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Spanish to English: Alcance de trabajo/ Scope of Work
Source text - Spanish ALCANCE DE TRABAJO
Compañia Y está desarrollando el Estudio de Factibilidad del Proyecto XXXXX,
localizado en la ubicado xxx. El Proyecto comprende la explotación a cielo abierto del yacimiento de cobre XXX y el procesamiento del mineral, mediante el método de
flotación convencional, a un ritmo promedio de 90.000 toneladas por días, para producir 2.215 toneladas días de concentrado de cobre seco. Se contempla una vida útil del yacimiento de 15 años.
En paralelo al desarrollo del estudio de factibilidad, se está elaborando el Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) del Proyecto a cargo de la consultora XXX. Como parte de este EIA, y con el objeto de evaluar la potencial afectación de la calidad de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas ubicadas hacia aguas abajo de las instalaciones del Proyecto, se debe determinar el potencial de generación de drenaje ácido que poseen los estériles y relaves generados por
el Proyecto además de evaluar la posible formación de una laguna en el rajo durante el cierre.
XXX ha desarrollado una primera fase de análisis del potencial de drenaje ácido,
consistente en el desarrollo de test estáticos para los estériles y test estáticos y cinéticos para relaves, con muestras que representan los primeros 5 años de operación de la mina, cuyos principales resultados se resumen en la sección 2 de este documento.
El objetivo del trabajo requerido es complementar los análisis desarrollados en la Fase 1 de tal
manera que cumplan con los estándares usuales de la industria minera aplicables a este tipo de análisis, que sean aceptados por la Autoridad Nacional y que permita a Compañia Y contar, de este modo, con el respaldo técnico necesario para solventar el EIA en este aspecto. Cabe hacer ver que Compañia Y estima presentar ante la Autoridades el EIA del Proyecto durante los primeros meses del año 2008, por lo cual el desarrollo del estudio de drenajes ácidos es prioritario, en función de lo cual se ha establecido un programa de trabajo muy ajustado que deberá ser considerado por la consultora que se adjudique la realización de este estudio.
En la Sección 3 de este documento se indica el alcance de los trabajos requeridos, sugiriendo los análisis a realizar. Sin embargo, los proponentes pueden sugerir modificaciones debidamente justificadas a este listado de actividades de acuerdo a su experiencia particular, en especial si dichas modificaciones permiten reducir el periodo de análisis, esto en consideración al ajustado programa de actividades considerado para completar el EIA a principios del próximo año.
El plazo para recibir las propuestas será el próximo jueves de septiembre. En la evaluación de las propuestas los aspectos a considerar serán plazos propuestos para el desarrollo del estudio, experiencia del equipo profesional propuesto y costos asociados.
En esta sección se describe el estudio del potencial de generación de drenaje ácido del Proyecto XXXXX desarrollado por XXX (en adelante XX).
El propósito de las pruebas y análisis geoquímicos desarrollados por KP es caracterizar los materiales de relave y roca estéril que se producirán en el sitio y evaluar el potencial que tienen estos materiales de producir drenaje ácido de rocas (DAR) con elevadas concentraciones de metales. Se obtuvieron muestras de material de relave y de roca estéril y se enviaron para pruebas geoquímicas estáticas y cinéticas (sólo relaves). Se analizaron e Interpretaron los datos analíticos con respecto al potencial de estos materiales de producir DAR en el sitio.
El potencial de desarrollo de una laguna en el fondo del rajo de la mina al término de la operación se analiza cualitativamente. Se afirma que existe la posibilidad de que la laguna del rajo se vuelva ácida. XX sugiere el monitoreo posterior al cierre para evaluar los posibles problemas de calidad del agua.
2.1 Selección de las muestras
• Muestras de relaves
Se envió un total de seis muestras de relaves para pruebas geoquímicas. Las muestras se obtuvieron de AA Mineral Services, que actualmente están llevando a cabo las pruebas metalúrgicas para el circuito de proceso de flotación. Cinco muestras de relaves corresponden a las principales unidades geometalúrgicas, descritas a continuación, y la sexta muestra es una muestra compuesta de los cinco materiales. Las muestras se seleccionaron basándose en una estimación de los volúmenes de estos materiales extraídos durante los cinco primeros años de producción.
Las cinco muestras de relaves son:
1) Hipógena, Alto Au (HGH) – Corresponde a la zona hipógena, con un alto
contenido de oro. La mineralogía del sulfuro está dominada por la calcopirita
y pirita; la calcocina, bornita, covelina y tenantita aparecen como minerales
2) Hipógena, Bajo Au (LGH) – Corresponde a la zona hipógena, con un menor
contenido de oro. La mineralogía del sulfuro está dominada por calcopirita y
pirita; la bornita y tenantita aparecen como minerales traza.
