Working languages:
English to Ukrainian
English to Russian
Polish to Ukrainian

Maksym Kozub
Specialization is the key

Local time: 10:01 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian, Russian Native in Russian
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27 years of experience as a translator/interpreter, including 26 years as a conference interpreter.

Simultaneous interpreting for a number of international events, including IT, information security, banking, and other highly specialized areas. Major assignments include e. g. the 20th Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council (December 2013) and the 2nd Preparatory Conference for the 21st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum (April 2013); Adam Smith Conferences’ forums in Ukraine, including the Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Forum and other major conferences in banking, insuurance, energy, agribusiness, real estate, and retail sectors (2008—2013); annual conferences of the Ukrainian Information Security Group (since 2013); Global Cybersecurity Summit (June 2017); annual conferences on payment business, technologies, and security organized by the Ukrainian Interbank Payment Systems Member Association (since 2008); First Annual International Investment Summit of Donetsk Region (October 2008); Ukraine at the Turn of XXI Century: Nonproliferation Regimes and Export Control in Ukraine, international conference organized by the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration, and State Export Control Service of Ukraine (June 2005); Lessons Learned Toward NATO Accession, the conference organized by George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies and held at the National Institute for Strategic Studies, Kyiv, Ukraine (April 2005); NATO international workshop on research and educational networks (April 2003), Intel Business Solutions Forum (October 2001), and others.

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting for official delegations, visiting corporate executives and experts (in particular, within the framework of corporate investigations and other FCPA-related activities), depositions to be used in U.S. courts, investment negotiations, due diligence and other M&A-related activities, training courses and press events in IT, information security, banking, insurance, etc. Examples include the visit by members of the European Parliament (January 2008), visit of senior US Congressional staff delegation, including meetings at the Ukrainian Parliament and Supreme Court (March 2005), preparations for an acquisition of a major Ukrainian pharmaceutical distributor (2013), visit by Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft Corp., including his meeting with then-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych (November 2010), major public events, as well as internal meetings, held within the framework of the Olympic Torch Relay in Kyiv (July 2004), and others.

Consecutive interpreting at Ukrainian court trials and public prosecutor’s offices.
Huge amount of written translations in several areas of specialization, including banking and finance, law, IT and information security, physics, theology etc., including laws and official regulations, as well as huge amounts of training material, mostly for bankers and IT people.

Translation and voice-over of some commercials (TV technicians subcontracted if needed).

Editing of a number of specialized translations (often resulting in re-translating some parts of those from scratch).

More details in my full CV. References available upon request.

• English translation (jointly with V. Kukhtin) of some chapters of Controlled Nucleosynthesis: Breakthroughs in Experiment and Theory. (Series: Fundamental Theories of Physics , Vol. 156) / Adamenko, Stanislav; Selleri, Franco; Merwe, Alwyn van der (Eds.). Springer, 2007.
• Ukrainian translation (several chapters) of “Economic Institutions and Democratic Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Post-Communist Countries” by Ole Norgaard. Nika-Center Publishers, Kyiv, 2007.
• Ukrainian translation (jointly with V. Verloka) of "Being as Communion" by Metropolitan John Ziziulas. Dukh I Litera, Kyiv, 2005.
• Russian translation (jointly with Fr A. Dudchenko, D. Karateev, I. Mialkovskiy, and Y. Vestel) of "Liturgy and Tradition" by Fr A. Schmemann. Prolog, Kyiv, 2005.
• Russian translation (jointly with D. Bondarenko, I. Mialkovskiy, and Y. Vestel) of "The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church" by Fr John Meyendorff, Orthodox Book Center, Kyiv, 2007.
• A number of articles in Vsieukrainskiye Viedomosti (All-Ukrainian News) newspaper in 1994.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 260
PRO-level pts: 246

Top languages (PRO)
English to Russian182
Polish to Russian32
Russian to English24
Polish to English4
Russian to Polish4
Top general fields (PRO)
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Finance (general)32
Law: Contract(s)20
Law (general)20
Business/Commerce (general)16
Computers: Software8
Mechanics / Mech Engineering8
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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects41
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Russian26
Russian to English18
English to Ukrainian17
Ukrainian to English13
Polish to English1
Ukrainian to Russian1
Russian to Polish1
Specialty fields
IT (Information Technology)16
Computers: Systems, Networks12
Government / Politics10
Finance (general)9
Computers: Software7
Law (general)7
Computers: Hardware5
Law: Contract(s)4
Internet, e-Commerce2
Investment / Securities2
International Org/Dev/Coop2
Business/Commerce (general)1
Military / Defense1
Other fields
Real Estate2
Ships, Sailing, Maritime1
Sports / Fitness / Recreation1
Keywords: Simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, translation, law, banking, information technology, IT audit, information security, investment negotiations

Profile last updated
Jan 20, 2022