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Swahili to Somali - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute English to Somali - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute Somali to Swahili - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute English to Swahili - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute Somali to English - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute
Swahili to English - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute Somali - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute Swahili - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute English - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 36 USD per hour / 36.50 USD per audio/video minute
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English to Somali: The Importance of Budgeting/Muhiimadda Miisaaniyadda General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Accounting
Source text - English Budgeting is a critical aspect of managing your finances and achieving financial stability. By creating a budget, you can track your income and expenses, identify areas where you can save money, and make sure you are using your funds effectively. Additionally, budgeting helps you prioritize your spending, so you can save for big purchases and reach your financial goals. There are many different budgeting methods to choose from, but the most important thing is to find a system that works for you and stick to it. With a solid budget in place, you can take control of your finances and build the future you want.
Translation - Somali Miisaaniyaddu waa arrin muhiim u ah maaraynta dhaqaalahaaga iyo in aad heshaan xasillooni dhaqaale. Abuuritaanka miisaaniyad, waxaad raad-raaci kartaa dakhligaaga iyo kharashaadka kugu baxa, waxaadna caddeyn kartaa meelaha aad lacag ku kaydsan karto, hubina in aad lacagtaada u isticmaashid si wax ku ool ah. Intaa waxaa dheer, miisaaniyaduhu wuxuu kaa caawinayaa inaad mudnaanta siiso qarashka aad, sidaas darteed waxaad ku badbaadin kartaa iibsashada weyn oo aad gaarto himilooyinkaaga dhaqaale. Waxaa jira habab badan oo kala duwan oo miisaaniyaduhu ku baxaan oo wax lagu kala doorto, laakiin waxa ugu muhiimsan waa in la helo nidaam kuu shaqeeya oo aad ku dhagtid. Miisaaniyad adag ayaa meesha ku taala, waxaad talada dhaqaalahaaga ku qabsan kartaa oo aad ku dhisi kartaa mustaqbalka aad doonaysid.
English to Somali: The Importance of Communication to the World Today/ Muhiimada Ay Isgaarsiinta u Leedahay Dunida Maanta General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Telecom(munications)
Source text - English Communication plays an important role in our daily lives, connecting people, businesses, and governments across the globe. From mobile handsets and the internet to satellite communications, communications technology revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.
Advances in communication have allowed us to quickly and easily connect with everyone, everywhere, to create a global and economic community. The Internet has changed the way we do business, making it possible to work remotely and get more information from our fingertips.
The telecom industry continues to grow and grow, constantly introducing new and innovative technologies to enhance our communications capabilities. 5G technology, for example, is set to revolutionize how we use the internet, delivering faster speeds, lower latency, and improves reliability.
Telecom companies are also exploring ways to make their services more accessible and accessible to people in developing nations, connecting previously unrelated communities and gaining access to news and education.
In short, communication plays an important part in our modern society, providing us with means of networking, information sharing, and advancing our lives. As technologies continue to advance, communications will become increasingly important, shaping the future of how we live and work.
Translation - Somali Isgaadhsiinta waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaartaa nolol maalmeedkeena, isku xirka dadka, ganacsiga, iyo dawladaha ku kala nool daafaha aduunka oo dhan. Laga soo bilaabo mobile-taleefanka gacanta iyo internet-ka, isgaarsiinta satellite-ka, teknoolojiyada isgaarsiinta ayaa kacdoon ku yeeshay habka aan u xiriirno iyo helitaanka macluumaadka.
Horumarka dhanka isgaarsiinta ayaa noo sahlay in aan si dhakhso ah oo fudud ku xiranno qof kasta, meel kasta, si loo abuuro bulsho caalami ah iyo dhaqaale. Internet-ka ayaa wax ka beddelay habka aan u ganacsanno, taas oo suurtagal ka dhigtay in meel fog laga shaqeeyo oo macluumaad dheeraad ah laga helo faraheena.
The warshadaha isgaarsiinta sii wadaan in ay koraan iyo koraan, si joogto ah soo bandhigid teknoolajiyada cusub oo cusub si kor loogu qaado awoodaha isgaarsiinta our. technology 5G, tusaale ahaan, ayaa lagu wadaa in ay kacdoon sida aan u isticmaalno internetka, bixinta xawaare degdeg ah, latency hoose, iyo hagaajinaysaa isku halaynta.
Shirkadaha isgaarsiinta ayaa sidoo kale baaraya qaabab ay adeegyadooda uga dhigi karaan kuwo ay ku heli karaan dadka ku sugan waddamada soo koraya, isku xirka bulshooyinka aan horey ula xiriirin iyo inay helaan wararka iyo waxbarashada.
Si kooban, isgaarsiintu waxay qayb muhiim ah ka qaadataa bulshadeena casriga ah, iyada oo na siisay agab isku xirka ah, macluumaad wadaagida iyo horumarinta nolosheena. Iyada oo ay teknoolajiyadu sii wadaan inay horumaraan, isgaarsiinta ayaa noqon doonta mid sii kordheysa oo muhiim ah, oo qaabaynaysa mustaqbalka sida aan u noolnahay oo aan u shaqeyno.
