I am Sofia Iraci and I am 22 years old. I
am from Sicily. Recently graduated
from Cultural and Linguistic Mediation
in Siena, now studying Sectoral
Editorial Interpreting and Translation in
Treviso, Ca’ Foscari University.
I am very passionate about
languages, cultural and linguistic
differences, travels.
My dream job is conceiling work and
passion so that it will not appaear as a
duty but as a pleasure. I also would
like to put in place all my skills and
features that I have acquired during
my path. I am very flexible and a gogetter. I enjoy staying with other
people as a team but also working
alone, being very productive.
I am a very positive and sunny person
and I always try to mediate or take
the edge off in a difficult situation. In
the working field I am very serious and
accurate. |