3) Supérgena Muy Enriquecida (SES) – Corresponde a la zona de
mineralización intermedia de cobre y oro muy enriquecida. La mineralogía del
sulfuro está dominada por calcocina y pirita; la bornita, covelina y tenantita
aparecen como minerales traza.
4) Supérgena Débilmente Enriquecida (WES) – Corresponde a la zona de
mineralización intermedia de cobre y oro débilmente enriquecida. La
mineralogía del sulfuro está dominada por calcocina y pirita.
5) Toba (TUFF) – Corresponde a las rocas volcánicas y volcanoclásticas.
6) Compuesta – Consiste en un 28,5% de HHG, un 26,9% de HLG, un 9,4%
de SES, un 4,4% de WES y un 30,8% de TUFF. Estas proporciones fueron
designadas por XCu.
• Muestras de roca estéril
Las muestras de roca estéril se obtuvieron de acuerdo con un Plan de Muestreo para el Proyecto XXXXX, preparado en octubre de 2006. Este plan de muestreo no está incluido en el documento del EIA para revisión. El plan contempla tramos de muestras derivadas del programa de perforaciones de exploración. El plan de muestreo se basa en siete perfiles del depósito de mineral y dos bases de datos con información de la ley del mineral, la litología y la alteración, la cual es representativa de los primeros 5 años de operación de la mina. Las muestras de roca estéril se definieron mediante una ley de corte de 0.25% de cobre.
Las principales unidades litológicas de la roca estéril están agrupadas de la siguiente manera:
El depósito La Fortuna es un típico yacimiento porfídico cobre-oro con enriquecimiento supérgeno. Las principales zonas de mineralización están definidas para este proyecto de la siguiente manera:
- Lixiviada – esta zona incluye las unidades litológicas afectadas por lixiviación e
incluye la mineralización de óxidos como también material no mineralizado.
- Primaria – la zona hipógena, que contiene minerales de cobre y oro. Los principales
minerales de cobre incluyen la calcopirita y la bornita, con trazas de tenantita.
- Secundaria – en la zona de enriquecimiento supérgeno de minerales de cobre, que
incluye principalmente calcocina y covelina, con trazas de enargita y cobre nativo.
2.2 Análisis geoquímicas
Las pruebas analíticas fueron realizadas por los Laboratorios AA. Los resultados analíticos para las 6 muestras de relave y las 174 muestras de roca estéril se presentan en el documento para las siguientes pruebas:
6 muestras de relaves:
- ABA modificado,
- Química de la roca total mediante ICP-OES,
- Análisis de soluciones de lixiviación mediante SPLP (USEPA M1312),
- Análisis químicos del líquido sobrenadante la pulpa y,
- Pruebas de celdas de humedad (HCT).
174 muestras de roca estéril:
- ABA modificado,
- Determinación de metales mediante ICP-OES y,
- Análisis de soluciones de lixiviación mediante SPLP (USEPA M1312).
En la Tabla siguiente se presentan las pruebas analíticas realizadas en las muestras de roca estéril de acuerdo con la litología y el tipo de alteración.
Los procedimientos de pruebas consideradas son los siguientes:
• Pruebas de equilibrio Acido-Base (ABA)
Las pruebas ABA incluyeron el análisis/información del pH en pasta, el azufre total, el S- sulfuro, el S-sulfato, el carbonato, el potencial de neutralización (PN), el potencial de generación de ácidos (PA), el potencial de neutralización neto (PNN (PN - PA)) y el coeficiente de potencial de neutralización (PN/PA).
• Análisis de metales mediante ICP-OES
Se determinaron las siguientes concentraciones de analitos mediante análisis ICP-OES (Plasma Inductivamente Acoplado - Espectrometría de Emisión Óptica): Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, In, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, Te, Ti, V, Zn y Zr.
• Ensayos de extracción SPLP
Se realizó el Procedimiento de Lixiviación de Precipitación Sintética (SPLP) de acuerdo con el método 1312 de la USEPA Para las muestras de relave, la solución de lixiviación se analizó para los siguientes parámetros: Ag, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sb, Se y Zn. En el caso de las muestras de roca estéril, la solución de lixiviación se realizó para los 8 siguientes metales/metaloides: Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb y Se.
• Análisis químico del líquido sobrenadante de la pulpa
La porción líquida de las muestras de relaves procesadas (sobrenadante) se analizó para determinar los siguientes parámetros: pH, CE, sulfato, nitrato, nitrito, alcalinidad, acidez, STD, hidróxido, carbonato, Cl, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se y Zn.
• Pruebas de celdas de humedad
Las HCT del material de relaves fueron realizadas por Laboratorios SGS. La solución de lixiviación de las celdas se recolectó en forma semanal y se analizó para determinar los siguientes parámetros según un programa semanal/mensual que se muestra a continuación. Las pruebas se realizaron en 20 semanas.
- Análisis Semanales: Alcalinidad, acidez, pH, sulfato y CE.
- Análisis Mensuales: As, Ba, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se y Zn.
