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Translation, Website localization
Specializes in:
Medical (general)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Poetry & Literature
Media / Multimedia
Also works in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Human Resources
Medical: Dentistry
Medical: Health Care
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.10 - 0.20 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour
English to Spanish: Commentary on The Ritual Fire Dance / Comentarios sobre la Danza Ritual del Fuego
Source text - English The Ritual Fire Dance has always been a cornerstone of 20th centruy Spanish repertoire and the best known piece from the ballet El Amor Brujo, Love the Magician, by Manuel de Falla. The work was composed in 1915 and later revised in 1925. In this great work, poignant melodies and captivating Spanish rhythms accompany ritual and dance. The story centers around gypsies from Granada , and in particular Candela who is haunted by the ghost of her dead lover. Every time she approaches the young handsome Carmelo, her late lover’s ghost appears only to block their meetings. Recalling her lover’s unfaithfulness, Candela tries to thwart the ghost’s interference by asking her friend Lucia, to seduce the ghost so she can spend time with Carmelo. When she accomplishes this, the ghost gradually fades away. In the original (1915) version, Candela throws incense into a fire that has been burning and exclaims,
"Holy incense! Fresh incense! Cast out the evil and bring in the good! "
As the smoke rises, Candelas dances the Ritual Fire Dance, which was originally entitled Dance of the Day’s End.
Translation - Spanish La Danza Ritual del Fuego siempre ha sido considerada como una obra importante del repertorio musical español del siglo XX, siendo la más conocida pieza de la obra de ballet El Amor Brujo de don Manuel de Falla. La obra compuesta originalmente 1915 fue luego revisada en 1925. En esta gran obra melodías singulares y cautivadores ritmos españoles acompañan al ritual y la danza. La historia gira en torno a gitanos de Granada, en particular de Candela, quien es atormentada por el fantasma de su difunto amante. Cada vez que ella intenta acercarse al joven mancebo de Carmelo, aparece el fantasma de su amante para interferir con el encuentro. Haciendo memoria de la infidelidad de su amante, Candela trata de frustrar la intromisión del fantasma con la ayuda de su amiga Lucía, a quien pide que seduzca al espectro para así ella poder estar con Carmelo. Tras ella lograr su cometido el fantasma gradualmente desaparece. En la versión original (1915) Candela lanza un puñado de incienso a las llamas de un fuego ardiente y clama:
" Incienso santo! Incienso nuevo! Saca lo malo y entre lo bueno! "
Mientras el humo asciende Candela se entrega al baile de la Danza Ritual del Fuego cuya versión original se intitulaba la Danza del Fin del Día.
English to Spanish: Consent for Orthodontic Treatment / Consentimiento para Tratamiento Ortodóntico
Source text - English You have the right, as a patient, to be informed about your condition, recommended treatment, and the risks, hazards involved so you may make the decision whether or not to undergo treatment. The information in this form is not meant to alarm you; it is simply an effort to make you better informed so you may give or withhold your consent to treatment. This is not a contract binding you to any treatment.
In the vast majority of orthodontic cases, significant improvements can be achieved with cooperative patients. Orthodontic treatment is an elective procedure and it, like any other treatment of the body has certain inherent risks and limitations. It is difficult to predict which patients may encounter problems, but the potential risk and limitations of orthodontic care should be understood before beginning treatment. Please feel free to ask any questions about this at any time. Should difficulties occur, treatment plans may be revised.
Translation - Spanish Como paciente usted tiene el derecho de ser informado de su condición, tratamientos recomendados, los riesgos y peligros envueltos para que así pueda decidir si se somete o no a tratamiento alguno. La información en este formulario no es para alarmarlo, es sencillamente un esfuerzo para mantenerlo mejor informado de manera que pueda conceder o negar su consentimiento al tratamiento.
