Working languages:
German to Spanish
English to Spanish
Catalan to Spanish

Cristina Halberstadt
Legal, financial & medical translations

Barcelona, Spain
Local time: 01:26 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Spanish Native in Spanish
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation
Specializes in:
Medical: PharmaceuticalsMedical (general)
ManagementFinance (general)
Law: Contract(s)Marketing
Medical: Health CareBusiness/Commerce (general)
Poetry & LiteratureSports / Fitness / Recreation

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 259, Questions answered: 185, Questions asked: 43
Translation education Master's degree
Experience Years of experience: 34. Registered at Apr 2002. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials German to Spanish (Anglo-German Philology - University of Barcelona, verified)
English to Spanish (Anglo-German Philology - University of Barcelona, verified)
Memberships ASETRAD
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV/Resume (DOC)
Events and training
Professional practices Cristina Halberstadt endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).

- Master of Arts in European Languages and Literatures, Queen Mary College, University of London
- Degree in Anglo-German Philology, University of Barcelona
- Cambridge Proficiency in English

Complementary studies:

- Course in Professional Translation, British Council Barcelona
- First and second degree course at the Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona
- Diplôme de la Langue Française, Université de Toulouse
- Primary education at the German School of Barcelona

Main fields of expertise:

- Legal texts: Contracts, lawsuits, legal regulations, patents, insurance claims, etc.
- Medical texts: General medicine (physiology, sports anatomy, nephrology), medicine for the general public, homeopathy, texts on self-help, psychology, disease and society, etc.
- Marketing y Finance
- Advertising, general texts, culture, history, art, music, etc.

Some of the books translated for the publishing houses Editorial Paidotribo and Editorial Herder (both in Barcelona)


If you need any additional information or have any question, please don´t hesitate to contact me directly.
Keywords: alemán, Deutsch, German, alemana, deutsche, Alemania, Deutschland, Germany, anatomía, Anatomie. See more.alemán, Deutsch, German, alemana, deutsche, Alemania, Deutschland, Germany, anatomía, Anatomie, anatomy, arte, Kunst, art, auditoria, Betriebsprüfung, auditing, Autoayuda, self-help, bancos, Bank, banks, bancario, Bankenwesen, banking, comercio, Handel, trade, contabilidad, Buchführung, accounting, contrato, Vetrag, contract, agreement, correspondencia, Korrespondenz, correspondenz, cultura, Kultur, culture, derecho, Recht, law, demanda, Gerichtsverfahren, lawsuits, deporte, Sport, economía, Wirtschaft, economics, enfermedad, Krankheit, disease, enología, Önologie, oenology, España, Spanien, Spain, español, Spanisch, Spanish, Barcelona, Londres, London, facultad, Fachbereich,faculty, farmacia, farmacología, Pharmazie, Arzneimittelkunde, pharmacy, pharmacology, finance, finanzas, Finanzen, financial, filología, Philologie, philology, gastronomía, Kochkunsy, gastronomy, general, historia,Geschichte, history, homeopatía, Homöopathie, homeopathy, hospital, Krankenhaus, hotel,humanidades, humanistisch, humanities, idioma, Fremdsprache, language, Inglaterra, England, inglés, Englisch, English internacional, enoturismo, international, investigación, Forschung, research, jurídico, juristisch, legal, lengua, Sprache, habla, idiomático, lenguaje, ley, Gesetz, law, literature, Literatur, literature,marketing, Master's, medicina, Medizin, medical, medioambiente, Umwelt, environment, museo, Museum, nefrología, Nefrologie, nephrology, negocio, Handel,Betrieb, business, norma, Norm, normativa, normative, oferta, Angebot, offer, periodismo, Journalismus, journalism, planificación, Planung, planning, planificador, planificar, planen, plan, precio, Preis, price, precios, Preise, prices, presupuestar, veranschlagen, budget, presupuesto, Kostenvoranschlag, proyecto, Proyect, proyect, psicología, Psychologie, psychology, publicidad, Werbung, adversiting, fisiología, Psysiologie, physiology, reglamento, Vorschrift, regulation, relaciones, relations, affaires, restaurant, salud, Gesundheit, health, sanatorio, Heilstätte, sanatorium, sanidad, Gesundheitswesen, sanitaria, sanitario, sistema, System, system, seguro, Versicherung, insurance, social,sozial, sociedad, Gesellschaft, society, traducir, übersetzen, translate, traductor, Übersetzer, translator, traductora, Übersetzerin, tratado, Abkommen, treaty, turismo, Turismus, turism, universidad, Universität, university, viajar, reisen, travel, viaje, Reise,vino, Wein, wine, traducción al español, Übersetzung ins Spanische, translation into Spanish, traducción del español al inglés, Übersetzung vom Englischen ins Spanische, translation from English to Spanish, traducción del alemán al español, Übersetzung vom Deutschen ins Spanische, translation from German into Spanish, alemán a español, Deutschen ins Spanische, German into Spanish, inglés al español, Englischen ins Spanische, English into Spanish, precios razonables, beste Preise, good prices, revision, revisions, Korrekturlesen, Lektorat, proofreading, revisión, responsable, rapidez, rápido, confiable, schnell, zuverlässig,genau, fast, reliable, accurate, responsible, professional, fachmännisch, professional . See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 24, 2018