• Control de calidad
Se sometió una ronda inicial de 10 muestras duplicadas para análisis ABA e ICP-OES y una segunda muestra, consistente en el 10% de todas las muestras, fue sometida a pruebas ABA y SPLP.
2.3 Resultados de las pruebas e interpretación de los datos
Los siguientes resultados e interpretaciones de los datos analíticos de relaves y roca estéril se presentan en el estudio.
• Resultados e interpretación de las muestras de relaves
ABA modificado
Los valores de pH en pasta de las muestras de relaves fueron casi neutros, con la excepción de la muestra de HHG, que exhibió una elevada acidez (pH de 1,64). Las concentraciones de S-sulfuro variaron de 0,34 a 0,44 %, correspondiendo a valores de PA que variaron de 10,63 a 13,75 toneladas de CaCO3/Ktonelada. Las mediciones de PN variaron de 1,00 a 7,25 toneladas de CaCO3/Ktonelada. Estos valores se usan para calcular valores de PNN entre - 12,75 y -3,69 toneladas de CaCO3/Ktonelada y coeficientes de PN/PA entre 0,07 y 0,66. El criterio de interpretación considerado es el siguiente:
- PNN < -20 toneladas de CaCO3/Ktonelada permite clasificar un material como
potencialmente generador de ácidos;
- -20 < PNN < 20 toneladas de CaCO3/Ktonelada indica un potencial incierto;
- PNN > 20 toneladas de CaCO3/Ktonelada indica un material potencialmente
neutralizador de ácidos.
Los datos de las pruebas ABA se evalúan nuevamente considerando la probabilidad de que una porción considerable de los minerales sulfurados contenidos en los materiales de relaves se encuentren en forma de sulfuros de cobre, tales como la covelina y la calcopirita. La evaluación ABA estándar, específicamente el cálculo delPA, asume que todo el S-sulfuro contenido en las muestras se encuentra en forma de pirita. Para modificar los valores de PA para determinar la presencia de sulfuros de cobre, se redujo el porcentaje total de sulfuro de las muestras por el porcentaje de cobre de las muestras (de acuerdo al análisis ICP-OES) y los
valores de PA se recalculan utilizando el valor modificado.
Determinación de metales mediante ICP-OES
La fracción sólida de cada muestra de relaves se analizó mediante ICP-OES para determinar los porcentajes relativos de los elementos principales y traza.
Análisis de las soluciones de lixiviación mediante SPLP (USEPA M1312)
Se llevaron a cabo pruebas SPLP de soluciones de lixiviación para evaluar la calidad de la escorrentía inicial que podría generarse a partir del material de relaves en contacto con agua meteórica. Con excepción de las concentraciones de molibdeno (valores cercanos a 3 mg/l), la calidad de la escorrentía es generalmente buena y contiene bajas concentraciones de la mayoría de los metales y arsénico.
Análisis químico sobrenadante de los relaves
La fracción líquida de cada muestra de relaves fue analizada mediante ICP con Absorción Atómica para evaluar la calidad del agua. Los datos indican bajas concentraciones de metales/metaloides y niveles moderados de alcalinidad de bicarbonato, que podrían servir para neutralizar la posible generación de ácido en los relaves cuando el material se oxida.
Pruebas de celdas de humedad (HCT)
Los resultados de HCT sugieren que los materiales de relaves no son muy reactivos. En todas las celdas, los valores de pH medidos en las muestras semanales de soluciones de lixiviación se mantuvieron neutros a levemente alcalinos a través de la duración del período de pruebas de 20 semanas y la conductividad de los efluentes fue baja. Las concentraciones de sulfato fueron inicialmente elevadas, pero descendieron rápidamente hasta bajo 100 mg/l en la mayoría de los materiales después de la cuarta semana de pruebas, con excepción de algunas muestras que produjeron sulfato relativamente elevado durante la semana 17. Todos estos resultados sugieren que la tasa de oxidación de los relaves es baja incluso en las favorables condiciones de oxidación provistas en las pruebas HCT.
Al término de las 20 semanas de pruebas, las muestras HCT fueron sometidas nuevamente a pruebas ABA para comparar los datos de ABA iniciales y finales. En general, los datos indican una pérdida significativa de sulfato en todas las muestras (excepto SES, en la cual la concentración de sulfato aumenta) y notorios descensos de los contenidos de sulfuro de las muestras (excepto la muestra compuesta, que indica la ausencia de variación en los contenidos totales de azufre o sulfuro). Los datos también indican significativos aumentos de los valores de PN (excepto HLG).
Resultados e interpretación de muestras de roca estéril
ABA modificado
Los datos de ABA se interpretan sobre la base de los valores de PNN. Los resultados por litología se presentan en la tabla siguiente Los valores de pH en pasta son principalmente neutros, con algunas excepciones. En general, las tobas y los pórfidos de la zona de mineralización primaria muestran un potencial neto de neutralización claramente negativo y deben considerarse potencialmente generadores de ácido.
