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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Language instruction
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Law: Contract(s)
Law (general)
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Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Arabic: The Aims of Law General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Law has several aims. They are all concerned with making society more stable and enabling people to flourish. One way of doing this is to set up an official framework of compulsion. The law forbids certain ways of behaving, like murder, libel, and parking on double yellow lines, and requires others, like paying income tax. If people disobey the rules the law threatens them something unpleasant (often called a sanction), like being punished or having to pay compensation. The idea is that within this framework of do's and don'ts people can live more securely. If they are more secure they will treat one another better.
A second aim is to provide facilities for people to make their own arrangements. Laws guarantee to people who and buy and sell goods, make wills, take employment, form companies and so on that the state will if necessary enforce these arrangements.
A third aim is to settle disputes about what the law is and whether it has been broken.
Taking these three aims together, we see that law not only threatens those who do what it forbids but promises to protect people's interests. It imposes restrictions on them but also gives them certain guarantees.
Lastly, a very important aim of law is to settle what he system of government is to be. Today for the last few hundred years we have been mainly governed by sovereign states. That is changing. We are now increasingly governed, indirectly or directly, by international bodies (for example through treaties such as those setting up the European Union). But the state still occupies centre stage, especially when it comes to enforcing laws.
These four aims are central to a system of law.
Tony Honoré. About Law. Oxford University Press, 1995, pp. 1 – 2.
Translation - Arabic أهداف القانون
للقانون أهداف عديدة تهتم جميعها بالعمل على استقرار المجتمع وسعادة الناس. وأحد هذه الأهداف إرساءُ إطار رسمي من الإلزام. فالقانون يمنع ضروبًا معينة من الأفعال مثل القتل، والتشهير، وانتظار السيارات على طول الخطوط الصفراء المزدوجة، ويتطلب ضروبًا أخرى من الأفعال مثل سداد ضريبة الدخل العام. فإذا خالف الناس القواعد، فإن القانون يهددهم بما يكرهون (غالبًا ما يتعرض مخالف القانون للجزاء). ومثال ذلك فرض العقاب على المخالفين أو إجبارهم على سداد التعويضات. والمغزي أنَّ الناس يمكنهم أن يحيوا على نحو أكثر أمانًا في إطار ما يجوز وما لا يجوز. فإذا شعروا بأمان أكثر فإنهم يتعاملون مع بعضها بعضًا على نحو أفضل.
ويتمثل الهدف الثاني في توفير التسهيلات للناس لتنظيم حياتهم؛ فالقانون يوفر الضمانات لمن يبيعون السلع ويشترونها، ويحررون الوصايا، ويلتحقون بالوظائف، ويؤسسون الشركات، وما إلى ذلك. فيضمن لهم إذا ما لزم الأمر تدخلَ الدولة لوضع هذه الاتفاقات موضع التنفيذ.
ويتمثل الهدف الثالث في تسوية الخلافات حول تعريف القانون والأحوال التي يتم فيها الإخلال به.
وإذا ما أخذنا في الاعتبار هذه الأهداف الثلاثة مجتمعة، فإنَّنا نجد أن القانون لا يُهدد من يخالفه فحسب ولكنه يجمع إلى تلك الوظيفة ما يحمي مصالح الأفراد. فالقانون يفرض على الناس قيودًا غير أنَّه يمنحهم بعض الضمانات.
وأخيرًا، يتمثل أحد أهداف القانون المهمة في تقرير ما يكون عليه نظام الحكم؛ ففي أيامنا هذه وعلى مدى بضعة القرون السابقة، توَّلت شؤون الحكم في كل دولة حكومة ذات سيادة. وهذا الوضع في سبيله إلى التغيير، إذ تتزايد في زماننا ظاهرة تولي المنظمات الدولية الشؤون الخاصة بالحكم على نحو مباشر أو غير مباشر (ومثال ذلك المعاهدات مثل الاتفاق الذي نشأ بموجبه الاتحاد الأوروبي). غير أنَّ الدولة ما زالت تحتل مكانة أساسية خصوصًا حين يتعلق الأمر بإنفاذ القوانين.
وتُعَّدُ هذه الأهداف الأربعة أساس أي نظام قانوني.
Translation education
PhD - Ain Shams University
Years of experience: 47. Registered at Apr 2022.
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Biographical Note: Mustafa Riad is Professor Emeritus at the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, and an expert consultant in the Academy of Arabic, Cairo. His teaching and research interests include cultural studies, translation studies and the theatre and performing arts. He joined the teaching faculty in the Department of Arabic and Translation, School of Continuing Education, The American University in Cairo, (1995 – 2008) and occupied the post of Deputy Director in 2006 – 2008. During this period, he developed the curriculum offered in translation courses, and took part in translation workshops to several institutions, including the Gulf Cooperation Council Commercial Arbitration Centre (Ahba, Saudia Arabia, 2000). He later offered workshops at the National Centre for Translation (NCT), Cairo; the International Committee of the Red Cross; Ain Shams University, Cairo University, and October University for Modern Sciences and Arts; and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India.Riad was Deputy Chairman of the General Egyptian Book Organization, (GEBO), (2012 – 2014). His responsibilities included international fairs and publication of translated works. He was Editor-in-chief of the Theatre quarterly and Deputy Editor of Arabic Literature in Translation series. Presently, he is a member of the Consultant Committee of the National Centre for Translation, Cairo (NCT).Riad worked as a free-lance translator for several national and international institutions, chief among which are The International Monetary Fund and the League of Arab States. He translated several books for NCT, GEBO, Bibliotheca Alexandrina as well as the Kuwaiti publishing house: Nuhuḍ. He translates from English into Arabic and vice versa, with a special preference for translation into Arabic.Riad is also an editor of translated works. He took part in the US Big Read project and edited Dalia Al Shayyal's translation into Arabic of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. He also edited several works for GEBO series of Arabic Literature in Translation, and NCT publications, especially in the field of the humanities.