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Source text - English 3.9 Not to keep any animals or birds or other living creature on the Property without the Landlord's or his Agent's consent, such consent if granted to be revocable at any time on reasonable grounds by the Landlord or his agent.
3.10 To keep the gardens (if any) including all driveways, pathways, lawns, hedges and rockeries neat tidy and orderly tended at all times and not remove any trees or plants.
3.11 To immediately pay the Landlord or his Agent the value of replacement of any furniture or effects lost damaged, destroyed or at the option of the Landlord or his Agent replace immediately any furniture or effects lost damaged or destroyed, and not to remove or permit to be removed any furniture or effects from the Property.
3.12 That the Landlord or any person authorised by the Landlord or his Agent may at reasonable times of the day on 24 hours’ notice (except in the case of an emergency) enter the Property for the purpose of viewing or inspecting its condition and state of repair or for the purpose of repair, maintenance or repainting.
3.13 Not to leave the property vacant for more than 28 consecutive days and to properly secure all Iocks and bolts to doors, windows and other openings when leaving the property unattended.
3.14 To yield up the Property and Contents at the expiration or sooner determination of the tenancy in the same state or condition as they shall be in at the commencement of the tenancy.
3.15 To pay for any cleaning services that may be required to reinstate the Property to the same order that it was provided at the commencement of the tenancy including the washing or cleaning of all linen, bedding, carpets and curtain, which shall have been soiled during the tenancy.
3.16 To leave the Contents at the end of the tenancy in approximately the same places in which they were positioned at the commencement of the tenancy.
3.17 Not to alter or change or install any locks on any doors or windows in or about the Property or have any additional keys made for any locks without the prior written consent of the Landlord or his Agent.
3.18 Not to use the property for any illegal or immoral purpose.
3.19 To replace any glass in doors or windows broken or cracked during the tenancy.
3.20 Not to glue stick or otherwise fix anything whatsoever to the exterior or interior of the Property without the landlord’s written consent.
3.21 To keep the drains free from obstruction and the chimneys swept as often as necessary.
3.22 Not to introduce into the Property any portable heaters fired by liquid or bottled gas fuels without the prior written consent of the Landlord.
3.23 Within seven days of receipt thereof to send to the Landlord all correspondence addressed to the Landlord and any notice order or proposal relating to the Property (or any building of which the property forms part of) given, made or issued under or by virtue of any statute, regulation, order, direction or by-law of any competent authority.
3.24 To pay and compensate the Landlord in full for any reasonable loss or damage incurred or suffered by the Landlord as a consequence of any breach of the agreement on the part of the Tenant in the agreement and to indemnify the Landlord from and against all actions, claims and liabilities in that respect.
3.25 To notify the Landlord or his Agent promptly of any disrepair, damage or defect in the Property or of any event which causes damage to the Property or which may give rise to a claim under the insurance of the Property.
3.26 To take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage by frost or freezing.
3.27 That in order to comply with the Gas Safety Regulations it is necessary that ventilators provided for that purpose in the Property should not be blocked, and that any brown build up on any gas appliances should be reported immediately to the Landlord or his Agent.
3.28 That the Tenant shall be responsible for testing any smoke detectors fitted in the Property and replacing the batteries as necessary.
Translation - Romanian 3.9 Sa nu țină animale sau pasari sau orice alte vietati in imobil fara consimtamantul proprietarului sau al agentului acestuia, astfel de consimtamant, daca este oferit, poate fi revocat la orice moment in baza unei explicatii rezonablile de catre proprietar sau agentul acestuia.
3.10 Sa mentina in permanenta ingrijite bine gradina (daca exista) si toate caile de acces, trotuare, gazon, grad viu si ingradiri zidite si sa nu dezgroape copaci sau alte plante decorative.
3.11 Sa despagubeasca proprietarul sau agentul acestuia imediat pentru inlocuirea de mobila sau efecte pierdute, avariate sau distruse, sau in functie de optiunea proprietarului sau a agentului acestuia, sa inlocuiasca imediat orice mobile sau efecte pierdute, afectate sau distruse si sa nu mute sau sa pemita sa fie mutate mobile sau efecte ce apartin proprietatii.
3.12 Ca proprietarul sau orice persona autorizata de catre proprietar sau agentul acestuia poate la momente rezonabile din zi, dand notificare de 24 de ore (exceptand situatiile de urgenta), intra in imobil cu scopul de a vizualiza si inspecta conditia imobilului in vederea unor reparatii, intretinere si revopsire.
