notarile dei Distretti Riuniti di Agrigento e Sciacca,
sono presenti:
La signora XXX, nata in Santo Stefano Quisquina il 17 febbraio 1962, residente in Grotte, via Puglia n.17, la quale dichiara di avere il seguente codice fiscale BSC MDL 62B57 I356X e di essere coniugata in regime di comunione dei beni;
da una parta, e dall'altra:
il signor XXX, nato in Stoke-on-Trent (Gran Bretagna) il 14 novembre 1965, residente in Cianciana, via A. Amato M.O.R. n. 25, il quale dichiara di avere il seguente codice fiscale GDU CGR 65S14 Z114P e di intervenire al presente quale speciale procuratore del signor:
XXX, nato in Hazelmere (Gran Bretagna) l'11 dicembre 1955, residente in Haceroft Court in Lavender Road Sutton SMI 3RJ (G.B.) il quale dichiara, a mezzo del di lui procuratore, di avere il seguente codice fiscale HLL NRC 55T11 Z114T e di essere di stato civile libero, giusta procure speciale ricevuta da me notaio in data odierna, e che al presente si allega sotto “A”.
Detti comparenti, della cui identità personale io Notaio sono certo, convengono e stipulano quanto segue:
Art. 1) Con ogni garanzia di legge anche per i casi de evizione e molestia la signora XXX vende e trasferisce al signor XXX che, come sopra rappresentato, in compra accetta il seguente immobile:
Fabbricato sito in Cianciana, ad angolo fra la via Provenzano e Largo San Gaetano, composto da un piano terra e primo piano di complessivi quattro vani catastali, confinante con dette vie Provenzano e San Gaetano, eredi Pace; avente ingresso da entrambe le dette vie.
Iscritto, al C.F. del Comune di Cianciana, al foglio 6, particelle:
- 163 sub 1, via Provenzano n. 2, piano T, Cat. A5, classe 1a, vani 1, con R.C. di euro 18,59;
- 163 sub 2, via Provenzano n. 4, piano 1, Cat. A5, classe 2a, vani 1, con R.C. di euro 21,69.
- 165 sub 2, via Provenzano n. 6, piano T, Cat. A5, classe 2a, vani 1, con R.C. di euro 21,69.
- 165 sub 2, via Provenzano n. 4, piano T, Cat. A5, classe 2a, vani 1, con R.C. di euro 21,69.
Art. 2) Nella vendita sono compresi tutti i diritti, accessori, accessioni, pertinenze e dipendenze, azioni e ragioni alla parte venditrice spettanti ed inerenti l'immobile in oggetto, comprese le servitù attive e delle passive solo quelle legalmente costituite, tutto incluso e nulla escluso.
Art. 3) Il prezzo della vendita è stato convenuto a corpo e d'accordo tra le parti nella somma di euro 15,000 (quindicimila) che la parte venditrice dichiara di aver già ricevuto dalla parte acquirente alla quale rilascia ampia e liberatoria quietanza a saldo.
Ad ogni effetto di legge le parti, in via sostitutiva di atto di notorietà ai sensi del D.P.R. n. 445/2000 e consapevoli delle responsabilità penali in caso di dichiarazione mendace nonché dei poteri di accertamento dell'Amministrazione finanziaria e della sanzione amministrativa applicabile in caso di omessa, incompleta o mendace indicazione dei dati, dichiarano:
a) che il prezzo come sopra convenuto è stato corrisposto con i seguenti mezzi di pagamento:
euro 4,500 con bonifico bancario del 26 agosto 2008 del Banco di Sicilia, filiale di Grotte (SCTI POL U1005658568X); euro 10,500 con assegno circolare del Banco di Sicilia, filiale di Cianciana, emesso in data odierna no. 5.910.282.736-07;
b) che la superiore cessione di immobile è stata conclusa con l'intervento dell'agenzia immobiliare “My House” di XXX con sede in Cianciana, corso Cinquemani Arcuri 104, P.IVA 02388680841, cui è stato corrisposto il corrispettivo di euro 522 da parte del compratore (fattura no. 2 del 12 gennaio 2009, pagata in contanti) e di euro 348 da parte della venditrice (fattura no. 1 del 12 gennaio 2009, assegno del Banco di Sicilia, filiale di Cianciano, emesso in data odierna, No. 5059678107-03.
