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Spanish to English: Contesta demanda/Answer to the Complaint
Source text - Spanish CONTESTA DEMANDA
Pedro XX (CPACF Tº175 Fº244), en mi carácter de letrado apoderado de la demandada Luisa UP, constituyendo el domicilio procesal junto con el letrado que me patrocina, Dr. Horacio ST (CSJN Tº NNN Fº 000) en BB 22, Piso 16, Of. 4, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, en autos caratulados “Juan Doe c/ Jane UP y Otros s/ Daños y Perjuicios”, a V.S. respetuosamente digo
Tal como lo acredito con el poder especial para asuntos judiciales que en original y copia adjunto a la presente y que declaro bajo juramento se encuentra en pleno vigor y efecto, soy el representante de la Sra. Luisa UP, demandada en autos.
En tal carácter, y en legal tiempo y forma, vengo a contestar la demanda entablada por el Sr. Juan WT en nombre y representación del menor Horacio WT, solicitando se rechace la misma en todas sus partes, con expresa imposición de costas.
Solicito, además, la declaración de pluspetición inexcusable en la que ha incurrido la actora en el presente pleito.
Lo dicho en los puntos 16 y 17 reviste suma importancia en casos como el de autos, y debe ser contemplado por V.S. al momento de resolver en la presente causa.
24. En el libelo de inicio, la parte actora malintencionadamente pretende dar a entender que
25. No escapará al entendimiento de V.S. que, a la luz de lo expuesto supra, resulta falsa la afirmación de la actora de que
26. Contrariamente a lo que afirma la demandante, y tal como se demostrará en la oportunidad procesal correspondiente, ...
27. (...) Debe por ello impugnarse la temeraria afirmación de la actora en el punto XI de la demanda, que reproducimos a continuación: ...
28. El reclamo formulado por la actora sólo puede ser tomado como una fútil crítica a la legislación vigente ...
29. No es cierto tampoco que el menor haya recibido atención médica durante el período de marras, como se aduce en la demanda; prueba de ello es que la actora no acompañó documentación alguna que acredite sus dichos.
30. Reiteramos que los planteos incoados por la actora carecen de relevancia fáctica y jurídica, y sólo se dirigen a sensibilizar a V.S. con argumentaciones mendaces y distorsivas.
Esta parte admite que, tal como lo expone la actora en su demanda, la responsabilidad por la muerte de la Sra. WM debe extenderse al fabricante de los medicamentos ... (...) Por lo dicho, mi mandante debe quedar liberado de toda responsabilidad en relación con la cuestión objeto de este acápite.
32. De la simple lectura de los argumentos de la actora se deduce que su posición no es consecuencia de un análisis lógico-jurídico de la cuestión, sino más bien de la deliberada intención de “encontrar” demandados lo suficientemente solventes como para abonar los $3.000.000 que solicita.
IV Negaciones
Niego todas y cada una de las manifestaciones vertidas por la actora en el escrito de demanda, con excepción de aquéllas que hayan sido objeto de específico reconocimiento en la presente.
En pocas palabras, significa una petición mayor que la que corresponde por derecho.
2. Conforme lo han establecido nuestros tribunales, para que quede configurado el supuesto de la pluspetición necesariamente debe haberse dictado sentencia. Pero en la presente causa los hechos son de una claridad tal que me permito solicitar la aplicación de lo dispuesto en el art. 72 del rito al contestar demanda.
1. Vengo a solicitar a V.S. que se declare la procedencia de la pluspetición inexcusable en la queda circunscripta la pretensión de la actora, supuesto éste que está contemplado expresamente en el art. 72 del Código Procesal Civil y Comercial de la Nación.
Para el hipotético caso de que la resolución que en definitiva se dicte en este asunto sea contraria a los intereses de mi representada, dejo formulada la reserva (del caso) federal a fin de deducir el recurso extraordinario previsto en el artículo 14 de la Ley 48 ante la Corte Suprema de la Nación, por haberse violado las garantías de la defensa en juicio y el principio de la no arbitrariedad de las sentencias.
1. Se tenga por contestada en legal tiempo y forma la demanda instaurada contra mi mandante.
2. Se tenga presente la prueba documental ofrecida.
3. Se tenga presente la reserva del caso federal efectuada.
4. Se haga lugar a la declaración de pluspetición inexcusable en los términos solicitados.
5. Se rechace la demanda en todas sus partes, con expresa condenación en costas.
Proveer de conformidad
Translation - English ANSWER TO THE COMPLAINT
I, Pedro XX, Esq., (Professional Register: Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires - Volume , Page ) in my capacity as attorney for Defendant Luisa UP, establishing my domicile at litem at , Piso 16, Of. , City of Buenos Aires, together with my legal counsel, Horacio ST, Esq. (Professional Register: Federal Supreme Court-Volume , Page 566), hereby appear in re “Juan Doe v. Jane UP et al., Complaint for Damages” [“Juan Doe c/ Jane UP y Otros s/ Daños y Perjuicios”] and respectfully represent as follows:
As shown by the special power of attorney for court litigation, which I declare under oath is in full force and effect as of the date hereof, I am acting in my capacity as attorney for the Defendant in this case, Mrs. Luisa UP. The original and a copy of the said power of attorney are attached hereto
In my capacity as attorney for the Defendant and acting as and when prescribed by law / at such time and in such manner as prescribed by law, I hereby answer the complaint filed / brought by Mr. Juan WT on behalf of the minor Horacio WT, requesting that the said complaint be dismissed in its entirety, with an award of costs / holding the plaintiff liable for the costs of suit / and that costs of suit be assessed against plaintiff.
