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Bulgarian to French French to English English to French German to Bulgarian Bulgarian to German English to Russian Russian to English Bulgarian to Russian Russian to Bulgarian Japanese to Bulgarian Bulgarian to Japanese Italian to Bulgarian Bulgarian to Italian Spanish to Bulgarian Bulgarian to Spanish Norwegian to Bulgarian Danish to Bulgarian English to Latvian Japanese to English English to Japanese English to Swedish English to Norwegian English to Finnish English to Danish
Extensive expertise in IT and technical translations: Medical device technology, RC, Help files, GUI's, User's Manuals- NTI, Solar Turbines, QuickOffice, Mitsubishi Electric, TomTom, Transics, Brother, Epson, BENQ, ASUS, GE Healthcare, Hewllet - Packard
Account type
Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified site user
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This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
English to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Bulgarian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word French to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Bulgarian to French - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word French to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word
English to French - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word German to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Bulgarian to German - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word English to Russian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Russian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Bulgarian to Russian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Russian to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Japanese to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per character Bulgarian to Japanese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Italian to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Bulgarian to Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Spanish to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Bulgarian to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Norwegian to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Danish to Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word English to Latvian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word Japanese to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per character English to Japanese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word English to Swedish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word English to Norwegian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word English to Finnish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word English to Danish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word
Translation Volume: 1708 words Completed: Sep 2004 Languages: English to Bulgarian
Five page translation of a website
Education / Pedagogy
positive Roland Bass�ras: Wonderful Job ! Very pleased !!!
Translation Volume: 28000 words Completed: Aug 2004 Languages: English to Bulgarian translation
Tourism & Travel, IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Colleague feedback:
invguy: Yes, I have worked with Kado on parts of the project. I had no problems, communication was excellent, payment was on time. Sorry for delaying my response, it was due to some unexpected circumstances.
Translation Volume: 16 pages Duration: Jan 2004 to Feb 2006 Languages: English to Bulgarian
16 pages legal and general translation
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Education / Pedagogy, Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6 pages Duration: Jul 2005 to Jan 2006 Languages: English to Bulgarian
translation of Birth Certificates
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Jobs were done very professionally. That is why translator was contacted on several occasions for repeat job assignments.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 300 pages Duration: Jun 2005 to Dec 2005 Languages: English to Bulgarian
tender documentation
translation construction english to bulgarian
Finance (general), Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Colleague feedback:
Boika Koceva: Boika Koceva, interpreter for English, German, Russian since 1970
Blue Board entries made by this user
31 entries
Access to Blue Board comments is restricted for non-members. Click the outsourcer name to view the Blue Board record and see options for gaining access to this information.
Source text - French Objet : Avis de renouvellement du bail du local situé au xxx
La présente est pour aviser de notre volonté de procéder au renouvellement du bail du local que nous occupons au XXX pour les cinq (5) prochaines années soit du XXX au XXX selon l'Article 4.2 du bail actuellement en vigueur.
Après 25 ans de vécu comme pharmacien au VO, nous pouvons affirmer que la présence d'un pharmacien et d'une pharmacie est très appréciée et même essentielle avec le type et l'âge de la clientèle du VO.
Après l'obtention d'un bail reconduit, nous avons la ferme intention de procéder à une rénovation majeure de nos locaux pour nous mettre à date avec les tendances et couleurs des pharmacies d'aujourd'hui.
Nous sommes en plus ouvert à vous suivre dans vos projets d'expansion au VO, tel qu'initié par MC. Vos projets nous intéressent au plus haut point.
Nous comptons sur votre diligence pour donner suite à notre avis afin de procéder à la re-négociation du loyer selon l'Article 5 du présent bail pour la prochaine période de cinq (5) ans ci-haut mentionnée
Translation - English Object: Notification of lease renewal of the premises located at xxx
Dear Sir,
The present letter is to inform you about our willigness to set about the renewal of the lease for the next five (5) years of the premises that we occupy at XXX i.e. from XXX to XXX according to the article 4.2 of the lease in force.
After 25 years experience as pharmacist at VO, we can assert that the presence of a pharmacist and a pharmacy is very appreciated and even essential for the type and the age of VO's customers .
Upon the acquisition of the lease renewal , we have the firm intention to start a major renovation of our premises which will bring us up to date with the tendencies and the innovations of today's pharmacies .
