English to Japanese: Skin Care Benefits of Antioxidants General field: Marketing Detailed field: Media / Multimedia | |
Source text - English Recent studies have revealed that adding antioxidants-rich cosmetics in your skincare regimen can deliver the most impressive benefits.
1. Defy the premature ageing:
Topical antioxidants promote a youthful appearance and protect against ageing (for instance, premature ageing caused by external factors like sun exposure, pollution, smoking, and more).
The potent antioxidant Retinoic acid - the active form vitamin A is the "gold standard" in anti-ageing skincare that helps smooth fine lines, fill in wrinkles, and soften texture.
Plant oil that features antioxidants omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) and omega-9 are extremely useful in revitalizing the skin to leave it firmer-looking and more resilient.
Niacinamide (a.k.a. Vitamin B3) also helps fight oxidative stress and improves skin tone and texture.
2. Brighten complexion:
Vitamin C is the ultimate antioxidant, particularly effective for brightening skin. It helps increase collagen production to tighten fine lines and smooth uneven skin as well.
3 Soothe skin:
All antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties that provide significant soothing effects.
In particular, polyphenols-rich green tea, works as an anti-inflammatory to reduce redness and speed up wound healing.
4. Improve hydration:
Niacinamide is a true skin barrier booster that helps prevent water loss and moisturize the skin.
Aside from being a strong antioxidant, vitamin E replenishes skin barrier and hydrate the skin keeping it soft and supple.
5. May help prevent skin cancer:
Coenzyme Q10 and Alpha-lipoic Acid are naturally occurring antioxidants in the body that allow the cells grow plus protect them from sun damage and ravages of cancer.
Besides, antioxidants, such as vitamin A, C and E, have shown anti-carcinogenic properties that may help prevent skin cancer. | Translation - Japanese 最新の研究は、抗酸化物質を豊富に含む化粧品をスキンケアレジメンにとり入れることで、最も優れた効果が得られることを明らかにしました。
1. 早期老化に立ち向かう
2. 明るく輝く肌へ
3. 肌の炎症を抑える
4. 肌の保湿を高める
5. 皮膚がんの予防に役立つ可能性
さらに、ビタミンA、C、Eなどの抗酸化物質には、抗発がん性の特性があることが示されており、皮膚がんの予防に役立つ可能性があります。 |
Japanese to English: The Japan News (Testing Translation) General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism | |
Source text - Japanese 埼玉県八潮市で28日に発生した道路の陥没事故では、地下を通る下水道管の破損で約120万人に洗濯や風呂の利用制限が呼びかけられ、生活への影響が広がっている。
八潮市内でレストランを営む女性は、床掃除を控えて皿をまとめて洗ったが、30日以降は使い捨ての皿で料理を提供するという。「この状況が続くようなら、営業できなくなる」と困った様子だった。現場近くの会社員男性も28日の夜は風呂を控え、体を拭くシートで我慢したといい「少しでも協力しなければいけないし、仕方がない」と話した。 | Translation - English The road collapse that occurred on Tuesday in Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture, has had a widespread impact on the daily lives of residents, with calls for approximately 1.2 million people to limit bathing and laundry due to the rupture of a sewer pipe running underground.
It is likely that the damaged sewage pipe, which is believed to have caused the collapse, has become blocked, leading to fears that wastewater may overflow. In response, the Saitama prefectural government urged residents living in 12 cities and towns in the upstream area to refrain from taking baths and washing clothes starting that evening.
A woman who runs a restaurant in Yashio city said that she washed the dishes in batches instead of cleaning the floor, but she will serve meals with disposable plates from Jan. 30. “If this situation goes on, I will not be able to continue my business,” she said anxiously. A company worker near the site also refrained from taking a bath on the night of Jan. 28 and put up with using body wipes. “I have to cooperate, even in a small way, because there's no other choice,” he said. |
English to Japanese: Ukraine Fires British Long-Range Missiles Into Russia General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics | |
Source text - English Ukraine fired a number of British Storm Shadow cruise missiles into Russia’s Kursk region on Wednesday, a day after firing American long-range missiles into the country, according to Pentagon and Ukrainian officials.
Moscow has said that the use of Western weapons to strike deeper into Russian territory is a major escalation, and for months that stance had kept the United States and Britain from allowing Kyiv to use the American long-range missiles or the Storm Shadows.