En la gran mayoría de los casos ortodónticos se pueden lograr mejoras significativas con la cooperación del paciente. El tratamiento ortodóntico es un procedimiento electivo y como cualquier otro tratamiento conlleva ciertos riesgos y limitaciones. Es difícil predecir qué paciente tendrá problemas, pero los riesgos y limitaciones potenciales del cuidado ortodóntico deben ser entendidos antes de comenzar el tratamiento. Por favor siéntase libre en hacer preguntas sobre esto en cualquier momento. De surgir dificultades el plan de tratamiento puede ser revisado.
English to Spanish: Employee's Manual / Manual del Empleado
Source text - English The purpose of this Handbook is to provide employees with a general summary of some of the Company's policies and general guidelines for employee conduct. In applying the Company's policies and guidelines, individual facts and circumstances will be taken into consideration.
The Company's expectations of you and all our employees are basic and simple to understand. We expect you to be conscientious, reliable and honest; to become proficient in your work within a reasonable amount of time; to maintain satisfactory performance and attendance and to get along with your coworkers, supervisors, site residents, or others you come into contact with during your work activities.
We expect you to report for work as scheduled, to conduct yourself at all times in a courteous and conscientious manner, and to utilize good judgment. Your personal behavior, mode of dress, language, treatment of other people, and other dealings must be professional at all times. More specific rules of conduct for our employees are contained throughout this Handbook.
Translation - Spanish El propósito de este manual es proveer a los empleados un resumen general de algunas de las directrices de la Compañía y normas generales para la conducta de los empleados. Al aplicar las directrices y normas de la Compañía, se tomarán en cuenta los hechos y las circunstancias individuales.
Las expectativas que la Compañía tiene de usted y de todos nuestros empleados son básicas y fáciles de entender. Esperamos que usted sea consciente, confiable y honesto; que alcance a ser diestro en su trabajo dentro de un periodo de tiempo razonable; que mantenga un rendimiento y una asistencia satisfactorios y que se lleve bien con sus compañeros de trabajo, supervisores, residentes del local, u otras personas con quienes tenga contacto durante sus actividades laborales.
Esperamos de usted que se presente al trabajo según lo acordado, que se comporte en todo tiempo de manera cortés y consciente, y que use buen juicio. Su conducta personal, manera de vestir, forma de hablar, trato a los demás, y otros asuntos deberán ser profesionales en todo tiempo. A través de este manual se encuentran reglas más específicas sobre la conducta para nuestros empleados.
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Apr 2003.
Excellent command of Spanish language as a native speaker and broad exposure to Latin American culture. Well-developed organization and time management skills. Committed to high quality service, performance and accuracy. Good terminology research skills. Experience translating a wide variety of documents such as; literary works, business correspondence, medical forms, academic certificates, employee manuals, and judicial petitions.
• Fully bilingual; fluent in Spanish and English.
• 16 years residence in Puerto Rico.
• 32 years residing in the United States.
• Bachelor degree in Anthropology from Southern Connecticut State University.
• Trained in Computer Assisted Translation tools and Translation Project Management at New York University.
• 15 years in the manufacturing field at Cogent Powers, Inc., training Hispanic personnel from countries such as Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, El Salvador, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic.
• Trained in Medical Interpreting/Translation and Cross-cultural Communication at Yale-New Haven Hospital.
• Graduate of the Mohegan Tribe Archaeological Field School of 2005.
• Experience as Media Auditor for engineering, finance, and technology publications of North and South America at BPA Worldwide.
•Experience as Respondent Communication Specialist at Survey Sampling International; perfomed website translation and localization of; served as Company Translation Project Liason for Lingo24; managed online promotional campaigns for USA, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Brazil, Portugal, and Canada survey panels.
Keywords: academic certificate, diplomas, medical, health care, dental, Puerto Rico, Archaeology, U.S. Immigration, Criminal Investigation, Connecticut. See more.academic certificate, diplomas, medical, health care, dental, Puerto Rico, Archaeology, U.S. Immigration, Criminal Investigation, Connecticut, New England, Native American, Taino, science fiction, computer manual, employee manual, international news, web audits. See less.