Translation - English
Mining Company Y is developing Feasability Study of the ‘XXXXX’ project, located at xxxxx. The project involves the open pit mining of the ‘XXX’ copper deposit and the processing of the mineral extract by means of conventional floatation method, at an average rate of 90 000 tons a day, to produce 2 215 tons a day of dry copper concentrate. The deposit is thought to have a productive lifespan of 15yrs.
Parallel to the development of the Feasability Study, an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) of the project is being run by the Consulting Firm XXX. As part of the EIS, and with the object of evaluating the potential impact on the quality of the surface water and shallow ground water below the project installations, the potential for acid drainage generation of the waste rock and tailings generated by the project should be determined, in addition to evaluation of the possible formation of a pit lake at closure.
XXX has undertaken initial ARD characterisation, comprising static tests for the waste rock and static and kinetic testing for the tailings, from representative samples of the first five years of mine operation. The primary results are summarised in section 2 of this document. The objective of required work is to complement the analyses developed in Phase 1 so that they fulfil the normal standards of the mining industry applicable to this type of operation, and such that they are accepted by the National Authority and permit Mining Company Y to incorporate the findings into the EIS.
It is worth noting that Mining Company Y copper estimates it will present the Project EIS to the Authorities during the first months of 2008, thus the ARD study is a priority, and accordingly, a tight work schedule has been established which should be taken into consideration by the consultant overseeing the undertaking of this study.
In Section 3 of this document, the scope of required work is indicated, and suggests the analyses needed. However, the consultant can suggest substantiated modifications to this list of activities according to their experience, particularly if said modifications will permit a reduction in the analysis time period, considering the adjusted program of activities required to complete the EIS t the beginning of next year.
The deadline for submission of proposals will be the following Thursday in September. Aspects considered in the evaluation of the proposals will be the time proposed for the development of the study, experience of the proposed professional team and associated costs.
This section describes the study of the potential for the generation of acid drainage in the ‘XXXXX’ project developed by XXX(from here referred to as x). The purpose of the geochemical tests and analyses developed by x is to characterise the materials of tailings and waste rock that will be produced during mining and evaluate the potential of these materials to produce acid rock drainage (ARD) with high metal concentrations. Samples of tailings and waste rock were obtained and sent for static and kinetic (only tailings) geochemical tests. Samples were analysed and interpreted with respect to the potential for these materials to produce ARD. The potential for the development of a pit lake in the base of the open pit at the closure of the operation was analysed qualitatively. The possibility that the pit lake could turn acid is affirmed. XX suggests monitoring post closure to evaluate the possible problems with water quality.
2.1 Sample Selection
• Tailings samples
A total of six tailings samples were sent for geochemical tests. The samples were obtained by AA Mineral Services who are currently carrying out metallurgic tests for the flotation process circuit. Five tailings samples correspond to the principal geometallurgical units described below and the sixth, is a sample composed of five materials. Samples were selected based on an estimation of the volumes of these materials extracted during the first five years of production. The five tailings samples are:
1) High Gold Hypergene (HGH) –
Corresponds to the hypogene zone with a high concentration of gold. The mineralogy of the sulphur is dominated by chalcopyrite and pyrite; chalcosine, bornite, covelline and tennantite appear as trace minerals.
2) Low Gold Hypergene (LGH) – Corresponds to the hypogene zone with a low concentration of gold. The minerology of the sulphur is dominated by calcopyrite and pyrite; Bornite and tennantite appear as trace minerals.
3) Super Enriched Supergene (SES) – Corresponds to the intermediate mineral deposit zone of super enriched copper and gold. The minerology of the sulphur is dominated by chalcocine and pyrite; Bornite, coveline and tennantite appear as trace minerals.
4) Weak Enriched Supergene (WES) – Corresponds to the intermediate mineral zone of weakly enriched copper and gold. The minerology of the sulphur is dominated by chalcocine and pyrite.
5) Tuff (TUFF) – Corresponds to volcanic rocks and volcanoclastics.
6) Composition – Comprises 28,5% HHG, 26,9% HLG, 9,4%
SES, 4,4% WES and 30,8% TUFF. These proportions were designated by Mining Company Y.
• Waste rock Samples
The samples of waste rock were obtained in accordance with a Sample Plan for the XXXXX Project, prepared in October 2006. This Sample Plan is not included in the EIS document for revision. The plan considers sections of samples derived from the exploration drilling program. The sample plan is based on seven mineral deposit profiles and two databases with information on the mineral grade, the lithologies and alteration, which is representative of the first five years of mine operation. The waste rock samples are defined through a cut-off grade of 0.25% copper.
The principal lithological units of waste rock are grouped together in the following manner:
The XX deposit is typical of the porphyritic copper-gold with supergene enrichment. The main zones of mineralization for this project are defined as follows:
- Leach Zone – this zone includes the lithological units affected by leaching and includes oxides and unmineralised material.
