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Serbian to English: Stanje slobodne energije kod pšenice sa različitom klijavošću
Source text - Serbian Stanje slobodne energije kod pšenice sa različitom klijavošću
Poznato je da različita raspodela supstance iz semena i nakupljanje vode uslovljavaju razlike u porastu biljaka. Stoga je postavljen ogled sa semenskom pšenicom sorte Renesansa, sa ciljem praćenja promena nastalih na klijancima starim 4 i 8 dana, a poreklom od semena različite klijavosti.
Klijanci iz partije sa klijavošću većom od 95%, imali su povećano učešće sveže mase korena četvrtog dana, uz niži stepen hidrolize i eksudacije, kao i mali potencijal slobdne energije biosinteze. Već osmog dana došlo je do smanjenja sveže mase korena i do 12%, uz povećanje sadržaja suve supstance (do 37%), što uz nizak nivo njegove slobodne energije, kao i slobodne energije hidrolize ukazuje na isfosiran porast, odnosno, energetsku neravnotežu između korena i izdanka, tako da u datom trenutku ekspanzije potencijalne energije nije dobio odgovarajuće uslove za dalji razvoj i krenuo je da stagnira. Sa druge strane, klijanci iz partije semena klijavosti od 85% imali su 3 puta veću eksudaciju tokom imbibicije semena, koja se, mada u manjem stepenu, nastavlja i tokom porasta klijanca. Važno je istaći da su svi delovi klijanca date partije imali četvrtog dana duplo nižu potencijalnu energiju u odnosu na klijance ostalih ispitivanih partija, koja se do osmog dana iznivelisala sa njima, uz zadržavanje energetske i ravnoteže porasta između korena i izdanka. Stoga bi se moglo pretpostaviti da je početna eksudacija bila odlučujuća za klijanje ove partije semena.
Translation - English The free energy status in wheat with different germination ability
A partitioning of seed substance and water accumulation induces variations in plant growth. Therefore, a trial with wheat – variety Renesansa was set up in aim to observe the changes on 4th and 8th day old seedlings, originated from seeds with different germination ability.
The seedlings from seed lot with germination of 95% had lower level of hydrolysis, exudation and higher fresh weight of root in 4th day, together with smaller amount of biosynthesis’ free energy. Already, in 8th day, fresh weight of root was reduced 12% and dry substance was increased up to 37%, with diminished amount of its free energy input and free energy of hydrolysis, leading to forced growth, regarding to energetic disbalance between root and shoot. So, it did not get suitable conditions for further growth in appropriate moment of potential energy expansion and turned to stagnancy. Meanwhile, seedlings from seed lot with germination of 85% had 3 times lager exudation during seed imbibition that continued and slowing down during seedlings’ growth. It is important to notice that all seedlings’ fractions had double reduced potential energy input than other seed lots and equalized it up to 8th day. At the same time, the balance between root and shoot was embraced on the energetic and growth level. Thereby, it could be supposed that initial exudation was determining factor for lack of germination in observed seed lot.
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Jun 2006.