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Source text - Arabic هل يجوز إهداء ثواب القرآن والطاعات إلى الأموات؟
مذهب أهل السنة والجماعة أن للإنسان أن يجعل ثواب عمله لغيره؛ لما روي عن النبي المصفى أنه ضحى بكبشين أملحين أحدهما عن نفسه والآخر عن أمته؛ أي جعل ثوابه عن أمته. ورُوي أن رجلا قال: (يا رسول الله إن أمي افتلتت نفسها فهل لها أجر إن تصدقت عنها) قال: (نعم ولك أجر). وهذا هو الرأي الشائع عن الأئمة الأربعة والأدلة على مشروعية هذا الأمر كثيرة في الصحيحين.
Translation - English Is it permissible to dedicate the rewards of reading the Quran and doing acts of obedience to the deceased?
Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama'a school believed that a person could dedicate the reward of his deeds to another person. That's because of what was narrated about the Prophet Al-Mustafa: that he sacrificed two horned Amlah rams, one for himself and the other for his ummah; that is, he dedicated its reward to his ummah. It was narrated that a man said, "O Messenger of Allah, my mother had died suddenly; will she get a reward if I gave out Sadaqah on her behalf?" He replied, "Yes, and you will have a reward." This is the common opinion expressed by the four imams, and there is much evidence for the legitimacy of this in the two Sahihs.
English to Arabic: Marketing General field: Marketing
Source text - English Clean Key enables you to easily avoid direct contact with germs. This is the no-touch copper tool you've been waiting for.
Translation - Arabic يُتيح لك Clean Key تجنب الاتصال المباشر بالجراثيم بسهولة. هذه هي الأداة النحاسية المُجنِّبة لِلَّمس التي ظللتَ تنتظرها.
English to Arabic: Literary General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English Once I saw you, I felt over the moon. However; there is not much of me to offer you. I have tea, if you'd like; I have me, if you'd love, and here is the road, if you'd leave.
Translation - Arabic بمجرد أن رأيتك، غمرتني السعادة. لكني ليس لدي الكثير لأُقدمه لك: لدي الشاي، إذا أردتَ؛ لدي أنا، إذا أحببتَ؛ والطريق أمامك، إذا فضَّلتَ المغادرة.
English to Arabic: Business General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English As a pioneer in not only the thermal separation of structural elements, Schöck Bauteile GmbH is also very well-known for its continual, critical inventions.
Translation - Arabic ليست شركة Schöck Bauteile GmbH رائدة فقط في مجال الفصل الحراري للعناصر الإنشائية، ولكنها تشتهر أيضًا باختراعاتها المستمرة والهامة.
English to Arabic: Finance General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Budgeting is personal finance 101. By tracking your ins and outs, you will be able to save more.
Translation - Arabic إعداد الميزانية هو من مبادئ التمويل الشخصي. من خلال تتبع الداحل والخارج، ستتمكن من توفير المزيد.
English to Arabic: Business General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Let’s face it – some client-designer combinations simply do not work. Therefore, Client Qualification is about discovering whether a potential client is a good match for you.
Translation - Arabic لنواجه الأمر، بعض مجموعات العميل والمصمم لا تكون مناسبة. ولذلك، فإن "تأهيل العميل" يدور حول اكتشاف ما إذا كان العميل المحتمل مناسبًا لك أم لا.
English to Arabic: Literary General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English We didn’t have much, but we were happy as a family. We had food on our table, enjoyed the company of ourselves and the few friends we had at the time.
Fast forward eight (8) years on, out with the old, in with the new, everything was no longer the same.
Translation - Arabic لم يكن لدينا الكثير، لكننا كنا سعداء ونحن عائلة. تناولنا الطعام على طاولتنا، واستمتعنا بصحبة بعضنا والأصدقاء القلائل الذين كانوا لدينا في ذلك الوقت.
وبعد مرور ثماني (8) سنوات، ينتهي الفصل القديم، ويبدأ الجديد، ويختلف كل شيء عما كان.
