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Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 20 EUR per hour Catalan to English - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 20 EUR per hour Romanian to English - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 20 EUR per hour
Spanish to English: Tittlebug the Blabbermouth /Chafardel, el bicho deslenguado. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish
Pues bien, ahora que conocéis a nuestro protagonista, podemos empezar con el cuento.
Debéis saber que en un tiempo muy remoto, cuando una consola no era más que un armatoste de madera y las únicas que suplicaban ¡No me rayes! eran las cacerolas, un ventarrón desató el desconcierto en una pequeña granja.
Por aquel entonces, las cabras eran aún más tontorronas que las ovejas, por lo que ambas pastaban en armonía. Los cerdos se depilaban una vez por semana y los patos eran capaces de saltar a la pata coja sin caerse. Las mulas eran más dóciles que un hámster y los perros no tenían malas pulgas que les irritasen el carácter. De esta manera, cada cual se ocupaba de los suyo sin meterse en la vida del vecino, y nada ni nadie alteraba el orden de lo establecido.
Translation - English So, now you have got to know the main character we can begin the story.
You should know that in the distant past, when a “tweet” was nothing more than a sound a bird made and the only people who complained about SPAM were kids who found it in their lunchbox between two slices of bread, that a gale came through unleashing disorder on a small farm.
Back then, goats were even more foolish than sheep, so they grazed together in harmony. Pigs waxed their legs just once a week and ducks could hop on one leg without falling over. Mules were quieter than church mice and dogs weren’t infested with fleas winding them up all day. Therefore, each one got on with their life without their sticking their noses into their neighbours’ business, and there wasn’t anything or anyone that disturbed the established order of things.
Spanish to English: Webpage - Investment Company General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Investment / Securities
Source text - Spanish ¿Qué es una SICAV y cuál es su tratamiento fiscal en España?
Las SICAV, o Sociedad de Inversión de Capital Variable, es una Institución de inversión Colectiva (IIC) con la forma jurídica de una sociedad anónima que tiene por objeto social la captación de capitales y su inversión en instrumentos básicamente financieros y donde el rendimiento para los accionistas se establece en función del resultado colectivo de las inversiones.
La ventaja fiscal de estos vehículos es que tributan al 1% en el Impuesto de Sociedades y el accionista sólo pagará impuestos sobre el rendimiento en el momento de hacer líquida su inversión.
Translation - English What is a SICAV and what is its tax status in Spain?
A SICAV, Sociedad de Inversión de Capital Variable. (An investment company with variable capital - ICVC) is an IIC : Institución de Inversión Colectiva (Institution for Joint Investments). It is legally formed as a limited company whose corporate purpose is the acquisition of capital, investment in financial entities where shareholders yield is established based on the results of the joint investment.
The fiscal advantages of these types of entities is that tax is paid at 1% in the corporation tax and the shareholder will only pay taxes on the yield gained when they liquidate their assets.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Sep 2006.
I am originally from the UK, but have lived in Spain since 2001. For the last 10 years I have worked as an English Teacher, teaching English as a foreign language in Academies, the Official Language School and more recently to staff in a multi-national company teaching the employees.
Over the last few years I have combined my teaching work with freelance translating and I have experience translating various types of texts from CVs, flyers and letters, business blogs and websites to children's books, tourist information mobile applications and school textbooks.
Before moving to Spain, I worked in various fields in Administration and Finance and at one time ran my own bookkeeping business.
I have completed and passed two courses in Translation with high results - A Certificate in Translation with Words Languages Services and IoL Diploma in Translation course. In the last few years I have made an effort to increase this side of my work and have invested in the SDL Trados programme in order to optimize the quality, consistency and speed of my work.
I have recently added English and Spanish to Romanian to my language pairs as I have started collaborating with a Romanian Translator, and together we can offer a complete translation and proofreading service in this language pair, as well as a Spanish to Romanian translation.
Please feel free to ask if you would like any further information.
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