Art. 4) La compravendita ha effetto da oggi e pure da oggi la parte acquirente viene immessa nella proprietà e nel pieno e reale dominio e possesso di quanto col presente acquistato con tutti gli effetti utili ed onerosi che si dichiarano immediati.
Translation - English SALE
In the year two thousand nine
on the twelfth day of the month of January
in Cianciana, in the Mangione residence, in Via Montuoro N. 17
12 JANUARY 2009
Before me, Dr. Benvenuto Tornabene, son of the deceased Vincenzo Giuseppe, Notary in Bivona, registered in the Board of Notaries of the joint Districts of Agrigento and Sciacca,
Are here present:
Mrs. XXX, born in Santo Stefano Quisquinia on 17 February 1962, residing in Grotte, Via Puglia N. 17, who declares her taxpayer identification number to be BSC MDL 62B57 I356X and to have a marriage in which property is owned jointly;
on one side, and on the other:
Mr. XXX, born in Stoke-on-Trent (Great Britain) on 14 November 1965, residing in Cianciana, Via A. Amato M.O.R. N. 25, who declares his taxpayer identification number to be GDU CGR 65S14 Z114P and who is part in this contract acting as power of attorney for:
Mr. XXX, born in Hazelmere (Great Britain) on 11 December 1955, residing in Haceroft Court in Lavender Road Sutton SMI 3RJ (GB), who declares through his attorney to have the following taxpayer identification number HLL NRC 55T11 Z114T and to be single; said power of attorney I, notary, have received today, and is enclosed with this contract under “A”.
The above-mentioned parties, of whose identity I, notary, am certain, agree and stipulate the following:
Art 1) Mrs. XXX sells and transfers, with all legal guarantees including eviction and nuisance, to Mr. XXX who, as above represented, buys and accepts the following property:
- Building located in Cianciana, corner between Via Provenzano and Largo San Gaetano, on the ground and first floors, for a total of four cadastral rooms, bordering Via Provenzano and Via San Gaetano, Pace heirs; with an entrance on both above-mentioned streets.
Registered, at the Cadastral Office of the Municipality of Cianciana, page 6, lots:
- 163 sub 1, Via Provenzano N. 2, ground floor, Cat. A5, class 1st, 1 room, with Rendita Catastale [assumed revenue] of € 18.59;
- 163 sub 2, Via Provenzano N. 4, first floor, Cat. A5, class 2nd, 1 room, with Rendita Catastale [assumed revenue] of € 21.69;
- 165 sub 1, Via Provenzano N. 6, ground floor, Cat A5, class 2nd, 1 room, with Rendita Catastale [assumed revenue] of € 21.69;
- 165 sub 2, Via Provenzano N. 4, first floor, Cat A5, class 2nd, 1 room, with Rendita Catastale [assumed revenue] of € 21.69;
Art 2) This sale includes all rights, accessories, appurtenances and dependencies, actions and causes owing to the seller and inherent to the property in question, including all affirmative easements and of the negative ones only those legally constituted, all including and nothing excluding.
Art 3) The sale price has been agreed upon as a lump sum payment and both parties have agreed to the price of €15,000 (fifteen thousand) that the seller declares to have already received from the buyer to whom she grants full quittance and discharge.
For all legal purposes the parties, in substitution of the affidavit pursuant to Presidential Decree N. 445/2000 and fully aware of the penal consequences for misrepresentation as well as the investigative powers of the Financial Administration and the penalties applicable for omitted, incomplete, or false information, declare:
a) That the above-mentioned price was paid in the following manner:
- on 26 August 2008 by bank transfer of € 4,500 from Banco di Sicilia, Grotte Branch (SCTI POL U1005658568X); € 10,500 by bank draft N. 5.910.282.736-07 issued by Banco di Sicilia, Cianciana branch, on this day;
b) That the above-mentioned sale was concluded through “My House” real estate agency owned by XXX, with office in Cianciana, Corso Cinquemani Arcuri N. 104, VAT registration number 02388680841, to whom the buyer paid €522 (Invoice N. 2 of 12 January 2009, paid in cash) and the seller paid € 348 (Invoice N. 1 of 12 January 2009) by bank draft N. 5059678107-03 issued on this day by Banco di Sicilia, Cianciana Branch.
