Working languages:
English to German
Italian to German
German to Italian

Legal Translations...and more

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Native in: German (Variants: Germany, Bavarian) 
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Copywriting
Specializes in:
Law (general)Law: Contract(s)
ManagementLaw: Taxation & Customs
AccountingBusiness/Commerce (general)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, CopyrightAdvertising / Public Relations


KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 856, Questions answered: 317, Questions asked: 224
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Experience Years of experience: 21. Registered at May 2003. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships ATICOM
TeamsKONtexti-Net, RIGHTS-R-US
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV will be submitted upon request
Professional practices Fehlinger endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
The Art of Legal Translation ... and more

Assessorin (Volljuristin)

Freiberufliche Übersetzerin mit Berufserfahrung als Rechtsanwältin. Spezialisierung auf Recht, Wirtschaft und Marketing, einschließlich Copywriting. Meine Arbeit zeichnet sich durch meine juristischen Kenntnisse aus und weist das fachliche Know-how auf, das in diesem Gebiet unabdingbar ist. Dazu kommt die Fähigkeit als Juristin, sich in neue, auch fremde Rechtssysteme und Gesetze einarbeiten und rechtsvergleichende Hinweise geben zu können sowie Fachbegriffe anzugleichen, wo möglich und zu erklären, wo notwendig.

Previously a lawyer with an advanced fiscal law background, considerable professional experience gained as a civil servant in inland revenue departments and again as a self-employed lawyer with a private practice, I currently work as a freelance translator of principally legal, business and financial texts. The added benefits of my experience, knowledge of legal procedures, laws and professional legalese skills, enhance my capability of successful revision and translation work of any unfamiliar legal subjects and areas as well, backed by professional examination of laws and ordinances as necessary for the job at hand.

Dopo aver lavorato come avvocato fiscalista, e dopo aver maturato una lunga esperienza come impiegata statale dell’amministrazione tributaria e come avvocato libero professionista nell’economia libera, attualmente lavoro come traduttrice, principalmente nel settore legale ed economico-finanziario. Grazie alla mia dimestichezza con le leggi e alla capacità, necessaria per i giuristi, di elaborare, comprendere e tradurre anche materie e ambiti giuridici sconosciuti, sono in grado di consultare anche leggi e decreti italiani, qualora ciò si renda necessario per una comprensione del testo da tradurre.
Keywords: law, Recht, Jura, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaftsrecht, Risk Management, Solvency, Rating, asset liability management, Unternehmenssteuerung. See, Recht, Jura, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaftsrecht, Risk Management, Solvency, Rating, asset liability management, Unternehmenssteuerung, Finanzen, Vertrag, Verträge, Klagen, claim, legal documents, economic, financial, tourism, Werbung, pubblic relation, advertisement, Tourismus, Bilanzen, Jahresabschluss, sheet balance, Berichte, reports, tributario, fiscale, Steuern, Steuerrecht, Anträge, Recht, Wirtschaft, Apostille, Heiratsurkunde, Urkunden, Gesetzestexte, Rechnungswesen, Buchhaltung, Amtsblatt, Rechnungslegungsstandards, Anhang, Geschäftsbericht, Handelsregisterauszug, Ausschreibung, Personalmanagement, HR, Human Resources, Ausschreibungsunterlagen, Handelsvertertervertrag, Cash Pooling, contratto, contratti, traduzioni di contratti, di atti giudiziari, procure, procedure, controversie giudiziarie, pareri legali, Gutachten, CTU, stragiudiziale, außergerichtlich, Schiedsverfahren, costituzioni di società, conferimenti, esecuzioni, fallimenti, recupero crediti, lavoro, tributarie, successione, contratti di agenzia, contratti di locazione, Statuten, Gesellschaftsvertrag, Gesellschaftsverträge, arbitrati, privacy, Datenschutz, proprietà intellettuale, Patentrecht, Urheberrecht, recupero crediti, Inkasso, Mahnbescheid, Mahnverfahren, risarcimento danni, fusioni, acquisizioni, Betriebübergang, Fusion, Verschmelzung, costituzioni societarie, agreements, employment contracts, leases, agency contracts, licensing agreements, confidentiality undertakings, certificates, registers, incorporation, tax-related, association, house rules, notarized deeds, court documents, rulings, indictments, summonses, patents, specifications, applications, priority certificates, depositions, affidavits, letters of credit, arbitration, litigation, corporate law, commercial law, disclaimers, disclaimer, trade marks, Markenrecht, Photovolatiakanlagen, PV-Anlagen, Photovoltaik-Anlagen, Copywriting, Marketing, attorney, barrister, solicitor, Versicherungen, Versicherungsrecht, insurance. See less.

Profile last updated
Apr 10, 2018

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