We are more open to follow you in your projects of expansion in VO, as iniciated by MC. We are extremly interested in your projects.
We relay on your diligence to follow up on our notification in order to beguin the re-negotiation of the rent according to the article 5 of the present lease for the next period of five (5) years mentioned above.
French to English: Business Letter
Source text - French Montréal, le 18 mars 2004
Xxx est une agence de publicité qui offre un service professionnel et complet à une clientèle des plus réputées, dont le Centre Laval où ouvrira la première succursale de Brick au printemps 2004.
Étant à l'image de cette clientèle, c'est avec un grand plaisir que nous vous offrons nos services qui touchent tous les aspects de la communication et du marketing, de la conception graphique au conseil stratégique, en passant par la rédaction et l'impression de vos documents. De plus, ayant déjà fait la mise en marché avec succès de plusieurs clients hors Québec, nous avons le sentiment que nous pouvons grandement vous aider dans votre conquête du sol québécois.
En espérant avoir le plaisir de collaborer avec vous à votre succès et à celui de votre organisation, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées.
Translation - English Montreal, March 18, 2004
Dear Sir,
XXX is an advertisement agency that offers professional and complete services to the most prestigious clients, such as the Centre Laval where the first branch of Brick will open in the spring of 2004.
As you are reflecting this clientele, it is with a great pleasure that we are offering you our services that touch all aspects of communication and marketing, from graphic design through editing and printing to strategic consulting. Besides, having already successfully introduced into the market several out of Quebec customers, we have the feeling that we can help you greatly in your conquest of the Quebec market.
We look forward to the pleasure of working with you for your success as well as the success of your organization.
Sincerely Yours,
French to English: Lettre (General)
Source text - French
Après avoir tourner les opportunités de tout bord tout côté te lance ces quelques idées!
Je te le mentionnais nous allons nous déplacer cette été avec notre concept de courses de toilettes électriques. Je te laisse une liste rapide des plus grands événements que nous allons visiter. À cette liste s'ajoute environ une 30aine de camps de jours dans la grande région métropolitaine. Le Festival Juste pour rire, le Festiblues de Montréal, International de montgolfières St-Jean (négo), , St-Jean à Laval, Fête des enfants, Coupe de Soccer Laval, Camdrag Matane, Tournois de soccer amateur (6) famille est toujours notre target...
Voici ce que je vous propose. Dans le cadre des courses, les gagnants vont monter sur un podium, recevoir une couronne de fleurs de plastique et prendre une photo avec une fausse bouteilles de champagne. Le circuit comportera de la signalisation routière humoristique. Ces éléments, du moins quelques un, pourraient être fabriqué en bloc Lego ou bien donner l'impression de l'être. De plus notre circuit sera fabriqué de cones et de fanions à damier, la ligne de départ sera identifiée par une bannière de vinyle. Les participants porteront des full face de BMX, notre personnel portera des chemises au couleur de constructuers automobiles...Nous pourrions positionner le logo de Lego de différentes façons.
Nous utiliserons une remorque de 6' X 10' qui sera aux couleurs de Slush Puppie. Par contre le camion utilisé pourrait être maquillé aux couleurs de Lego. Je te dirais que nous recherchons environ 2000$ à 3000$ pour couvrir des frais et que si une partie de notre matériel d'animation était fournis nous serions hyper satisfait. Nous pourrions distribuer du matériel promo ( dépliant, tatoo...)
Nous débutons nos déplacement le 29 mai par le circuit de courses de boites à savon de Laval (5 courses durant l'été) et que tout doit être en place avant cela. Le délai est très court...Qu'en penses-tu?
Translation - English After looking at all the opportunities I would suggest the following few ideas!
As I mentioned before we are going to go from place to place this summer with our concept of the electric toilet race. I 'm sending you a short list of the biggest events that we are going to visit. About thirty day camps in the big metropolitan area are added to this list. The Just for Laugh Festival, The Festiblues of Montreal, International Ballon Festival of St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, the St-Jean in Laval, The Children's Festival, Laval's Soccer Cup, Camdrag Matane, Soccer’s amateurs Tournament (6)...the family has been always our target...