Art 4) This sale becomes effective today. Today the buyer becomes owner of the property taking full and real possession, and immediately assuming all rights and liabilities.
Spanish to English: Letter from the Ministry of Science and Innovation in Spain General field: Other Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Madrid, 19 de septiembre de 2008
Audiencia al interesado
En relación con el expediente de homologación de su título de Licenciatura en Derecho, obtenido en la Universidad Abdelmalek Essadi, Tánger (Marruecos), al título español de Licenciado en Derecho, se pone de manifesto que el Consejo de Coordinación Universitaria, en el ejercicio de la función de emisión de informes respecto de los expedientes de homologación de títulos extranjeros de educación superior, se ha pronunciado en el sentido de condicionar la homologación de los títulos del ámbito del Derecho a la previa superación de una prueba de aptitud o curso tutelado sobre Derecho positivo español. Dado que se presupone el conocimiento de los conceptos generales y de las instituciones jurídicas básicas, la prueba se circunscribirá a aspectos que guarden relación con el conocimiento del Derecho positivo en las siguientes materias troncales:
- Derecho Administrativo
- Derecho Civil
- Derecho Constitucional
- Derecho Penal
- Instituciones de Derecho Comunitario
- Derecho Financiero y Tributario
- Derecho Internacional Privado
- Derecho Mercantil
- Derecho Procesal
- Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social
Dado que dicho informe es aplicable a su solicitud, se lo traslado a Vd. para que, de conformidad con el artículo 84 de la Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y del Procedimiento Administrativo Común (B.O.E. 27 de noviembre) y en el plazo de 15 días, por escrito, pueda efectuar las alegaciones que estime oportunas y, en su caso, presentar los documentos y justificantes que considere pertinentes a través del Registro de este Departamento o por cualquiera de los medios previstos en el articulo 38 de la citada Ley.
Para cualquier consulta sobre la tramitación de su solicitud, puede ponerse en contacto con el Servicio de Información y Atención al Ciudadano de este Departamento (C/ Alcalá, 36, 28014 Madrid, Teléfono 902 218 500) o a través del formulario de consulta accesible en “Atención al Ciudadano” de la página Web del Departamento:
Madrid, September 19th, 2008
Information to the applicant
In relation to the application to convert your Bachelor’s Degree in Law, obtained at the University of Abdel Malek Essaadi, Tangiers (Morocco), to the equivalent Spanish title of Licenciado en Derecho [Law graduate], we hereby inform you that the Council of University Coordination, in the exercise of its duty to issue reports regarding conversion applications of foreign higher education diplomas, has decided to grant the conversion of Law diplomas on the condition that the applicant passes an aptitude exam or tutored course on Spanish Positive Law. Given that knowledge of the general concepts and basic legal institutions are assumed to be known, the exam will be limited to aspects related to the knowledge of positive Law in the following core subjects:
- Administrative Law (1st and 2nd levels)
- Civil Law (1st and 2nd levels)
- Constitutional Law
- Criminal Law
- Institutions of EU Law
- Financial and Tax Law
- Private International Law
- Trade Law
- Procedural Law
- Labour and Social Security Law
Given that this decision applies to your application, I hereby communicate it to you so that, in accordance with article 84 of Law 30/1992, of November 26th, of the Legal Regime of Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedure (State Official Bulletin of November 27th) and within 15 days, you can submit in writing any statements you may wish to make and if necessary enclose the relevant documents and written evidence to the Registry of this Department or via any of the means detailed in Article 38 of the aforementioned Law.
To track your application, please contact this department's Citizen Information and Care Service (C/ Alcala, 36, 28014 Madrid, Telephone 902 218 500) or use the contact form in the Citizen Care section of the department's web page:
Portuguese to English: Recording for money transfer agency's PBX General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Portuguese 1. Bem-vindo a XXX.
2. Para Português, disque 1. For English, press 2.
3. Cotação ou envio, disque 0.
3.2. Você também pode efetuar envios pelo nosso site Para envio, por favor, aguarde.
4. Dados bancários, disque 1
4.1. Ao efetuar um depósito, utilize o Talão XX ou coloque o seu nome como referência. Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20 66 11, Conta 80 85 38 01, Account name: XXX.