English to Arabic: Leadership General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Leadership contains certain elements of good management, but it requires that you inspire, that you build durable trust.
Translation - Arabic تشتمل القيادة على عناصر معينة من الإدارة الجيدة، ولكنها تتطلب أن تكون مُلهمًا وأن تبني ثقة دائمة.
Arabic to English: Diet General field: Marketing
Source text - Arabic بقالك كتير عايز تعمل دايت، ودايما بتقول هبدأ من يوم السبت “مش عارف ليه دايما بيبقى يوم السبت” وييجي يوم السبت تقول هبدأ السبت اللي بعده .. بس أخيرا وبعد طول إنتظار بدأت الدايت فعلا. أسبوع بيعدي والتاني, وحاسس إنك مش بتخس؟ بقيت حاسس إنه دايت بلا هدف وطبعا
رجعت تاني تفكر في صينية المكرونة بالبشاميل والمحشي قبل ما تعمل كده هنقولك على شوية حاجات غلط ..ممكن تكون بتعملها في نظامك الغذائي الجديد.
Translation - English You wanted to go on a diet for a long time, and you always say, "I'm going to start on Saturday." I don't know why it is always Saturday, and when Saturday comes, you say, "I'll start the next Saturday." But finally, after waiting for so long, you've really started the diet. One week passes, then another, and you feel like you don't lose weight? You felt that this diet was useless, and, of course, you are back thinking about a tray of bechamel pasta and mahshi (Middle Eastern stuffed vegetables) again. Before doing that, we'll tell you about some mistakes that you might be making with your new diet.
Arabic to English: Diet General field: Marketing
Source text - Arabic ناس كتير بتركز في محتويات الوجبات الرئيسية ومش بياخدوا بالهم إن اللي بيبوظ الدايت هو الرمرمة
اللي بتحصل في خلال اليوم ... بسكوت في الشغل، إيس كريم قدام التلفزيون ..شيبسي وقت الشوبينج .وجبات حجمها صغير بس سعراتها الحرارية كبيرة
Translation - English Many people focus on the content of the main courses but fail to notice that what really messes up their diet is the snacks they have during the day, like biscuits at work, ice cream while watching TV, and potato chips while shopping. All are mini meals with a lot of calories.
Arabic to English: Diet General field: Marketing
Source text - Arabic مش عشان المشروبات الغازية مكتوب عليها دايت معناها إنها خالية من السعرات الحرارية ومش عشان. الكيكة دي مكتوب عليها خالية من الدهون يبقى ناكل الكيكة كلها. كل حاجة كويسة لو بالمعقول.
Translation - English A soda that is labeled "diet soda" is not necessarily calorie-free, and a cake that is labeled "fat-free cake" is not an excuse to eat the whole cake. Everything is okay in moderation.
Years of experience: 3. Registered at Oct 2023.
Freelance translator with 2+ years of experience in translating from English to Arabic, specializing in subtitling, written texts, and proofreading. Proven ability to deliver high-quality, accurate, and culturally sensitive translations that meet deadlines and client expectations.
Keywords: English, Arabic, translation. transcription, proofreading, subtitling. Arabic translator, Arabic subtitler, literary translator, English to Arabic translator, English to Arabic literary translator, English to Arabic academic translator. See more.English, Arabic, translation. transcription, proofreading, subtitling. Arabic translator, Arabic subtitler, literary translator, English to Arabic translator, English to Arabic literary translator, English to Arabic academic translator, English to Arabic translator in Egypt, Arabic translator, professional English to Arabic translator, research paper translator, movies translator, films translator, movies subtitler, films subtitler, video translator, video subtitler, documentary tanslator, documentary subtitler, script translator, En-Ar translater, En-Ar subtitler, English to Arabic script translator, English transcriber, Arabic transcriber, sound translator, sound transcriber, audio translator, audio transcriber, Arabic audio transcriber, professional translator, English to Arabic translation, English to Arabic human translation, freelance English to Arabic translator, business translation, media translation, social science translation, Arabic native speaker, Arabic proofreader, Arabic proofreading. See less.