- Primary – the hypergene zone, containing the copper and gold minerals. The main copper minerals include chalcopyrite, and bornite, with traces of tennantite.
- Secondary – the supergene enrichment zone of copper minerals that principally include Chalcosine and covelline, with traces of enargite and native copper.
2.2 Geochemical Analyses
The analytical tests were carried out by AA Laboratories . The analytical results for the six tailings samples and the 174 samples of waste rock are presented in the document for the following tests:
6 Tailings Samples
- Modified Acid-Base Accounting
- Determination of metals by ICP-OES,
- analysis of leachate solutions through SPLP (USEPA M1312),
- Analysis of tailing supernatant (liquor), and
- Humidity cell Tests (HCT).
174 waste rock samples:
- Modified Acid-Base Accounting
- Determination of metals through ICP-OES and,
- analysis of leachate solutions through SPLP (USEPA M1312),
In the following table the analytical tests carried out on the waste rock samples are presented according to lithology and alteration type.
The testing procedures considered are the following:
• Acid Base Accounting Tests (ABA)
ABA tests include analysis/information of paste pH ,total sulphur, Sulphide . the Sulphate Sulphur, carbonate neutralisation potential (PN), the acid generation potential (PA). the net neutralisation potential (PNN = PN-PA) and the coefficient for potential neutralisation (PN/PA)
• Metal Analysis by ICP-OES
The following concentrations of analytes were determined by ICP-OES analysis:
Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd,
Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, In, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, Te,
Ti, V, Zn y Zr.
• SPLP Extraction Tests
The Synthetic Precipitation of Leachate Procedure (SPLP) according to method 1312 of the USEPA
For tailings samples the leached solution was analysed for
Ag, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn,
Mo, Pb, Sb, Se y Zn.
For waste rock samples, the leachate solution was analysed for:
Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb y Se.
• Chemical analysis of the tailing liquor (supernatant)
The tailings liquor was analysed to determine the following parameters:
pH, EC, sulphate, nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity, acidity,
STD, hydroxide, carbonate, Cl, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni,
Pb, Sb, Se y Zn.
• Humidity Cell Tests
The HCT of the tailings material were carried out in the SGS Laboratories. The leachate solution of the cells was collected weekly and analysed to determine the following parameters according to the weekly/monthly program detailed below.
The tests were carried out over 20 weeks.
- Weekly analysis: alkalinity, acidity, pH, sulphate y EC.
- Monthly analysis : As, Ba, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se y Zn.
• Quality Control
An initial round of 10 duplicate samples was sent forABA and ICP-OES analysis and a second batch, consisting of 10% of the samples, underwent ABA and SPLP tests.
2.3 Test results and data interpretation
The following results and interpretations of the analytical data of tailings and waste rock were presented in the study.
• Results and interpretation of tailings samples
ABA modified
The pH paste values in the tailings sample were almost neutral, with the exception of the HHG sample, which showed elevated acid levels (pH of 1.64). The S-sulphur concentrations varied from 0.34 to 0.44% corresponding to the PA values which varied from 10.63 to 13.75 tonnes of CaCO3/K ton. The measures of PN varied from 1.00 to 7.25 tons of CaCO3/K ton. These values were used to calculate the PNN values of between 12.75 and -3.69 tons of CaCO3/K ton and coefficients of PN/PA between 0.07 and 0.66. The interpretation criterion used was:
PAG - PNN < -20 tons of CaCO3/Kton;
Uncertain - -20 < PNN < 20 tons de CaCO3/Kton;
Acid Neutralising - PNN > 20 tons of CaCO3/Kton.
The ABA test data is re-evaluated taking into account the probability that a considerable portion of the sulphur minerals contained in the tailings materials is found in the form of copper sulphides, such as covelline and chalcopyrite. The ABA evaluation standard, specifically the calculation of PA, assumes that all the S-sulphide contained in the samples is found in the form of pyrite. To modify the PA values to determine the presence of copper sulphides, the total percentage of sulphide in the samples was reduced by the percentage of copper in the samples (according to ICP-OES analysis) and the PA values were recalculated using the modified value.
Determination of the metals by ICP-OES
The solid faction of each tailing sample was analysed by ICP-OES to determine the relative percentages of principal elements and trace metals.
Analysis of leachate solutions by SPLP (USEPA M1312)
SPLP tests were carried out on leachate solutions to evaluate the quality of the initial run-off that could be generated from the tailings material on contact with rainwater. With exception of the molybdenum concentrations (values close to 3 mg/l) the quality of the run-off
is generally good and contains low concentration of the majority of metals and arsenic.
Chemical analysis overlying the tailings
The liquid fraction of each tailings sample was analysed by ICP-AA to evaluate the water quality. The data indicates low concentrations of metals/metalloids and moderate levels of bicarbonate alkalinity and could serve to neutralise the possible production of acid in the tailings when the material oxidises.
