As a banner headline in a practitioner's profile, any specified language pair ( here, Spanish-English ) hints at the broader picture it occupies part of, without necessarily spelling all of that picture out .
In parallel with regular translation ( legal & general commercial ) in the pair, I maintain an enduring general commitment to interests related to language vitality, ie. the character and diversity of power structures that can be said to influence language survival, language identity and recognition; language rights; transition processes for populations whose first language(s) are undergoing changes in status, and so on and so forth .
During various periods I've researched topics relating to the status of supposedly 'stateless' European tongues, such as Sardinian, Sicilian, Asturian ( bable ) / Leonese ( llionés ) / Mirandese ( mirandês ), Aragonese ( fabla ), Murcian ( panotxo ), Aranese and several others . Of the world's untold speech communities with origins outwith Europe, I've interacted with groups which used Quechua, Guaraní, Yucatec ( Maya ), Tatar, and Georgian, and memorable spells of residency have included sojourns in the Basque Country and ( much more briefly ) in China ( Beijing ) .
Thankyou for stopping by, and for having shown a passing interest—
with luck the odd novelty or two may well appear in the future in this little panel, from time to time , and so if that sounds like something worth making the occasional return visit for,
you'd be most welcome so to do . |