Here is what I would suggest. In the setting of the racing, the winners will go up on a podium to receive a crown of plastic flowers and to take a photo with a fake bottle of champagne. The circuit will include humorous road signing. These elements, or at least some of them, could be made of Lego blocks or they should create this impression. Also, our race will be made of cones and checkered pennants, the starting line will be identified by a vinyl banner. The competitors will be carrying full-face BMX helmets, our staff will be wearing shirts with the colors ofcar manufacturers... We could position Lego's logo in many different ways.
We are going to use a 6' X 10' trailer with the colors of Slush Puppie. On the other hand the truck that we are going to use could have the colors of Lego. I would say that we are looking at about $2000 to $3000 to cover some expenses and that we would be greately satisfied if a part of our animation material would be provided. We could distribute promotional material (brochures, tattoo..)
We are going to start our activities on May 29th with the Soapbox Racing circuit of Laval (5 ¸races during the summer) and everything should be in place by then. The delay is very short... What do you think ?
Bulgarian to English: Advertisement
Source text - Bulgarian DIANA LTD
Най-големите центрове за автомобилни гуми в България
30 000 бр. гуми на склад – леки, бусови, джипови, тежки, селскостопански, специални мотоциклетни, вътрешни гуми и колани
директен вносител на: ........................
- монтаж, баланс и вулканизация на леки, тежки, селскостопански и специални гуми
- реглаж на преден и заден мост на леки автомобили, бусове и джипове
- годишни технически прегледи
- смяна на масла и филтри
- помпане на гуми с хелий, аргон и азот
- автомивка
- нови алуминиеви и стоманени италиански и немски джанти
- автокозметика
- гуми на лизинг
София, Околовръстен път “Люлин”, над Мосю Бриколаж;
София, Околовръстен път между Драгалевци и Симеоново
Работно време: Понеделник-Петък .............
Събота и Неделя ..................
Translation - English DIANA LTD
The biggest car tire centers in Bulagaria
300 000 in stock-tires for cars,buses ,jeeps,trucks,farming machinery,special motocycles,inner tubes and belts
Direct importer of:………………
-tire mounting,balance and vulcanization - cars,trucks, farming machinery and special tires
- front and back axle tune-ups - cars,buses and jeeps
-annual vehicle inspection
- oil and filters changes
-tire inflation with helium,argon and nitrogen
-car wash
-new aluminum and steel wheel rims from Italy and Germany
-car cosmetics
-tire lease
Sofia,Okolovrasten pat Road at Monsiuer Bricolage
Sofia,Okolovrasten pat Road between Dragalevtzi and Simeonovo
Business hours: Monday to Friday……..
Saturdays and Sundays ………..
English to Bulgarian: Parental Notification form(General)
Source text - English Your child’s English proficiency has been measured using the Harcourt Stanford English Language Proficiency Test. The results of this assessment show that your child is at the “limited English proficiency” level, and qualifies for placement in a language instruction educational program.
English Language Learner programs adjust instruction to the child’s strengths and needs. Instructional strategies, practices, and methods to help each child learn English and meet age appropriate academic standards are based upon scientific research. The expectations for the ELL students are to fully transition into mainstream classes, meet appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion, and to graduate from high school at the same rate as mainstream students. The teachers of special education ELL students will meet with the special education personnel to ensure that the objectives of the Individual Education Plans are incorporated into classroom instruction.
The status of your child’s academic achievement is: (circle one) below grade level
at grade level
above grade level
Translation - Bulgarian Езиковото ниво по английски на вашето дете бeше измерено по Harcourt Stanford тест за владеене на английски език. Резултатите от тази оценка показват че вашето дете е на ниво"ограничена езикова компетентност по английски ”и има право да бъде записано в
образователна програма по езиково обучение.
Програмата “Да научим английски език” приспособява инструкциите към нуждите и възможностите на детето. Образователните стратегии,практики и методи ,улесняват всяко дете при изучаването на английски език и при достигането на съответните възрастови академични стандарти и са базирани на научно изследване.
Очакванията от учениците в програмата са пълен преход към регулярните класове, достигне на съответните академични стандарти за преминаване в по-горен клас и завършването на горните класове на същото ниво,на което са и останалите ученици.Учителите на учениците по програмата за обучение по английски език ще се срещнат с специалисти по това обучение за да са сигурни че целите на индивидуалните планове за обучение са включени в инструкциите на обучение.