But President Biden last week authorized the first use of the American Army Tactical Missile Systems, known as ATACMS, deep inside Russia. American officials say the pivot was in response to Moscow’s surprise decision to bring North Korean troops into the fight. Prime Minister Keir Starmer of Britain quickly followed suit, authorizing Ukraine to use the Storm Shadows, officials said. | Translation - Japanese ウクライナは水曜日、複数発の英国製ストームシャドー巡航ミサイルをロシアのクルスク州に向けて発射した。ペンタゴンおよびウクライナ当局によると、この攻撃は、ロシアに向け米国製長距離ミサイルを発射した翌日のことであると報じている。
Japanese to English: 野菜生産が酷暑で窮地、「水やってもお湯かけるよう」 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Agriculture | |
Source text - Japanese 近年の酷暑で、野菜の生産に悪影響が出ている。高温による生育不良で収量が減るとともに収穫時期が変化し、同じ種類の野菜を通年で確保する産地リレーが途切れる現象が起きている。
苗を植えたのは例年通り8月20日頃。9月は、平均気温が25度を下回ったのは2日間だけという猛暑が続き、10月も下旬まで20度以上の日が続いた。キャベツの生育の適温は15~20度とされている。 | Translation - English The extreme heat in recent years has taken a heavy toll on vegetable production. High temperatures have stunted growth, leading to reduced yields and shifts in harvest periods, resulting in disruptions to the system that ensures a year-round supply of the same type of vegetables through rotating production regions.
“With consecutive days of temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius, many seedlings have withered even after planting. It seems that the yield will be 20?30% lower than planned." said Jinichiro Fujii, 23, president of Bicchu Shiokaze Farm in Kasaoka City, Okayama.
As usual, the seedlings were planted around August 20th. In September, the heatwave continued, with the average temperature falling below 25 degrees on only two days, and temperatures persisted above 20 degrees even into the end of October. The optimum temperature for cabbage growth is considered to be between 15 and 20 degrees.
English to Japanese: What Is An Essential Oil? General field: Marketing Detailed field: Media / Multimedia | |
Source text - English Plants contain complex and powerful substances known as essential oils. These are aromatic liquids derived from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. These distinctive components defend plants from insects, harsh environmental
conditions, and disease. They are also vital for a plant to grow, live, evolve, and adapt to its surroundings. Referred to as the essence of the plant, pure essential oils not only protect the plant, but also determine its aroma.
Essential oils have been used throughout time dating back to 4500 BC. From perfumes and aromatherapy to cooking and medicinal purposes, essential oils have been used in everyday life for centuries. In modern days, research shows that pure essential oils can provide similar benefits to humans and animals that they give to plants.
Importance of quality
Many oils, touted as essential oils, are derived with harsh chemicals, diluted, or copied and produced in a lab. Cheap copies bring cheap results and have the potential to be toxic. Therefore, it is imperative to take great care in choosing high-quality essential oils.
The Young Living Standard
Young Living offers pure, unadulterated essential oils, essential oil blends, and oil-enhanced products. At Young Living, in-house and independent laboratory testing shows that our essential oils meet high industry standards that qualify them as “therapeutic grade.” This means that health professionals choose them for promoting health and wellness.
Young Living is dedicated to producing essential oils from the highest-quality plants. Healthy plants and proper distillation produce superior essential oils with powerful benefits. Every oil is put through a series of rigorous tests before it is deemed qualified to bear the Young Living label. Our essential oils are then bottled in dark, thick, glass containers to protect the integrity of the oils. Under the lid is a fixed orifice that helps to measure dosages and to ensure safety, particularly for young children. | Translation - Japanese 植物には、エッセンシャルオイルとして知られる複雑で強力な成分が含まれています。エッセンシャルオイルは、低木や花、木、根、灌木、種子から抽出される香りの高い液体です。この液体に含まれる特有の成分が、植物を害虫や、過酷な環境条件、さらには病気から守っています。さらに、植物が成長し、生き延び、進化し、周囲の環境に適応するためにも欠かせないものです。植物のエッセンスと呼ばれるピュアなエッセンシャルオイルは、植物を守るだけでなく、その香りをも形成するのです。
Young Livingの基準
Young Livingは、純粋無垢のエッセンシャルオイルや、エッセンシャルオイルブレンド、また、オイルを使用した製品を提供しています。当社のエッセンシャルオイルは、社内や独立した機関による検査を経て、高い業界基準を満たし、“セラピー等級”として認定されています。こうした背景から、当社のエッセンシャルオイルは、健康やウェルネスを促進しようとする多くの医療専門家から選ばれています。
また、当社は、最高品質の植物からエッセンシャルオイルを生み出すことに努めています。健康な植物と 適切な蒸留により、優れた効果を持つ高品質なエッセンシャルオイルが作り出されます。全てのエッセンシャルオイルは、一連の厳しいテストを通過した後、Young Living のラベルを付ける資格があると認められます。その後、当社のエッセンシャルオイルは、品質を維持するため、暗くて厚みのあるガラスの容器に詰められます。蓋の下には、固定された中栓があり、特に幼児の安全を考慮して、適量のオイルが出るようになっています。