Humidity Cell Tests
The results of the HCT suggests that the tailings materials are not reactive. In all the cells, the pH values measured in the weekly samples of leach solutions were maintained at neutral to slightly alkaline throughout the duration of the trial period of 20 weeks and the conductivity of the effluents was low. The sulphate concentrations were initially high but dropped quickly until they reached 100mg/l in the majority of the materials after the fourth week of tests, with the exception of some samples that produced relatively high sulphate during week 17. All these results suggest that the rate of oxidisation of tailings is low including in the favourable conditions of oxidation predicted in the HCT tests.
At the end of the 20 weeks of testing, the HCT samples underwent new ABA tests to compare the data of initial and final ABA. In general the data indicates a significant loss of sulphate in all samples (except SES, in which the concentration of sulphate increased) and notable decreases in the sulphide content of samples, (except the compound sample, that indicates the absence of variation in the total sulphur and sulphide content). The data also indicates significant increases in the PN values (except HLG).
• Results and interpretation of waste rock samples
ABA modified
The ABA data is interpreted over the PNN value base. The results of lithology are presented in the following table. The paste-pH values are mainly neutral, with some exceptions. In general the tuff and the porphyrites from the primary mineralization zone show a net neutralisation potential that is clearly negative. These materials should be considered potential acid generators.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of London.
Years of experience: 28. Registered at Oct 2002.
Spanish to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) Spanish to English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified)
Nov - Personal documentation. Academic Files. Construction Specifications. International Maritime Conference/Meeting.
Oct - Company Financial Statements. Financial Reporting Guidelines. Business correspondence. Language Teaching. Police Statement.
Sept - Petrology and Mineragraphy Reports. Medical reports. Meeting minutes and working documents.
August - Localisation project. Language Teaching.
July - Corporate publicity collateral. Technical manual.
June - Localisation project. Geological studies.
May - Company accounts. Personal documents. Corporate Presentation. Petrographic and Bathymetric studies.
April - Transcription of Corporate videos and interviews. Advertising collateral. Family Court documents. Property Contract.
Mar - Legal Agreements. Taxation declaration. Sales Contract. Marketing Localisation. Corporate video subtitling.
Feb- Court ruling - Family Court. Custody Agreement. Company Report. Court Judgment.
Jan - Corporate Newsletters; Taxation documents; Court Order;
Dec - Engineering reports; Electrical Technical Specifications; Corporate Newsletter; Legal documents - Family Court;
Nov - Police Reports; Business Plan; HR presentations; Employment Contracts; Deeds of Incorporation; Petrographic Studies.
Oct - Panama Police documents; Personal documents; Mining Processing Specs; Localisation Sep- Corporate Powerpoint Presentations; Energy Sector Bid; Corporate Newsletters; Court Proceedings.
Aug - Marketing collateral. Corporate Legal documents, Deeds of Incorporation. Legislation.
July - Geology sample studies; Sales Contract; Personal Documents; Academic studies;
June - Petrographic studies; Geology reports; Property Agreements; Corporate Deeds; Financial Declarations;
May - Corporate Presentations (pptx); Business correspondence; Court documents; Contract; Company Accounts; Marketing Collateral;
April - Petrographic study; Employment Contract.
March - Bank reports and financial statements. Property deeds and registration. Financial Correspondence. Company By-Laws. Immigration documents.
Feb 2016 - Petrographic Report; Company Financial Statements; Corporate Newsletter;
Jan 2016 - Technical Bidding Guidelines. Articles of Incorporation.
Dec - Company Valuation Reports. Company Accounts. Company Constitution and By-Laws. Commercial Website.
Nov - Employment contracts. Financial Statements. Divorce Papers. Environmental Impact Assessment. Articles of Incorporation. Company Statutes. Company Accounts. Shareholder Certificates.
Oct- Attending FIT Legal Translation and Interpreting Forum, and Executive Council Meeting, Lima, Peru. Business registration documents. Deeds. Company Articles of Association. Sales Contract.
Sep- Insurance Policy and statements. Financial Statements. Supply Contracts. MOU. Company Share certificates, Financial Statements, and Company Registration. Sales Contract.
Aug - Borate Mining Resource Studies. Power supply tender. Program description for technical training for Baking/Pastry/Cake-making course; Teacher Training course strategies outline. Food regulation standard. Mining Water resource reports. Insurance Policies. Property contracts. Property Development project details.
July - Company Code of Conduct. Industrial Healthy and Safety Policies. University subject descriptions. Academic transcripts. Legal documents relating to taxation declaration (Chile) and information, Response to legal summons regarding corporate taxation.
June - Property Registration; Employment Reports; Certificates; CVs; Financial Report;
May - Meeting minutes. Corporate advertising collateral. Company Financial Statements. Technical manual.