Статусът на академичните постижения на вашето дете е: (загради само едно)
под академичното ниво
на академично ниво
над академичното ниво
English to Bulgarian: Medical translation
Source text - English Device Description
The system includes a device designed to
support the circulation of blood in the pulmonary and/or systemic circulation
when the natural heart, with the help of standard drug therapy and
intraaortic balloon counterpulsation, is unable to maintain normal blood
flows and pressures in those vascular beds. To accomplish this support,
blood is shunted from the natural heart to the system, which then pumps pulsatile
blood flow back to the body at normal arterial pressures.
Thå system can be used in several configurations to provide for the
circulation of blood in either or both the pulmonary or systemic vascular
beds at physiological pressures and flows . The system consists
of three major components: a blood pump, cannulae, and a pneumatic
Translation - Bulgarian Описание на апарата
Системата включва апарат, предназначен за поддържане на циркулацията на кръвта в малкия и/или големия кръг на кръвообращение, когато собственото сърце, въпреки помощта на стандартната лекарствена терапия и вътрешноаортна контрапулсация, не е в състояние да поддържа нормални кръвни потоци и налягания в съответните съдове. За да се осъществи тази поддръжка, кръвта се шунтира от естественото сърце към апарата, който помпа пулсативно кръвния поток обратно към тялото, при нормални стойности на артериалното налягане.
Системата може да се прилага в няколко конфигурации с цел да се осигури циркулацията на кръвта в малкия и/или големия кръг на кръвообращение при физиологични налягания и потоци .
Системата се състои от три главни компонента: перфузионна помпа, канюла и пневматично задвижване.
English to Bulgarian: Localization
Source text - English From the phone, select “Connect | Bluetooth”. Turn Bluetooth On, then move to the second tab by moving the joystick to the right. This should show you all Bluetooth devices in range. If your PC isn't shown, select “Options | New paired device” and let the phone search for the PC connection. When the phone and PC are paired, right click on the file and select “send to | Bluetooth”, then the name of your phone. Then the file will be transferred to the inbox of the phone.
From the phone to the PC, repeat the steps above. When the phone and PC are paired, from the Quickoffice file manager, press the left Options button. Select Send as | via Bluetooth. Select the PC to send the file.
Translation - Bulgarian От телефона изберете “Свързване | Bluetooth”. Включете Bluetooth, отидете на втората табулация като преместите джойстика надясно. Така ще видите всички налични Bluetooth устройства. Ако компютъра не покаже, изберете “Опции | Ново свързващо устройство” и оставете телефона да намери връзка с компютъра. Когато телефона и компютъра са свързани, натиснете с десния клавиш файла и изберете “изпрати до | Bluetooth”, после името на телефона ви. Така файла ще бъде прехвърлен във входящата кутия на телефона.
От телефона към компютъра повторете същите стъпки. Когато телефона и компютъра са свързани, при управлението на файлове към Quickoffice, натиснете левия бутон Опции. Изберете Изпрати като | чрез Bluetooth. Изберете компютър към който да изпратите файла.
Bulgarian to English: Pharmaceutical
Source text - Bulgarian Протокол: MP432 200 дозирани впръсквания само за интраназална употреба
Бутилка №. XXXXX - X
Пациент № _______ Инициали на пациента:________
Дата на изписване: ____-______-______ Център №_______
Име на изследователя__________________ Посещение №________
MP03-33 назален спрей, 137 µg
Да се съхранява в изправено положение при контролирана стайна температура 20º-25ºC. Да се пази от замръзване.
Партида: XXXXX Годност до: XX/XXXX
Инструкции за дозиране: Прилагайте по две (2) впръсквания във всяка ноздра два пъти дневно, сутрин и вечер, с интервал приблизително 12 часа.
Не изхвърляйте бутилката от назалния спрей. Донесете бутилката от назалния спрей при следващото си посещение в центъра.
За употреба само в клинични проучвания. Да се държи на недостъпно за деца място.
Внимание: Ново лекарство – ограничено от Федералния (или на Съединените щати) Закон за употреба в проучвания.
