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French: The pattern of prayer General field: Other Detailed field: Religion
Source text - French Le modèle de la prière
ésus a accompli beaucoup de miracles. Au cours de son ministère, il a marché sur l’eau, il a transformé l’eau en vin, il a guéri des malades et ressuscité des morts. Comme Jean l’a dit : « Jésus a encore fait beaucoup d’autres choses ; si on les écrivait en détail, je ne pense pas que le monde même pourrait contenir les livres qu’on écrirait » (Jn 21.25).
J’ai toujours été étonné que les disciples n’aient pas demandé à Jésus comment marcher sur l’eau, comment apaiser une tempête ou encore comment accomplir l’un de ses multiples miracles. Au lieu de cela, ils lui ont demandé de leur enseigner à prier. Notez qu’ils n’ont pas demandé à Jésus de leur apprendre comment prier, mais ils ont supplié : « Enseigne-nous à prier » (Lu 11.1). Je suis certain que les disciples voyaient clairement le lien indissociable entre la puissance que Jésus manifestait et les heures qu’il passait seul à converser avec son Père.
L’enseignement que Jésus donne au sujet de la prière nous vient du sermon sur la montagne qui est rapporté dans Matthieu 6 et Luc 11. Jésus introduit ses remarques sur le modèle de la prière avec ces mots :
Lorsque vous priez, ne soyez pas comme les hypocrites, qui aiment à prier debout dans les synagogues et aux coins des rues pour être vus des hommes. Je vous le dis en vérité, ils ont leur récompense. Mais quand tu pries, entre dans ta chambre, ferme ta porte, et prie ton Père qui est là dans le lieu secret ; et ton Père, qui voit dans le secret, te le rendra.
En priant, ne multipliez pas de vaines paroles, comme les païens, qui s’imaginent qu’à force de paroles ils seront exaucés. Ne leur ressemblez pas ; car votre Père sait de quoi vous avez besoin, avant que vous le lui demandiez. Voici donc comment vous devez prier (Mt 6.5-9).
Translation - French
The pattern of prayer
ésus performed many miracles. During his ministry he walked on water, he turned water into wine, he healed the sick and raised the dead. As John said, “Jesus did many other things; if they were written down in detail, I do not think the world itself could contain the books that were written” (Jn 21:25).
I've always been amazed that the disciples didn't ask Jesus how to walk on water, how to calm a storm, or how to perform one of his many miracles. Instead, they asked him to teach them how to pray. Notice that they did not ask Jesus to teach them how to pray, but they pleaded, “Teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). I am sure the disciples saw clearly the inseparable link between the power that Jesus displayed and the hours that he spent alone in conversation with his Father.
The teaching that Jesus gives about prayer comes to us from the Sermon on the Mount which is recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. Jesus introduces his remarks on the pattern of prayer with these words:
When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who like to pray standing in synagogues and on street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they have their reward. But when you pray, enter your room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.
In praying, do not multiply vain words, like the pagans, who imagine that by dint of words they will be answered. Don't look like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Here is how you should pray (Mt 6.5-9).
Years of experience: 3. Registered at May 2023.
Adobe Acrobat, FrameMaker, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Word
CV available upon request
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I started my career as a translator in 2021, translating letters, Visas, blog posts and humanities, excerpts from books on religion. Since then, I have gradually gained experience, given my dynamism, my adaptability, the interest I attach to the job of web translator in various languages such as Spanish, German, English, into my mother tongue: French.
In 2021, my English to French translation of the classic article on religion “The pattern of Prayer/ le mdèle de Prière” (2021 Publications Chrétiennes, Inc.,) was published on Upwork. In 2023, my translation of the cover letter English into Spanish "COVERING LETTER-RITA BAIRAGI" (PWC 19 April 2023) was published on Kwork. Both publications show my ability to carry out a multilingual project.
Translation consists of understanding the source text with all its subtleties and nuances, then decently transcribing it into the target language while respecting the rules and habits of the language. My experiences as a teacher living in Cameroon, License in psychology prove my skills in writing and linguistic comprehension. I provide my clients with English, German and Spanish translations into French of impeccable quality.
My expertise is submitted to anyone who wants an available, dynamic and motivated writer and translator at their service.