April - Property Deeds. Police Report. Financial Reports and documents. Sales contract. Technical manual.
March - Workplace Health and Safety Manual. Corporate Taxation Declaration, correspondence and audit. Geological Study summary. Attending FIT Council Meeting 2015 in Baku, Azerbaijan (26-31). Attending GALA conference 2015, Seville.
February - Construction Project Specifications. Geological Study. Corporate Questionnaire. Property Deeds. Will and Testament. Lease Agreement. Workplace Health and Safety Manual. Personal documents. Academic Transcripts.
January - Mining Corporate Sustainability Guidelines. Company Newsletter. Sales contract. Articles of Incorporation. Financial Statements.
December - Oil Pipeline shipping nominations; Articles of Association. Video edits and subtitles. Confidentiality Agreement. Corporate Video Subtitles. Death Certificate and Will. Corporate Correspondence. HR References.
November - Corporate Video Script and Subtitling. Financial Statements. Agricultural Import Agreement. Insurance Policy. Aviation Safety Communication. Will and Testament.
October - Financial statements; Company Collateral; Company HR Employee Guidelines and Testing; University Extracts; Technical manual. Market analysis.
September - Amendment of Articles of Association. Sales contract. Aviation certificates and documents. Company Deeds. In-house Company Newsletter. Articles of Association. Personal Documents. Immigration Documents. Academic Transcripts. Marriage Certificates.
August - Employment Contract. Aviation technical manuals. Aviation certificates and legislation. Company minutes.
Oct - Export Taxation Regulations; Construction Bid Documents; Police Reports; Metallurgy Testing Reports; Company Minutes; Agricultural Import Conditions, Chile; Promotional Collateral; Newsletter for Multinational Company;Financial Statements;
Sep - Accident Investigation Report; Technical Bid Documents; Quality Management Plan and Work Methodology; Company Financial Reports; Company Code of Conduct and Behaviour; Employee survey and feedback results; Power of Attorney; Purchase Contracts;
August - Notarisation of changes to company names and status/ financial accounts reconciliation (Chile); Environmental Licence Documentation; Audit Recommendations(Colombia); Finance Committee Minutes; Non-compliance Issues, Recommendations and Actions; Subtitling of clip from News Bulletin; Financial Reports and Budgets (Spain); Contracts; Oil Pipeline Project; Resolution for Water Resource Management (Colombia); Operating Licence and environmental approval; Company culture and Values Statement Document; Company Promotional Presentation.
July - Agricultural Import Regulations (South America); Commercial Guidelines (mining - Chile). Maritime Pilot Navigation Certificates (Chile). Letters of Offer and Employment Contracts. Audit report. Letters of Credit. Sworn Declaration [civil matters]. Power of Attorney. Marketing/Press Release - optical scientific research. Police Report.
June - Corporate Sustainability Standards. Drilling specifications. Power of Attorney. Property specifications. Internal Accounting Procedures. Criminal Records. Employment References and CVs.
May - Financial Accounts. Articles of Incorporation. Residential Lease. Affidavits. Sales Contract. Special Power of Attorney. Group Standards [HR] - Anti-discrimination.
April - Property contracts. Economic Forecast Report. Personal Documents. Press releases. HR Communication. Legal Decisions - Pensions. Minutes of AGM and share capital increases.
March - Short story. Promotional material. Environmental Impact Assessment Study. Environmental Legislation. Detailed description of mining project. Company Financial Statements. Audit reports. Employment certificates.
Feb 2013- Electricity Supply Bid. International Sales and Distribution Contract. Court Statements. Environmental Impact Assessment. Solar Energy Supply Bid.
Jan 2013 - Journal articles. Legal Documents relating to Extradition and Prisoner Transfer. Mine Processing and Geotechnical Modelling (Structural Geology/ Stability) Studies. Metallurgy Testing Reports.
Dec 2012 - Hydrogeology report. Agricultural Import Regulations. Deeds of Legalisation and Registration.
Nov 2012- Product design specifications, Chemical products. Chilean Mining Environmental Impact Assessment. Legal evidence documents for court case, Official Correspondence (Fiscal General), Maritime documentation and movement. Sanitation Engineering reports.
Oct 2012 - Legal specifications for Telecommunications bid. Geological studies; Chilean Mining exploration reports. Financial audit documents.
Aug 2012 - Ppt Presentation of Taxation Information, Environmental Impact Assessment for Mining Project, Mine Closure Planning, External Relations. Property, legal ownership. Government Environmental Permits.
July 2012 - Power purchase agreements. Bank Statements. Personal Documents. Electricity Supply Contract. Invoicing Protocols. Witness Statement. Articles of Incorporation.
June 2012 - Property contracts. Power generation specifications. Personal documents. Academic article on Twentieth Century Art. Power generation specifications and supply agreements. Psychological reports.
May 2012- Topographic Bathymetric Survey. Commercial terms of reference for mine development, Mining bid. Report on study results for midwifery article. Judicial Certificates. Chemical Analysis Reports. Financial Statements.