Translation - English Record: MP432 200 metered sprays for intranasal administration only
Bottle №. XXXXX - X
Patient № _______ Patient initials: ________
Prescription date: ____-______-______ Control Center №_______
Researcher name __________________ Visit №________
ASTELIN® (azelastine hydrochloride) nasal spray, 137 µg (trade name)
Store upright at controlled room temperature 20º-25ºC.
Protect from freezing.
Batch: XXXXX Expiration date: XX/XXXX
Directions for use: Apply two (2) sprays per nostril twice daily, approximately 12 hours apart in the morning and evening.
Do not throw the nasal spray bottle. Bring the nasal spray bottle during your next visit to the Control Center.
Use for clinical trials only. Keep out of reach of children.
Caution: New Drug -Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use.
English to French (University of Windsor,Ontario) Bulgarian to English (University of Windsor,Canada) Bulgarian to French (University "Cyril&Metodius",Bulgaria) English to Bulgarian (University of Windsor,Ontario) French to Bulgarian (University Cyril& Metodius, Bulgaria)
27 000 words Medical translation-ventricular assist
device technology
28 000 words Website translation-
7 000 words Localization: Quick Office-Mobility Electronics
10 000 words Advertising: Infotel Bulgaria-Yellow Pages
Several websites:
Medical reports CVs Court Orders Business Letters General Letters Diplomas Birth and Marriage Certificates Parental Notifications Kado Translations, Inc. offers quality translations to technical, legal, medical, and business customers all over the world.
The agency has branches in Bulgaria and Canada
Our goal is to provide cost-effective, professional translations.
We assure quality by choosing highly skilled translators .
Our translators are native speakers of the target language and have at least 5 years of translation experience.
Kado Translations works with a small corporations, law firms, medical institutions, government agencies, small businesses, and individuals.
Kado provides high-quality professional translations of your document to and from Bulgarian to the following languages:
English, French, German and Russian
French to English
English to French
Russian to English
English to Russian
Our rates are very competitive and negotiable and include proofreading from independent professional.
A number of price reductions are possible (regular customer status, large quantity, deadline )
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (4 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Bulgarian
Bulgarian to English
Specialty fields
IT (Information Technology)
Law (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Internet, e-Commerce
Computers: Software
Law: Contract(s)
Medical: Cardiology
Tourism & Travel
Finance (general)
Construction / Civil Engineering
Other fields
Education / Pedagogy
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Engineering: Industrial
Keywords: Translation agency, Translation agency Bulgaria, Translation, translations Bulgarian, Bulgarian translations, Across, Deja Vu, Trados, SDL, Services. See more.Translation agency, Translation agency Bulgaria, Translation, translations Bulgarian, Bulgarian translations, Across, Deja Vu, Trados, SDL, Services, Translation and Bulgaria, translate and Bulgaria, translations Bulgaria, translation Bulgaria, translations into Bulgarian, technical, medical, medical instruments, medical software, engineering, IT, medical translations, legal translations, technical translations, IT translations, software localization, marketing translations, websites localization, website translations, translations from English to Bulgarian, English to Bulgarian translations, translations from English to French, English to French Translations, Translations from English to Canadian French, English to Canadian French translations, Translations from German to Bulgarian, interpretation, voice over, translations into Bulgarian, English to Bulgarian translator, English to Russian translator, Bulgarian to English translator, Russian to English Translator, Translation Bulgarian English, Translation agencies, Bulgarian Translation services, Bulgarian translation, Bulgaria, Bulgarian, German, French, English Russian, Bulgaria, Affordable rates, Art Literature, Education, History, Philosophy, Religion, Business, Accountancy, Advertising, Brochures, Commerce, Hotel, Insurance, IT, Leases, Marketing, Media, Publishing, Real estate, Music, Radio, Culinary, Television, Sports, Travel, Finance, Banking, Telecommunications, Tourism, Medical, Medecine, Legal, Law, Civil Law, Commerce, Contracts, Immigration
Patents, Trademarks, Pharmaceuticals
expertise in IT and technical translations: Medical device technology, RC, Help files, GUI's, User's Manuals of NTI, Solar Turbines, QuickOffice, Mitsubishi Electric, TomTom, Transics, Brother, Epson, BENQ, ASUS, GE Healthcare, Hewllet - Packard, Alchemy Catalyst, Trados, Idiom, Star transit, Across, Deja Vu. See less.
This profile has received 222 visits in the last month, from a total of 180 visitors