5. Dados para contato, disque 2
5.1. Nosso website é, o endereço de nossa Agência é 53 Eastcastle Street W1W 8EE, London e o número para mensagens de textos pelo celular é 077 8620 2744.
6. Horários de atendimento, disque 3.
6.1. Central de Atendimento Telefonico: De Segunda à Sexta das 9 às 18 horas e Sábados das 11 às 17 horas. Agência: De Segunda à Sexta das 10 às 18 horas e Sábados das 11 às 17 horas .
7. Atendimento ao cliente, disque 4.
7.1 Para agilizar o atendimento tenha em mãos o seu cartão do cliente. Por motivos de treinamento e segurança esta ligação poderá ser gravada.
8. Abertura de Cadastro, disque 5.
8.1 Você pode efetuar seu cadastro pelo nosso site, correio ou agência.
Pelo site e correio você deve nos enviar cópias certificadas de um comprovante de identificação e residência válidos.
Pela agência basta apresentar essa documentação original.
Mais informações acesse
9. Uso do website, disque 6.
9.1. Para se registrar acesse, clique no link Registre-se, preencha os dados solicitados e clique em Cadastrar. Acesse seu email e clique no link de ativação. Faça o seu login inserindo o email e senha que você cadastrou, acesse o link Meus Dados, preencha as informações solicitadas e clique em Cadastrar/Alterar Dados. Você receberá um email de confirmação do seu registro.
9.2. Para Envio deposite ou transfira o valor a ser enviado, em nossa conta. Faça o seu login, acesse o link Envio/Cadastro de Beneficiário, preencha os dados solicitados e clique em Enviar para Beneficiário. Preencha os dados da próxima tela e clique em Enviar Formulário. Você receberá um email de confirmação.
10. Novos Beneficiários, disque 7.
10.1. Dados necessários: nome e endereço completo, CPF, telefone, nome do banco, número da conta e agência e tipo de conta (corrente ou poupança).
Você pode nos informar estes dados por mensagem de texto pelo celular para 077 8620 2744, pelo Link Envio/Cadastro de Beneficiário em nosso website, ou ainda, pela Central de Atendimento Telefonico.
10.2. Para falar com um operador, por favor, aguarde.
11. Promoções, disque 8
12. Avisos, disque 9
Translation - English 1. Welcome to XXX.
2. Para Português, disque 1. For English, dial 2.
3. For exchange rates or money transfers, dial 0.
3.2. You can also make money transfers through our website For money transfers, please hold the line.
4. For our bank details, dial 1.
4.1. When making a deposit, please use the XX’s pay-in booklet or use your name as reference. Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20 66 11, Account number 80 85 38 01, Account name: XXX.
5. For our contact details, dial 1.
5.1. Our website address is:, our Agency’s address is 53 Eastcastle Street, London W1W 8EE and our mobile number for text messages is 077 8620 2744.
6. For opening hours, dial 3.
6.1. Our call centre is open from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 5pm. Our agency is open from Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 5pm.
7. For customer service, dial 4.
7.1. To speed up the service, please have your customer card to hand. For training and security purposes, this call may be recorded.
8. To open an account, dial 5.
8.1. You can open an account through our website, by post or at our agency. If you would like to open an account through our website or by post, you’ll need to provide us with certified copies of a valid proof of ID and proof of address. If you would like to open an account with our agency, you can provide us with the original documents. For further information, please visit
9. For information on using our website, dial 6.
9.1. To register, visit, click on the Register link, provide the required details and click on Register. Access your email and click on the activation link. Login using the email and password you used to register, access the My Details link, provide the required information and click on Register/Modify details. You will receive a confirmation email after registering.
9.2. To make a money transfer, make a deposit or transfer the amount to be sent to our account. Login, click on Transfer/Register Receiver, fill in the spaces with the required details and click on Send to Receiver. Provide the details required on the following page and click on Send Form. You will receive an email confirmation.
10. For New Receivers, dial 7.
10.1. Necessary details: full name and address, Individual Taxpayer Registration no., telephone number, bank name, account number, sort code and account type (current or savings account).
You can also send us these details by text message to 077 8620 2744, through the Transfer/Register Receiver link on our website or through our Call Centre.
10.2. To speak to a customer service representative, please hold.
11. For promotions, dial 8.
12. For messages, dial 9.
French to English: Website of cosmetics company General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - French SOCIÉTÉ
Depuis 1991, les laboratoires XXX développent des produits de bien-être haut de gamme pour satisfaire les consommateurs les plus exigeants dans le monde entier.