I further request that the plaintiff’s claim in this action be declared / held / ruled unreasonably excessive / immoderate / unjustified / unwarranted
[There follows a detailed description of facts]
18. The statements contained in paragraphs 16 and 17 are of the utmost importance / of paramount importance in cases like the one at issue and must be considered by this court when / deciding upon this action.
24. In its complaint, the plaintiff maliciously intends / seeks to suggest / imply / intimate that ...
25. In light of the facts described above, there is no denying the falseness of the statements whereby the plaintiff maintains / asserts that // Y.H. will certainly note that, in light of
26. Contrary to the plaintiff’s contentions / assertions, and as shall in due course be proved… / and as shall be proved at such time as required by the rules of procedure / at the appropriate procedural stage
27. We therefore object to the frivolous / frivolous and groundless statement made by the plaintiff in paragraph XI of the complaint, which is transcribed below: ...
28. The plaintiff’s claim can only be construed / interpreted as trivial / futile / vain criticism of the laws currently in force / a futile attempt at criticizing ...
29. Nor is it true that the minor received medical assistance / attention during the above-mentioned period, as argued by the plaintiff. Proof of this is the fact that the plaintiff failed to file any document supporting / in support of / that may uphold its allegations.
30. We insist that the arguments wielded by the plaintiff lack factual and legal significance / basis // are unsubstantial and immaterial both in fact and at law and are merely intended to sensitize Y.H. with mendacious / false and distortive arguments
31. The defendant admits that, as stated by the plaintiff in its complaint, liability for the death of Mrs. WM should be extended to the manufacturer of the drugs // the manufacturer of the drugs should also be held liable for the death of Mrs. WM … (…). Thus, my principal should be exempted from any and all liability for matter under consideration in this paragraph.
32. Just by reading the plaintiff’s arguments we can see that / From the plaintiff’s arguments / assertions / averments it follows that / It is clear from the mere reading of the plaintiff’s arguments that its position does not derive from a logical-juridical /legal analysis of the matter but rather from its willful intent / intention to “find” defendants who are as financially able as needed to pay the US$3,000,000 claimed / to “find a deep pocket ” who can pay….
I deny each and every allegation set froth / raised / made by the plaintiff in its complaint, except for those specifically / expressly admitted herein.
1. I hereby request that the plaintiff’s claim be ordered / ruled / decreed unreasonably excessive, as expressly provided by s. 72 of the Federal Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure.
Briefly stated, the plaintiff has claimed a greater amount than it is entitled to claim as of right .
2. As Argentine courts have held, for a petition to be considered excessive, the court must theretofore have passed / rendered / entered judgement // judgment must have been passed before a plus petitio may be argued to exist. In this action, however, the facts are so clear that I think it expedient to request, upon answering the complaint / in this answer that the provisions contained in s. 72 of the above-mentioned Code be applied. In addition, the following requirements should be met:
Should the final judgment be rendered against my principal /should the court finally find against my principal/, I hereby reserve the right to appeal to the Federal Supreme Court under section 14 of Law No. 48 on the grounds of infringement of the guarantees of due process of law and the principle that judgments should not be arbitrary and capricious.
WHEREFORE, premises considered , I hereby request:
1. That the complaint brought against my principal be considered answered as and when prescribed by law.
2. That due notice be taken of the documentary evidence offered / it be entered in the record that documentary evidence has been offered.
3. That due notice be taken of the reservation of the right to appeal under a federal question.
4. That the plaintiff’s claim be ruled unreasonably excessive in the aforesaid terms / as petitioned above.
5. That the complaint be dismissed in its entirety, with an award of costs / costs to be assessed against the plaintiff.
Years of experience: 44. Registered at May 2002.
English to Spanish (Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) Spanish to English (Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires)
Translations for major law firms: Lawyers' reports; procedural documents, such as complaints, motions, defences, remedies, judgements, appeals, final writs etc.); Contracts, Corporate documents, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, minutes of shareholders' meetings, stock purchase agreements, option purchase agreements, shareholders agreements, articles of merger and acquisition; bills of lading, average adjustments, license agreements; proof of claims, meetings of beneficiaries' committees, trust agreements, tax returns, tax-related matters, letters of request, issuance of negotiable instruments,financial statements,annual reports, auditors' reports; deeds, mortgages; also legislation, case law, etc.
Translation for domestic and foreign companies: Corporate documents, Bids specifications, Guarantees, etc.
Translations for domestic and foreign pharmaceutical laboratories: Documents furnished by Legal Department and drug related material.
Financial Translations for banks and financial institutions
Translations for private individuals, particularly personal documents such as birth, marriage and death certificates, school transcripts, diplomas, resumes, etc.