Member since Oct '03

Working languages:
German to Italian
English to German
Italian to German

Sabina Winkler CAPIRSI
... always at your service ...

Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Local time: 19:30 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: German Native in German
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19 positive reviews
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Total: 14 entries
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Bio --- --- [email protected] CAPIRSI Übersetzungen Traduzioni Translations
Sabina Winkler
Bonscheidter Str. 17
D-45259 Essen

Tel: +49-(0)201-45867296
Mobile: +49-(0)163-2534797

Sprachen: DE, IT, EN und weitere auf Anfrage möglich (Netzwerk von Übersetzern)
Lingue: TED, IT, INGL ed altre a richiesta (network di traduttori)
Languages: GER, IT, EN and other on request (network of translators)

Tourismus, Kultur, Journalismus, Webseiten, Marketing, Werbung, Brochüren, Kataloge, Firmenpräsentationen, Dokumentationen, Techn. Handbücher, Gastronomie

Unsere Philosophie:


- In der von Ihnen gewünschten Qualität
- In kürzester Zeit
- Zu einem guten Preis

Wir kennzeichnen uns durch:

- Kompetenz
- Zuverlässigkeit
- Flexibilität
- Vertraulichkeit
- Und vor allem: Kundenzufriedenheit Specializzazione:
Turismo, cultura, giornalismo, siti web, marketing, pubblicità, dépliant, opuscoli, cataloghi, presentazioni d'impresa, documentazioni, manuali tecnici, gastronomia


Fare traduzioni

- d'alta qualità
- in tempi brevissimi
- a buon prezzo

Ci distinguiamo attraverso

- competenza
- affidabilità
- flessibilità
- discrezione
- e prima di tutto attraverso la soddisfazione del cliente Specialisation:
Tourism, culture, journalism, websites, marketing, advertisment, brochures, pamphlets, catalogues, company presentations, documentations, manuals, gastronomy

Our philosophy:


- In your desired quality
- In best time
- At a good price

We are characterized by:

- Competence
- Reliability
- Flexibility
- Confidentiality
- And first of all: Customer satisfaction Pricing depends on volume, difficulty, complexity and deadline of project.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 1677
PRO-level pts: 1524

Top languages (PRO)
German to Italian843
Italian to German461
English to German107
English to Italian82
German to English31
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 3 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering188
Automotive / Cars & Trucks95
Engineering (general)84
Tourism & Travel46
Law (general)43
Construction / Civil Engineering42
Pts in 50 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: translations exclusively by native speakers, manuals, automotive, plant engineering, tourism, culture, journalism, websites, marketing, advertisment. See more.translations exclusively by native speakers, manuals, automotive, plant engineering, tourism, culture, journalism, websites, marketing, advertisment, brochures, pamphlets, catalogues, company presentations, documentations, books, gastronomy, traduzioni da persone di madrelingua, manuali tecnici, automotive, impiantistica, turismo, cultura, giornalismo, sit web, marketing, pubblicità dépliant, opuscoli, cataloghi, presentazioni d'impresa, documentazioni, libri, cucina italiana, gastronomia, Übersetzungen ausschließlich durch Muttersprachler, technische Handbücher, Automotive, Anlagenbau, Tourismus, Kultur, Journalismus, Webseiten, Marketing, Werbung, Broschüren, Kataloge, Firmenpräsentationen, Dokumentationen, Bücher, Gastronomie, englisch, english, inglese, deutsch, german tedesco, italienisch, italian, italiano . See less.

Profile last updated
Dec 3, 2018

More translators and interpreters: German to Italian - English to German - Italian to German   More language pairs