April 2012 - Electricity supply modelling. Medical certificate. Police Statements.
March 2012 - Employment Contracts. Memos on Negotiation of Land/resource rights. Geology reports. Contract amendments. Academic summaries. Personal documentation.
Feb 2012- Satellite Communications Bid Specifications. Audit Reports and Financial Statements. Electrical Power Supply Tender.
Jan 2012 - Large Mining Project Description. Employee Policies and Standards (HR). Police Statements. Employment contracts. Employer references and records.
Seismic Risk Report. Legal claims - Land/property.
Dec 2011 -Reports on Acoustic Impact Modelling and Technical Specifications. Baseline Noise and Vibrations and Vibrations Impact Reports. Legal statements. Personal documentation. Legal documents for notarisation of EGM minutes and amendments.
Nov 2011 - MOU. Property contracts. Hydrology Report.
Oct 2011 - Business plans and correspondence. Legal Memos on Mining and Property issues. Formal agreement for specific project financing. Financial Statements. Employment Contract.
Sep 2011- Court testimonies.Cullinary Techniques and kitchen knowledge. Taxation return and declarations. Mining CVs.
Aug 2011 - Tourism data. Legal documents: regulations relating to Employment Contracting.
July 2011 - Oil and Gas Pipeline Management and Operations. HR Documents.
June 2011 - Police Reports, Geological Reports, Human Resource Profile, Financial Reports/Risk assessment, Employment Contracts, Promotional material.
May 2011 - Fashion/Clothing detail, Code of Conduct, Curriculum Vitae.
April 2011 - Report on Mining Exploration and Geological Results
Mar - April 2011 - Financial Statements / Auditors Report
Employment Contracts
Feb 2011 - Legal Documents - Contracts and Tenders.
July 2010 - Jan 2011 Mining Prefeasibiilty Study, Analysis of Reserves and Mining Scenarios, Engineering Feasibility Study, Geomechanical Consulting.
Translation Experience
Experience in a multiplicity of Legal texts, including Judicial Proceedings, Court Orders, Marriage, Custody and Divorce Papers, Property Contracts.
Mining - Scoping and Prefeasibility Studies, MOUs, Tenders, Geochemical sample analysis
Education especially educational psychology and bilingual education.
Tourism - Branding and tourism research for Huelva, Spain; Work on Turespaña publicity campaign 2002/3
Government - trade, vocational training, law.
Song Lyrics for major music company
Recipe Books of Traditional Mexican Cuisine.
Literary translation.
Accredited Cultural and Spanish Language Studies
BA (Hons) Hispanic Studies (1st) from University of London
(Cultural Studies, Spanish Language and Linguistics, Adv. Film Studies)
Diploma in Translation (CIOL) studied at Westminster University
Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (Law) (CIOL)
Associated Relevant Work Experience
Freelance writer
Tutor/Teacher of Spanish Language
Language support and hosting of in-bound delegations
Government Contract work (Field of International Education and Training)
Manager of UK Charitable Project providing Spanish language education and support for children of Spanish-speaking families. (5years)
Proofreading and review of articles
Research and Translation for Economic Consultancy
Liaison and Bookings for Publishers’ Advertising Representative - with clients Marie Claire (España), Actualidad Economica (España).
Keywords: Editing, Proofreading, Spanish to English, Translation, Revision, Corrección de textos, Traducción del Español al Inglés, Legal Proceedings, Judgements, Will. See more.Editing, Proofreading, Spanish to English, Translation, Revision, Corrección de textos, Traducción del Español al Inglés, Legal Proceedings, Judgements, Will, Certificate, Lawsuit, Sentence, Deed, Licence, Property, Trade, Procedimiento judicial, Testamento, Certificado, Demanda, Sentencia, Escritura, Dictamen, Licencia, Bienes Raices, Commercio, Educational Psychology, Bilingual Education, Vocational Training, Reports, University Degrees, Psicopedagogía, Educación Bilingüe, Formación Profesional, Diplomas, Notas, Grados Universitarios, Publicity Campaign, Campaña Publicitaria, English Spanish, subtitles, subtitling, film scripts, drama scripts, theatre, español inglés, subtitulación, guiones, obras de teátro, Art, painting, sculpture, arte, pintura, escultura, Mining, Coal, Iron Ore, Petroleum, Copper, Feasibility Study, Environmental Impact Study, Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, Minería, Carbón, Petroleo, Cobre, Estudio de Factibilidad, Estudio de Impacto Ambiental, Memorando de Entendimiento, , MDE, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Baptisms, Divorce, Death Certificates, Immigration, Registros, Nacimiento, Matrimonio, Bautizo, Divorcio, Fallecimiento, Inmigración
Law, Education, Certificates, Spanish English, Español Inglés, Service, servicio, Urgent documents, documentos urgentes, . See less.