3.13 Sa nu lase imobilul gol mai mult de 28 de zile consecutive si sa inchida corect toate incuietorile usilor si ferestrelor si a altor iesiri atunci cand nu este nimeni in imobil.
3.14 La expirarea chiriei sau mai devreme in functie de circumstante, sa returneze imobilul si continutul acestuia in aceasi stare si conditie in care au fost la inceputul chiriei.
3.15 Sa plateasca pentru servicii de curatenie daca sunt necesare pentru a aduce propritatea in aceasi stare in care a fost la inceptulul chiriei, incluzand spalarea si curatirea textilelor, a acoperitorilor de paturi, covoare si draperii care au fost murdarite pe parcursul chiriei.
3.16. Sa lase continutul imobilului in aproximativ aceleasi locuri in care se aflau la inceputul contractului.
3.17 Sa nu modifice sau sa instaleze vreo incuietoare pe vreuna dintre usi si ferestre in interiorul sau pe exteriorul imobilului sau sa faca chei aditionale pentru vreo incuietoare fara acordul scris si prealabil al proprietarului sau al agentului acestuia.
3.18. Sa nu foloseasca imobilul pentru scopuri ilegale sau imorale.
3.19 Sa inlocuiasca orice geamuri sparte sau crapate la usi si ferestre in perioda contractului.
3.20 Sa nu lipeasca si sa nu aplice nimic in interiorul sau pe exteriorul imobilului fara acordul scris al proprietarului.
3.21 Sa mentina neblocata instalatia de deversare a apei menajere si sa curate hornurile de cate ori este necesar.
3.22 Sa nu introduca in imobil fara consimtamantul scris si anterior al proprietarului incalzitoare portabile care incalzesc pe baza de combustibil lichid sau combustibil gazos imbuteliat.
3.23 In minim 7 zile de la primire sa redirectioneze proprietarului orice corespondenta adresata proprietarului in legatura cu imobilul (sau cu cladirea din care imobilul face parte) din partea oricarei autoritati competente.
3.24 Sa plateasca si sa compenseze proprietarul in totalitate pentru orice cost rezonabil, pierderi sau daune suferite de catre proprietar ca o consecinta a incalcarii vreunui articol din acest contract de catre chirias si sa acopera cheltuielile de asigurare si responsabilitati suferite de proprietar ca rezultat al incalcarii contractului de catre chirias.
3.25 Sa il informeze prompt pe proprietar sau pe agentul acestuia de aparitia de uzante, defecte si stricaciuni care necesita reparatii sau situatii care cauzeaza daune proprietatii si care ar putea necesita implicarea asiguratorilor proprietatii.
3.26 Sa ia toate precautiile necesare sa previna daune datorate inghetului.
3.27 Pentru a fi in conformitate cu normele necesare utilizarii gazului ventilatoarele instalate in proprietate nu trebuiesc blocate si orice deposit de culoare maro sau de funingine pe intalatii pe baza de gaz trebuie raportat imediat proprietarului sau agentului acestuia.
3.28 Ca chiriasul sa fie responsabil cu verificarea frecventa a detectoarelor de fum instalate in imobil si cu inlocuirea bateriilor acestora.
Translation education
Master's degree - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Dec 2020.
English (ESOL Examinations - International Diploma in Language Teaching Management, verified) English (Manchester Metropolitan University - Master of Business Administration, verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
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A freelance interpreter & translator based in Manchester, UK. I have interpreted extensively in police, court, medical and local government settings.
I am certified by the Romanian Ministries of Culture and Justice for English and Romanian, I have been a part-time translator since 2002, specializing in Marketing, Management, Logistics, Technical/Engineering, Automotive and IT.
Marketing: marketing & communication product brochures, product marketing material for a manufacturer of escalators, a brochure for a leading manufacturer of cables, a magazine for welding and cutting equipment.
IT and software: IT instructions for mobile phone companies, electronic equipment, antivirus software, software strings for robotics manufacturers, software interfaces, apps and websites.
Technical/engineering: technical documentation for cutting tools; user manuals for tractors and harvesters; user instructions for concrete pumping equipment; air conditioning and air processing user manuals; end user manuals for household equipment.