Working languages:
Spanish (monolingual)
Portuguese to Spanish
English to Spanish

Olga Shamray
english language lover

barra velha, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Local time: 20:24 -03 (GMT-3)

Native in: Spanish Native in Spanish
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Editing/proofreading, Translation, Transcription, Language instruction, Desktop publishing, MT post-editing, Training
Specializes in:
Education / PedagogyLinguistics
Poetry & LiteratureAgriculture
Idioms / Maxims / SayingsReligion
Art, Arts & Crafts, PaintingConstruction / Civil Engineering
Real EstateLaw: Contract(s)

Payment methods accepted Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Experience Years of experience: 18. Registered at Jan 2022. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Spanish (primaria y secundaria)
Memberships N/A
Software Microsoft 365, Microsoft Word

Mi nombre es Olga soy muy cuiriosa y aprendo facil. Desde chica aprendi varios idiomas y durante mas de 20 anos pase a prefeccionarlos. Naci en rusia, vivi en argentina y ahora vivo en brasil. Hablo y escribo perfecto en 4 idiomas. Mi pasion es leer todo tipo de material desde literatura hasta los recetarios de los remedios. La comunicacion adequada y clara es mi objetivo. Estoy cursando licenciatura en Letras Ingles para poder dedicarme a lo que mas amo hacer. Soy madre de 3 humanos 4 felinos y 2 caninos. Casada con un humano maravilloso. Cualquier pregunta estoy a disposicion.

My name is Olga, I am very curious and I learn easily. Since I was a little girl I learned several languages and for more than 20 years I went on to perfect them. I was born in Russia, I lived in Argentina and now I live in Brazil. I speak and write perfectly in 4 languages. My passion is reading all kinds of material from literature to remedy boxes. Adequate and clear communication is my goal. I am studying a degree in English Letters to be able to dedicate myself to what I love to do the most. I am mother of 3 humans, 4 felines and 2 canines. Married to a wonderful human. I am available for any question.

Меня зовут Ольга, я очень любознательна и легко обучаюсь. С детства я выучила несколько языков и более 20 лет совершенствовала их. Я родился в России, жил в Аргентине, а сейчас живу в Бразилии. Я прекрасно говорю и пишу на 4-х языках. Моя страсть — читать всевозможные материалы, от литературы до рецептов лекарств. Адекватная и четкая коммуникация – моя цель. Я изучаю Бакалавр английского языка, чтобы иметь возможность посвятить себя тому, что я люблю делать больше всего. Я мать 3 человек, 4 кошачьих и 2 собак. Замужем за прекрасным человеком. Я доступен для любого вопроса.

Meu nome é Olga, sou muito curiosa e aprendo com facilidade. Desde menina aprendi vários idiomas e por mais de 20 anos passei a aperfeiçoá-los. Nasci na Rússia, morei na Argentina e agora moro no Brasil. Falo e escrevo perfeitamente em 4 idiomas. Minha paixão é ler todo tipo de material desde literatura até receitas de remédios. Comunicação adequada e clara é o meu objetivo. Estou cursando uma licenciatura em Letras Inglesas para poder me dedicar ao que mais amo fazer. Sou mãe de 3 humanos, 4 felinos e 2 caninos. Casada com um ser humano maravilhoso. Estou disponível para qualquer questão.

Profile last updated
Jan 21, 2022