Working languages:
French to Swedish
English to Swedish
German to Swedish

Karin Nettelblad
30 years' exp - chem/microbio degree

Local time: 23:36 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Swedish Native in Swedish
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Thirty-one years' experience (10 in patent translation + 21 in general translation)

Working in team with my husband Folke Nettelblad, one of us translating, the other one editing/proofreading the text. We - and our clients - have found that this renders a superior result, with translations that read like originals, without any non-idiomatic phrasings or ambiguities.


Also an author and journalist.
Author of chemistry textbook "Bonniers kemi", published by Bonnier Utbildning. Co-author (with Folke) of "Spektrum Kemi", published by Liber Utbildning).


B.A. in languages, B.Sc. in chemistry and microbiology
Ph.D. studies in biochemistry interrupted due to allergy

Email: [email protected]
Keywords: quality translations, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, environment, computer, popular science, patents, medicine, pharmaceutical. See more.quality translations, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, environment, computer, popular science, patents, medicine, pharmaceutical, biosciences, science, textbooks, edutainment, infotainment, translator, swedish, english, french, traduction, produktresumé, computing, computers, software, medical technology, science, pc, biology, summary of product characteristics, SmPC, patient information, history, Qualitätsübersetzungen, Übersetzer, Chemie, Medizin, Biochemie, Populärwissenschaft, Patente, Arzneien, Medikamente, Arzneimittel, pharmazeutisch, Phamrazie, Übersetzung, Biowissenschaft, Lehrbücher, Schwedisch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels, Biologie, Geschichte, traducteur, suédois, anglais, français, science vulgarisé, chimie, biochimie, pharmacologie, génétique, sciences de la vie, médecine, médical, pharmacie, produits pharmaceutiques, médicaments, brevets, RCP, résumé des caractéristiques du produit, histoire, patent, kemi, biokemi, biovetenskap, bioteknik, molekylärbiologi, läkemedel, farmakologi, medicin, populärvetenskap, läroböcker, naturvetenskap, översättare, översättning, svenska, engelska, franska, historia, traducción, traductor, médico, biología, medicina, salud, calidad, productos farmacéuticos, historia, alimentos, cocina, nutrición, química, bioquímica, biología molecular, biotecnología, ciencia, farmacología, científico, resumen de las características del producto, RCP, , traduzzione, chimica, biochimica, scienza, biologia, medicina, biologia, ambiente, divulgazione scientifica, brevetti, pharmaceutico, bioscienze, libri di testo, traduttore, svedese, inglese, francese, italiano, RCP, riassunto delle caratteristiche del prodotto, storia. See less.

Profile last updated
Mar 20, 2017