English to Somali: The Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health / Faa'iidooyinka ay Fikirku u leedahay Caafimaadka Maskaxda General field: Other Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Meditation has been a tradition for thousands of years, with good wisdom. Studies have found that regularly practicing meditation can have a positive effect on mental health.
One of the most important benefits of meditation is reducing stress. When we think about it, we go into our breathing slowly and focus our minds on the moment, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety. This can also develop our mood and a general sense of well-being.
Meditations can also improve memory and intensity. By constantly training our minds to focus, we can improve the talent of our abilities to collect data and have information for them. This can be especially useful in people with sensory deficit (attenit hyperactivity disorder) (ADHD).
In addition, thinking has been shown to aid depression and sleep deprivation. Research has shown that practicing mindfulness meditation can help reduce the symptoms of depression and improve sleep quality.
In conclusion, thinking is a simple and useful way to improve mental health. Whether you are looking to reduce anxiety, improve memory, or simply get a sense of calm, and adding a daily meditation practice to your routine can have a positive impact on your well-being.
Translation - Somali Meditationku waa dhaqan jiray kumanaan sanno, oo caqli wacan leh. Daraasado la sameeyay ayaa lagu ogaaday in si joogta ah loogu dhaqan galo maansada ay saamayn togan ku yeelan karto caafimaadka maskaxda.
Mid ka mid ah faa'iidooyinka ugu muhiimsan ee maansada waa yareynta stresska. Marka aan ka fakarno, waxaan si gaabis ah u galnaa neefsashadeena waxaana maskaxdeena diirada saarnaa xilligan la joogo, taas oo ka caawisa inan yareyno culeeska iyo walaaca. Tani waxay sidoo kale horumarin kartaa niyaddayada iyo dareenka guud ee wanaagga.
Meditations waxay sidoo kale hagaajin kartaa xusuusta iyo xoogganaanta. Iyada oo si joogto ah u tababaraysa maskaxdeenna si aan diiradda u saarno, waxaan hagaajin karnaa kartida kartidayada ah in aan xog ururinno oo aan u heysano macluumaadka. Tani waxay si gaar ah waxtar ugu yeelan kartaa dadka qaba yaraanta dareenka (attenit hyperactivity disorder) (ADHD).
Intaas waxaa dheer, fikirka ayaa la muujiyey in ay caawiso niyad-jabka iyo hurdo la'aanta. Cilmi baaris ayaa muujisay in ku dhaqanka fikirka feejignaanta ay caawin karto in la yareeyo calaamadaha niyad-jabka iyo hagaajinta tayada hurdada.
Gunaanadkii, fikirku waa hab fudud oo waxtar leh oo lagu horumarin karo caafimaadka maskaxda. Haddii aad raadinayso si aad u yareyso walwalka, hagaajinta xasuusta, ama aad si fudud u heshid dareen deganaansho ah, oo lagu daro dhaqan maanso maalinle ah oo aad kusoo rogto caadadaada waxay saameyn togan ku yeelan kartaa fayo-qabkaaga.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Institute for Somali Studies (ISOS)
Years of experience: 9. Registered at May 2022.
Adobe Photoshop, CafeTran Espresso, DivXLand Media Subtitler, fiveLoadSub, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, SDLX, Subtitle Editor
CV available upon request
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As a seasoned and proficient freelance translator, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. My certifications for various translation software, including SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ, Memsource, SDL Trados TagEditor, SDL Trados Workbench, and Alchemy Catalyst, reflect my commitment to delivering high-quality translations.
With a full-time dedication to my profession, I am equipped to handle all your translation needs, be it documents, web content, software, or any other materials requiring translation from English to Somali or Somali to English.
With over eight years in the translation industry, I have honed my skills in translation, editing, proofreading, and reviewing text across a wide range of formats. My versatility as a translator enables me to tackle projects of any nature, whether they be in the realm of business or technology.
I am a firm believer in the importance of progress and creativity, and I strive to bring these values to every translation project I undertake. So, if you are looking for an expert and reliable translator, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Keywords: Translation, language, Somali, Swahili, English, interpreting, localization, multilingual, global, communication. See more.Translation, language, Somali, Swahili, English, interpreting, localization, multilingual, global, communication, professional, fluent, expert, native, language services, linguist, transcribing, interpreting services, translation services, language solutions, cultural, globalization, international, linguistics, text, document, communication, accuracy, quality, communication, business, technical, legal, medical, cultural, interpretation, localization, language consultancy, language support, language consulting, language consulting services, language expert, language professionals, language support services, language translation services, language solutions provider, cultural, accuracy, quality, precision, attention to detail, fast turnaround, affordable, flexible, customer service, project management, experience, customer satisfaction, reliable, dependable, communication skills, language technology, CAT tools, NLP, TMS, SDL Trados, MemoQ, Memsource, SDL Trados TagEditor, SDL Trados Workbench, Alchemy Catalyst, cultural, language consulting, business translation, technical translation, legal translation, medical translation, financial translation, academic translation, certified translation, software localization, content localization, document translation, quality translation, accuracy, fast turnaround, reliable, efficient, communication skills, language proficiency, language accuracy, language expertise, language knowledge, language mastery, language consulting services.. See less.