Nos laboratoires sont implantés en France à proximité de Strasbourg, ville Universitaire frontalière avec l’Allemagne. Ceci a déterminé notre ouverture vers le monde et explique aujourd’hui notre capacité à prendre en compte les exigences les plus spécifiques des pays où nous livrons nos produits.
A l’image de XXX, leur fondateur, nos laboratoires ont toujours été précurseurs. L’innovation est un de nos atouts pour garantir l’excellence de nos produits et la satisfaction de nos clients.
Un mode de distribution unique
Pour servir au mieux les consommateurs, nous avons fait le choix du marketing direct.
Nous pensons que ce mode de commercialisation sélectif et dynamique qui encourage l’épanouissement personnel des individus et repose sur la relation de confiance entre vendeur et consommateur prolonge parfaitement l’esprit dans lequel nous développons nos produits.
Les consommateurs de la vente directe sont intelligents, sélectifs et avertis.
Ils savent parfaitement choisir les meilleurs produits pour protéger et développer leur capital forme et santé. Nous respectons cette exigence et leur offrons des produits de bien-être sans mensonges, des produits aux allégations vérifiées, aux matières premières et aux actifs rigoureusement sélectionnés, élaborés suivant des procédures qui ne font aucune concession à la qualité et à la sécurité.
Notre Recherche est la clef de notre succès.
Grâce à notre R&D nous pouvons répondre aux attentes des consommateurs avec des solutions inédites. Nos collaborations scientifiques avec des laboratoires publics de premier plan sont également la garantie pour le consommateur de bénéficier de produits de qualité irréprochable.
Notre laboratoire est depuis longtemps un spécialiste reconnu de la régulation du poids, du traitement du stress, et d’une façon générale des maux de la vie moderne. La lutte contre l’acidification du corps, ainsi que la recherche de nouveaux antioxydants utilisables en cosmétiques et en diététique sont en ce moment les axes majeurs de notre Recherche & Développement.
Une démarche intransigeante contre les ingrédients « à risques ».
Une part importante de la veille exercée par nos experts porte sur l’identification des molécules ou ingrédients « à risques » : conservateurs, composants allergènes, actifs aux effets secondaires néfastes... Nous les éliminons systématiquement de nos formules afin de proposer des produits toujours plus sains au consommateur. Nous n’utilisons, bien sûr, aucun OGM, ni d’ingrédients issus d’expérimentations animales.
Translation - English COMPANY
Since 1991, XXX laboratories have been developing premium wellness products to satisfy the most demanding customers worldwide.
Our laboratories are located in France near the university city of Strasbourg on the German border. This has determined our openness to the world and explains our ability to take into account the specific requirements of the countries where we deliver our products today.
In the image of XXX, their founder, our laboratories have always been pioneers. Innovation is one of our strengths ensuring product excellence and customer satisfaction.
A unique distribution mode
We have chosen direct marketing to best serve our customers.
We believe that this selective and dynamic marketing method encouraging the personal fulfilment of individuals and based on the relationship of trust between seller and customer reflects perfectly the spirit in which we develop our products.
Customers of direct sales are intelligent, selective and sophisticated.
They know perfectly how to choose the best products to protect and develop their figure and health capital. We respect this requirement and offer them wellness products without false claims, verified products made with carefully selected contents and active ingredients, prepared following strict safety and quality procedures.
Our Research is the key to our success.
Thanks to our R & D we can meet consumer expectations with innovative solutions. Our scientific collaboration with top-end public laboratories also gives customers a guarantee of high-quality products.
Our laboratory has long been a recognised expert in weight regulation, treatment of stress and general ailments of modern life. The current main focuses of our research and development are the fight against the acidification of the body and the search for new antioxidants for use in cosmetics and diet.
An uncompromising approach to “high risk” ingredients.
An important part of the work performed by our experts concerns the identification of “high risk” molecules or ingredients: conservatives, allergenic ingredients, active ingredients with adverse side effects... We systematically eliminate them from our formulas to provide ever-healthier products to our customers. We use, of course, no GMOs or ingredients resulting from animal testing.
Translation education
Other - Institute of Translation and Interpreting
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Nov 2006.
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